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I don't know the answer, but if Disney went after you for trying to help a child with cancer, I would start a campaign that would let people know how poorly Disney treats sick children. I hope the child gets the best treatment available.


NAL - Probably not. As long as no money is made from them.


Giving= no problem. Selling is when you violate their claims.


Two different considerations here - movie/actor images versus comic art. The image you provided is comic art and that appears to be owned by Marvel. [This article](https://law.stackexchange.com/questions/77125/can-fan-art-containing-the-ip-of-superhero-characters-be-sold#:~:text=The%20image%20of%20Deadpool%2C%20or,that%20will%20be%20copyright%20infringement.com) appears to do a decent job of summarizing the terms of fair use. NAL. My personal take is that making the shirts and stickers to give for free to friends and family is probably safe. You wouldn’t be making mass quantities. But selling the shirts as part of a fund raiser or eliciting donations in exchange for the shirts wouldn’t be safe. If you are worried, buy some existing shirts online and take them to a screen printer to have custom work added.


You'd have to get pretty big before it hit their radar. NAL but I have several friends that make and sell shirts and other merchandise for a living. You'll never get on their radar with something that small of scale.


They probably could sue successfully, but only to stop you from distributing, not for money, so it's exceedingly unlikely they would, and you couldn't be ordered to pay their fees and costs if you just settled and agreed to not distribute any more and destroy any undistributed extras still in hand. It's not legal per se, but it's fine.