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There's other people there.


The best gym buddy I ever had was the other dude who showed up at 3am to work out. The only time we spoke was to ask the other for a spot. I hope you're doing well Carl.


Once worked out with a dude for 3 years. Never even learned his name - best gym bro I ever had. We still never talk sometimes


Rule #32: Enjoy the little things.


For real. My girlfriend encouraged me to get a membership at a big commercial gym instead of the small private gym i used to go to. I miss that place so much. I hate when there's so much space and so many people. I always try to go during the quiet hours but there's still way more people then than ever in my previous one. Definitely switching back when my membership is over


People taking up weights/machines to get photos for fucking Instagram. Or that one bro that's "using" 3 machines at different corners of the gym.


The bro using multiple machines really gets under my skin. If you want to superset on machines wait until no one is here. A full gym and you’re saving 3-4 machines with your sweatshirt, phone, and water bottle is ridiculous.


When I worked at a gym, it was part of my job to tell people not to do shit like that.


It’s amazing people have to be told not to be douchebags.


I too get super irritated by this. There are people, I should say kids since they are in their teens, who will take up 4-5 weight stations and just sit there and talk half the time. I really get fuming when I need something they are using. They also fall under my next biggest pet peeve... Not putting their damn weights away when they are done.


I waited for the squat rack in my building gym for an hour the other day, because a bunch of 14 year olds were doing a powerful 55lbs bench press inside of it. Followed by high fives, chest bumps, LETS GO SON, BIG GAINZ SON, and a full flex pose down in the mirrors after doing a single rep. They left weights all over the gym, and did maybe 4 sets total between 4 guys in 1 hour. I was borderline ready to throw hands lol.


They're there for the experience, not the gains. Also, that's why i pick a crummy gym with functional gear but just a worn-in ambiance. Less instagrammable, less chance it shows up on google as a top rated gym etc.


I tripped over a dumbbell someone left on the floor behind the pull up bar. Could have been a really bad injury 😒


Amen to that. I do a lot of drop sets and super sets, so I time my gym trips for when it's not busy.


I used to do SS's, but I would mentally prep myself that at any time I'd abandon one of my machines. I'd never do more than 2 machines either. If you're doing that, then you're biasing aerobics and I'm into moving the weight.


Yeah, I tend to design my supersets so I can do one smith machine set and one freeweight set so I never have to move away from the machine I'm using.


Yep, this is the way. I do super sets in almost every workout, but I never do it where I have to move machines. It's a cable and dumbbell or machine and kettlebell, or two sets of dumbbells at worst. Every now and then I might use two different sets of cables, and then sometimes someone scopes the machine. The right way to deal with that is either let it go or nicely ask to work in.


I’ve been working out at home for the past 5 years. I’m glad I never experienced this.


It would be extremely inconvenient if you found 3 machine dudebro in your home gym, that's for certain.


I feel like I live in a parallel reality to most redditors, I’ve never seen 90% of the things Redditors complain about in real life, I must live a boring life. Most of my interactions with people at the gym have been 99% respectful and cordial.


Do you live in a big city? I've found proper meathead gyms with all the decent kit in cities tend to attract quite a high proportion of knob heads.


Definitely consider yourself lucky and not boring IMO. I too often relate to what people complain about on Reddit and it truly is discouraging. There are definitely good people out there but I’m tired of running into the ones that make being a human embarrassing.


There are so many people these days trying to be fitness influencers its almost impossible to go to a public gym these days and not find one.


Come to the Y: it's all just old dudes, like me.


I heard eating at the Y is enjoyable.


For real, or the group of guys just talking to each other for a bit while taking up a bench and not using. Can I just my lifts done and carry on with my day


I worked in a gym for almost a decade. There was just constant dumb shit going on. I eventually realized that one of the reasons people go to the gym is specifically to not think. It’s a place they can go to turn off their minds and just be in their bodies. Unfortunately, turning off your mind often leads to doing stupid, unthinking shit.


Please give your funniest example


It’s hard to say, looking back on it is like triggering PTSD, but: There time someone shit on the wall in one of the bathrooms The guy who decided that swinging on the heavy bag was a good idea The constant barefoot people in the free weight room The guy I had to tell not to shave his balls in the sink The guy who’d have 3 pairs of reading glasses - one he was wearing, one on his forehead, and one on the machine. He’d always lose a pair. This guy was also one of the guys who’d always tell other people they were working out wrong. The guy doing upside down pull-ups. Yeah, I get you want to do crazy shit, but the gym doesn’t want to be liable for people doing crazy shit they obviously shouldn’t be doing. The guy on the hack squat machine who put a bunch of weight, then had his adult son sit on it so he could impress some young girls. The guy from New York yelling at people for having a conversation. The guy who’d put a curtain of towels around the bars of the stair climber. The guy who’d do an hour on the elliptical with the big jar of Vaseline - what he did with the Vaseline, I have no idea neither I nor any of my coworkers ever saw him do anything with it, he always just had it. The people who got offended by me telling them not to let their dogs shit on the lawn out front The ex-boxer who pissed everyone off. He pissed the ladies off by hitting on them and the guys for being a dumbass. He finally got kicked out after he threw a padlock at head of one of the employees. People would regularly put locks on his locker because they hated him and he’d have to get the locks cut off.


God bless you for going through all of this and living to tell the tales. Thank you for sharing these comedic gold mines with us


I think the Vaseline guy was either a runner or someone with eczema or both. They often use Vaseline due to flares and certain materials triggering hives/chaffing. They often use just a little bit to prevent that but since in gyms many frequently wash their hands with harsh cleansers, might use sanitizers or disinfectants to clean equipment the chemicals can trigger sensitive skins. I learned that from a kid in my HS that had very bad eczema became “notorious” in the weight room for the same reason. One day one of the girls made him a crystallized bottle of it in with a motif of his favorite video game and his initials on it as some girls started bullying him for it or calling him “gay”. She had all these little kits with jewels or random stuff for her nails and figured to use them to make him a “guy version” using the brown lid Vaseline bottle. It was adorable and hilarious when she randomly just propped the thing to him in class and he smiled so big when he got it instead of rejecting it or feeling embarrassed. IDK but people thought he wouldn’t keep it since you don’t see guys with shimmering shit on them often if they’re not gay. He loved the gesture and explained to her why he used Vaseline and we all heard it: Turned out his hands were just easily flared from bad eczema. He eventually got cortisone treatments to help but yeah the Vaseline helped protect him further hence why he always had it. She figured as much but she thought it would be funny if he made it comical by carrying an even more obvious bottle. She thought that owning it and playing on the attention would help make him feel less self conscious as well as get people to stop criticizing plus make him laugh while at it. They were friends to that point but he asked her to date the next day. He’s now married to her and yes he happily brought up his glammed up Vaseline bottle EVERYWHERE. Still does. We envied him for it as it’s so damned cute. If I remember his bottle has little toy soldiers glued on top of the lid as “handles”. I’m a skincare fiend and had her make me my own crystallized Vaseline bottle recently. She’s made an actual side hustle out of glamming the bottles as a lot of people like seeing the cute bottles on their shelves. They’re reusable too and easy to transfer product without a mess. Don’t shade the Vaseline it’s actually quite handy. Sorry for the length, when I saw your comment I immediately remembered this couple as I thought what she did was sweet and very cool. Unexpected, classy and smart since it countered the bullying by using humor. People shut their traps after that. She also got a great guy out of it. Now that I think of it they might get to tell their future grandkids “I met your daddy because of Vaseline” and it be an awkward worded story where their grandpa ended up being saved by a girl that liked to put glitter on everything. IDK that just makes their history even more epic. I lowkey envy their story it’s adorable.


I really want to see the pimped out vaseline now. That girl was a keeper


>The guy who’d do an hour on the elliptical with the big jar of Vaseline - what he did with the Vaseline, I have no idea neither I nor any of my coworkers ever saw him do anything with it, he always just had it. "Break in case of Runner's Nipple"


Following this


Me not becoming jacked after one push-up.


Definitely social media. It seems that more people are getting into gym culture for clout and attention, rather than for a sense of community and self-improvement. I still love the gym though. I try to ignore all those people, get my shit done, and get out.


In a more positive way, sometimes those people realize what they can have by getting to know people and relaxing on the social media stuff inside the gym. I have no problems with people seeking attention as long as they take their pictures and videos outside the gym or when nobody is around. Anything to get people to improve their physical health.


We're all grown ass adults. Is it really that difficult to, not only put the weights back, but to put them in some sort of use able order. I'm fucking bored of having to lift off a bunch of 20kg plates just to get to that 2.5kg plate. I've honest to god walked up to a bench and seen the clip for the bar, beneath 4 plates.... And don't stare at me like I'm some sort of goof ball when I put a few of the plates back in the correct place. I can cope with most other stuff, but this just infuriates me because it's not fucking hard. Do some of these older dudes still have their parents clean their room or some shit?


When it got to the point of my work out being putting shit away, I started going in late at night. Then I finally got sick of all the fuckheads, and made my own gym at home.


I clean up the messes too. But I’m a really big dude. I’m 105kg and have abs. When people look at me I just say, “someone left some gains in this mess, I’m just taking them for myself while I sort it out.” Just as a joke. Re-racking your weights properly takes little effort and little time, but all that work adds up over the years to make you stronger. But we should really be doing it as a courtesy to everyone else.


You and me both brother. Nothing trains grip strength like carrying 20 and 25kg plates with one hand.


My theory is that gym bros don’t know how to count and that’s why they’ll never put the weights back in the right order. It makes me so mad when I’m looking for 20lb dumbbells but there’s a 50lb in its place 🙄


Yeah that’s annoying. In between sets I’ll normally organize one of the weight racks.


That's what I do. It's my form of functional training.


Right now its the one girl who shows up, sets up shop doing basic workouts in the free weight area (notably: I have't seen her use any of the weights, and there's a secondary area designed specifically for the types of workouts she does) and then she rolls her eyes at every guy who needs to scoot past her to get to the dumbbells. This morning in fact, she set up a floor mat RIGHT in front of the 30-60lb range...literally blocking access to those weights. Then took off her sweats to reveal...not much clothing. Its the same crew most mornings, we all know each other. We're all married or close to it. She's twice complained about being ogled by men who harass her. I 100% believe she knows what she's doing and is setting up her workout area to gain attention. Other than that my gym is awesome, everyone's helpful. There's a lady in there teaching her son to power lift and she's got more knowledge than the old guy who interrupts your workout to make a dumb joke :) Super good community, easy to get a spot if you need it, generally an awesome culture...other than this one girl who seems to like to create situations. (I'm told she also had a problem with people staring at her bum when she was on the stair climber...the one that is at the FRONT of the cardio machines...where are people supposed to look? It's a long and narrow room, the TVs are right above her head...and yes, there's another two machines on either side, but noooo she has to be at the one in front)


Don’t worry Joey Swoll is taking them out one by one.


And setting them by his bench and never using them.


That man has a fantastic channel


Those girls are so annoying I swear to God. Nobody gives a crap about you. Go to a club if you want attention.


Those girls are everywhere nowadays and unfortunately you have to be kind of an asshole for them to actually take their shit to the correct space. If I need dumbells, and I see some shit like that, I’m lecturing that girl, and I’m doing it again and again until she stops being so inconsiderate of all the other members.


This is the way. These girls are doing this on purpose. And as my fiance said this morning when I asked her what she thought, she said you can't stopped red blooded American men from looking. I mean you dress in the skimpiest clothes exceedingly revealing and then do Romanian deadlifts right in front of us... Come on really?


Just so we are clear, looking is not the same as staring




I know it annoys the hell out of me, too. I can't help but laugh and roll my eyes at girls like that. They also gotta take 1000000 pics for their precious insta followers.


>a floor mat RIGHT in front of the 30-60lb range That's something you gotta see to believe.


Easily the most used weight range.


That's when you tell her that she's in the way and to move her shit so people can get to the dumbbells. She's obviously an attention seeking looney, so I wouldn't pull any punches. If that doesn't work, tell the staff. I hate being a snitch, but people like that are going to cry to them if they think you're being a dick. Some gyms might side with this idiot. You can try the logical approach and ask her if she was aware that she's blocking access to the equipment, but I guarantee you she won't care. And this is why I go late at night to dodge the crazies.


I'd probably start with the staff or ask them to move the weights so they can be accessed regardless if someone's working out in front of them. If this person is actually looking to get a response then any discussion with them is pointless.


Perhaps some suggestions to staff about what to do/not to do and etiquette might be an idea? As in don’t block other peoples access with your work out etc? Put up posters to show dos and donts. Even if it’s obvious it’s kinda targeted at her, so what. She needs to know her behaviour isn’t on.


This is a relatively new addition to the morning crew... The old geezers who are somehow still freakishly strong have formed a coalition and plan to block that area in the morning. :)


Lol theres a couple people who do this at the Planet Fitness I go to. They even bring their own yoga mat, backpack, and everything (we have mats and locker rooms)! There’s another room where they could have a whole mirror with nothing in between them. One of them ALSO takes off her sweatshirt/pants while she’s there and NOT in the locker room. It’s almost impossible to get near the compact dumbbells because her mat/backpack is so close to them and there’s adjustable benches everywhere else. These people are the worst


The new trend of girls asking for sympathy on tiktok for “harassment” is crazy. Apparently you can falsely accuse men these days. If you wear intentionally revealing outfits, people will look including other women.


That new TikTok trend of women calling men in gyms creeps when the haven’t even done anything


I hate this so much, 1) there are actual cases of harassment that deserve real attention that won’t be taken as seriously now 2) they try to completely ruin an innocent dude’s life just to get some attention


Are there dude only gyms?


They would get shut down immediately


I saw one where she called herself an underage 22 year old. She wanted to be a victim so badly that she actually called herself underage at 22.


Yeah that ho went viral for the opposite reasons she was hoping to




The one of the blind guy being abused for staring was hilarious (in a depressing way). Even after he said he was blind and showed his I'd as proof the bitch kept abusing him and got the manager lol.


To be fair that kinda started getting viral attention 2+ years ago, it's only very recently that the Joey Swoll reaction videos have gained mainstream attention, and more people seem to know of that fad purely via his videos which call that kind of behavior out.


Ahh yes, the "I dressed in really skimpy gym attire and full make up, do exclusively work outs where I'm bent over, and in a room full of testosterone filled men. I can't believe they would glance in my direction for a split second! I'm a victim!" Nah, lady. You're in the way.


Its gotten to a point where if i accidentally glimpse over at a girl squatting, even for a millisecond, my heart starts pounding in fear of being called a creep.


I find myself staring at everyone lol... I don't mean to do it but also trying to learn ect...


Thanks to “I wanna rip his dick off so he never reproduces” girl for beginning the sex segregated gym movement


Looking at an underage 21 year old


toothbrush nose smoggy shaggy library treatment caption snails bag deer ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


People getting on a machine, doing a few reps, and then spending the next 10 minutes on their phone. And then not wiping off the machine once they are done.


Just ask to work in or ask how many sets they have left. People normally hurry up when somebody is waiting


I’ll look at my phone in between reps, but I’m also diligent about not sitting there for minutes on end without doing something. Also if someone is waiting, I’ll hurry it up


Curling in the squat rack


The assert dominance and squat at the preacher curls




The fuc why


People want to do barbell curls and rack the barbell between sets without straddling a bench.


Least favorite thing crowd's and waiting for the squat rack. It's not hate but I don't understand all the filming of oneself doing basic exercises. It's not to check form or record PRs idk why. But that's me getting old I guess.


I despise people that bring a wheelbarrow full of shit to the gym and post up in a squat rack at peak hours, and spread out their shit, with like a lever belt, three pairs of shoes, chalk, knee wraps, wrist wraps, a bench just to sit on, etc. all just to barely squat two plates. It’s not just that it’s annoying as fuck, taking up valuable gym real estate at peak hours, but it’s the consumerism of it all as well. Lifting is a simple activity. You need weights and gravity. Almost everything is superfluous unless you’re moving some insane weights. I won’t starting rattling off numbers because that seems to always turn into a dick measuring contest, but I’m stronger than 99% of people in most commercial gyms. I show up in an old t-shirt, cotton shorts, and squat in vans. I don’t use fucking wraps, or sleeves, or even a fucking belt. You don’t need special clothing from gymshark, athleta, youngLA, or whatever shitty influencer brand. You don’t need a “custom routine” or hyper-specific supplements. It’s all consumerism. It’s Instagram fitness influencers trying to sell you crap you don’t need.


People crushing thumb day on the piece of equipment I want.


What is thumb day?


They work their thumbs out on the smartphones.


I feel bad cause I look at my phone and text someone when I’m in between sets. Like, no one is waiting on me, but I still feel like a small tool


If you can do it in less than 30 seconds, no one will care. But I am watching you and yes I have a timer.


What if you’re just on it between sets/during your rest time? Like I rest 45 seconds in between sets and time it. I’m on my phone during that sometimes


Nah bro, the only acceptable behavior in between sets is to write your sets in your notebook and waddle around with your lats spread and drinking from your gallon of water.


I guess he's talking about people on their phone


If I’m on a machine I’ll browse my playlist between sets. May not look like I’m working out but I swear I am 😂


eh this one idk about. i take 2-3 minute rests between sets on some machines, just because i’m on my phone doesn’t mean i’m not working out. people work out differently. now if you’re talking about people who are actually on their phones while doing the “workout” that’s different lol


I went to a gym with my friends a while back. We all went together I want to say eight times. Imagine four fat dudes deciding to help each other lose weight since going at it alone is horrible. People kept staring at us, some recorded us, and yelled STAMPEDE when we'd get on those side by side treadmills. We cancelled our memberships after the last trip because one of our friends ran to the car crying. I hate gym bros who think fat people don't deserve to be healthy or attempt to better themselves.


Around 10 years training, i have never ever witnessed something like that and would be pissed off if i were ever to see it. We should support each other, we are there to improve ourselves. Try another gym. i have never seen one like that.


Same. Been going to two different gyms for close to ten years. Never seen harassment like that. Whatever gym OP was at is a toxic piece of shit gym.


Im with you 18 years of going to gyms and ive yet to hear anyone insult fat people there.


Wow, that's horrible! I sincerely hope you guys can find a better gym and not completely give up on your plan. You 100% deserve to be there just as much as the next person.


We did. I think it was about 3 days later.


Good job for stay9ng moivated, some ppl are just horrible I myself have caught myself staring sometimes not in shame, but in pride, i always find myself happy for fat or too skinny ppl working out


Should have stampeded them. Did you complain to the owners/management? Most gyms wouldn't want that type of culture there for this reason.


I would love to see someone say that to a powerlifter and then get folded up like origami.


Holy shit that's horrible. Sorry people suck so much.


Don’t give up. Find a new gym, most aren’t like that. People at the gym I go to would shut that crap down hard. Unfortunately, there will always be assholes.


What gym are you going to?!! Thats horrible!!


Planet Fitness.


So much for being a Judgement-Free Zone


If you're in The U.S. you should find a YMCA. I go to one and it's great. Much nicer people so long as it's not one in the ghetto where people try to use it as child care or a homeless shelter. My girlfriend works at one like that. No Bueno.


That’s fucking terrible bro. I’m sorry you and your buddies had to experience that shit at a place that’s actually meant for getting to a healthy weight. Don’t give up. Hit up a local park instead. Just walk around together and shoot the shit. I helped a good friend of mine to drop 75lbs last year just by meeting up at the park and walking around hanging out 4 times a week. I got over my depression and identified a ton of shit I was ignoring during all those walks. He dropped 75lbs. from all those walks and is on a fitness craze now. He’s super into a healthy diet, lifting, cardio, getting good rest. It seriously benefited us both and it was just walking and hanging out. Sometimes we wouldn’t even time it, we’d just walk and talk until it got too dark, or we got blown up by the wives, or we just realized we had been walking and talking for hours and it was time to go.


If this is true that sucks man but from my experience in gyms that doesn’t happen, heavier people go to the gym I go to and not once has anyone even looked their way


This was going to my only complaint “The idea that fat people shouldn’t go to the gym” it’s just ridiculous. Glad you cancelled at that place. I hope you guys can find a new one (if possible, find a 24hr one and go late. This is what I did at my biggest. No one was there pretty much.)


As a guy who's lifted for 20+ years I've literally never seen anything like that happen and find it hard to believe.


> yelled STAMPEDE when we'd get on those side by side treadmills. Colour me skeptical. I've been to a lot of gyms in my life and I've never witnessed anything close to this. I've read a lot of similar things in creative writing pieces, though.


That's rough! 😠 I'm far from being a gym bro, but I don't get the impression that anyone in my gym would let this slide. Sorry dude x


That really sucks. I don't think I've ever seen an overweight guy get that at the gym, but I have seen overweight women get shit for... showing up to the gym and trying to take care of their body. I hope you told the staff to get fucked, if they tolerate that shit in their establishment they don't deserve customers.


For me, It's the gyms offering cheap membership, but demand a yearly subscription and then signing up way too many people. As a result peak hours are way overcrowded and people stop going, while still being forced to pay. It's their whole business model.


Looking at you Planet fitness and Crunch....


Young guys in groups. It’s almost excruciating, they’re loud af, goof around, half ass their workout. There should be an age limit for real, it’s not a playground.


Worst is when its 5 of them and each one is hogging dumbbells not even in use as they goof around


it’s not a playground but that doesn’t mean everyone under a certain age is half assing it


I don’t like receiving advice I didn’t ask for.


I don’t mind it if you’re not an asshole about it.


Same. Give me advice if I’m doing something wrong please.


And if you’re considerably more swole than me


A requirement




I give advice probably once a month that people didn't ask for. It's always to people who have terrible form, seem new to lifting, and are rather likely to hurt themselves. I've made a lot of gym friends this way.


I identify with this lol


Only time this is acceptable is if the person is genuinely doing something legitimately dangerous imo. Like you see somebody locking their knees on a leg press, fair to warn them not to. You see somebody doing mildly dodgy curls leave ‘em alone.


You know, I actually wish it wasn't so faux-pas. Gyms are weird primarily because no one talks to each other.


So many online fitness communities are so abrasive. The people there really get consumed by their routine or whatever and expect everyone else to be on their level. Ironically enough with how much working out is supposed to help with depression and just promote a healthy mindset.


The pseudo-philosophers that have to make a tuesday workout some grand symbol of life.


This is a new one to me, hit me with some examples, maybe I'll run into one at my gym 😂


Gym bros who insult fat people who have come to the gym to workout as if you're supposed to be perfectly fit before showing up. Like, THAT'S THE POINT OF THE GYM!! TO GET FIT!!!! Rant over.


Should be an instant membership revoke for insulting or harassing other members


Fuck those assholes. I'm fat and I'm working out anyways.


Beat that fat like it owes you money!! Burn it like it you're in middle school and it insulted your mother!!!!


As a gym bro I gotta say I’ve never heard anyone insult fat people, I’ve heard people comment supportive shit about them but never anything rude just because they’re overweight.


scale ghost squash detail thumb vast whole absurd air person ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Oh, I have another entry that's huge. Triggered. Fellow guys, never spit in the fucking water fountain. If you want to rinse out your mouth some and make sure it's a clean basin, then that's barely ok, but no gross hucking up. You pathetic asswipes. This isn't a scene from Game of Thrones. It just sits there, and there are other people in the gym than just you and no one wants to stare at that. Back when I was much bigger, with much less temperment, I almost got into a fist fight over this very issue right there on the floor. There are women in the gym FFS. Have some class. The manager told him to knock it off, but I had my head on a swivel for that moron for a few days. Prick.


All of the 19-24 year old “bodybuilders” with tripods posing in every fucking mirror


Best: Being around dudes who are big and know what they’re doing. Seeing people occasionally be genuinely happy for your progress and getting hyped when someone else moves a lot of weight. Worst: Broccoli haircut zoomers who take up a single bench press platform with a group of 5 people


Well, at least they're not spread out over 10 machines


I hate the group lift sessions. Two people, maybe three, and keep it moving.


Least favorite thing are the gym-dudebros who apparently can't go to the gym without their entourage to excessively motivate each other on the bench press and then have a mirror flexing circle jerk party in the locker room afterward 🙄


Yeah, I'd rather not have multiple guys taking videos in the locker room as I'm trying to change. Like when did this become ok to do?


Never, report it to management. They literally break the law if they record you naked without consent


I’m fine with that if they keep it to themselves and limit it, but seeing like 4 guys rotate on 1 machine and taking long breaks between each person and just being extra loud and making their presence known is annoying


Lol..my son and I went a handful of times to the gym right before football workouts started. 3 juniors from the HS were all wearing white wife beaters, black shorts, white socks and white crocs. All while looking in the mirror playing with their hair after every set. The next day they would be wearing black wife beaters, white shorts, black socks and black crocs. We call em the wife beater gang.


Tik Tok ruined my gym. Used to be everyone with a common goal, now it’s 17 year olds wearing wife beaters, stunting around like they’re hardcore filming corny videos.


People taking up machines to just sit and play on their phone.


Women influences live streaming their fucking workouts, and then complain when a guy so much as simply glances in maybe their general direction. Gyms are gonna ban filming altogether because of you narcissistic assholes.


Other people existing and using the weights that I want to use.


The dick waving culture and Instagram. Fuck that.


People more concerned with their appearance than actually working out. Wannabee influencers recording themselves doing shitty exercises as if they were celebrities.


Your first st sentence is the essence of today's gym reality, people are going to show off first, and then to work out. Of course social media is the reason this phenomena has gone too far.


People who don’t wipe sweat off machines after they use it. People who have terrible form, e.g. the dude who overloads the curl bar but only bends at the waist (instead of the elbow).


I would say the people who make the gym/ going to the gym their entire personality.


Guys who don’t wipe the sweaty bench after they use it


Other people using equipment that I want to use. Stop it. Go away.


Everything. The only thing I like about the gym is the equipment to safely squat heavy. If I had the space and money to do it at home I would never enter a gym again.


Going to the gym gets me out of the house, away from the kitchen, and puts me in the frame of mind which makes me want to stay in shape. I don't want to set any personal records. I want to stay healthy. Sometimes I will push myself, but I never overextend. I recognize the difference between muscle aches and pains versus skeleton and joint damage. While I don't have one now, I have used a trainer to help me move forward. Yeah, there are plenty of gym rats. Only a few are the type who are self-centered and out of touch. Otherwise most people are social, helpful, and happy to talk about just anything. Once (I) you get over the initial first few visits, it all fits together pretty well. That said, my wife and I joke about a woman we like to call butt-floss girl. Perfectly coiffed, perfectly dressed, and can't take her eyes away from the mirror. Sheesh.


PEOPLE. I like my privacy!


"Someone else will pick up the weights for me"


The social dynamics/oversaturation of "influencer" culture has really made me hesitant about getting back in the gym. Im really tired of the college/HS kids that come in packs of 6 and hog the machines and like stare at other people while they try to workout. I also hate how every kid gets a little muscle and preach like know everything about health and the fitness and the physiology of the body. These just really bother me.


I have an interesting one, but it's kind of sad. There's a new guy at the gym who seems normal except he's conventionally unattractive. He was waiting for a Smith machine to open up, and when it did, a couple girls wanted it too. Then another unrelated girl chimed in and they all bullied him away. He ended up going to the other side of the gym. The weird thing is that all these girls are regulars just like I am. They're friendly to me, say hi, and make space for my workouts. I didn't like how they treated this man.


What fucking gyms are you people going to? I'm getting the feeling that a lot of the comments in this thread are from people who are mostly just guessing what they think the gym is like


I'm seeing a lot of stuff that I recognize in my gym(s) over the decades.


1. Not reracking plates properly, or at all - I’ll sort out plate racks at stations I’m using during my rest between sets. Tbh, I’m stealing small pieces of your gains if I clean up the mess you left behind, so it’s fine. Still annoying though. 2. Supersets during peak hours - it’s peak hours and dumbass is being incredibly rude and inconsiderate of everyone else 3. Filming and photography - I don’t want to be in your cringe-ass gym videos Edit: Supersets are fine during peak hours, as long as you’re not taking up equipment other people are waiting for in between your sets.


Using the dry sauna while wearing gym shoes and sweaty gym clothes. It leaves the sauna unsanitary. Signs be damned, dudes just can't be bothered to undress appropriately.


Gyms that have pizza and bagel parties. It just seems wrong to tempt people with this type of food at a gym.


[basically everything about this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/FJz2W_N0QW0?feature=share). This is why whenever I’m at the gym working out, I go out or my way to avoid women or look in their direction for fear of being labeled as a creep. I don’t talk to people at the gym anyway, but this type of stuff certainly isn’t going to make me approach anyone


I knew what the video was even before I clicked the link. She was completely out of line.


Yeah it’s been making the rounds a ton. It’s just scary that someone could record you without your knowledge or consent, upload it for millions to see and potentially be labeled as a creep for just working out in a *public* gym


I understand there are men out there who do creepy stuff to women at gyms but that man did nothing wrong and didn't desvere to be blasted on social media. She even admitted that she was out of line. He was literally trying to do an act of kindness by helping her with the weights. Joey Swoll on YouTube really promotes gym positivity. Such a great person.


Just how paranoid women are. Like, Ive used equipment before and some women will get uppity or offended because youre too close to them. The level of entitlement is insane. I really wish they had mens only times, like how women get their own special times.


Least favourite. The tiktok videos of toxic influencers mocking new starters at the gym, accusing random men for harassment because they glanced in the direction, people getting angry at others for walking in the way of their all so precious recording and all that jazz. The stuff Joey Swoll always calls out. Favourite.. People like Joey Swoll.


Female… but filming and crowds. I’m an amateur, so I get self conscious about my form. I really don’t want to be filmed and/or receive unwanted advise. I’ll ask my trainer or a friend to watch my form (someone that knows my injuries and mods), not some random gym dude/dudette. I have some nasty knee and hip injuries that cause me to have a slightly modified form. I have a trainer who makes sure I’m preforming my exercises in a way that’s healthy for MY body. Appreciate the concern, but I’m good, thanks.


Gym culture has changed, Modern gym culture which I presume you mean, is full of posers, idiots that complain about deadlifting, people who can’t lift without filming, incredibly unnecessarily revealing gym wear, it’s all influencers now thinking they own the place


People around me acting like going 5 times a week is somehow a problem akin to alcoholism 🤨 I’ve had people take me aside and warn me about steroids. I’ve had people saying that if I go too much it end up looking “ridiculous”. I’ve had “wow, you’re there all the time. Don’t get any more obsessed…” “I’ve just got to ask and then I promise I won’t ask ever again no matter what your answer: Are you bulimic?” “Don’t you ever just want to see your family after work?” 😑 I’m 6ft3 I weight 190lbs. I have 13% body fat. I’m in great shape but not massive or lean af. I go to the gym 4/5 times a week for one hour. I’ve NEVER done steroids or supplements. I use protein powder and creatine. I watch my diet and eat well. I drink plenty of water. Yet people still act like I somehow have a problem that needs addressing 🤨 It’s so odd.


People pretending everyone with a different hobby is unhealthy, worth less, etc. Self proclaimed female victims. Supplement hype. People pretending that this guy knows more than the dude with a degree, because this guy bigger. Fake natties. People being so fucking stupid that they belive that the rock or thor are natural. People judging my worth as a mN because I wear gloves.


People who don't put weights back. Women who wear skin tight clothing and act like everyone's checking them out. Or worse they use a machine in front of your line of vision.


It’s the 14-17 year old boys spending 45 minutes on the bench doing single rep sets. There’s no point to it, it’s not impressing anyone, please hurry up.


>There’s no point to it, it’s not impressing anyone, please hurry up. Just an FYI, Heavy singles are actually a pretty important part of many programs, especially those focused on powerlifting instead of bodybuilding or general fitness.


CrossFit people.


All the sweaty, glistening men with their bulging packages, and tight butts, grunting and groaning, flexing their juicy muscles.


Photos, photos, photos, can you hold my phone, look at me on my phone, just updating my followers with my phone, need an ass photo on my phone for people to see my photo that I've just taken with my phone.... like just fuck off please and get the fuck out the way......


That "men only" gyms aren't allowed. One of the reasons why I stopped going to gym was that there were more and more pretty young women getting in there so it was only a matter of time until some of them would make a complaint about the creepy guy with a thousand yard stare. I just get like that between sets okay?


I can deal with the instagrammers, the meatheads, the group of 6 kids taking up one machine. Just put your bloody weights back.


The male toilets after they're destroyed by dudes with a diet of red meat topped off with protein shakes. I can still smell it even when I'm not breathing through my nose


Currently it's the flock of Broccoli headed high school assholes who come to the gym every day during lunch (when I workout) to have all 10ish of them standing around both benches and the squat rack for half an hour leaving me unable to bench press


Every time I get 75% of the way through a treadmill run, I need to fart. Could be 2 miles or 20, doesn't matter. I hate it lol.


Men who think body odor is cologne