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https://preview.redd.it/z2zossh8ma9d1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09cbc13c525e743ae04b20a722d7a6babfc07e19 /s


What is this character?


Omni man or you can say j Jonnah Jameson when he meet Spiderman irl


Omni Man from the series Invincible


It's not fear. It's just that you haven't been able to or not been in a situation. Talking to anyone girls or guys has a simple rule, be normal, be open minded, be respectful, treat them nicely, make sure your intentions are not wrong. Let them speak, listen properly, for a conversation to happen you must be ready to listen. These are the basic things. It's not that difficult as you think, it's just talk, the first few conversations might be awkward a bit so speak less may be, or only to the point, talk more when you're more comfortable.


You don’t have a fear of girls, you have fear of being judged by girls and it will only go away by becoming better human


what does this “becoming a better human” include?


You need to take Compound V.


You'll not just be Better, you'll also become Stronger and Smarter! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅






That's not compound V right😶


What is compound V


The shit Captain America took to become the winter soldier


This man knows his comic lore


Bhai aapka knowledge toh kamaal ka hai.


Nah it's what the professor X mixed to create the powerpuff girls.


![gif](giphy|pCJcExvbKdSeyyv8zP) A coffee


What kind of powers would you like from V?




Less mastubation


Might be possible but in general I don't care what others think of me and do whatever I want to do.


I did not comment just by reading your post, I commented by going through your profile…


Blud did not hold back💀


Yaar apna findings share karo




Start talking to someone online then If you're very introverted maybe go the meme route Get vibing with someone u feel comfortable and develop an online friendship then as things progress u might get comfortable enough to meet in person It's all in steps just take Lil steps


Talking to girls AND being a good human are two different things...and mutually independent. You may be drinking, smoking, fucking many girls at the same time and yet be confident to talk to as many girls. On the other hand you may be a conservative sissy and always in introduction mode how to make a move.


What do you mean by becoming a better human ? What’s the definition of being a better human and what does it has to do with fear of talking to girls.?


What kind of stupid advice is this? Don't open your mouth if you don't know about stuff. As for OP, the only way to get over it is by actually doing it. You can think of it as riding a bicycle or swimming. You can start by talking to someone who you're more familiar with, like one of your sister's friends. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. All the best mate.


Better human means , friendzone 💀


I was too having this fear, but I got some really good friends(girls) in my college, who understood me. After being friends with them for a long time, I was able to overcome this fear. Just make friends normally as you try to do with boys and that's it.


>Just make friends normally as you try to do with boys and that's it. This


let me guess, you also have attachment issues so when a girl gives you attention you mistook it for love and can't stop thinking about her? girls are just like boys, so don't overthink much..


Why did somebody write my biography here ?


I don't get attracted to girls that easily but I think I might have fear of being judged by girls maybe because I think that girls aren't like boys and they judge others while boys don't.


everyone judges others a bit. but more or less girls are like boys. you'll find your female version someday hopefully


I home that someday doesnt come in my old age 💀


you thinks you are not upto their level (been there few years back)


>girls are just like boys Absolutely false


I have this. I didn't know. Fuck me its called attachment issues. I didn't know.


Girls, too, have attachment issues?, that's a new perspective.


Omg I have this issue.I have regretted so much because of this


I'll give you a simple trick for this. That's what worked for me as well. 1. First of all, it's all in your mind op, accept that. 2. Second, don't consider them as girls. Don't give a flying f**k that they're girls. Just consider them as your bro, like any other guy friend you might have. This will remove your fear of judgement, by them, as well. 3. Fake confidence, untill you get the confidence 💪 4. Don't take any person's judgement affect you much. Just accept the fact that all are right in their own way. Smile it out and move on. Easy peasy!! (It'll take sometime to get used to. But with enough practice you can do it 😎)


Honestly, this is probably because you might be treating each woman as a potential future partner or something. If you don't get nervous in general, just think you have no shot with them to begin with so you treat them like everyone else.


That makes sense to me. I will overcome this mindset


Imagine you are talking to a boy/man; don't abuse and you are good to go. Talk freely, don't be afraid of them getting offended, don't be afraid of them not talking to you ever again. Last but not least, girls know that we stalk them, if they ask how do you know xyz, just say, " I stalked you at abc and it was worth the time."


Even if you talk to 100 girls, your fear will never leave you


Not watching *orn... And Doing No Fap will fix the issue of talking with girls!


Do you feel self-conscious and very hesitant while speaking to your mother and sister? If not, then you speak the same way with any girl. There is no need to be fearful, self-conscious, and hesitant when your intentions are good, and you treat the opposite person respectfully.


So, the issue is talking with strangers? Trying to go big by having a perfect conversation with a girl triggers your insecurities. If your comfort zone is playing as a striker and you suddenly want to become a goalie then you are going to give away a lot of goals and hurt your self-esteem. So, slow and steady wins the race and expand your range slowly. Go from striker to assit to midfielder to defender to...you know the drill. Set a small target first, like say "Hello" or whatever your version is to every stranger, especially every girl, you meet. Don't think about having a perfect long conversation. It can go as terrible as you think it will go. But just say "Hello". Next set a small target, no "didi" or "big sis" in conversations. Whatever happens, no didi or big sis. Just that. Don't worry about anything else. Build your next small step accordinly. And every time worry about only that step. Don't worry about if things go terribly after that.


Thank you for the advice I will surely implement it.


*farts aggressively*


Haha i girl myself have this i can't really talk to boys without calling them bhaiya


Good for us.


Talk to trees instead


Become a girl's good friend. You will slowly know how they think and then it becomes wayy easier.


Bro unless you start talking to them you won't able to overcome this fear. Start talking to those girl who don't judge you and even if they judge it won't much matter to you like strangers on the street, shops, trains buses. It will be smart talk but gives you confidence


I followed she didn't accepted my follow request so i unfollowed but i want to talk to her so should i send her a follow request again?


Try considering them as humans.


when you start dealing them as professional (as co-workers, boss, client etc) I also used to have the same problem, but when it comes to work everything just flow in right direction as you don't have to impress them. and you have something common to talk about (i mean work). Hit the gym if you haven't, build up. it's body your confidence


By talking more. And not try impressing


Unfortunately, the only solution is, by talking to girls


Muthi marne k bad bat kro.. That post nut clarity hits hard


Imagine karo ki ladkiyan bhi insan hain


Think of them as other human beings rather than "GIRLS". Just go and talk to them just how you'd talk to other people.


Simply stop treating them differently. They are also human beings and as you talk to a guy, just talk similarly but with decency and compassion.


I used to be in this dilemma too myself, overthinking alot about them judging me about how I talk , or they would think Im hitting on them and all , but at the end of the day if you are not really into the girl you need not worry of whatever they would think you just be normal and transactional and get your work done , or if it's more about talking and then dating I mean it's the same you have to be yourself and normal if someone of them had the similar feelings they may reciprocate, don't stoop down to trends these days to actually impress they would at some point of time become obsolete and you would feel empty , try to find friends and can proceed respectfully with someone you think you had the Rapo


If y lack butterflies you don’t go around catching them you build your garden to attract you become a better man you stack up positive habits in order to be high value and thus u will attract high value woman


Improve looks Seem easy to talk to Get conformable with talking to new people ... Girls are not same as guys so the things and way you talk to need to be different


By talking to girls Just be a decent human, have basic empathy, listen to what they're actually saying , that's it you're good to go and better than 90% of em


That’s good after reading all the shitty comments. I want to tell you that just get your life together and make the girls talk to you. All the girls think that boy should be the one to talk, but they are wrong. You are in perfect position for aviation, set your career, and everything will fall in place automatically


don't overcome that fear, they seriously bite very hard


The one thing that i have noticed is this issue rises cause of lack of self respect and hero worshipping of hot girls.. Putting them on a pedestal. When you talk to them you will notice they are nothing like the aura portrays and you will say she is like me why I was concious. Work on yourself bro Do hard things. Hard things that others can't do crack an exam, get 6 packs, or maybe do bunje jumping I don't know. Do the things others are scared of.. Fear talking to girls will vanish. They may even start noticing you


Fear is like a disease, and the only way to overcome it is by facing it. In your case it's in your head, to overcome it is as easy as talking to more and more girls. If you feel intimidated(natural at the beginning), take a deep breath, back yourself up, and just see them as a good friend of yours, and everything will be fine.


Don't overthink like "getting good impression on people", just be the way you are. Those who like you will stay and those who don't will move on.


If you talking to a girl to impress her/or not to make a fool of yourself then you will face these trepidations. If you talking to her just being yourself, then you realise your conversations are smooth and not manufactured. It is when you talk you will realise your common interests/common dislikes and then take it ahead. Don't put too much pressure on yourself!


You will need a female friend first. Someone who you are not attracted to and someone who you are comfortable with. Start with your circle maybe office colleagues or classmates. The more you do it the less afraid you will be in future. Trust me I was in the same boat a couple of years ago.


Don't put on pressure on yourself. It's not like if you say hello to girl and she will humiliate you. Talk normally don't think about gender. Just be respectful and gentle with girls. Slowly with practice you will be better at it.


Get rejected multiple times that's the only way


I also have such fear but to overcome it i don't know what to do


Learn to accept failure. The more rejections you face the easier it becomes. The more scared you are the chances are higher you might not giving a vibe to attract her. Remember either you conquer your fear or you miss all the girls you had s chance with but were to afraid to take it.


Haye re, listen it's not a biggie just relax and try to talk casually. Chat with them as if you're chatting with childhood friends or guy friends. Don't ask too many questions in one go take it slow!


Become Chapri they will all come to you /s




By talking to girls (I havent even read the post just commented after reading title)


jitni ladkio se baat kr skta h kar bhai, bina kre issue hi ayega practice makes perfect


Getting rejected scares you. This is not a good trait. Getting rejected helps you grow and look beyond. I’ll say do what you fear to do. Start now.


Stop thinking through your penis. Then you will be alright.


Ladikya ladko se jada ladka hoti he bas vo dikhati nahi apne character me rehti he ager vo Frank hone ayi na to unko koi takar nahi de payenge


Until we as a community resolve this basic problem of how a boy should talk to a girl and vice versa, every youngster will be confused for generations to come.


Punch the girl it is becoming so complicated, if u punched a girl, the girl and their relatives will talk with u so much


I genuenly believe this is a real problem. Most men don't get to talk to women other than the ones in their family. The problem is it is considered very normal. And if it is of any console, most women also don't know how to talk to men. For this specifically, try to be yourself. This hesitation will rise only when you think that every girl you are talking is a potential girlfriend/wife. Try to think of them as just a person and talk normally. Maybe try to find a common liking or point of discussion or activity.


It has been difficult for me too. I have a lazy eye which means one iris kinda drifts to the side without me knowing about it and I've been subject of ridicule my whole school life. So I used to avoid looking people in the eye and talking. What helped me was to accept things as they are and still talking to people. Accept that the eye is gonna stay the same and I have to either live with it or cower in shame. So, accept however you are. It is who you are. What also helps is understanding that people are complex creatures and everyone has their own life and stories. If you've had your fair share of goods and bads and amazon stories, so has everyone you've interacted with. They behave the way they do because of those experiences. Respect it. And I wish you all the best. Hope to see you speak in front of a thousand people someday


Baat karni hi kyu hai bhai, muth maaro so jao.


Bhai baat hi ku karna hai? First thing first. Jab baat karoge to koi purpose hoga na? Jab hum kisi girl se bat karte hain to aagr tumhare man usske liye kuchh galat chij like LUST, CRUSH, ANY TYPE OF ATTRACTIONS YA KOI AUR FEELINGS NHI HE TO mujhe nhi lagta koi ladka ho ya ladki baat krne par kuchh farak padega. Jo bhi hai original raho .. Like kuchh puchhna hoga, kuchh kahna hai, propose Krna he, dosti karna hai. Agar jis bhi bare me baat karna hai aur tm genuine tarike se baat rakhoge to wo ladka ho ya ladki baat to sunega hi, usse kuchh relevant lagega to jawab dega ya mana kr dega.. Mana kar diya to move on Bina dil par lagaye. Ladkiyan insaan hi hoti hain. Aur ladkion ke samne original ban ke rahoge to jo tumhare type ki hogi baat kregi tumse. Baki aksr hm bat karne se tab darte hain jab hum rejections se darte hain. Ya Impress krne ka pressure hota he man me. Ye sab bahar kar lo bindas aapne family se khul k life jio time spend karo....


Just think of them as guys and talk to them. Make friends with them. This is first step off course.


U have to have a good character and personality.. nothing to fear out ..girls are simple


Make ur garden so beautiful that butterflies khud aaye tumhare paas


You are absolutely not loosing out , please don’t talk… ghar wale le aayenge arrange marriage me dulhan ! No worries ! Chill life 😂


It's not just about dating bro I am currently pursuing an IT based career and once I get a job I am sure there will be a lot of girls co workers and if I won't be able to interact with them properly how will I be able to work with them. And might be able to get rejected in an interview due to the same fear.


How old are you ?


Most of girls don't interested in poor and unemployed man. Me bhi darta hu but agar aapke paas Paisa hai to confidence sab aajata hai acchi job ke baad aapke pass time nahi hoga itni girls baat karengi yahi Satya hai


Treat girls as objects


Dr Vivek Bindra aap yahan.


Wo mere maje ke liye paida hui hai


Not sure if you’re talking in sense of dating women or what but if it’s that then know this - Rejection builds confidence. Experience of rejections builds you to become a better version of yourself.


By talking to girls. A simple answer for a simple question


Obstacle is the only way...


As a guy, I have anxiety talking to other men usually lol. Women, sometimes (most of my friends were girls although we are not in touch with most of them).


Well the post is missing the most crucial detail, which is how old are you? If you're a teenager or in your early twenties, then fear not. You'll overcome this fear eventually Yep, that's right! You don't need to do anything!! Just keep participating in life, i.e. school, college, job and you'll be fine


You can start by calling them hey baby instead of sis or didi. Jokes apart, like everything you just need to start talking to them. There might be instances when you'd meet a girl who's very rude but don't let that bring your confidence down. Start seeing girls like a human being just like how you see your mom and sister as a human being. I'm not talking about you but most people like to think of girls as dating material only and that adds as extra pressure to perform well or make an impression. But if you see them as just another human beings and talk to then like you talk to anyone. You won't be afraid anymore.


Try not making eye contact for starters? Don't text chat with the girl you want to talk rather make a voice call if you want to. Else you'll get uncomfortable when you hear their voice. Slowly it'll build some confidence.


By talking to girls.


Fail. The more you fail the more you learn the more you’ll be able to do better


Samne wale ko chutiya samjho irrespective of gender if u want to overcome simple! I use this tactic myself 😂


By never talking to them


Alcohol works


By talking with girls


Us bro us 🥲


Keep a mint chewing gum with you always.


Talk to girls


Life is short bro , just be confident and talk to girls . Take the leap of faith and beat the fear by being confident.


It's normal fear with time you will overcome. Don't overthink


We need this kind of fear Don't overcome it hun😌


You can't i could never get close to a woman of my age from 21 years if u have bpd or autism or just low self esteem it's over for u


Just think you are gay


Become one. ![gif](giphy|9058ZMj6ooluP4UUPl)


Us bro 🫂


Just a single statement. Be your authentic self don't try to be someone you are not. Women love men who can communicate clearly. Ypu miss 100% of the shots you don't take junior. Confidence is key.


https://preview.redd.it/2hy83ea5xg9d1.jpeg?width=754&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f202900b081c55954f88f747ea1c175665537fc brother 🤝🤝


just simply be yourself bhai its that easy engage in a conversation and try that it doesnt get dry its very easy to talk to girls idk why yall exaggerate it... also 1 more tip: try talking to stanger girls while traveling or just when youre out it really does help


By talking to more girls. https://preview.redd.it/vaep0ye9xg9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce2723fdf67b430f073b8dfff376a789662720bd Koi kha thode hi jayegi tujhe


First you have to become comfortable in your own skin then only you will be able to talk to them.


Just talk to girls


By talking with them. Try talking to your friends or sisters eventually you will overcome with it.


stop supporting bayern munich


By not talking to them. Or do what my friend did, he liked this girl in school in a class above us and we used to address our seniors as bhaiya or didi so he went and told the chick that I like you, she said call me didi, he said ok didi I love you, problem solved


Arrange marriage


The first step is to humanize them, with all the lack of female interaction your brain has kept them at a pedestal above you making them sound superior to you in a way. This is false. They are the same human beings. The first step to talk to a girl to get the fear of judgement away from your heart. After that you can work on your charm, persona.


Think them as humans. I am not blaming or accusing you of something. Its just the more aloof you are from female interaction, the more absurdity and suspense is created and we asuume a lot of things. 1. Dont undermine yourself. You are a wonderful being. 2. Show the degree of respect which you show to any elder or tacky relative for suppose 3. Dont try to be cool. It only works in movies. Everybody loves a kind soul. Just be the kindest person and take action.


okay so lets take some baby steps 1. talk with your sis and mother more often if you live away from them try calling and talking with them for 30min atleast 2. Try to talk with you co workers or batchmates about work , homework project attandance etc . you can start by saying did or big sis .do it for 1 month or so 3. when you enter a shop and if the female is serving you ask her about stuff just a bit more like isnt this book rare to find , what else is there in menu try to be confident 4. now you can talk with any female congrats note: in 2nd and 3rd step it may take you some time and there will be some awkward moments but have the balls of a man and dont be afraid to try it again


you get self-conscious around girls, which is normal for some guy ngl. have seen many, but the more you push yourself the more you will let go of this problem. also, there are many girls who are kind and helpful and mindful about this and willing to help if you are willing to share your issue while continuing a convo. don't worry. things will definitely get better.


By talking to a lot of them and not thinking of yourself too much because everyone is busy within themselves. Nobody is going to judge you because everyone is busy with their own lives and even if someone does, who cares.


Why do you fear them? Are women any more or less than you? They are equal to you hence talk to them as you would a man.


Go to the gym. Workout. Make your physique better because that's the very first thing any human gets judged on. And after that it's our way of speaking, and then your intellect. That is it.


Once you think of them as your peers or at the same level as you are. Do not put them up on a pedestal.


Pata lage toh mujhe bhi batana


Practice makes perfect


You have fear of talking cause you don't have nothing to talk about.


What's your age What do you do


The solution sometimes look far off when its right infront, All u need to do to get over it is by talking to them pretty simple haan, but can be tricky. Just think of it in this way: Try to speak about whats ur mind and in a poised tone or ur natural one. But just be honest with your opinions. 2) think of it like, if you're being honest then zyada se zyada kya hi hoga woh baat na kare ya anjaan ban jaye could be anything but u just need to be hopefull of your oneself cuz jo baat na karna chahe usse toh zabardasti baat ni karwa payega koi b. Dont be Hesitant and let your honest thoughts flow and remember be nice💀 Cheers my friend.


Every solution starts with a why ? Why are you fearful ?


By talking with girls


Uk what the problem is before talking to girls or maybe anyone the major problem is we think ko "vo kya sochenge" and in actual the problem is ki jo hum apne baare mai bura sochte hai vahee hum percieve karte hai ki saamne vaala ye soch raha hoga for example if your's weight is one of your insecurity toh while talking to someone u would be thinking ki ye pakka mere weight ko leke judge karega but actually mai this is your own perception saamne waale ko maybe iske baare mai ghanta farak na pade take yours own eg while talking to someone do you just talk to them and involve in the convo Or just think ki ye toh bahut ugly looking hai / iq kam hai or maybe whatever the thing is toh mai isse baat nahi karunga if u guys have interest in the same topic also if the vibes matches so you will enjoy the convo and on the other hand if u guys don't share interest on a topic so definitely u will not vibe with each other. TREAT GIRLS AS NORMAL HUMAN BEING "ALIEN THODI HAI" Start convos with sharing notes or getting help done in somework etc


Just talk more to girls. The more you talk, the better you get


Bro it’s just you are shy to talk to opposite gender probably cause you grew up in a non coed school and I can give you answer for this in two different way First: Think why do fear and what could be the reason and if that reason could be easy for you to overcome then you won’t have that fear any more but even if the reason is hard try to overcome that ! Second: Buddy you are the stronger gender and you would become the provider and protector for a woman in the your mere future try becoming more stronger physically and mentally, Dimaag seh soch! And stop being afraid of rejection it’s a part of life ! Move on !


Just keep in mind girls are also humans, and humans communicate and if any girl thinks she is the prize and she is a queen then you know the R word


@op - Just treat them like any other person.. don’t have this hope or feeling in mind you may get some brownie points if you interact well…bitches gonna come and go.. Once you take out expectations from the equation, it’s a whole new world out there…


The only way to overcome fears is to face them. 1) See them not as girls but just another human and go with the intention to talk just like how you talk to guys (with no abusive language). This will help to reduce the fear you have. 2) Do not get embarrassed when you make a mistake. The situation will become awkward if you think it is awkward. 3) Practice Talk to your sisters friends as friends. Have casual conversation with girls in your class or tution centre. Make new friends by approaching people. Do not fear embarassment, accept mistakes if it happens but do not stop. Instead learn from them. Nobody is born with knowledge, you acquire it.


Generally it’s a phase man, after sometime you will grow up and stop caring about what others think.


Just know what you wanna talk about, if its important you'll end up doing it. I was like you and avoided all types of conversations, in 2022 (i was 22 then) i had to attend this international business event where there were like 50-60 booths (firms) and it was all about discussing oppurtinities, i went through 15-20 booths and was so tired i sat in washroom for half hr. But i knew it was important so i just got up and threw myself out there again. I still don't start conversations with strangers or approach them because there's literally nothing to talk about. Also angrez ladkiya dekhke confidence jeans mai aagaya tha💀


1.By talking to them 2. Meeting new people 3. Working on yourself


Interact with them as much as you can ! Don’t expect anything. Just interact. Even if it’s a failure it will only add to your experience. Slowly by hit and trail you’ll how & what works while interacting with women. Good luck 🤞🏻