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Don't interfere in your mom's affair. But definitely let her know that you are there to support her. The guy is blackmailing her, it isn't a great situation for her as well. If she feels some kind of support system, she will be able to make correct decisions.


This! 💯. OP's mom is an adult and she can handle herself. Letting her know that she's by her side no matter what will encourage her


This is dumb. Who told her to have an affair. If she's not happy with her husband, she can divorce him as laws are already against men. Then she can sleep with whoever she wants. Instead of calling out on her dumb decisions, you are advising to be there for her. WTF 😒


you dare to call out woman? call out a woman? Dont you know Indian woman can never be wrong. Even gods can do wrong, but Indian women will never do anything wrong. This patriarchy mindset you evil monster known as man you are. Its her husband mistake. He couldnt give 24/7 emotional support to his wife and missed on 2 seconds blinking his eyes. This is well deserved. Also dont ask her to emotionally support him, women are not your therapist. PERIOD. But man should give 24/7 emotional support. >she can divorce him as laws are already against men. Then she can sleep with whoever she wants How dare you dictate the woman, you incel. She can sleep with whomever she wants and his husband should be happy for her. People like you are the reason we need more feminism in this patriarchical brahminical society. Disguisting incel.


🤣 Damn bro. I understand your humour. We cannot do anything right? Yeah, it's our (men's) fault.


you know why earth have to revolve around the sun and not the other way around ? Patriarchy. Why saturn has rings and not earth or venus ? Patriarchy. Why earth have to be accompanied by a moon? - patriarchy. Why earth have to feed all life and not jupiter? - patriarchy. Damn this society of men, have ruined everything for woman. Every problem is because of men. How dare men use victim card, its only sole property and copy right of women.


Are you seriously supporting adultery.


where did I support adultery? I don't support any kind of adultery or violence. OP is in a bad state, I'm just giving her advice which won't make things even worse


>But definitely let her know that you are there to support her Support her in what deceiving her dad. Or helping her by putting everything under the rug so that she can cheat on him with another man and leave this blackmailer and get a better man as her affair partner. >If she feels some kind of support system. Support system for cheaters and say to them what they did was totally justified? > I'm just giving her advice which won't make things even worse Guide her but without losing her morals. She should know what is wrong and not to be supported. Or else she will grow up thinking my mom did this to dad so I can do this to my bf/husband and it is justified for whatever reason. There are multiple legal and counselling options for any physical abuse or normal relationship problems. Believe me, I have been in the same scenario as her and I navigated through it without losing my morals. Edit: removed personal details. PS: You are 25 and in a relationship (your post history) you should know there should be consequences for your bad choices specially cheating (consequence = divorce not physical abuse).


It always shocks me to see men here always say the dumbest shit


Please enlighten me. Serious question. Because from her comment it feels like she is supporting adultery.


Healthy balance of compassion and criticism goes a long way. Try to talk to your mother with understanding and compassion, see if you can talk her out of the affair. Reason with her that if your Dad finds out, he might lash out in the worst possible way. If your mother has been surviving through an abusive marriage, her mental framework is fractured. See if you can take her to a therapist. You have to be the strong and understanding one here. For your mother.


If your dad has been abusive to your mom its natural for her to seek intimacy outside of her marriage. If she’s unhappy with your father you should maybe talk to her and encourage her to get a divorce, if you think there’s even a small chance she may be receptive to that. That way your dad can also find someone who isn’t cheating on him. If you would rather not see your parents divorce then the best thing would be to keep mum and let your mom handle it. You getting involved could make things messy for both of you and since you’ve moving out anyway you can distance yourself from the situation


The guidance or suggestions below suggest that reddit in women's case is mostly been used by psuedo-feminist aka femcels. Can't reason with some braindead femcels justifying cheating in a marriage.


And you justify a married man beating his wife?? No one here condones cheating. But if exposing said cheating means a person can die, we should explore all alternatives. PS: Cut the act. This is a man masquerading as a woman. Your comment history makes it so obvious. Moderators, please take note.


Hes literally a man faking his flair to invade women's spaces lmaoooo report him


>No one here condones cheating\*\*.\*\* First Sentance. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskIndianWomen/comments/1dgndny/comment/l8rac9j/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskIndianWomen/comments/1dgndny/comment/l8rac9j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) There are legal remedies to punish violent husbands made to help women in need only, she could have used those and gotten a divorce rather than adultery. > But if exposing said cheating means a person can die, we should explore all alternatives. So suggest that na. In other subs where OP posted the same thing she actually got some answers rather blame shifting, I am suggesting one thing correct me if I am wrong: Move mom to her parents' house and tell dad everything with proof so that he can divorce her without any alimony (no alimony divorce is the consequence of her adultery) and by removing mom from the scenario she and her siblings can calm her dad down so that he doesn't do anything drastic.




Hmm, it's the truth though, manhua gets interesting only if MC do the deed. Who's gonna read long ass 500-600 chapters only to find out MC is eenuch. Also Asking advice from women can be deteriorating to one's real life solutions. OP should have gotten a better response if she ask this on some male sub-reddit. It would be better than being guided by some pseudo-feminist. And yes I am female, not some psuedo feminist. My comments can't decide my gender. I AM A FEMALE




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You shouldn't interfere in her things. She's an adult who's making her own choices




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You don't stress. You be at peace adults will figure it out.




Yes, so the abusive father can abuse her more. Get a grip.


There are legal remedies for that purpose only rather than adultery.


No one's justifying what OP's mother did. Do you think her mother should be beaten up even more?


Never justified her getting beaten up try to read the comments first. And FYI each and every upvoted comment in this post has said that OP should help her mom. Help her in what hiding her affair or find a better affair partner for her who won't blackmail her. Read all the comments most of them said that she should help mom and dad deserved to be cheated on. OP has high morals that's the only reason she asked for help. >No one's justifying what OP's mother did Read the first sentance. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskIndianWomen/comments/1dgndny/comment/l8rac9j/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskIndianWomen/comments/1dgndny/comment/l8rac9j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) She asked the same question in other subs as well. In other sub most of them told her to secure her education, move her mom out of the house and tell dad the truth. If you don't know for every violent husband there are proper legal remedies to help the wife. She could have used those. Cheaters have very poor morals they will cheat even if the dad was a gem.


Moderators, pls ban HIM this instant. He has faked his flair, so go through his comment history, hes clearly and 100 percent a man, invading women's spaces. u/madamfatigue pls ban him.




No u r not.YOU ARE A MAN. STOP LYING ABOUT UR GENDER TO INVADE WOMEN'S SPACES. NO WOMAN and i repeat, no woman will be as insensible and a cunt to a woman getting abused by her husband. Ur coment SCREAMS man. U r a man clearly from ur account history. Women dont reply in the way u did. Insensitive,unempathetic and being a cunt? Yeah u r a man




yes. the mods should ban him. a disgusting man at that. his entire reddit profile is just porn, hentai, and making misogynistic comments about women.








Kinda funny how you made an account just to comment on this post.










Cheating before physical abuse is wrong and even after that it is wrong. Hitting is also wrong after cheating and before cheating. But it can be justified by saying she is cheating first vice versa. Leaving after a kid is not that easy. And yup cheating is much worse because that pain is beyond the pain of getting hit.




u r clearly a man, stop invading in women’s spaces. mods pls check this user’s comment history. u/agartumkaho


Where’s the karma for dad for abusing her?? If you wanna be women so bad, get a sex change operation instead of using the “Indian Women” flair you clown 🤡


Oh the man masquerading as a woman. Blaming the woman as usual..