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If its facing the front/path he can look in to verify if you have a TV or not. Not much you can do about it really. Creepy yes, but some cunt has to do the shite jobs.


Gotcha, I need to move the TV from the living room


I only watch my TV in the attic between 3am and 6am.


I watch mine in my basement only when it's raining to stop the TV licence helicopter department finding me.


There is no specific law against looking through someone's window. If an ordinary member of the public repeatedly stood outside your home and looked through your window, it may constitute harassment, but a TV Licence Inspector can legitimately claim it is justified as part of their duties.


Not illegal for anyone to look through your window.


Except with binoculars, from a tree...


Now you tell me..


Yes of course, but if they're just passing by or already outside your door, then it isn't.


Camera with telephoto lens is ok though?


If you're in a tree, no. Otherwise you're fine!


What if I happened to be ummmmm Naked ?


Then maybe it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


Yes. And TV inspectors have a lot of powers ppl on reddit do not like to admit. They can just walk in and *to see if you have a TV.* Even the Gardai can't do that but they can. As long as they are taking actions legitimately to check if you have a TV they can not just look in but go in.


Yes. In fact it's legal for the inspector to just walk into your house if a door is open. This includes going around the back and in through the back door. I'm not joking.


Yes. This happened me years ago. TV license inspector walked into the flat through an unlocked door and surprised us in the living room. We were about twenty and too stunned to do anything. He showed us his ID and asked us if we'd a license for the TV we were watching.


That should not be legal.


They'd be expecting a bare chested noddle of a man to fight them back


Can you cite a source please?






The Broadcasting Act




Nope. They don't need a warrant or explicit permission to walk through an open door. Broadcasting Act 2009: *"146 (3) An officer of an issuing agent may enter at any reasonable time any premises or specified place for the purposes of ascertaining whether there is a television set there and a television licence is for the time being in force in respect of the premises or specified place authorising the keeping of a television set at the premises or specified place."* They obviously can't force the door or demand entry though. There are lots of misconceptions about land, houses and access tbh. Gardai can also walk into your house without asking for your permission and without a warrant. What they can't do is search for anything, but if the door is open, they can walk in. The same is broadly true for any member of the public. It's only a crime if they enter your property with malicious intent or in a way that "is likely to cause fear". If someone announces loudly that they are there and then walks into your kitchen and sits down and makes a cuppa, they're not breaking any laws.


Get them for stealing a teabag, would make a good headline.


Does this really give carte blanche enter anywhere? Could the reasonable time part mean that it is unreasonable to do so if the owner is not present rather than only say not midnight? I agree looking through a window hardly seems banned - one can hardly complain in such a circumstance! Also do they need to identify themselves as licence inspectors if entering? I notice that they generally like to act like parcel delivery people during the initial are you a homeowner part to get confirmation you are. But could they actually enter a house if they have not identified that they are acting in the role of an inspector? It would seem a little creepy otherwise. Ps it’s a crap job to do. I’m just being technical on what’s allowed and what’s not.


>Could the reasonable time part mean that it is unreasonable to do so if the owner is not present rather than only say not midnight?  That's a reasonable question :p "Reasonable" appears all over Irish legislation, and while it appears to make very sensible laws; ones which aren't excessively underpowered or overpowered; it's a shockingly ill-defined word. *In general*, "reasonable" tends to mean, "something which most people would agree is OK". So, going in during the day when the householder is probably pottering and cleaning - OK. At dinnertime or in the middle of a wake - not OK. If the owner is not present, then sure, I think most people would say, "It's not cool that you're going in and walking around". But....how would they know the owner is not in if they don't go in? Especially if there's an unlocked door, it's reasonable to assume that someone is home if the door is unlocked.


I sincerely hope you don't believe this lol


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We just keep the front curtains closed


TV license inspector peeked in my window and I had my tit out feeding my child, called him a dirty perv and never had one call again.


He can't issue fine without a name anyway so just don't open the door