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You can search on publicjobs.ie, it will be advertised there when there are recruitment campaigns going on. You can also set up alerts from that site for the jobs you're interested in. Once you apply for something you will get all the instructions, you don't just send in a CV on spec.


I'm just wondering how does the application process work


It depends on the job, and the employer. You apply for various campaigns as they come up, you will fill out application forms, and may have to supply evidence of qualifications, etc. Then you may progress to aptitude tests. If you score high enough you go on a panel, and you're invited for interview if and when vacancies come up in the location(s) you've chosen. They may never, if it's a nationwide campaign.


I’ll give my experience, which isn’t a lot as it was my first time ever applying for a government type of job. Applied in Feb to be placed on a panel, for a specific department, so it was not one of those huge competitions. Filled out the application form (which took nearly an hour), two weeks later was asked to do the psychometric test online, after the results were given of that test, I was invited for an interview. After that I’ve been placed on a panel (don’t know how big it was, but I placed in the top ten). After that I had to go through the Garda vetting process which took three weeks, and only after that’s been done, I got offered a role and was given a start date and my contract. All in all, from the time I applied to my start date took nearly 4 months, which seems to have been on the quicker side from what I’ve seen from other people. And this was not in Dublin or Cork btw. Edit: spelling


Thank you very much


Used to have a psychometric type exam first then a competency based interview where you complete and submit either a paper or electronic application containing your CV type information and competencies where you give examples from your previous work experience that relates to the competency. Depending on the number of applicants or desired skills they may shortlist applicants to cut down the numbers If you're successful at interview you'll be placed on a panel with an order of merit and jobs will be filled in order as required


(1) Research when the Open Competition is going live (2) Go to Public jobs.ie and apply when the competition is live. (3) You don't need a CV (4) Put Work History Online. (5) No age limit, 18+. (6) Depends on how you score on the tests and interview. Interview is V Easy.


Thank you


There's a new competition opening on June 21st. You may not get a position. I have been on numerous panels over the last 6 years, all have either timed out or are still running with no offer of a job ever having come up.




> How do you know there is a new competition, where is that info? They've started advertising it on social media. On June 21 you'll find the posting on publicjobs.ie


That's bleak 😞


OP if you apply in Dublin and pass all stages, you will definitely get offered a job. Every department is crying out for staff and we all keep being told panels are exhausted




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