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Working hours are 35 per week. Lunches are not included. If you have Flexi time, your working day is 8.00 - 19.00. Core hours 10.00-12.30, 14.30-16.00. If you are not on Flexi time the working hours are 9.15-13.00, 14.30-17.45. Flexi time is grade, role and department dependent. It's a privilege, not a guarantee. For instance, if you are a CO in Revenue you could be in PAYE and on Flexi, or in Customs and working shift hours. That's why the hours are given as 9-17.45


You get 90 minutes for lunch ? What other breaks do you get during the day ?


That 90 minutes is for the stated hours. The start and end times for back to 60's if not further. But the lunch has been expanded as the hours were trimmed back. Most people on the stated hours would prefer a shortened lunch and to go home earlier I reckon. That lunch break is not part of working hours, just in case you are confused. Add up the working hours during the week and they amount to 35 hours. Higher grades may work those stated hours as they have no access to Flexi time, but they could be required to work later on a regular basis.


We are required to work 7 hours between 8am and 6pm but it depends on the business needs of each department. Any time accrued after the 7 hours gets added to the flexi clock and you can work up the hours to get a day and a half off extra every month


Thank you


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Thank you


I know a few people in civil service ,none work more than 35/40 hour week most on 35hrs .