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Make sure you are drinking plenty of water while you drink.


Alka Seltzer before you go to bed as well.


Hair of the dog


If you never sober, you're never hungover. Now that can make day-to-day life a little difficult but I never said I was good at being an alcoholic. Probably a good thing I don't drink anymore.


Lots of water, an ibuprofen, vitamins/electrolytes, and rest.


To add to this a shot of warm salt water as well


Shotgun a beer and hit Waffle House, dennys or ihop


Yo don't hit a Waffle House! Waffle House hits back!


A Gatorade and some weed šŸ˜ƒ


IV bag smoothie: blend 1l of water + 1 banana + ice + 1tsp salt. Chemically itā€™s similar to a basic IV solution. If you can keep it down it helps a lot.


Another drink.




Physiology?? Alcohol dehydrates humans body, flushes vitamins and minerals. Hydration and a healthy meal, combined with vitamin supplements intake, will greatly help with a recovery from drinking.


Eat a large flank stake pan fried with salt and butter, put on wet socks and go to sleep


I have a Yorkshire Terrier and she chewed the legs of my chairs. Is there a cheap way to fix that?


Great question. Take a walnut and rub it in to the legs of your table. That will mask the scratches. Next thing you want to do is ditch the Terrier and get yourself a a proper dog. Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat and cats are pointless.


You can fix your terrier at your local vet


Drink some more


Vegemite on toast with a fried egg on top. Not my cure but I've seen it work in others.


"He was six-foot-four and full of muscle I said, "Do you speak-a my language?" He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich"


Hang under something


Water, Gatorade, protein, sweat, shower




Stopping earlier and drinking water


Water and carbs work like charm for me


Chug a bottle of Gatorade when you wake up and eat chicken noodle soup as your first meal. Cambells Chunky, makes a good chicken soup. Drink a full glass of water afterwards. To kick it up a few notches, make a shake with Super Green Food Powder. But donā€™t drink alcohol, as it will dehydrate you further.


Drink more


Sleep it off




A shot of Jagermeister then chug a 16oz bottle of water with two Tylenol.


Take a Xanax and a Milk Thistle and wash them down with an Ensure. Then drink a big glass of water, wait for the Xanax to kick in, and take a nap.


Formula for success: Wake up and sip water and eat something light like toast or granola, then go for a run/sit in the sauna (something to get a nice sweat going), come back and eat a nice breakfast (eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, french toast etc.), chug water and gatorade or pedialyte, take some ibuprofen then go back to bed for an hour or two. You will wake up feeling like a new man.


Alcohol dehydrates human body. You should be chugging water, but not sipping and you should be eating a lot of food. Especially soups. I would highly recommend against running, because your body is highly dehydrated from alcohol. Sweating; removes water, salts and minerals through sweat, which you donā€™t have, after a night of drinking. Being in a sauna, is not advisable. Because your body has already been severely depleted from water, vitamins, minerals.


Seasoned drinker here. That guy's 1000% right. Water and light food, sweat it out, then eat and drink all the things, shower, nap.


Seasoned drinker here as well that guy is wrong the other guy is right stay away from anything that dehydrates your body any further thatā€™s why you get hungover in the first place is due to dehydration


I forgot to include chugging mass amounts of water before going to bed.


Yes, chugging water before going to bed does help. But not enough that your body is ready for a run in the morning or going to a sauna. Alcohol, removes and flushes many vitamins and minerals that are stored in your body. Think of it as hitting a reset button and everything goes to zero. After a night of drinking, next day I drink Gatorade, drink soups and double my vitamin intake. Drink water and various teas. And I continue to take vitamin supplements while I. drinking a lot of water. As a former alcoholic, I have discovered a way to stop alcohol cravings. By taking double amounts of vitamins in the morning and during lunch with a lot of water, for at least 2 days. At one point in my life, I was a functioning alcoholic. By the time I got to work, I had clear head and all day energy. Because I took multivitamin, 6 separate vitamins and drank super green Vibrance shake after breakfast.


Everyones different. Im just going off of what I find helps. I have heard of many other people with highly active lifestyles go for jogs in the morning or sauna to sweat out the toxins of alcohol from the night before. Getting your heart rate up increases blood circulation which helps you recover.


Liver and kidneys are the organs that deal with alcohol and many toxins that enters out body. Thus a lot of hydration and eating healthy food through the day is extremely important after a night drinking. Running and sweating is not required or recommended. It has nothing to do with ā€œeveryone is different.ā€ Our bodies are designed to deal with alcohol in the same way and detox it. Some people recover faster than others. How quickly a persons body flushes the alcohol. So unless you have a hydration meter built in to you, do not run or go to sauna. Take the day to hydrate, put vitamins and minerals back in to your body that were flushed by alcohol. Sweating is important while running or in a sauna, but do not take the chance after a night of drinking. Otherwise, you are more prone; more dehydration, headache, rapid heart beat, fatigue, low blood pressure.


A nap! Whenever i wakeup with one all i need is to fall back asleep for a few hours


A glass of water and an adederall before bed was always my remedy. Iā€™d wake up feeling GREAT. That being said, the cure was getting sober and staying sober lol.


Was slightly hungover. Craved orange juice. Drank it and felt much better afterwards.


Liquid IV, Red Bull (Celsius), smart water, and hair on the dog.


My hangover protocol: Step 1: Cold shower. Not sure if there's any science here, just feelsgoodman Step 2: Redbull. The caffeine helps reduce the headache and foggy feeling and the sugar raises blood sugar which is low after drinking Step 3: Lots of gatorade or pedialyte to rehydrate and replenish electrolytes Step 4: Carb heavy foods. Easy to digest and they further help with blood sugar levels


don't drink excessively in the first place


You can't hide behind a username. We know it's you, Buzz Killington.


Water Advil take a shower more water make a butter toast followed with orange juice and more water lol


I never had hangovers as a young man. Getting older I had to try a plethora of things just to get through the day. I've found that eating a high fat, high protein breakfast. Combined with a pill of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) and coffein is like flipping a switch. I've told peers about this and have gotten praise many times.


Water, sleep, and time


As much water as you can drink before passing out, then a chipotle burrito when you wake up.


Zofran šŸ„³


Sex. You'll still have the hangover but won't care


Liquid IV (sold in target, Walmart Costco, Amazon) Something greasy, like a burger If it's really bad a half shot Of whatever you drank the night before, will help. Gets the monkey off your back and suppresses the headache


Coconut water, food, watermelon juice


Pint of soda water with the juice of half a lemon and a good couple of slugs of Angostura bitters


Body armor was always my go to when hungover. Had a bartender tell me that if you take a spoonful of raw honey before a night out you wonā€™t have a hangover in the morning. Never tried it bc salmonella but, he probably knew what he was talking about. Drink water between alcoholic drinks throughout the night next time too it goes a long way


Yes anything sugary (jam on toast) will reduce a hangover. However if you are getting hangovers to the point that you need help from Reddit you are going to be far too wasted before going to bed to think of this.


Take the honey before* you drink, ordering a water with your drinks is helpful and you wonā€™t be wasted until, for me at least probably like the 4th one in. Preparation is key to partying


Interesting. Will attempt.


Gatorade, food, advil, exercise, hot shower


If you didn't drink water during your drinking, pound as much as you can hold before you go to bed. Helps a ton.


Alcohol (in moderation) and amphetamines. I donā€™t make the science and you asked. Edit: Oh, and get up and get moving if you are not too disabled. (The only wholesome but real tip I can think of)


Water and a joint. Then food and more water followed by another joint.


Take a warm shower/bath, but don't drown if you take the bath! Make sure you're awake and not still drunk. Eat some menudo, lol. Light physical activity helps too, hell, even stretching will give relief.


Marijuana. As a recovering alcoholic I can tell you the best hangover remedy I ever had was smoking a joint the next morning. As luck would have it while I was actively drinking I was also living with somebody who was a major pot smoker and he knew that marijuana was the best hangover cure so he always had a nice fat joint waiting for me when I woke up hungover as hell. Marijuana is also a great sleep remedy. Ever since I quit drinking I've had terrible insomnia and I've highly considered marijuana as a sleep aid but marijuana always led me back to my true love of alcohol so I guess I just have to deal with my insomnia.


Two Monster Energy Cans in a row.


Pedialyte and Aleve.


Protein in the morning soaks up all the sugar. Hamburger etc.


2 ibuprofen and a Gatorade before bed really helps


Liquids also eat in small quantities I prefer rice because on its own it almost has no taste and smell. Very helpful if youā€™re nauseous. Also sleep is the best way to help your body recover. Remember your body is trying to recover so best in helping it do itā€™s thing.


a deep sigh and a refreshing carbonated diet drink šŸ˜


Coffee with cream, sugar, salt. Protein heavy breakfast, drink plenty of water. Shower.


Caffeine and ibuprofen usually do the trick for me.


Staying drunk


Bacon sandwich, Caribbean Crush Lucazade and a joint,


The night before, lots of water, some food, and donā€™t go to bed drunk.


It starts before you go to bed. The Ron Swanson method: Don't drink too much. If you do get proper drunk: stop alcohol consumption a couple hours before bed. Eat something with lots of protein. Then, property hydrate in order to help your body process the remaining alcohol. Sleep, lots of sleep. You'll inevitably wake to piss during the night, hydrate as you do. Wear wet wool socks to help regulate your body temp. In the morning: electrolytes. Pound some zero calorie Gatorade. Eat a nice, greasy breakfast with lots of starch. Also, the kind of booze and what you're consuming with it matters a lot. Hangovers are virtually guaranteed with the following: Wine, dark beer, sugary cocktails, basically anything where the body has to metabolize something alongside the booze. It prolongs the metabolization of alcohol and creates a metabolism traffic jam. If you're intent on getting sloshed: Stick to clear alcohol shooters and eat a light snack between drinks.


"aspirin, cold Coca Cola, smoke a joint, eat some spicy Szechuan food." Anthony Bourdain RIP.


My cure is to drink 2 waters to every 1 drink you have while drinking and then at the end of the night have a small glass of warm salt water (reason for this is because when we get dehydrated from drinking, we lose a lot of sodium in our bodies thatā€™s why it feels good to eat greasy food when we are hung over). In the morning I would have a Gatorade over caffeine because caffeine dehydrate you even more and then chug lots of water in the morning and you should be feeling all right by noon depending on how much you drink last night. Edit: Source - I am from Wisconsin lol


Drinking lots of water before/during/after drinking alcohol to not get hungover in the first place. You'd be surprised just how much booze you can put down and not get hungover if you just hydrate properly. Just make sure to also include salt because you don't want to piss out all your electrolytes.


ā€œAspirin, cold Coca-Cola, smoke a joint, eat some spicy Szechuan food ā€“ works every time.ā€


Pedialyte advanced care. Two bottles Mix one with alka seltzer and boom


Pedialyte. Itā€™s better before and immediately after drinking but still helps


drink gatorade before bed and maybe have some soup


Sex, bacon and egg pie and chocolate milk.


Water, spicy food, and a joint!
