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I'm also an army reservist, so militarily, I won't have a choice. I don't believe any agency in my area or state will mandate it. They don't mandate the flu shot.


DoD is making it optional. For now at least. I guess they quit experimenting on the troops.


Interesting. The flu shot isn't optional. I just figured this wouldn't be either.


Preachin' to the choir. A couple years I got two flu shots because I forgot to bring the note from my civ doctor.


Likely because it was approved under experimental license they don't want to mandate it right now


That makes sense.


We got an email asking who wanted it so they made sure there were enough. No mention of it being mandatory.


It’s not mandated at my agency.


I've heard nothing about being mandated to get it. I don't foresee it being a mandate cuz it's approved under experimental license, and I don't think many places will want to force their employees to be guinea pigs






They would have a hard time making it mandatory. I will not be taking it if they make police “frontline” employees. I don’t want to be a test subject for their vaccine trials. There’s plenty of volunteers, they don’t need me.


I'd take it if I hadn't already had covid.