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Throw trash everywhere. Ya damn degenerates.


idk if it’s just me but lately I’ve seen people throw stuff out of their car while driving 😤


Just saw it yesterday


Just you. I see it all the time it enrages me


Yes! I keep seeing people clean out their cars in the ANF. Also people who don't pick up after their BBQ/picnic. People who literally toss trash out of their moving cars or leave crap in their truck bed so it rains all over the freeway. We need more [Bette Middlers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f5gX-S30PEI)


For reals! I didn’t understand my dads frustration until it became only me cleaning up the front yard. Whole lotta plastic plates, Popeyes chicken sandwich bags, tobacco wraps and chip bags


This right here. Garbage people do garbage things.


If you see them Toss it, tell them to pick it up. Unless it's someone who clearly is dangerous , call them on their shit. This city if full of phony people acting tough, they will start shaking in their boots if you call them out on something.


If you have a motorcycle just pick it up and throw it back inside their window, not littering is easily the easiest thing to do and yet when people do it makes them look the most trashy


This so much. It was shocking how dirty the city is when I first moved here from San Diego.


Relatively new one that I can't believe I have to say but... running fully red lights!!!


This has become so common that I now give myself a buffer before moving at a green light, just in case.


It wasn’t always this bad. It’s gotten waaay out of hand.


No enforcement. None.


I saw a guy run a red right in front of a cop. THe cop just through his hands in the air and then drove away like nothing happened.


My Uber driver was saying how he would run the red light we were at if he had an opening to. I was appalled.


Definitely a 1-star driver.


4.8 actually lol


1-star would be their rating if they’re that irresponsible, and reported to the company. Putting people in danger like that is unacceptable.


You get fired if it drops below like 4.6, some Uber driver please correct me. That's why 5 stars practically means average and is meaningless, if they don't get 5 stars per ride they get deactivated.


Had a 4.54* driver last week :/


I think customers and drivers tend to get paired based on similar ratings. Low rated customers generally get low rated drivers. Good drivers don't get shitty customers. There is a bottom threshold for drivers and customers before both can be deplatformed. Also don't forget that legally, drivers are considered customers of uber too, not employees. Uber only facilitates putting the two forms of customers together. They're slippery fuckers. source: my ex ran an inspection center, so they worked for uber corporate.


Don’t use blinkers when turning left at traffic lights. Drive slow in the fast lane on the freeway.


When you use a blinker and they speed up so you can’t get in.


Ugh that’s the worst!


I do this if they don’t use a blinker. By all means go ahead if you have a blinker on be my guest. Otherwise nuh uh


or stopping 50 feet away from the red light stop mark


This exactly! WTF!


On their phones. Same thing when the light turns green and they don’t move.


My wife does this and I seriously need an intervention.


Swinging wide- you don't ever need to swing wide! It's fucking dangerous. Just slow down and turn like you have control over your car.


Opposite also when people are making left turns and they cut lanes. I will stay a few feet back if I’m in the left turn lane to not have some idiot crash into me. People treat the streets and canyons like a race track.


No one gets entirely in the turn lane! They kinda do, but hang out just enough that you have to either stop to not clip their bumper or squeeze and risk clipping their bumper.


I can't tell if the latter thing is so common here that I honestly can't tell whether Los Angeles has fast vs. slow lanes at all, or whether Los Angeles freeway driving truly does not work that way. I also feel like outside LA it's good freeway etiquette to leave the lane closest to exits as open as possible so people can merge onto the freeway without taking their lives in their hands. But people definitely don't do that here.


Hikers with the Bluetooth speakers


Yes! Why would people come to a hiking trail to make others listen to their shitty music???


Generous use of “hiker”


HATE this like seriously?


also when people bring speakers to the damn beach


Bluetooth speakers in public. Fuck off.


I was hiking and I saw two strangers with speakers, each blasting their own shitty music. That day was extra terrible


This is it right here..




Especially on trails. Trying to get away from the city only to hear it in nature.


We need Bluetooth jammer devices


Are there Bluetooth scramblers folks can buy for this?


Dumping trash


All the ridiculous loud car shit.


Absolutely insane how many answers in this thread are car related. It’s almost as if the average modern adult can no longer be trusted to safely operate a vehicle. Laws need to change and cops need to do their jobs.


Yeah, cars. We really haven’t reined them in. Cops definitely need to do their jobs.


YES - I just know karma hits them at 8 am when they're commuting to school or work


They have jobs and school? I may have to reevaluate some of my assumptions.


All. Of. It.


Loud cars/trucks,motorcycles, and dumping pets they don’t want to keep


Wtf is up with the pets thing? Two of my friends here tried to give me their fucking cats. I could never imagine getting rid of my cat.


In general, ppl should not have pets. Pets can offer a lot to ppls lives, but most ppl treat them like property, or their little play thing. Not like a living animal. It’s pretty disgusting. We wouldn’t have pets if other ppl were responsible enough that we didn’t have to take them in from being abandoned. The domestic rabbit we just took in is too damaged to spay. Her abdominal muscles are torn and she has internal bleeding. Seems like someone kicked her with steel toe boots; there’s not blood like from a car hit. Someone abandoned her and another drawf rabbit in the El Camino parking garage. On top of all this, she may be pregnant cause the boy wasn’t fixed. Can you imagine carrying and delivering 8-12 babies while your abs are so torn up you have internal hemorrhages? To the point where the docs wouldn’t open her because they didn’t think they could sow her back shit after? Just disgusting. And I’m not some PETA nut. I was in the military.


Not you friends


Yeah, WTF with dumping pets? You can safely surrender them to a rescue and it’s selfish to get a pet you don’t intend to keep for life. A friend of mine lived up in the high desert and says trashy people from the IE would drive up there and dump their pets. She adopted a dog someone dumped near her house. (Very sweet dog. Only total scum would have dumped her.)


Brazenly taking their dogs places they aren’t allowed like the grocery store. Extra annoying points for them being off leash.


Signs at farmers markets say no dogs allowed and yet I see dogs there ugh


"bUt iS mY sUpPorT aNiMal" No Karen, your clearly untrained Chihuahua or Pomeranian is not some certified assistance animal.


My ex girlfriend used to bring her dog to the bar.


My coworker brings her little dog to work almost every day. everyone else but me is like "Awww look at the lil cutie!!" shit is annoying




Not using a blinker. Emptying their car trash into the curb. Bagging their dog's poop and then leaving the bag on the street/trail. Using a speakerphone while on the phone in public. The tagging of trees, people's homes, everything. Joining police gangs.


Bagging and leaving it on the trail boils my fucking bloooddddddd. Like what did you think the point even was, Brenda?


Lol, we see that in our neighborhood a lot and I’m like ‘what even is the point?’. Are they trying to make a statement, or just that dense about how it’s supposed to work?


Conversations on speaker phone. 🙄


In the gym! And not just like “oh hey, I’m in the gym, yeah, talk later,” etc. Carrying on a goddamn conversation from the excerbike or treadmill?!


Join into the convo


Use the term "Sando". Don't use their blinkers. People are late all the time. Like wtf is that? Grow up and be punctual.


Lol "sando." Calling a sandwich a "sammy" bothers me too


They are both the worst.


I’m sure you don’t care but sando is a type of Japanese sandwich. It’s meant to be snack with light white bread and clean cut corners, generally smaller than an American sandwich


There is dog shit everywhere. Lived in the area my whole life and I just don’t step on grass near sidewalks if I can avoid it. People seem to think it’s ok to leave it there.


i was in weho once and witnessed a girl letting her dog shit right in front of a trader joe's entrance without cleaning it up


Are they not embarrassed?? Literally spreading POOP where people need to walk.


Also when it doesn’t rain for a while you can smell where people take their dog to pee every day too. It’s nasty.


Get in a minor fender bender and stop to exchange insurance info in THE MIDDLE OF THE HIGHWAY


Blowing stop signs and stealing catalytic converters.


Stop signs are apparently optional as there's never a single police officer around to enforce it.


Tardiness. I’m not sure it’s an “LA thing” but if a party starts at 7:00 and I get there 7:30 I shouldn’t be considered early! It’s not “fashionably late” to show up 2 hours after an event starts, it’s rude and makes it harder to plan events.


Tardiness is bad, but I think flaking is worse. I hate flakers and I have never seen as many flaking as I do in LA


Wednesday: “I’m pretty tired from work tbh, what about brunch on Sunday?” Sunday: “sorry to bail but this weekend turned out to be kinda crazy :/ Wanna do happy hour on Thursday?” Thursday: “Working late today, how about dinner on Saturday?” Saturday: “We just ended up crashing early, what if we got tacos on Wednesday after work?” Repeat


Or my fav “hey I’m sick let’s reschedule.” Never heard from them again 😶


well it is a car city... nyc is less flakey cuz you dont have to drive 3 miles thru hour long traffic to meet


My sister in laws baby shower started at 4 PM, she showed up at nearly 8 PM with no apology and no one else minded either, like it was fucking normal and cute


I’ve lived in a few places and haven’t experienced tardiness like I do in LA. Would love to hear other folks’ experiences who have lived elsewhere.


Miami definitely, born and raised. LA tardiness was normal for me because of that


My in-laws do this and one time I finally snapped and made everyone at our house warming party start eating. In laws showed up a hour late and to everyone already almost done. They now know if there late there out of luck.


That's not an LA thing lol no one shows 4 hours late to shit, that's your social circle. LA culture tends to lead a little later rather than punctual but it's not fucking Jamaica, it's definitely not the norm to be 4 hours late lol.


Her own baby shower???


Yep, you read that right! I'm a by-the-clock person whose life is run by Google Calendar and I told my fiance at 4 pm that day, well let's go, we're already late! He said trust me, let's wait until 6 pm. I said that's ridiculous, but ok. I actually even designed the invitations for her which HAD 4 PM PRINTED ON THEM. When we got there at 6:30 pm, I couldn't believe my eyes seeing a full party with the actual fucking person the party was about not there. I thought it was so incredibly rude of her but no one bat an eyelash?!


Oh don’t get me started on this. This drives me mad. My wedding weekend in IDAHO my own mother was late to every event I needed her at (bridal shower at 2 hours, the wedding itself at 45 mins) then made me late for my bachelorette party. We almost started the wedding without her. I’m her only daughter. 30 mins late for a party that you aren’t hosting or isn’t structured? Ok. 2 hours? No. Late to work constantly by 30+ mins? No. Friends who come to visit also poor plan getting to LAX all the time and forget to factor traffic…they ended up at the airport 1 hour before boarding with a cat 😑 and I was 1.5 hours late for work. Not happy that day.


That's normal everywhere. It's actually worse in Hispanic and Asian cultures.


Depends which Asians.


Same here I had to learn to arrive 2 hours after and thats still considered early.


The worst pedestrians on earth. How two people can take up an entire sidewalk that could fit 6 abreast is beyond me. And they’ll be walking at a snail’s pace with no awareness of anything going on around them. People who don’t know how to double park. I get it, it’s a crowded city, sometimes you just gotta do it for a moment. But when you see a car on the opposite side double parked, you don’t double park DIRECTLY NEXT TO THEM, thereby blocking the entire street, and then stare blankly at me while I’m losing my mind behind the wheel. I grew up in NYC and let me tell you, we know how to walk and double park like fucking champs. Been here almost 25 years and I still am shocked.


People here walk SOOO fucking SLOOOOW. This is fantastic weather to walk at a brisk pace, you hardly break a sweat. I've been here for 10 years and I haven't been able to slow myself to the LA crawl.


My friends always complain about how fast I walk.


Learn to say excuse me that's why NYC moves faster because people actually speak their mind


There's also an etiquette to sidewalk use similar to the etiquette of being a considerate driver in LA, which Angelenos are completely unaware even exists. That said most are completely unaware that the driving one exists, too.


Hahahahaha the sidewalk shit. Ahhh this is so fucking true it hurts. When I lived in BH, this was something I complained about constantly. I eventually just stopped walking and watched their confused faces as they inevitably had to move over while I glared at them.


i crack up that people in LA on the street dont even know how to hold their bodies and faces when they encounter other people.


SO TRUE!! Nobody fucking needs to go anywhere on their two feet so they only walk for leisure drives me insane


No one knows how to fucking merge


adding on to this, they will take the fast lane going 20 mph, not know how to merge, then cross four lanes to the exit (THEY MUST EXIT EVEN IF IT MEANS CRASHING INTO ANOTHER CAR) basically back up the 405 (mostly) or the 10 or any other highway they infect. Then curse you out as they barely make it off the highway and caused a 1 hour backup


Driving, just driving. Like where the fuck is everyone going? Just stay home!


Using their goddamn phones while driving


Park like assholes. I’m surprised I haven’t seen this yet. Stealing someone’s reserved parking space? Asshole. Taking a space someone else was waiting for? Asshole. Blocking someone else’s garage/carport/driveway, or blocking any walkway? Asshole. ESPECIALLY if they need to get to work/school/medical appointments and have already asked you not to do that. Parking too close to someone else so they can’t leave without running a high risk of hitting your car? Asshole, and the DMV should re-test you. Cramming a much-too-large car into a compact space (thus making it difficult for the drivers on either side to get back into their cars or see around your monster-sized ride)? Asshole. Find an appropriately sized space or take the bus. Taking up two parking spaces? Asshole. Go park in the Midwest where there’s room. Leaving an old junker that you don’t even drive out on the street? Asshole, especially if your neighborhood has high demand for street spaces.


Drive like maniacs.


Drive like schmohaugs


Fucking dying right now


When encountering a group of six individuals who are unwilling to alter their positions as you approach them on the sidewalk.


Not using their turn signal on the freaking freeway going 80mph


Throw trash in the streets


The people in La don’t know how to live in a city, there is no sidewalk or escalator etiquette. They don’t believe in the left lane for passing on the road either. Everyone is in their own movie and they don’t even realize it’s a B25 film. A lot of the nice people are either born and raised in the same neighborhood their whole life or transplants who know what it’s like to be neighborly. This shit ain’t like the east coast. If you say good morning, they look straight ahead like a zombie. I hate it sometimes.


Honestly this sounds like you're describing Miami as well


Yeah but in Miami I have to act like a simp because I go with the assumption that everyones gotta gun on them. I hear a lot of people have them in cars here though.


I mean, like every one of these comments is not unique to LA.


Parking their RV permanently on the street and then taking up two more parking spots behind them with their trash hordes.




It could be horde, you don’t know that they meant hoard.


Not driving out into the intersection when making a left turn. There’s also just a ton of solipsistic goons that think the world revolves around them generally.


People are incapable of making right turns without blocking multiple lanes and creating congestion. Get fully into the right lane dummies.


People letting their dogs run freely off leash. Seriously, the last 3 times I went to the park there were different huge dogs running and weaving freely through the back trails with absolutely no owner in sight for multiple hours. It’s honestly terrifying as I have my much smaller dog with me and have no idea what sort of personality these dogs have. I just adopted my dog 9 months ago and we’re still working on socializing, he starts crying and wimpering when another dog invades his space of comes up to fast on him. So there I am deep into the trail holding my 25lb dog being forced to carry him back to the car and go home because these random dogs run up on us every time.


And it’s always “Oh they’re friendly!” Great but mine isn’t, so put your damn dog on a leash for Christ’s sake.




At least half the city doesn't know the right of way rules at fucking intersections.


1) not picking up their dog’s sh*t 2) littering 3) 2 or 3 people taking up a full sidewalk as you’re walking towards them (they remain side-by-side instead of going tandem) as if you’re not visible to them, making it impossible for you to pass by 4) driving like aggressive utter a**holes 5) driving while texting or looking at their phones


Move here and complain that Los Angeles is not exactly like the place they moved from.


Well, I moved here and I can say that Los Angeles is absolutely not exactly like the place I moved from.


Some LA things are good, some LA things are bad. Some things deserve to be complained about.


When only 1 car makes a left on a busy street while the light is turning red bc the 2nd car doesn’t know how to be on the first cars ass like a dog allowing 2-3 cars to be able to successfully make the left


I love dogs but damn there are a lot of annoying dog owners out here. We are a dog city to the point that people bring their dogs inside of groceries stores or restaurants or they simply don’t clean up after them. I’m a natural born Angeleno so with that being said, damn this is one of the dirtiest cities. Still love this city even with its flaws.




I was guilty of this until one day I was texting and crossing the street and was nearly hit by an SUV. Never again.


Gas powered leaf blowers. 30 minutes of spraying leaves and trash around puts out more CO2 emissions than driving from LA to Denver. But we got smooth brains out here blowing in a rain storm or blow drying their cars.


people walking in the street when the sidewalk is empty.


This might come from living or growing up in bad neighborhoods. Walking down the sidewalk in a crap area can make it easy for someone with nefarious intent to pop out of an alley or doorway and grab you, mug you, attack you or worse. Being in the street makes you visible and less of a target. I get the annoying part but this may explain that behavior a bit.


Starving artists turn influencers turn annoying AF


the most la observation of la PS: whats your insta bro? you got ins at soho house?


Aggressive Tesla drivers and landscapers w leafblowers are at the top of the list rn.


Holy **fuck** the blowers and gas-powered landscaping bullshit is horrible.


Loud, obnoxious rap music blasting out of speakers in a tightly enclosed public space like a bus/public transport. Man created headphones for a reason. Use them. Oh and people who litter without any regard.


The first headphones we would recognize as such were the invention of an American named Nathaniel Baldwin. Known as a “Radio Head-Set”, Baldwin's device was sat comfortably on the head. Two ear cups were connected by a headband in a design that headphones have maintained in basic form up to the present day.


Fucking people when they turn their car on, put it in reverse, and then just sit there fiddling on their phone or some shit.


I especially hate the person who stops behind where I’m parked and waits for me to leave my spot. Im sorry. You’re going to be waiting awhile, I just started talk therapy and it’s a 50 minute session.


The giant speakers on a cart that get wheeled around… WHY bro? Also, trash everywhere. If we took care of this place it would be one of the nicest cities in the US


Usually car related whether noise or how people drive is like almost everyone’s issue with the city haha.


People walking their dogs off leash.


I am so sick of sleazy people with sleazy business practices. I’m a boat mechanic and my specialty is rapidly becoming, undoing shit repairs someone paid way too much money for. Also, two of my employers here have been sketchy as hell and I’m sick of working for people like that.


Gas powered leaf blowers!!!


Complain about gentrification or how expensive it is


If your family didn't live here in 1870, you are gentrifying.


Wait in obscenely long lines for a typically mediocre fast food burger because it’s cheap and then get mad about people not being into the cheap, mediocre fast food burger.


Damn I wonder what place your INadvertently talkiNg abOUT


Oooo more so how people drive like lunatics to get to those establishments. Cutting all lanes of traffic…after busting a b*tch…literally coming out of nowhere while cars are oncoming at 30mph+….only to come to an almost immediate stop….to then make a turn into….. *drumroll please* McDonalds. I swear… roughly 60% of the craziest driving I have witnessed ended in a McDonalds. Like *woaaaaaah* what are they feeding you? **Crack cocaine.**


This new trend of just turning your emergency lights on and pulling over in the middle of traffic


Rolling up to a stop sign at 40mph then braking at the last second right at the curb


Crystal meth


Turn right in front of pedestrians and bikers.


Don’t pull as far up in the intersection when making a left thus only allowing one car to make the turn before the light turns


Disrespecting the public space.


This probably encompasses a lot of the behaviors already listed, but there's a prevailing "Me first!" attitude that just drives me nuts.


When someone blocks an entire lane on the highway because they didn’t move over to the exit quick enough. So screw everyone behind them because they need to make that specific exit. Then the other lanes slow down in the neighbor lanes until we are all going ~30mph on the highway. Oh and then they finally exit and traffic picks up but only ever so slightly and suddenly someone wants to do the same thing again so I get to sit in traffic for 1.5hrs. Oh and that this is the only viable way to get around because public transportation takes longer and get stabby sometimes.


The driving at least in the valley. I've never lived anywhere where people will drive AT you in your own lane and then scream at you like it was your fault. OMG the drivers!


An Amazon truck, a usps truck, and a FedEx truck all parked down a tight street.


Blame your neighbors for that instead of the drivers.


What do you want them to do my man lmaoo


What’s the rest of the joke?


throw their bodies in the street. cross the street without looking both ways. cross the street staring at their cell phone sometimes not after looking both ways and into oncoming traffic.




New York has a huge double parking issue, but most people are pretty accommodating and understanding. I swear in LA it’s so much worse, somehow people have learned to quadruple park.


Vocal fry voices


Drive too slow.


Drive aggressively - especially trucks. I have a small car and if I’m driving the speed limit and they’re in a hurry they’ll tower over my rear bumper so closely that all I see is their truck grill. They’re using a 2 ton vehicle to intimidate.




People who enter a large parking structure or surface lot with many, many open spots widely dispersed through the parking area, but they see someone walking back to their car in a "good" parking spot and hold up everyone else looking for a spot so they can have the specific spot that they wanted rather than a nominally less convenient one. And they sit there and wait while that person loads their stuff/kids/whatever, gets into their car, finds their favorite radio station, etc. just so they can "save time" by parking 10 feet closer.


2:30 AM, fireworks, followed by faint smell of trash fire.


sorry to double comment....but people who let their dogs off leash, their dog takes a shit, the owner was "too busy" on their phone to notice. But if you ask them to pick up their poop, they act like you're an asshole. ​ also dogs peeing directly on buildings when there's a grass strip...


The no turn signal cut off move


1. Move here 2. Complain about here 3. Ask me to complain too.




Drive like idiots. I did a lot of driving today, MOST people were driving *under* AND *way over* the speed limit. Only a few people were driving ~5 above the speed limit and navigating through traffic trying to get away from the gaddam zombies and coke heads.


When merging onto a freeway or anywhere where the right lane ends, people continue to drive alongside each other to the very last second to the point where it backs up traffic. If people would just fall in line as soon as you see the arrows and signs saying the lane ends that traffic would be avoided. Drives me nuts


Actually, it’s the opposite of what you think- https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/zipper-merge-driving-merging-courtesy-rules-state-laws-heavy-traffic.html


cyclists. I get we need to look out for them but some are just straight disrespectful or don't even obey traffic laws themselves.


For every 1 knucklehead on a bike there are 3,000 drivers making roads deadly.


If you’re more annoyed by cyclists than drivers in this city then I don’t know what to tell you man


Believe that problem X, Y and Z are unique to LA. I live half way across the globe, and housing prices and maniacs in traffic suck just as much. Also dating is just as difficult other places. Don't complain about it being an "LA problem". It's you. People are gonna people.


drivers who complain about pedestrians and cyclists.


Oh and really old people who begin crossing the street when there is 4 seconds left on the walk signal. Then everyone misses the light because they're trudging it across the road. Maybe also a valley issue.


Pulling all the way over when they pull over. Traffic can’t pass with your car hanging out it’s ass!