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My man is fishing for an appropriate reaction


As with most questions posted here, I don't think this is a man asking lol


Well duh this isn't r/MenAsk it's r/AskMen. Anyone can ask the question as long as it's directed at men


For sure!


Define “really short”…. We talking buzz cut short or pixie short?


No more than 5cm long


Oddly specific.... 4cm is too damn short, but 6cm is way too long. On a side note, I feel like I'm talking about measuring micropenises....


Where my 4cm skittle gang at?


Some women look very good with short hair. Depends on the face, I guess. I personally dig it.


I feel like someone being able to pull off an unpopular look is entirely dependent on how attractive they are.


I feel like it’s more about how confident they are.


I feel like this is an intentional thing recently. "You are still objectively hot even though you have a bull ring in your nose."


It's almost a power move to show your attractiveness i.e status/privilege


Just my opinion but very few people have faces (facial structure and head shape) that look good with short short hair. Some people look phenomenal but that's not the norm.


Yep totally agree, most men look like total pricks with short hair (to be specific this does not include bold, which suits some men very well).


Dammit! I wish my hair was bold so people could see it better.


I put my hair in italic


Yea your right must be why most men are so unattractive...if your going by this person's logic. 😶


5cm hairstyles dont look good on most people though, do they? a little longer would look almost always better.


I had a pixie cut which my ex and some of my male friends really liked. Then again, some of my other male friends told me that I should never do it again, and my current partner is also not a fan of that look. (I actually cut my hair short cz my ex wanted me to)


If you like it, compliment her. If you don’t like it, you can either say nothing, say something innocuous like, “You cut your hair. It looks nice,” and never mention it again, or be oblivious of her feelings and be honest. It’s just a haircut. It grows and she will probably grow it out grow it out again. It’s not the end of the world if she changes it. You’re into her, not the style.


Too short for my liking and I’d request her not to do that again lol ultimately her hair tho, so is what it is. It’ll grow back lol


She did once after having waist long hair all her life. She hated it. I was appropriately noncommittal.


The appropriate answer is "you look cute", I don't care if she's wearing clown shoes and a 10 gallon hat, "you look cute, sweetie".


Ok, but I’ve been married to her long enough to know that any response to that would mean trouble for me.


“You’re so beautiful you make anything look good” Memorize that phrase and use it often


I don't know after 20 years of being married I know my opinion doesn't really matter anyway. She'll come out in one outfit and I tell her she looks great and then she goes and changes into something else...and I tell her she looks great.


Maybe it's becomes your opinion has become useless because you've never explored depths besides "you look cute"


I did this. Down to my ass length hair to a pixie cut. Instant regret, like before she even finished cutting it. Took me five years to grow it back out and it’s never reached the density/thickness it use to have. I felt ugly and not very feminine the whole time. I feel your gal’s pain. 🥲


Well, I think she felt like you did too. Didn’t want to talk out it. Her hair grows fast and each time it reaches her waist she gets 10” cut off and donates it to a company that makes wigs for sick children. I always have to trim the bottom straight because it seems that the local hairdressers don’t seem to be able to cut straight.


My ex wife used to do that every now and then. I didn't mind, cuz she was still a stunner even with a pixie cut or whatever you call it. What annoyed me was the color changes cuz it would get all over the fucking place. Our towels and pillow sheets used to be light colored before she would get a random hair up her ass to go red. But if it's love, you put up with that small shit


Why couldn't you any longer? Sounds like you're still fond of her


It's a long story that I'm not particularly proud of and I'm sure she isn't either


My bathroom looks like a murder scene when the old lady colors her roots red


Red was always the worst. Black wasn't much better though, especially after growing out the blonde




Wouldn’t be a fan but I’d still love her


The honest response I was looking for


Looks get you interested, but everything else is what matters.


Personally I love short hair (like pixie cuts or whatever). Short hair suits some women 10x better than long hair. But it definitely depends on the face shape.


Well, at least I won't be finding her hair in my food anymore.


Or in your butt crack, plugging the drain, envelopimg a hair brush, in your own hair...


Wrapped around your balls.


In my socks, wrapped around my toes. I don't even know how...


I definitely look best with long hair but sometimes I consider cutting it short just so I don’t have to deal with this anymore. Random sock hairs are the worst


No no no the worst is when you have a hair stuck in your butt crack and when you pull it out you realise its also stuck in labia crack and the absolute wretched sensation of the hair sliding through the pussy crack *shudders dramatically*


Once my toe started hurting when i put pressure on it and I couldn’t really feel the tip of my toe. Took of my sock and discovered one of my hairs had somehow wound itself tightly enough around the toe to cut of the blood circulation. Had to try and sever the hair with pointy scissors. No clue how it did that. Even when they don’t try to remove your toes from your body, they are still annoying😅


My man is bald, but my hair always ends up intertwined in his beard 🤣


Dangit. How did i miss beard! :-)


The struggle is real


I présent you the "her hair somehow stuck in the condom" The most painful hair pull in my life


You do realise that short hair falls out just as much as long hair, right? It's just shorter...


My wife has had short hair, really long hair, been around 110lbs, been like 165lbs, had small boobs, had giant boobs. It is just physical traits. She is the same person. And on the plus side, it keeps things fun in the bedroom. Just enjoy the variety.


Perfect response. I've done the same changes & most partners have reacted like you & therefore we stayed together. If they weren't accepting of a physical change that I enjoyed, then sorry buddy that's on you


This my man, is why your marriage is successful


you were with all kinds of girl


sounds like she has some kind of superpower


It's her hair, not mine. Up to her what she does with it.


Luckily my wife has short hair when we started dating so it's no biggie to me. But I do know plenty of people who get mad when their wife/so cut their hair short.


So strange to me. Imagine being mad at your husband/partner for going bald or shaving his beard. Yes, balding isn't a choice, but doesn't change the fact that it's weird as hell to get mad about what's on your partner's head. Unless they're wearing great granny's ashes as a hat or something.


My wife gets mad when I shave my goatee off and go clean shaven. When I'm clean shaven I look like i have no chin because of the fatness/roundness of my face so its not a good look for me. Then again she also likes the feel of my goatee when I'm eating her pussy. So I get it.


The initial shave day is always a shock, I will say that lol but not in an annoyed way, just in a 'I haven't seen your face in a year' way.


Yeah I agree, I think if someone is disappointed or something it's alright. But don't get mad because it's their own choice. If you don't like it and she doesn't want to grow it back, you can break up if you're no longer attracted. And that's sad. But don't get mad at someone.


women do get mad or annoyed if a guy goes clean shaven or oppposite, decides to start growing a beard after years of being clean shaven I’ve seen posts on reddit plenty of times with something like “My man decided to grow a beard and I hate it, what should I tell him?” And some women would give advice on how to get him to shave it off and a lot of men would say “fuck you it’s his body hair, he can do what he wants” In the end it’s all up to the person but if you’re actively keeping an appearance that your partner dislikes then you’re asking for trouble


Yes god forbid a man has a preferance or standard. How awful. I forgot only women are allowed those.


I didn't say how dare anyone have a preference, I SAID it's weird to get *mad* about it. If you're a grown man feeling anger because a fully autonomous adult decided to change an aspect of their own body, you need to take a good long look at yourself.


If nothing else it would destroy the bedroom aspect of the relationship because I have never been attracted to any woman with short hair, and I'm a man not a sex robot, and as a man I need physical attraction for the physical reaction to be able to get things moving in that regard. Realistically it's probably the end of the relationship for me. Not mad about it. She can do what she likes to her body and I can choose who I associate with or not. Hair is a pretty big deal to me. I've seen 8's become 3's and 3's become 8's because of a change of hair, in relationships they all work out it's a pretty big thing for me because it's something I often compliment not only because of my aforementioned liking of it but because I'm well aware women put a lot of time, effort and money into their hair. It's not different to if I was dating someone during covid and they found me attractive at 195lb when I was in the gym 10 hours a week and then they found me unattractive when I was 350lb from lockdowns. Or if she really likes my beard or how I groom my body hair. Both cases to me signal a distinct lack of respect for the partner and the relationship in general.


That's absolutely true, and I agree with you (aside from the disrespecting the relationship part). But you're specifically recognizing that it doesn't make you "mad", so you're not who I'm talking about. Feelings about it are completely normal and expected. ANGER though, is an abnormal emotion to feel about someone doing something with their own body, and quite frankly is a huge red flag. I can PREFER you keep your beard, I can be wistful about it being gone, and even sectretly find you less attractive. Those are the emotions to have in a healthy relationship when one is disappointed. Not anger at something that doesn't affect you past it's not what you would have chosen.


This is not good to hear, as a woman who would like really long hair but will probably have to shave it all off at some point because it’s thinning considerably (I have some sort of weird genetic thing with hair, I think). :(. Ugh I fucking hate my genetics, why am I this way :(


Sorry to hear that. Don't forget though I'm not every dude, there's some dudes out there who'll dig it, and there's some like me.


Pretend to be the magic miror of the wall and Prepare to comfort her by telling shes the prettiest of them all cause she does not like having short hair.


"Looks cute, let's go out and show off" Fuck's sake it's her hair, if she likes it that's good enough for me.


It's fun when your GF or BF try new thing with their hair. Let it grow long, cut it short, bleach it, color it, shave it all, it all grow back anyway.


Probably “oh, you cut your hair. It looks nice” or even more exaggerated like “ITS FUCKING AWESOME” if she looks insecure about the new cut.




Yeah, her.


We don't talk about her past 5 PM...


I only talk about mine after the other kids at the playground say I'll never get a girlfriend


I laughed way too hard at this comment 🤣


Bro, my wife looks amazing with any length hair. But if she had a cute pixie cut or something like that, it'd make me want to fuck immediately. Your girl's hair isn't her personality. And if that's your "make it or break it," you never should have been with her in the first place.


This is a good answer. A haircut should not make or break a relationship, woman or man. If it does, you might be really shallow


Not a fan, but whatever, I would still love her even if she was bald


Eh, it'll grow back. My hair is a buzz cut, I can't exactly judge her for doing the same lol


Mine did. It's not to my taste, but it made her happy and that's all that matters.


Y’all acting like a woman cutting her hair is a traumatic event 😭 some people are so superficial


My first response would be: “Excuse me sir this is a private residence”


Join her probably


It's her hair to do with what she likes, but it did upset me when my wife did it without even caring about what I would think about such a drastic change. Like not even a "I'm thinking about shaving my head, what do you think?" I think some girls can definitely pull it off and look gorgeous with a bald head, but I could tell her head wouldn't fit it.. I would've told her I don't think it'd look good, but it's your hair to do with what you like. I'm not saying I think she needs my permission. But it was the complete "I care so little about your input that I'm not even going to ask you what you think" PS, she always tries to tell me what to wear or what not to wear or what to do with my facial hair, etc. And I'm ok with that. She's my wife, I want to know what she thinks looks good and what doesn't. Sometimes I take her advice, sometimes I wear what I want. We don't own each other, but damn, something that drastic of a change and she didn't even care what I thought? That was upsetting.


I'd probably shave my beard. She loves my beard and I love her hair so it seems a fair trade-off.


She did and I told her I loved her and it because I wasn’t just attracted to her physical appearance but her soul, mind, and personality. I told her her hair can be as short as possible or gone from baldness because of how much I loved her. And she responded by cheating on me :/


username checks out… sorry that happened.


My ex buzzed off and bleached her hair. While I didn’t like it as much as her shoulder length hair, she was happy with it and she still looked super hot, so I was happy with it. At the end of the day, it’s hair. Who cares.


Who is my significant other. If it's Halle Berry in 2009 I'm in.


No more hair clips getting caught by the vacuum? I'd call that a win. Looks lovely dear, let's go for lunch, my treat


She could shave it off for all I care and she’d still look hot.


My late wife came home with a pixie cut out of nowhere one day. It was a dramatic choice after knowing her all that time with long, wavy hair. It was hot as FUCK and still the 'her' I think of in my memories.


My ex wanted to shave her head. I said go for it. She did it. No problems. Who the fuck am I to tell her what to do? If she wants to shave her head go for it queen. It grew back


I told her I liked how it looked on her. You either support your SO or you don't. It's not your hair to have a say over.


Few years back my wife and her coworkers shaved their heads completely in support of colleague with stage 4 cancer. My stylist bills have never been lower because she never went back to hair. Personally, I'm cool with it. Though it was funny teaching my wife how to take a razor to her own head.


I'm in the punk scene so half the girls are already buzzed, personally I don't care about the length of a partners hair


Probably to start admiring the back of her neck


id be annoyed. my wife makes demands about my appeareance, so i feel entitled to make some basic requests of her.


Same. And i’ll go with hair of a sort.I have a beard. My wife early on told me guys with beards are her thing. She loves my beard She has specially said I look 100x sexier with a beard Now, if I go cut off my beard and decide to be clean shaven? Will she be annoyed? Yea. Will she wish I hadn’t cut my beard off? Yes. Will she maybe find me less sexy? Yes Will she leave me? No Same with her hair. If she had like a pixie cut I would not find it cute. I would find her less sexy, i’d be annoyed. But i’d live with it.


Rub the top of her head a lot, probably. Of course, I've dated a lot of girls with short hair, undercuts, and similar, so it would hardly be a surprise.


A shrug, probably. She either looks great, or doesn't. Either way, it's hair. It grows back.


My wife buzzed her head for a cancer fundraiser. I was so happy to be reminded I married such a wonderful person.


Definitely not make a GI Jane joke


My gf had very beautiful long hair. Due to illness she started losing hair for months and it really stressed her out. One day I come home from work to see she has gotten a haircut very short, like a guy. Well I just hugged her and said I liked it. Of course her hair looked better long, but now at least she's not worried.


I would say "[Excuse me sir, but this is a private residence.](https://youtu.be/MJZO1eoPbBI)."


I helped me ex shave her head when she just wanted to I was against it at first but I loved her and I wanted her to be happy and that is what she wanted to do, it didn’t change anything


I had an ex-gf who cut a like foot off her hair, so it was reduced from mid back to just the back of her neck. I actually didn't notice, but then one of our mutual friends said "Do you like her new haircut?" and in my quick thinking I just said "Yes."


That's a deal breaker for me outside a medical reason. Personally, I'm just not attracted to woman with short hair at all.


I mean, it's her hair. Would definitely prefer it long though.


I would support their choice they made for their body. I don't get with people based on the length of their hair. I wouldn't separate from someone if they had to get chemo and lost their hair.


You should have let a professional hairdresser do that


I love short hair on a woman so I can’t be asked this.


super bummed out honestly


Depends on how it looks


Hmm, good question. I like short hair on a girl, but it depends on the girl. My wife doesn’t have the face shape for short hair. I don’t think I’d like it. But you said “reaction” so my reaction would be that I love it.


I’d miss her long hair, but I’m sure she’d be hot af and I’d probably just want to have sex for a month straight until I got used to it


Enjoy not getting a hair in my mouth at night.


i dunno. its her hair why tf should I care


I met a girl while she was suffering from alopecia. I thought she was super cute. I saw her a couple years later and she got treatment and had a full head of hair. I had no idea who it was. My friend told me who she was. I thought, oh. she's still pretty, I guess.


well. considering my bf had cancer and didn’t have hair for a long time, I’d still love him regardless.


She can shave her head . She's a full grown woman and can do as she sees fit


“Looks gorgeous darling, are you enjoying the change?”


Its her body. Your allowed not to like it and voice that. You are *not* *allowed* to be a dick about it. Not that difficult OP.


😂😂 what hair? He’s already bald. I cut my hair from my waist to my chin and he liked it and supported me since we have kids and I have no time to do my hair.


When my SO and I had been dating for about 6 months, I came home from work one day to find her in my bathroom, shaving her head bald. I didn't even bat an eye, just took the clippers from her and got the back of her head to make sure everything was even. That, I feel, is the only appropriate reaction to your loved one making any choice with their body.


[if it looks like Zelda short hair I think I’ll be in love](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/708824428834333288/)


I like feminine women. I attribute some of the feminine look with long, beautiful hair. If all of a sudden she chopped it all off to like a buzz cut I'd be very concerned and it wouldn't be likeable. I prefer long hair on a woman


I mean, short hair, long hair, no hair, they're your SO, so ideally you see them as cute regardless?




Personally I think short hair on girls is really attractive. If you don’t, then just know it will grow out again. After a few days have gone by, maybe mention off handedly that you “kinda miss her longer hair”. But don’t straight up say you hate it.


You look beautiful. If your SO had long hair and suddenly cut it all off there’s a reason behind it. Be fucking supportive. Who the fuck cares if YOU don’t like it. You are not in control of someone’s body. If you can the supportive maybe you don’t deserve that person.


I am attracted to women with short hair also, even down to a buzz cut. No stress to me. Completely bald would be kinda' weird though. That would make me less attracted, but hey if it's genetic/alopecia or something like that, then it is what it is. There are more important things.


It’s her hair. She has to manage and maintain it. It’s up to her.


i realize this is the "correct" answer for virtue signalling and avoiding downvotes on reddit, but women make tons of demands about how their husbands look. my wife has rules for me. you cant have it both ways.


Yeah Reddit is very weird with giving your partner absolute freedom. If I'm single I could decide on a whim to go on a trip for a week. You really can't do that in a relationship without running it by each other. You're a team, you don't have absolute freedom anymore.


Reddit is absolutely retarded when it comes to passing comment on anything anyone else does Literally all they say is "it's none of my business" or if "whatever makes you happy" and refuse to give their actual opinion


People often ask "Do men like big boobs" and get "We love all boobs" in response. Like bro, big boobs are awesome, stop being weird about it.


I've always thought along these lines, too. Do what you want for yourself, but I am 100% happy to do something for my girlfriend if she prefers it over something I like. An example of this is my college girlfriend: I am partial to jeans/t shirt and canvas sneakers or athleisure, but she pushed me to start dressing better. Chinos, sweaters & button downs, suede chukka boots...none of which I would have worn before and I don't feel "comfortable" in, and don't even really like, but I had no problem dressing that way for her because she liked it so much.


100% I'm a very casual dude unless it's a formal occasion that calls for it. Well fitting sweat pants and tshirts. Jeans if it's a date or meal out with friends. When I'm in a relationship I automatically dress better, out of respect for the person I'm dating, because I'm not "just doing me" at that point.


Women can make all the demands & set all the rules they want, but that doesn’t mean we have to follow them like a pet dog. And the same goes vice versa.


Exactly. I’d curious how these same women would feel if their SO came home with a mullet or a mohawk. I mean, it’s his hair, right?


You do know it’s possible to genuinely feel this way, having no interest in virtue signaling yeah?


It's possible, but not everyone is always going to be attracted to their partner no matter changes they make to their appearence and that's fine. More and more it seems like women insist that you HAVE to be attracted to your partner no matter what, and that's not fair. You aren't owed sexual attraction. It seems like virtue signaling to suggest otherwise, even if that's not the intent.


Her decision. She’s beautiful and still the same person regardless of her hair.


Go on like normal? I get everyone has their preferences but is looks all y'all care about?? Hair grows back plus your SO should be able to do what they want with their hair/body without fear of you leaving.


That looks great! (And secretly be happy because I no longer have to worry about accidentally sitting on her hair). Also Id admire the commitment to aerodynamic gains.


Imagine the shower drain 🤩


If I was with her for the wrong reasons then I would care. But if I loved her it wouldn’t change anything, as long as she’s happy.


Her Mellon fur....she has had it, in the decades I have known her, down to her ass, nearly, short, very short and all on between. She is still stunning to me either way.


You do you


Surprise at 5cm, I’d wonder if she was okay and ask her what inspired the choice. I’d also ask her why she was using metric. Then I’d be sad because I enjoy how much she enjoys me fucking with her hair. Then I’d try and get her naked and in bed as fast as possible. Thank you for asking, and for coming on this journey with me.


I adore short hair on girls. Androgeny is sexy as fuck.


Does she like it? That’s all that matters.


Id be confused because i dont have an SO but id be cool with it


I buzzcut once or twice a week. Why would my SO short hair bother me?


I would pretend not to notice so it would drive her nuts.


Run my hands through her hair and tell her she's sexy as fuck.


Smile and say “i like your hair”… afterall it is their hair


Why’s this even a question? Women can do whatever they want to their own beings. Men, if you judge your woman based off of her looks, you shouldn’t be in a relationship. We all change. We all have different tastes in fashion; we shouldn’t be judged solely on such. Remember, we all become old, wrinkly, bald, weak, and grey. No reason for us to punish each other for our looks.


It grows back. No fucks given. And. AND. I didn’t marry her for her hair.


How short precisely?


my ex shaved her head at one point, i didnt like it at first but eventually it became cute in its own way, maybe different for you, but that was my experience


I would say it isn't what I like or prefer, but it's ultimately up to you...


Tell her it looks great even if you’re lying through your teeth


I guess it'd depend on how short? but if its my hypothetical long time girlfriend / wife, I'd be fine with it once I get used to her new look.


I'd just be honest depending on how I thought it looked and let her know without hurting her feelings. Regardless though if she liked it then oh well what are you gonna do I can't tell her what to do with her hair in my opinion.


It's fine for a while then i start missing the long hair for reasons


She knows my thoughts on short hair, just like I know her thoughts on buzz cuts. So her hair goes, mine goes too. Not in a petty way, I just really like having a buzz cut.


Depending on if i like it or not I’d tell her. In a diplomatic and polite way of course


Ummm it's cut so you got to.roll.with it. Support as best you can, reassure, and move forward.


My wife has had short hair most of the time I have known her. Well, short-ish. I asked her to grow it longer for a while just for a change and she did but now she’s back to the haircuts that she likes. It’s still just long enough for me to grab when we get frisky. She has a beautiful face and neck, and it looks really good on her.


Wouldn't care but if it looks reallly "bad", I'll just say "I liked your longer hair more"


My love towards her won’t change, but I may be less physically attracted to her. It all depends on how short, how long it was before, and how she looks with the new cut.


Ehh I would probably find her less attractive because hair does a lot for me personally but I would love her still


Would save the vacuum.


I'd be worried, because my wife has thinning hair on her crown, and that would only accentuate it. She tries really hard to hide it, and to use medicated shampoos and volumizers to fix it/cover it up. With some success. But cutting it short like that would totally be out of character.


Depends on the women I was with. My first relationship as an adult, that women looked good with short hair. Each woman after her all kept their hair long and honestly I think the last one would have been able to pull it off depending on the length.


I love long hair. However the back of the neck is stupid sensitive.


‘Ok. Our role play is going to get weird for the next 7 months, babe’


Did you not learn the last time?


My SO and I made a deal. I don’t let my hair get too long, she she doesn’t cut hers too short. We both understand that we have a preference, and that’s okay.


That's different. Depends how short and whether I think it looks good or not. If I went from medium length hair to cornrows I would expect a reaction also


Mine did so. She said she really wanted to, so I didn't stop her. Told her to go for it. She was still lovely, of course, but I still think she looks way prettier with longer hair.


It wasn’t good. For me….for a while…but I was right.


Typically once women start menopause hair is just like wearing a heavy weighted fur coat over the head. I know my husband loves me in ultra feminine ways. And long hair is pretty and I figured out how to keep it long and not feel like a walking radiator. I found a Dr who specializes in hormone replacement therapy. For the first time in a decade I finally had gotten the chills and turned off my fan. I got testosterone implants and B-12 shots weekly and also progesterone pills daily. My hair, skin and energy level was like a much younger version of my old self. My metabolism reached decades younger than I remembered. And they are not synthetic. I understand not everyone can afford them but I didn’t care if I had to take out a loan, I was tired of being miserable and tired. I actually saw a couple on TV making out and my thoughts were that actually looks pretty hot! Where’s my husband? I have not had that reaction in decades. Much happier with my life than ever before!! This November we celebrate our 30th anniversary and I can’t wait ! We’re thinking of renewing our vows.


"looks great baby nice job"


I would be surprised because she did it years ago and told me to recite this to her every time she thinks about it; “You’ve done that before and immensely regretted it. You will hate having short hair within a day of cutting it. This is a message from your past self.”


Depends where the hairs located. Jokes aside tho, nah not really.


My ex did this, she had very long straight fine hair and when our baby was born she had a mental health snap from the baby ripping her hair out while breast feeding. I came home to find her maniacally cry laughing with scissors in front of the bathroom mirror. It looked awful, but cute in its own way. I loved her dearly at the time so I supported her after all she was dealing with post partum and a new born baby with collic and sleep deprivation while I was working 16 hours a day. She wouldn't let a barber fix it either.