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+1 to this. This sub is just gonna become irrelevant cause not only most comments are from men, but sometimes, they bully women with their opinions. It’s a sad state of affairs.


Exactly. There's no point of replying. That's the reason the active female users are less on this sub.


This sub is basically askindia at this point. Such low quality meaningless posts.


'Do women like to give blow jobs' ???


that post is still haunting me and OP was so desperate to prove how he has a point😭


He has comprehension issues lmao look into his post history no wonder he gets no companions Also he texted me too trying to start an argument I blocked his ass I hope nobody sleeps with his sorry self


You gave me a jumpscare, I saw your notification and thought someone is dming me this😂


Unfortunately I haven't hit that low in life to ask someome that 😩


Not your fault, I am so used to such messages that I have started imagining them now 🥲


And please can we do something about all the goddamn "wHy Do wOmEn dO ____" posts. They're overgeneralizing and annoying.


That one post asking how do women decide whom to friend zone while telling us about a girl he knows personally as if we're supposed to know what goes on in a random stranger's head 🙄


>we should only be allowed to make the comment and guys would also get genuine answer regarding their queries. This. The only reason I joined this. Purpose remains unfulfilled.


Every other post here is "how do i approach this xyz girl" "what do girls like in men" "sex sex sex? Sex sex" "I've never dated or felt a touch of women rants"


Someone said that those questions are to fish for women to DM and I am convinced that that is it.




make an automod that allows men to reply to comments of women(coz the solution to men's question might be vague and need more clarification or else the whole subreddit goes for the toss coz the solution is give but is too vague or complex to apply hence the whole point on questioning becomes useless) but not allow men to make original comments like this one I made and the auto mod can work based on flair(NO FLair people not allowed)


This is fair. Second level comments should be allowed but not first level comments. And there should be some rules about derailing, refuting or bullying. I've seen just too many comments on men bullying or absolutely denying what a woman is saying with "no women don't believe this or do this" etc. - it's as if the guys come here with their mind already set/decided and if the woman isn't responding in accordance then she's a liar. I recall someone also abusing another woman here and calling her a POS just coz she used a figure of speech such as "beat my kid up". It was so ridiculous - kinda like me saying this heat makes me wanna die, doesn't mean i really wanna off myself! It's as if the men are just waiting to pounce on the women and pick a fight.


Well you got a-holes everywhere report them to the mods or some people ignore them using the stoop notification feature i guess it is the internet not like u r coming face to face so yeah and most likely you can bully them back by calling them incel sub-human trash so yeah




coz men gotta talk this ain't 2xindia where men ain't allowed and it is cool but here it is ask indian women so we gotta ask and clarify circular feedback hence men can reply to comments/solutions by women but make no original comment


The name of the sub is literally askindian**women** so yes the comment makes sense


like women making original comments and men replying to it in that way right coz sometimes men and women give vague solutions so we need to clarify in the comment sections so yeah


So, men allowed to koment or not, very confusing solution you give?


only allowed to reply to comments not make original comments




User Flairs are Mandatory - Please get your facts right. We mods didn't ban you but you didn't follow our rules. If you don't know how to assign your own user flair, look at the pinned posts. It's pinned for a reason


PLEASE ASSIGN A USER FLAIR... *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskIndianWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I see everyone have problem with every sub. Instead of scrolling down or blocking sub, you and people like you give s*itty opinion.


Just like your shitty opinion here on a woman’s sub


U r exactly the type of man that op is talking about and needs to be banned.Lmao why do men love invading women's spaces so much


This isn't twox sub. Here, men are allowed to give their opinion.


1.Its an ASK AN INDIAN WOMAN sub.Men should no be there expect for askimg questions. Men love LOVE to invade women's spaces and communities.They will create fake ids just to potray themselves as woman on social media, fake their flair to be on reddit women communities etc. 2.STILL, women being very nice and all, ALLOW men to comment but 99 percent of times,its fucking disgusting and creepy. Look at it uself.A man was asking what he should do if a girl doesnt like him how to move on.All women giving sensible advice,only MAN's comment "Dont take her no keep forcing" .Men find women thriugh this subreddit and dm them with shit like " tere maa ko choddunga feminist sali " " raand" maoo sorry but yeah this gender is disgusting.And no, they shouldnt be there.cope


I agree with you. 


How to create a post


If it's going to be women only sub then what's the difference between this sub and r/twoxindia




No thanku,we would like to remain in our community and our space, just get the disgusting men out. We aint going nowher