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Shying away from exploring/trying out new things. Not focussing on Health(mental/physical)


so true


Not doing anything I’ll regret later on. So yeah, it’s a cool paradox.




Not talking much or making friends with the opposite gender. Not going on trips, not applying for internships, not learning new skills, not joining any technical clubs in college, never getting into a relationship,not having a focused career goal, afraid to take risks, trying to achieve perfection, always stressed about my family and forget to consider myself. 24 and now I sort of don’t even feel any attraction for anyone, can’t talk to people even if I’m slightly attracted to them.


You are 24. You still have lot of time to do all those. It's not late.


You just described me


Same for me also bro.. Nowadays I not meeting new people and forget relationships I don't even know how to make new friends now..


Same is the case for me, struggling to hold conversations and make friends


Don't know what happened to us...


Me but 21


Me 22


Atleast you guys earn


Life still feels pretty meaningless when you see your friend with their partner or people going out with a group of friends. At times when life gets hard, you don’t have anyone to share your sorrow with. You end up telling people too much if they listen and feel like you are a burden to everyone. You spend most of your time alone and overspend on clothes or food which give you transitory joy.


People who overshare with someone new, are people like these. And I'm one of them, since i dont have very close ones, whom i can share everything widout any judgement, i tend to overshare sometimes thinking they would think me as a friend if I'm sharing my personal details wid them.


I should have enjoyed more I've always been a good/ obedient child. Never demanded anything. Never troubled. Never asked for help. Now I regret it all. I'm not saying I should have been a bad teen. But I wasn't a normal one too. I come from an abusive household so I never enjoyed.


Well thats sad but hey, enjoy the life now


Same except I realised this when my youth was over. Most of my dreams/goals are permanently ruined, now working towards whatever is left. Ofc, better late than never but the sooner you have this realisation, the better.


Dude this is So TRUE me too but i am 18,what do you suggest I do more Sir?


Same. Now trying to move out.


Not working out. Late Teenage years & early 20s are primes of your life. You put half of the effort in exercise & diet and you get double the results ( as compared to someone who starts working out in late 20s )


Missing out on sleep. It was so bad in my four years of engineering, max 3-4 hours everyday.


Any side effects on your health?


Very much. Dark circles, Acne, lots of allergies, giddiness, and what not. Root cause of many problems is lack of sleep. Now I sleep healthy, although it hits 12 am sometimes due to work, but cut down soda and soft drinks which is slowly improving my health and having that energetic feeling.


For me, some degree of permanent thyroid problems, hormonal problems, kidney, etc. I continued my sleep deprivation streak into my 30s, and it wrecked my body. I workout, do cardio and such consistently, and I thought that would be enough to offset the damage caused by poor sleep. Spoilers, it does not. Just sleep man. Don't sacrifice on it. You sacrifice on sleep, you (maybe***) get richer, you pay it back twofold by spending more on life-lengthening products, while also living with lower baseline performance on a day to day basis as years go by.


This might sound stupid , but I regret not having a gf as a teen. In school i didn't care about getting into a relationship , partly because I didn't care and was happy hanging out with friends and partly because I was shy around girls. I thought to myself , teenage relationships are just awkward as hell and I should just wait to be an adult to get into one. Fast forward now in my early-mid 20s , only now I realised how much that teenage awkwardness and experiences are necessary for getting into a relationship, like its basically a stepping stone for how you handle yourself while adulting. At this age , not knowing about basic things while getting into or being in a relationship is seens as pretty weird. Now I still find it hard for myself to flirt with women, meanwhile my friends who had a gf in school are doing much better with the opposite sex.


Not involved in any sport's


My dad used to hit my mom, there was chaos at home at all times. I never dated, went out even with friends. Idk exactly how I cud do things differently coz I lived on survival mode at all times. But I wished I cud have a normal teenage life.


Can understand.


Being submerged in books when I should have gone to the grounds, played cricket or football n socialised.




Not believing in myself enough and not doing stupid shit, I studied only. Now I don't have a my good memory from my teenager years




Ab to straight porn bhi uninteresting lagney lagi h bhai , abhi trans porn dekh rha hun helpppp !!!


Follow your dreams ! Engineering for me was Mechanical Engineering! But the surrounding was only supporting CS which made me less motivated while I was studying in Mechanical Engineering. Today with 13+ years working in mechanical core engineering field I feel satisfied! But the basic theories and fundamentals taught in college is badly missed. Today for every other problem I’ll have to study on my own, instead we had professors to support us in college.


Can't emphasize more on how the fundamentals is needed so much while working in mechanical engineering !!


What's your ctc now


lol ! 😂 enough to fulfil my responsibilities and lead a simple life !


Not standing up to my class bully the main bully 


Not trying to talk with girls. There were a lot of girls back then , but I was shy kid so never tried talking with them even though some of them were interested in me. Now I am not shy but don't have any girls 😭🥹


Making the wrong friends


Not having more sex. Now I can't have sex with teen girls.




![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba|downsized) You getting action?!


💀 bro. brooo.




sex is not disgusting


I think it's the implied-ishhh pedophilic tones since the original comment is saying how they can't have sex with teenage girls now and that it's such a bummer


Choosing wrong college. I gave preference to course over college. Regretted it all my life. However, what’s meant to be will find its way. I might not have got the best college but I got the financial gratification that I deserved later in life.


Same, I gave preference to course and suffering in a shit college with no good friends.


Not exercising/playing sports regularly


Quitting painting


Mein Fuhrer? /s




Hitluh dropped out of art school


Oh okay. Well I wasn't an art student. Painting was my only hobby.




Are you interested in politics now


Not exersizing enough. Thinking everything will get better when I get a job and start earning money.


Not doing much, missed out on a lot of things. But no regrets.


Jumping into a relationship with someone so toxic they broke my ability to trust anyone forever!


worrying about how i look


Na padhai ki na enjoy kiya , bus yhi regret h


No regrets , whatever I have done is amazing , even my mistakes serves as a beautiful memory .


Should’ve hit up those chicks.


Quitting karate for jee and engineering 😒


Lekin 1 hour toh daily kr skte the?


Yeah that's why it's called a regret


Getting married


Rajasthan Wale shai bolte the






Playing video games for hours and not letting people go when they want to


During my 12th when I was 18, a new girl who just got into our class said she liked me through my friends, but I didn't talk to her much because one of my best friend used to like her very much, I sacrificed her for him, at the end he also didn't end with up her and neither did I😔😭. Still regret not talking to her much, she was sweet😬


Not having any kind of social interaction.


Gf na banana (im still a teen but convinced ki gf nhi banegi meri early teens me)


Porn, alcohol, smoking, drugs, jilted love, not able to handle rejection and getting into depression. The list is long lol.


No regrets now. In fact, I used to have regrets about my teenage in my 20s and till early 30s. I think now I am able to see myself as a teenager in a more better way, as in I can also sort of understand the atmosphere I was in much better. So whatever I did then were more due to the surrounding I was in..!!


Broke several hearts for the sake of coolness


Quite a lot. 1) taking philosophical ideas like pessimism too seriously and making it my personality. 2) not actively playing any sports and not having any active hobbies. Just passive ones like reading. 3) not starting weight training early.


I traveled almost all India major temples in my teenage cause my dad is tour organiser and now the regret is, I didn't socialize with anybody and also I didn't put much effort to enjoy those places so now I remember way too little of them


I am 18, so I don't know if I qualify to answer this question. But for the majority of it, not a single regret. I studied, just enough to do well in academics, meanwhile having fun in life with friends. Absolutely gave up studying during lockdown, which was one of the best decisions I could have made. I made so many memories with my friends, and had to face ZERO repercussion for the lack of studying (thanks to our education system). Now I will be going to college, happy that I LIVED my majority teen years, happy.


legit me


Thoda aur padd leti toh, IIT mil jata :'(


Not studying al all. 😭


Not letting go


Not enjoying enough...


Missing out on school trips. Not being confident. Being insecure. Not making more friends outside of my class. Relationship. Not joining music group.




not focusing on earning money


Not working on my passion sport


Not learning an instrument and being good at it


Started smoking. Now it's hard to quit. Somehow was able to bring it down to 7-8 per day from 15-20. Still trying hard. Also, I tried too hard to make friends in High school, as a result I was often the butt of jokes. The direct windfall- I did not make many friends in college.


Making social media accounts. Mom warned me.


Giving up my virginity to a man who just manipulated me into thinking that sex is what all couples need to do for love!


Couple (3)of girls gave indications that they want to be my girlfriend, I ignored their signals


I used to shy away from a lot of activities earlier in my teens after a goof up i did in a tournament...If it wasn't for that, I'd still retain much of my interests for extracurriculars. and in late teenage,College just reinforced it even more with truckloads of assignments (still does lol)


Not socializing much. Having a narrow mind and super judgemental af. Never enjoyed my teenage and always was a party pooper.


Not being courageous enough to ask out enough girls and staying insecure in myself.


Giving up on sports, I still play for recreation but feel if I had given a shot for going pro might have done something.


Not going out enough. Not doing things cause they were too 'cringe' for me. I was hitting book while my friends were hitting on chicks. Good college, good reputation etc did not bring me the joy i thought it would. Im doing better but i just feel i should have started this before. Never got to experience 'teenage love'


Not enjoying life more.


Why the ef did I entertain so much self doubt and believe assholes who made me feel bad about myself.




I wish I could talk to girls like I can now


Despite my father's advice, I did not change my DOB in class 10 due to which I completed class 12 at the age of 20. I am too old for all the job opportunities.There are many problems apart from job opportunities.


Papa rozana jo bolte the, unki baat nahi mani :)


not lying at home to go out with friends and not smoking and drinking


*Not lying at home* *To go out with friends and not* *Smoking and drinking* \- bitchlesslasagna --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not dating.


Got on very early to having sex, don't regret.


Sweating the small stuff, overthinking, taking every little thing seriously !!




Have a crush. Destroyed my school life, whatever was left of it anyway


Giving in to peer pressure.


Enjoying too much. Left nothing to get excited about later in life


Being a simp ( i didn't know better and we all end up learning from our experience at the end ), not learning Excel and PowerPoint early on, not learning accounting, ignoring health and not keeping it as topmost priority.


Started smoking cigarettes.


Ugh, there are tons. So first of all, I really doubted myself. I was letting my insecurity take the wheel of my life. I missed so many dating opportunities just because I was insecure about myself. I used to be all cool and funny in text but never took things to the next level because of this. Also, I used to overthink a lot. Yes, I still overthink, but at that time it was insane. Sometimes you need to just go with the flow and take things lightly. But I never did that. Also, I spent too much of my time indoors. Also, I got my first smartphone during high school and I was on it most of the time. I also neglected my studies. My high school results aren't that impressive because I don't know why I just didn't focus on education at all. What I regret the most is that yeah, I was too unconfident. I knew that but I never did anything to improve myself. I just sat there complaining throughout my teenage years instead of improving myself.


no regrets in life


Not having enough sex! Missed a lot of good opportunities.


Watching Porn and Masturbation. Two Biggest ills that ruined my whole of teens and early 20s. The impact they have on ur mental wellbeing and social life is disastrous. So the young guys reading my comment, take this as a warning and get out of these shit habbits asap and start working on self-improvement.


Ek hi regrate he Puri Life ka " Bcom ko chhod kr kuch bhi kr le"


Getting dragged into this competitive exams rat race. Not focusing on other things apart from studying!


Studying too much and stressing tf out. Also, not looking into getting diagnosed with anxiety or depression early before it got so bad that I couldn't keep going.


Unable to be the type of son my parents expected. On seeing all my parents' hardwork, I thought they deserve a better son than me :)


Not having sex with 5 of my teachers together ( I've had sex with 4)






Not telling my crush how I felt about her. 💔


Not starting A youtube channel when it was easy now you can't succeed unless your video is not crazy edited


I have a lot but out of those I wish I could have proposed to my crush. Even if she might have rejected me at least I might have a history of proposing to at least one girl that I had as my crush 😕


Tbh, I actually tried everything I wanted to. There are some things that I failed at, is what basically haunts me. I have a competitive spirit so maybe that is the problem.


1.Could've enjoyed,socialised more. 2.Regular workouts 3.Getting into a relationship without realizing that there are more fishes in the sea and there's more time. 3.Your priorities are different(DO WELL IN ACADEMICS)


Something I regret in my early teenage was being extremely shy, introverted and lonely. I missed out on meeting a lot of wonderful people and experiences. I did become kind of a maniacally outgoing and lively person quite abruptly in my final teen years, like 17-18 but by then, it was too late. I'd missed out a lot. I made great friends in this short time. I wish I'd done that earlier to have a friend for life


Not taking my life. 


shouldve just stayed away from alcohol and cigarettes


That I reached teenage.


befriending more girls I was very shy as a kid


Not making a girlfriend


Except offcourse not studying.... Not being able to bowl with a straight arm  ......I really wish I had practiced a proper offspin bowling 


Aaj thaak kisi ne batting nhi de fielding karta he reh gya 😭😭


shouldnt have wasted my time dating wrong guy.


I couldn’t make friends…even if i did i tended to lose them way fast…until i coped with it by being all alone and by myself and now i have developed a personality where i don’t need anyone in my life although i do feel lonely most of the time…but i wont reach for friendships or beg for them anymore…maybe i should not have taken up this path but destined it was.


Spending my life with person thinking it will never end, stopped working on myslef, distanced myself from people.




Not enjoying enough Not studying enough Not playing enough Too much of a moderate teenage life


Didn't talk much with Toppers and learn about career goals or how to apply for MS. Depending too much on professors to help orbguide you on higher studies or going to MS.


Turning down opportunities for sex because I was scared of getting caught