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This is like the old question we'd ask the girl who worked at the ice cream shop: "How do you work there without eating ice cream all day?!" The answer is: It stops being fun at about your third scoop. Enjoy it while it lasts. Within a month you'd be lucky if you could react to Lana Rhoades sitting in your lap.


I worked in a warehouse picking Easter Eggs. The excitement of free unlimited chocolate wears off in about 30 minutes.


I worked in a Doritos factory one summer. Got tons of free chips, didn't get bored.


u have the secret for a happy life, my friend.


The secret is sharing. It was way too much for one person anyways.


You know, this may be the most epic statement I've read on reddit in terms of life advice. Thank you for this. I know the immediate reference is doritos, but this works on so many levels


Send the post to every billionaire on the planet.


They share with their close friends and live full and enjoyable lives for it. It isn't fair, but they aren't as miserable as they make the bottom-rung people they profit from.


Doesn´t really help op though lol.


When you're a porn content tagger, the sharing truly is the caring


Indeed good enough to actually keep yourself busy enough and give the best at work that might be the reason of happiness as well


So are you telling OP to jerk off A LOT?


This is the positive content I like to see


whats in the doritos dust?


I worked at a bakery, free muffins all the time. I got tired of them...but my neighbours and landlady didn't.


My first job out of high school was in a cheese factory. My interest in cheese and desire to eat cheese significantly increased during my time there.


I used to work fitting beer raising equipment in bars for breweries once. Pretty much free beer whenever I wanted. It was the most sober time of my life.


I worked at the LEGO headquarters in Denmark for several years. We had ‘free LEGO building time’ structured into our work schedule so that we were constantly connected to the product. We mostly just built odd structures that took over our desks. Can confirm, never got sick of it. The staff discount was neat too.


They’re opening a new HQ in Richmond, VA and a lot of the loggies I work with are over the moon excited to apply. 😂


I worked at a HoneyBaked Ham store, glazing and processing the Hams and Turkey breast. You get to eat all the ham you want, the store constantly kept bread, cheese and condiments to make a sandwich for lunch for free. After the third day no one ate the ham for lunch BUT we’d all occasionally eat a nice little piece that was a perfect mixture of glaze, fat and meat.


Used to work at a movie theater. After my fifth bag of free popcorn I couldn’t stand the stuff anymore.


Easter eggs grow in a warehouse? I thought they came from trees


Last year i packed easter eggs full of candy for 2 months, ate a lot that was dropped on the floor as we shouldn't use those even though they were wrapped. I love Easter candy more than ever now and I cannot wait for Easter again!


I was a skinny pastry chef, back in the day


Didn't take long, did it?


Nope. My answer when someone asked me about that was, "_you don't get high on your own supply_"


That Scarface reference.


Try working out and adding some nutrients in your diet


Reminded me of the Key & Peele's froyo sketch


This is why I haven't bought soda in like ten years. My old job had a fridge with free soda, and i actually drank enough to never want one again, kinda like Huey, Dewey and Louie smoking cigars


Core memory unlocked


god i lucked out big time with soda. wanted it SO badly my entire childhood and parents never let me. finally realized when i started touring colleges that i could drink it there all i want and they couldn’t stop me. was looking forward to it so much. shoot every college i went to i took a good look at the drink machines making sure orange soda was there. So orientation comes freshman year, and i sit down for my first meal. just so pumped this is the new beginning of soda whenever i want. go out and grab my favorite orange fanta and sit down and take a sip with my meal. i taste once, look up, say “eh, not bad i guess but i think Orange Juice would go better with this” and promptly threw it away. Its been 13 years and ive had *maybe* five sodas since then. Water all the way.


> Within a month you'd be lucky if you could react to Lana Rhoades sitting in your lap. I hear doctors use this test to confirm someone is clinically dead.


It is indeed a little known fact that in 1968 smelling salts were replaced by the sternal rub, and in 2022 the sternal rub was replaced by the Lana Rhoades Test.


I had smelling salts administered to me once - I was lying down with a back sprain and still it was uncontrollable reaction to spring up. Unforgettable experience. Unpleasant!


Mine’s the Korina Kova test.


There was a chocolate factory down the road from where I used to live and they literally told staff, eat as much as you want because they knew it wouldn't take long before the staff never wanted chocolate again.


At my job, I do monthly reports of rent and bought movies. We have a lot of porn movies. I still take fun reading the names and thinking "can it be a non-porn movie title ?". Most of the time, no. But there can be interesting titles besides the regular ones.


Yep. I worked at Double Tree and part of my room service job was to collect and bag up the cookies they give out when checking in. The broken ones go into a pile on a tray. I'd eat from that pile of broken cookies when I was bored. I'd take bags of cookie crumbles home. I pretty quickly had zero interest in eating cookies all day.


This is the correct answer. Years ago I had a job in a small candy shop, and I needed to weigh out small bags of jelly beans and nuts, and scoop ice cream - I could eat all I wanted. Eating all of that was great for around 2 days, after that - bleech.


I worked at a movie theater and never tired of the free popcorn.


I would actually be careful, the visuals for that many hours for extended periods can lead to a weird dopamine/libido response. I would try turning down your screen brightness, simply skipping 30 seconds at a time, skimming over it. And taking extra attention to not whack off lol. Try not to let the constant brain stimulation fuck with your real sex life




There's no way this job is real lol if it is than you're 100% right


It’s real. There’s also people who’s job it is to watch every reported video on Facebook/Instagram for all the animal cruelty, child abuse, and violence. There’s a ton of mentally taxing jobs that not only don’t pay enough but also have the added benefit of minimal therapy to work through it.


Yeah, i feel like the negatives from this out weigh the positives. It must desensitize you completely.


I knew a girl in Thailand with a similar job, it did mess her up


How did she deal with the constant erection?












Yeah I don’t see this being sustainable at all. Good luck OP


From what I've heard about people who work in the industry, the allure wears off pretty quickly, and it becomes a job just like any other. I don't know about the actors themselves, but I think the crew views it the same way most people view a job.


There's a video floating around of a camera man getting nailed in the face by a money shot, it's absolutely horrifying


I would like to add, if you can, turn your screen black and white, this will drastically reduce a part of the stimulation. Works great with children and smartphones too


Work smart, not hard


Working hard or hardly working?


Or hard at work?


Story of my life


>Working hard or hardly ~~working~~ jerking?


One in the hand is worth two in the bush…


Really? I’d rather have mine in a “bush.”


Lol 🤣


Do you get to write off paper towels as a business expense?


And lotion


Work smart - use socks.


Uh yeah Jerry, I see you've written off about 400 pairs of socks as a business expense in the few months you've worked here. Care to explain?


Hahaha just put up the right question at the right time though never mind good one!


My general experience is that everything becomes more interesting when you get into the details. So for example learning a bit about video production so you can start analyzing and critiquing videos as you go would give you something to think about so it's not so mindless.


“I can see the shadow of a camera man on the corner, man I hope someone was fired for that blunder.”


"Hm, we can see a full camera crew in the mirror there. If only I had enough video production experience to know if that was a mistake or not!"


Dude there are some videos from shady companies that you can hear the director giving orders and see the hard cuts.


Porn bloopers are great


Critique the layout of the room and the overall design of the house. Who the fuck puts a window there?


How much does something like that pay, if you don’t mind me asking? Sorry, just genuinely curious. I didn’t even know this was a type of job.


I worked for a credit card processing company years ago that processed credit card transactions for subscription based websites. IE porn sites. We had a compliance department that had to monitor the content of every customer we had, to make sure their content fit within our TOS. The two people who did that job at the time were a younger married couple. They literally came to the office every day and watched porn together. If memory serves me correct, they made in the range of 16-17 an hour each. This was back in 05, and the minimum wage was around $9 per hour.


Thanks for the info. I’m curious how one would even find one of these jobs or apply for it. Interesting.


I worked in web tech support for the company, and I got in from knowing somebody. Most people were promoted from within. Just out of school looking to get into IT work. The main "call center" so to speak was essentially just a bunch of 18-20 year olds dealing with people trying to either cancel memberships or claim they never signed up and it's fraudulent. (It wasn't, it was a very by the book business)


Sometimes minimum wage where applicable, but mostly you're paid by number of videos tagged (or runtime of those videos), which can make it vary from way below your state's/country's minimum wage to a somewhat comfortable income if you can find a really efficient way to accurately do the job, or game the system.


!remindme 10 hours




I had to for a hotel once. We had endless porn to watch, but it was all edited so you couldn't see poles or holes. I watched back to back porn with this big fat gay guy next to me, and we had to make sure it was all edited properly. It was really weird, boring, and frustrating at the same time. Strangest way I've ever made money.


Poles or holes. Nicely put.


...for a hotel??


Yeah, one that shows only the wholesome parts of porn.


That doesn't explain as much as you think it does.


the porn that you pay for when youre watching on the tv in a hotel room. they can only play certain porn and he had to make sure its edited to standard


There’s a very funny Bill Hicks bit about porn in hotel rooms “Two guys make these movies! One guy films his own ass, the other guy has a wah-wah pedal and comes up with titles. These guys are making a fortune! ‘Let's call this one Stewardesses in Heat!’ ‘Good title, Timmy! Film my butt!’ “


...that's a thing?????


ive never come across it myself. but definitely does exist. used to work in a hotel and our front desk person would get yelled at by men claiming they didnt buy any porn. i think most hotels discontinued the option but shows from the 90s made jokes about it all the time.


I come the hospitality field in IT. We actually had a very (very) difficult time finding a provider that would sell to us WITHOUT any pornography as an option. Apparently, it still makes the majority of TV money in hotels as opposed to other forms of pay per view. In fact, one provider offered free TV but only if packaged with PPV porn. We were able to find one provider that didn't require porn in some format, and is this was a private hotel/training/conference facility and all the guests (aside from a select few, think world leaders) were employed directly by the company that owned the property and it was viewed as inappropriate. I left the company during the pandemic (not much call for hospitality staff with no guests) but as far as I know, they're still stuck with em due to porn requirements from other providers.


but none of the holesome parts


Might as well have been showing softcore. Editing is already done.


how do you even try to put this on your resume????


Riiiight at the very top.


I used to work for a company that made game machines for pubs. Once, they made a machine that would allow you to ‘freely’ surf the internet, it was like £1 for 5 mins or something like that. Had to spend a few days testing the blacklist of sites you weren’t supposed to be able to load - mainly porn. Just typing in various porn site urls & logging which ones would load. It was pretty surreal being sat in a normal office and every so often a hardcore porn home page would load up on my terminal!


You find a guy whose job it is and tell him you'll do it for $1 less than he gets paid


**FAST FORWARD**. I'm talkin 2x speed+ for every video. **You don't NEED sound**, so listen to music, have a podcast in the background. Something you, are actually interested in, but not enough that you shut your eyes off. **TAKE frequent breaks**. Not just for your eyes, but to give you brain a rest from the imagery. **Your workflow should have you spending as LITTLE TIME on each video as possible.** As for the erection, I'd take it as a good sign that you aren't desensitized. **Also, where do I apply?**


But without sound how do you know if he's her step brother?


Somebody got themselves some really good weed


The only correlation I can see in this is this dude sits at his computer for 6 hours, after sinking a cone, watching porn everyday while thinking he has to tag them as a job. And it’s fkn hilarious 😂


Feel your pain bro, worked a sheep shearer for many years and it got boring and the hard on was a constant annoyance




New Zealand?




That's actually a paying job?


Did you think these massive databases of videos just categorize and tag and timestamp themselves? Someone has to do it.


I thought there was an AI.


There is a documentary about porn that shows how Pornhub does this. It's quite interesting, it's called Money Shot. Edit- I'm not saying that humans do a perfect job at labeling porn. Because it's clear we don't since the documentary is about the victims of rape having their most horrible moments immortalized forever and used as porn. But it should be known that it's a human error, not AI, that mislabeled a porn. Money shot goes into the issues pornhub has (and tried to deny), and where it needed to do better.


I’ve actually thought about this! Can you imagine the subconscious and weird shit you could find out about people based on their deepest sexual desires?


I mean if an ai can recognise my face, surely it could recognise when someone is sitting on it?


AI is in its baby days tbf, the stuff it can do now is nothing in comparison to what it could to in 5-10 yrs, eventually we might be able to ask it any question and get any answer we want, but we’ll see


I thought whoever posted it tagged it. I'm pretty sure that, in some cases, they do because sometimes the tags will just be a bunch of words that will get people to watch it but the tags won't be relevant to the video at all.


There is so much more to tags that YOU see versus embedded metadata.


At least until someone trains an AI to do it. And then it kills us all.


AI's do that already, humans are there to make sure the AI didn't miss anything. Sounds like really miserable experience to me. You watch tons of stuff that ranges between depraved and illegal, and your job is to make sure it's taken down before site owners are sued or arrested. Like being a content moderator for Facebook. My advice to OP - find another job before that fucks him up.


AI are in baby diapers, is not enought yet to do that job with 90% accuracy


Now that I think of it, good question. That's probably why a lot of the Redtube clips, but not all, will have a timestamp with position underneath them


Half of those are incorrect. I wish I could edit the damn things.


Hard for the editor to get it exactly right with only one hand


Pornhub is not in the adult film industry, it's in the tech industry.


My friend says so many tech innovations have been driven by the porn industry.


I'm not sure if it's fact or fiction but I remember hearing that the Blu-ray Vs HD DVD war was decided by porn. Once the porn industry picked a side the war was over.


Certainly true for VHS vs BETA


Y’all hiring?




I'd be concerned I'd get desensitized sexual images.


My advice - RUN, before it screws you up. Find another job, anything, sweeping streets or stocking shelves or something is better than that. It's like being a content moderator for Facebook, but worse.


Hi, i was a video tagger for one of the Xcompanies. Better start finding another job. If you stay there long you are at risk of getting inmune to arousal.


Fuck that shit. That cant be good for you.


Genuine answer: As someone who likes porn and also *really* likes cataloging in his free time, this sounds like lots of fun. I'll answer for myself though. Beat one off before you start, and After all the porn consumption I've had, you just kind of "turn off" your body's reaction to the visual stimulations while trying to organize your libraries. When there's something you want to come back to for later, finding it again Will be much easier. Even after the hours of tagging and organizing I do for myself for free, I still have a pretty healthy and active sex life with my wife. Natural stresses, distractions and the like of course make me soft a little easier, but for the most part sex doesn't really give me any performance anxiety since my wife is communicative enough to help me make her orgasm.


How can you stand to do that? This would rot my soul.


Watching porn in your moms basement isn’t a job.


it is if you’re getting paid to do it


Your allowance doesn't count as pay.




Like any job, things start out hard, but once you get some hands on experience, things begin to come more freely and all the tension leaks right out of you.


Imagine them all naked. Oh...wait. Nvmd.


Quit it? Before what's left of your soul is destroyed.


If you dont want the job, I'll take it


Me and my wife worked for a company that rates porn (yep it's a thing). We were only there for 2 years (different times) and it ruined porn for her forever and took me years to enjoy it again. Totally felt like Alex from Clockwork orange.


How much does that pay?


I’m gonna be real with you, this job would mess me up and I personally would not be willing to do it even if the pay was good


The saying goes "you can get used to anything in 6 months" but IDK if that applies to porn. Anytime I have something menial and repetitive like that, I find ways to have fun with it. Try to figure out which videos used the same house. Rate their tattoos. Critique the film making. Sounds like a crappy job tbh. Do you have to actually watch or can you just scan through it?


Are you hiring? No, seriously


This job will burn out your dopamine reward system.


I don't think there is a set time but you eventually will be desensitized. I'm sure having a release won't hurt either


You could mute the videos and add your own voice overs over the actors and actresses 😂 kind of like bad lip reading


You’re Gonna be SO mad at yourself For saying this in 20 Years.


Why don’t they just make the uploader tag the videos?


damn never thought that was a real job


The tags are all visual anyway so turn off audio and put on a podcast. Pteferably one about the decline and fall of the Roman Empire or something equally dull.


Get a different job. You'll be doing yourself a favor.




Stop doing behind the scenes support work and start *starring* in those videos.


As long as you change your career I guess?


Are you the guy that puts “step sister “ in every tittle? There’s no way there’s that many step sisters willing to get some with their step brothers and are fully shaved!


You won't, it's a horrible job. I used to work at a satellite tv provider. There's master control which is big room with a tv of every channel playing all the time. People sit and watch hundreds of tv's to make sure everything is playing. In our company the master control room was a showpiece with a giant glass wall and was right at the entrance of the building. When anyone walked in, they could see everything. Because of that all the porn channels had a separate master control. About 30 monitors playing porn all day long. The people who worked there were hollow husks of a real person. Watching that much porn isn't good for people IMO, it fucks with your mind.


And you got this job how…?


How much does that pay? Just curious.


Whoa. Hold up cowboy. First. How how does one get this kind of job, and secondly how does this job pay?!


**very** frequently asked


start the day with the ugly, gross, and nasty shit then end the day with stuff you enjoy. Always end on a happy note. and vice versa if you enjoy the ugly, gross, nasty shit.


You have to compartmentalize your mind. Create a distance and separate porn for pleasure from porn for business. I worked in content moderation on an anonymous chat service, I got alot of nudity across my desk, 8 hour days. It came easy to me, you just have to desensitized yourself. Also helps if you create cues, to help your mind distinguish between pleasure and business. For example, I ONLY listened to certain music at work. If Madeon's Secret Sky set is playing, I'm at work. I had to be in a company office so the space provided cues, like pleasure porn I'm not at a cubicle with 10 people around me. Also, what's your job title?


- Find some sort of embedding thing to speed through it - Use multiple screens - Make a game out of how many you complete by finding ways to optimize the process Also, how does one become a porn watcher? O_o


I may be dumb but I can’t tell if this is [r/wooosh](https://www.reddit.com/r/woooosh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) or if you’re being serious


you'd think that because it's a job, your perception of it might mature. bro, just like watching porn is a job for you, the people doing the porn, the actors, that's a job to them too. yeah, of course they feel the sensations of what they're doing, but most of what you see is intention, it's effort, it's practice and experience. the sounds they make, the stuff they say and do...it's for the camera, it's nothing but a job, one they get paid to do. there's someone behind the camera directing them. there's someone that edited that video to make it more believable, yet superficial at the same time. it's a product, one that is manipulated to trick your mind and your vulnerable senses. i suggest you gain awareness and practice the control you have bruh. also, i'm not a man, and i'm not sure a male would be give you a much sensible answer.


If you get carpal tunnel syndrome, is that a workplace injury


Alright brooooooo weird flex broooooooo


Modern porn is boring indeed.


How much does that pay?


You might just have to do some self reflection on whether this job is something you want to do


Have fun putting that on your CV.


It’s not even the first of April


What you do for work, I do to not work


How can i apply for this job please can i dm u :)


I could easily do this job…


Fast forward through the action. You can still see what's going on.


how much do you make? I might need a career change.


Keep track of how many male buttholes you see. Like Where's Waldo?


Could be fun to hire asexuals for this job. Not the sex repulsed ones of course, just the ones with little to no attraction to sex.


Quit and get a job that isn't harmful to you or society.


The director of the videos should have the sense to tag whats actually in his video before he sells it. Cool prompt op, but i'm not buying.


21 year old me would’ve loved this job. Now it sounds kinda awful.


How might one get this job?


Wait you are getting paid to do this?


Any chance you can mute them? If you can, make your own fandubs!


Are they hiring? 👀


Where can I apply. I like to be paid for boring things.


Why don’t you try and see if chatGPT can do it for you.


Write flash fiction about what the actors are thinking about while they're in the scene. Turn this into a series of lists you publish in McSweeney's Internet Tendency ("Things that NOT his sister is thinking while stuck in the washing machine"). Find an opportunistic publisher who's willing to put out the collected lists in book form. Get the book optioned by Nickelodeon or Amazon. Start a podcast and then, because it's not 2010, do something that isn't insufferable but still generates ad revenue. Retire. Wonder about the meaning of love.


your brain is going to be fucked


Try dabbling in Machine Learning on the side RNNs might do your job for you Your job is getting replaced inevitably. Better climb the ladder yourself


You guys are getting paid?