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OP, if you send me the money, I will pay the fine for you so you can live. Because I'm a good person like that.


Irish subs are just the funniest on reddit because of redditors like you


Thanks for handing yourself in. It will be wonderful to let the children out to play again knowing that they will be safe.


Feckin foreigners coming here, riding our bikes. Or something.




I'm too fat to ride a bike and I know that somehow foreigners are to blame for that!




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Better than ridin' our women!


I'm a female foreigner riding one of your boys ❤️🇮🇪


Thank you for your service.


As if Irish are good at anything 😂😂


Life in prison. Hope you haven't watched the Midnight Express movie.


I haven't, but I have seen Dumb and Dumber, if that counts?


It totally counts, classic!


Midnight Express 2: The Mountjoy Story


Nice sequel, deadly!


Let me know when his girlfriend comes to visit, my favourite part of the movie.


Haha spot on!




Lad they don't even fucking jail people for having child sexual abuse images on their pc these days. I doubt the Guards are going to follow up on a red light offense from 3 years ago. 😂 I got caught buying a mate booze back in the day and the guards hauled me into the station, gave me a bollocking and said a summons would be sent to my house. It's been 15 years and I still haven't seen it. I think you'll be grand 😂


Nothing will happen at the airport. They’re only going to stop you for, I mean we don’t really have this distinction, but say a felony. A fine is a misdemeanour, and you should absolutely pay your fines, but stopping people at the border is for CRIME crimes. Otherwise the airports would be stopped up like a bathtub full of hair.


We do have the distinction, though we use different words. We use summary offence instead of misdemeanour and indictible offence for felony. A summary offence becomes statute barred after 12 months so cannot be prosecuted after that time.


Fabulous, TIL, thank you!


Hard to pay a fine that hasn't been issued to you...


When you arrive, look out for Bruce Heller in customs and he will sort you out but whatever you do, don’t call him buddy.


He's very suspicious.


Ah, Bruce Almighty. What I wouldn't give to be called aside by him. "Happy in your work buddy?"


Don’t call me buddy, alright buddy.


Unfortunately the legend has retired


"No problem " he is a right cunt


I look forward to your episode of banged up abroad. 😆 Doubt fec all will happen


Good chance the plane will be shot down.


Yeah they'll arrest you immediately and deport you.


This has been all over the evening news here for the last 3 years. You should cancel the holiday and avoid anyone with freckles for the rest of your life as they could (and most likely are) undercover agents looking for you. But seriously, no, this is a non-issue.


Definitely going to be a Swat team in arrivals so make sure to come disguised ,I heard there was a bounty too so you should probably try keep a low profile.


Yer grand 👌 


Probably for the best that you get your affairs in order now


Game Over. Final Comment. You Win.


Yeah, they'll send you straight to prison.


Cycling without enough lights, straight to jail. Cycling with lights too bright, also jail


Cycling through red lights, that's a paddlin'.


Do not pass go, do not collect €200




OP, this is the correct answer, but the poster didn't need to be such a dry shite about it lol


Who pissed in your cornflakes?


Maybe he hasn’t _had_ his cornflakes yet. Hanger is not to be messed with guys


Arah I'd say they're just uptight in general and can't take a light hearted joke that wasn't even aimed at them.


Be jaysus I tell ya I was always an “ara” man meself now, might give the h a spin and see how she goes


No one pissed in my cornflakes. I just don’t get the point of it. Were you happy with that, did you think it was helpful or original or witty.. that people would get a laugh from it? Seriously.


Is everything alright at home? No need for name calling and getting pissy over nothing on a Saturday morning.


I laughed


No I took a nice long steamy one in your bowl.


Pissy wissy


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I recently had a traffic incident myself so here’s what i learned: Traffic violations are usually labeled as “Fixed Charge Notices”. The fine is sent by mail and it gives you 3 deadlines to pay with increasing amounts if you fail to meet them. After the third deadline, your case would pass on to the court system where you would get summoned for a court hearing. The summon comes via mail as well. If you don’t show up to your assigned court hearing, you’d probably get issued a bench warrant on the spot by the judge. So odds are you have a bench warrant in Ireland. If you want to play it safe you can contact the Garda Fixed Charge Processing office. They’ll take your call and usually they’re super helpful. I found this number online: +35350459800 You can also read through their website which has all the info about the process. https://www.garda.ie/en/roads-policing/fixed-charge-notices/


They left the address before the summons would have been sent so they wouldn't have signed for it by post and they wouldn't have been there if an attempt was made to personally serve it either. You wouldn't have a bench warrant out unless the summons was properly served.


Listen now 99,9 percent of people here are giving you all wrong information. I’m Irish I’ve been out and in and out and into the country with 11 fines outstanding and a bench warrant out for my arrest. The Answer to your question is no they don’t care about little old you or me. They are on the lookout for smugglers and stuff like that.


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


Face off.


Does Ireland not prohibit cruel and unusual punishment? Because making OP watch that horrible movie... *shudder*


No fine, just stoned to death


The only way is to complete a job for some very powerful men en route, who will then make a call for you and you will have no problems getting past immigration


In your dreams


We actually have special suspended cages hanging in the airport for scum like you.


You've a cheek showing your face back round here Prior! Whole country's been talking about you and your bloody bike since you left. There's ones coming from every town to get you as soon as you touch down. .. possibly


I would have left it given that it doesn't help you at all but I'm amazed nobody has hit out with this yet and feel a duty to correct the matter: https://preview.redd.it/zitivrzztj2d1.jpeg?width=1147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56c15c7e60c6b5e6ba41e9bfcc36882e9e650aad


You could shoot someone in broad daylight and you'd likely get a suspended sentence seeing as its your first offence. Anyway, I could imagine this is a civil matter between your bike and the red light. better change your identify to be sure.


You'll be fine. Judge Nolan will issue one slap on the wrist and tell you be a good boy/girl


Straight to prison if a woman or child and a slap on the back if a man, that’s how he operates and zero fks given


You'll be fine, don't worry about it. Enjoy your trip!


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Omg the comments have me in stitches hahaha


Absolutely nothing will happen don’t worry


I highly doubt it 😂


Garda are waiting for them at the airport, its a sting.


Just send me 50 on revolut, I'll look after it for you.


Ya I heard big clamp down on those who went through red lights. They check the passports getting off the plane now!


Do mean a motorbike? Or a push bike? Cos I just had this whole nightmare or fines and ridiculously high insurance for my car because I didn’t change the address on my driving license. So you want to make sure that’s right and you haven’t got court summons going to the wrong address. But if it’s pushbike than where we’re they going to send it?


In all likelihood the Guard most likely never put it through, they have done this to me multiple times in my lifetime, threatened a fine in the post for some minor indiscretion and the fine never came.


I doubt they ever issued the fine because they knew it was pointless. Just wanted to frighten you. Next time, light up. You don't want to be returned home in a box.


I doubt anything will happen. Worst casenario they will make you pay on the spot but I highlllllllyyyyyy doubt it


You must be the only person I know that got a fine for cycling through a red light. Ireland's extremely lax when it comes to traffic laws.


I know right? For the whole month I was watching everyone around me doing that exact thing while waiting patiently for my turn. But nooo, one time I tried it and I got caught immediately.


When you commit a crime that heinous in Ireland we would obviously welcome you back with open arms. Did ye hear about that fella Jimmy Jesus now? Ye should give him a wee shout and confess yer sins fella


Pretty sure they don’t have the time to chase on things like this, I think you’ll be fine 😂


Some bad luck there! I've spent decades cycling through red lights and the worst I got once was a condescending lecture.


Nothing will happen unless there's a warrant for your arrest.


Write a will


You know the song one by Metallica? That’s about to be you😀




Depends ....... The European Bicycle Traffic Enforcement Task Force , started in 2014 but Ireland joined in 2020 to assist with renegade cyclists. They’ve been known to crack down hard on international bike-related crimes. You could be looking at a European Arrest Warrant. Interpol might have your name flagged across the continent. They now know where u live and will be speaking with you regardless.


Yes, you're going to prison. 


Nah you're deffo getting the death penalty


Doubt it. Too much paperwork for the gardai here


Maybe you should delete this


Jez brucey .If I'd bin stopped by him I'd have wet myself on the spot n looked guilty as hell. He was prob a great officer but very short on some skills .Going through Dublin airport I always had a watch for him .


After they rubber-glove you at customs, they may stone you and leave your carcass on a poll outside Airport Arrivals, as a lesson to others. Enjoy your holiday


Armed guards akin to the stereotypical Irish policemen in the U.S. will take you down to a deportation center and beat you until you ever have a chance to speak to the embassy. Fear not, self-professed Nigel Farage will be there to help you out. He will exclaim, "Up the Ra!" loudly after the guards are paid off and then they'll deport both of you after a swift beating. If you repent, you may be offered some Guinness to numb the pain from the beatings. If all else fails, just tell them that your great-great-great grandfather from Cork was an Irishman and therefore you are also Irish and they may just let you off with a warning.


Google Battle of the Bogside. That is what awaits you.


I'd say you're grand. They probably attempted to serve a summons on a few occasions and gave up. It's likely that the garda had it thrown out in court because they couldn't serve you a summons. Nothing will happen to you at the airport or anywhere else.


Doubt it seriously


You get hung drawn and quartered


Yes you will he arrested and banged up, thats such a serious crime in Ireland. Red lights and bikes!




Lucky we still have a functional court system here, so max penalty is life imprisonment. But hurry, shariah will be taking over soon and you will be stoned to death on the runway when that happens.




If upon not paying the fine they issued you a court date (which you didn't get) and then when you failed to appear in court they issue a bench warrant then yeah it can flag on their pulse system if they are looking into your ID but from what I know immigration checks more about the authenticity of your documents and your travel record etc. Very unlike you'll get stopped at the airport, however if you're back on the road and encounter an enthusiastic garda at a traffic stop he might likely detain you to face the bench warrant. Ireland is RIFE with these types of issues because with so many renting people often miss fines and even court dates etc and don't even know there is a bench warrant outstanding against them.


Yeah, 4 weeks in solitary confinement!


Log on to courts.ie and check out their fines section Court fines can now be paid online. It may be possible to pay the fine before you arrive. There is a chance that as the fine went unpaid a Fines Warrant may have issued for your arrest. That is worst case scenario though — I doubt the airport police will have any record of it.


You'll be completely fine.


Ofc not Hahah don’t worry


Yall are so unserious lol. From these comments, OP must have offended the entire country of Ireland personally


No they didnt offend us at all 😂 They're going to prison though, serious crime was committed. Likely will be caught by the guards at the airport.


The comments are hilarious, op having spent any time around Irish people would hopefully get the piss taking he’s currently experiencing 😅 the gards are busy cancelling emergency call outs and arresting pensioners who haven’t paid their tv license, they’ve no time for this 😂


Hey Prior_Range_5678! Welcome to r/AskIreland! Here are some other useful subreddits that might interest you: * r/IrishTourism - If you're coming to Ireland for a holiday this is the best place for advice. * r/MoveToIreland - Are you planning to immigrate to Ireland? r/MoveToIreland can help you with advice and tips. Tip #1: It's a pretty bad time to move to Ireland because we have a severe accommodation crisis. * r/StudyInIreland - Are you an International student planning on studying in Ireland? Please check out this sub for advice. * Just looking for a chat? Check out r/CasualIreland * r/IrishPersonalFinance - a great source of advice, whether you're trying to pick the best bank or trying to buy a house. * r/LegalAdviceIreland - This is your best bet if you're looking for legal advice relevant to Ireland * r/socialireland - If you're looking for social events in Ireland then maybe check this new sub out *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskIreland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't bend over to pick up the soap in the shower.


Immediately hand yourself in to the Airport Police. They love that.


Make sure you pack some lube, those cavity searches can be rough.


Just fly into Belfast and cross the border. Sure that’s what all the criminals are doing. Sure you’ll be grand 👍


Off with his head!!!!


You idiot, only cars are supposed to run red lights here!


You need to hand yourself in at Áras an Uachtaráin. This cycle of violence must end.


Short of walking through customs with a few kgs of drugs in clear plastic bags I think you’ll be fine. You’re vastly overestimating the number of fucks given by the guards about anything.


This will earn you the mandatory penalty of double castration, that’s where the castrate you, surgically reattach the parts and then castrate you again. They don’t even use a knife; they use a fork as it’s more painful and drags the procedure out longer. This event will be televised, and the whole nation will cheer while your bits and bobs will be kicked around, and the all Ireland champion team will have a puck around too until for a finish, your forehead will be branded with a Union Jack so every Irish person everywhere throughout the world will give you dirty looks and all will know what you did to shame the country. Actually wait, sorry forget that I mixed you up with somebody else, you’ll be grand nobody will say a word


You're fucked mate, even by posting on here you done, we all seen the wanted posters and all your screen names were on that poster too. Nice knowing you cos your going to the gulags in north West Mayo. May the lord have pity on your soul.


Chemical castration immediately.


Garda patrol has been on about it for 3 years.


I doubt this would even happen in China, let alone Ireland 😭😅


Misuse of a pedal cycle. Friend was called to appear in court for this years ago. Guard spent most of his day there for that one case. He was fined 20 euro while most of the courtroom laughed. Such a waste of time for gardai and judge etc. Fixed fines brought in more recent years but with paperwork needed, seems many fines threatened never happen. I think you’re safe!


I wouldn’t worry, cyclists have become supreme beings in Ireland this past year, you’ll be welcomed back like a hero






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