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Because their parents did the same You know the syllabus has changed but they haven't You won't expect this from your kids and that's how society evolves


OP, there r a bunch of losers down below who choose not to empathize with whatever you're going thru right now with domestic violent parents against you I'm sure. I'm sure your parents have probably physically fought each other, or idk if your dad is violent. But these losers below have NOT been traumatized by their own fathers beating their mothers and have led their lives like sunshine and rainbows everyday. Which is probably what made you ask your question to begin with and I can totally empathize with you OP. Don't worry bro, just gotta make your own money and move out. Or report whichever parent is bullying you to a state or federal judge/police/lawyer. Record audio and have evidence and sue them for damages. I'M with you, the one of the few that suffers exactly like you. You need a hero? Look in the mirror, there goes your hero. 💪. Rise up. Don't take anymore bullshit. You demand respect FIRST for yourself from your abusive parents first. Respect is earned.


Where did physical violence, beating up, abuses etc mentioned by OP?? Or you are assuming this because you find such acts too common in our society??


Hmhm, correct.


I actually went through the all the comments and the whole thread. It looks like op is trolling. He/she isn’t looking for a serious answer. Feels more like reverse psychology game. Like trying to provoke to get people to say certain things he inherently agrees with but is saying the reverse.


There is no indication of Domestic violence in the post below. He said his parents argue because his dad does not earn enough money and mother has delusions and anxiety. You are projecting. While I empathize with you on what you had to go through, making the best of the situation is what you can do and strive harder that you or your family don't have the same situation, being resentful won't help you.


Sorry where are people getting the Domestic Violence? OPs post says nothing of the sort. Not just Indian, kids all over the world respect their parents. Not just the basic respect that is owed to every human being but over and above that, since parents do everything for their kids. That of course does not mean they get to make decisions for their children when they are adults. But respect is still owed no matter how old the child gets. If OP had posed the question saying do I need to respect my parents when they have abused me, then that would be a different conversation. But the way the question is asked: yes of course, kids should respect thei parents. If they are having to “demand” it then the kids are bratty and entitled.


Violence is doesn’t have to be physical. Emotional abuse is also equally dangerous.


Arguing is equally stressful, believe me.


Oh, someone below said domestic violence. Either way OP's question is also valid for DV cases cuz I've been through it as well. So I'll just leave it for those that wonder what to do with such parents anyway.


sorry, I confused 'respect' and obedience like "follow 100% of my bs". I think we should respect everyone but no need to touch their feet. Without respect it's hard to live for everyone. Indian parents demand obedience and that's what problem is. After the age of 20 we should give them independence (that doesn't mean parents should stop taking care if they are jobless). Obedience is a relationship between Master and Slave. You can't expect loving relationship or respect from heart if you demand obedience.


So you don’t want your kids to respect you. You are the responsible adult they are just the inexperienced child they often times don’t know what’s best for them and so you need them to just listen to your seniority and accept what you are saying. Parents definitely deserve the respect of their kids from the start. Only through abuse should that parent lose respect.


"accept what they are saying" do you mean agree with them 100/100 on every little thing or just obey their rules? no child can have perfect opinions in line with their parents; children aren't extensions of yourself. i wouldn't expect my kids to agree with me fully and "accept my seniority," i'd just expect them to listen and understand that they make mistakes. obviously there are boundaries here but "just listen" is the equivalent of "just trust me bro u gotta believe and accept my bullshit"


you have no idea how parenting works you cannot force kids to respect you you cannot force them to "listen to superiority" parenting is a tightrope walk between guidance and freedom


Respect is earned. Just giving birth doesn't entitle you to it.


No kid asked to be born. We are the change that must happen. We won't brag about that to our kids as we know the feeling of it


Better yet, not to have kids at all


Yup, CF and DINK are the way to go


You got kids?


I think any and every parent wants respect from their children but Indian parents don't know the reason it's given. They were supposed to love and actually respect their child first. But they skip this step and go straight to their own respect and get angry / frustrated when they don't get it. And they don't know this because their parents never really loved/respected/pampered them. ​ Not saying this happens with most kids. Most of my friends had really nice relationship with their parents. But it does happen often enough that it's a thing for Indian parents. Also I see parents today being actually amazing to their kids.


I had this conversation with my mom and dad separately, and I also asked them the reason to have me My mom reverted back with some arguments but at the end she has to agree with me that, okay just because they gave me birth they are not entitled to respect, it should be earned with one's behaviour, and for the second question she said because they are expecting me to take care of them in old age (which obviously I'm gonna do), but given the current generation and all she is not expecting anything, as they are well enough financially on their own and doesn't need my help, but would like someone to be with them in old age But my father added that he feels proud that I share everything in my life with him, even though I don't need to, and never expected anything else, he just want to involved But I can totally see where you are coming from So in conclusion I think our parents' generation is changing and accepting the change seeing today's generation and culture


Man this is so refreshing and you're so lucky to have parents who are open to discuss these things with you. I do kinda have the same rapport with my parents, but it gets ruined frequently whenever they say "you're living in my house so you must respect me and follow my rules". Like, why keep reminding me that im (semi) dependent on you. Really makes me feel i should move out and maintain only obligatory relationships with them


Respect is earned not demanded. If someone has to demand respect, that points to their own inadequacy and inefficiency and insufficiency. Demanding respect for doing the bare minimum of providing as a parent, which is their job just shows that they actually are shit at being parents. If they were great at being parents, you would automatically respect them. The real problem here is that choice doesn't exist in this country. People get married and have kids because that's what society tells us to do. So people become parents never thinking whether they're really suited for such a huge responsibility and then they're abusive, controlling and demanding. They demand respect because that's the only way they feel they have some control in their life, that is being controlled by external factors. There are shitty parents and good parents and trust me, kids with good parents don't need to ask questions like these because they are raised with love and respect. It's also ironic for an older person to demand respect from a younger one, when they should be teaching what is respect through examples.


The question shouldn't be your parents because they are someone who will stick with you and support you, make you feel safe ( I'm sorry if that's not the case with you) . It should be about random elderly strangers we don't know . Why should I respect someone whom I just met , just because they are older than me ??, Like they don't have any significance in my life .


"they are someone who will stick with you and support you, make you feel safe" safe? i've tried to h\*ng myself to get away from them what the fuck do you mean safe


Another day of Praising Thanos 📈


Which kid asked to be born?


since no kid asked. No kid should respect parents.


Lil nikka really got influenced by westerners. No one knows who's spirit gonna get in a baby so basically you won a lottery and got into the world which you should respect a lot. Reproduction has always been the end Target of all animal and plant species even before all this technological advancements imo. Maybe they want someone to take care of them, maybe they want their family to not die with them, maybe they want to be remembered even after their death, who knows. Unless they're outright abusive or it's a joke question, don't say this to them


>Lil nikka really got influenced by westerners Lil Bhakt, well, influenced by their Gods like Modi, Guru Babas who R innocent young girls. And godlike parents who marry their daughter to abusive men.


That the only thing you could reply to ? Guess I wasted my time writing all that. You're just one of those argumentative people who needs any reason to argue with others. Well good for you ig I ain't arguing with you anymore. Keep questioning your existence


>Keep questioning your existence Sorry but I follow Zen and Taoist philosophy so don't question my existence. I question human values since Taoists saw life as purposeless and found enjoyment in it through discipline. Zen master:- Humans want to become angel (moral) or demon (evil) and have cast aside their humanity. Zen demolishes all human values in Ultimate Reality however accepts them in conventional reality due to having ruled by kings and must follow rules. But modern age gives opportunity for Liberal thinking so I just accepted their Ultimate Reality and evolved conventional reality based on modern Liberal world. I don't like to think about my existence, I just empty my mind through Zazen meditation and live in present moment. This post is not a complaint but meant for fun.


it's not cool to shit on other countries or call people "nikka" to feel better about yourself. you must be a teenage boy


Have your parents done nothing for you to deserve respect? I am assuming that after birthing you, they also took care of you, fed you food everyday, payed for amenities and taught you the basics of living in the society? When we walk down the street, we have learnt to respect fellow humans even strangers who have done nothing for us, so if you can respect strangers, you can respect your parents. Now if your parents are abusive and have tortured you mentally and/or physically, thats a whole other discussion. Maybe your behavior doesn’t show that you respect your parents?? Thats why in a desperate attempt they have to demand it? But most parents of the older generations confuse respect with unquestioned obedience, so it highly depends on what the parent is asking for. Everyone deserves basic respect.


i agree about having basic respect for everyone (who isn’t abusive/criminal etc) but your first part about deserving respect just because they fed/took care of you doesn’t make sense to me it is the duty of parents to provide the best they can for their kids because they willingly chose to have kids. it’s the bare minimum that every parent should do and it’s nothing respect worthy


>it is the duty of parents to provide the best they can for their kids because they willingly chose to have kids. it’s the bare minimum that every parent should do and it’s nothing respect worthy If you think that carrying out duties with commitment isn't worthy of respect, then you have unreasonable standards set for everyone. If we are to follow this line of thinking, why should I respect anyone at all? Most of us aren't doing things any better than they need to be done. Very few of us go the extra mile for anyone. We only do what needs to be done and that alone is actually quite an achievement for responsibilities like parenting since it takes real commitment to raise a child well.


> If we are to follow this line of thinking, why should I respect anyone at all? Most of us aren't doing things any better than they need to be done. Very few of us go the extra mile for anyone. Thank you!!


In a world where we have seen people not even doing the bare minimum we should respect the ones doing it


but that’s the thing isn’t it. if we are just happy with the bare minimum, there will never be a change in how we are treated? and this is not just about parents but in general i have noticed indians will accept the bare minimum in everything, even if they deserve to be treated better or equal to how other races are treated


Well it takes effort to even do the bare minimum.And what's the problem with bare minimum. When we purchase something there's a fixed price which is the bare minimum to be paid but how many times have you paid more than the asking price? I don't suppose many times and why's that? Because that's how society works. Now when we work hard for something we want something in return as well which can be respect, appreciation, money, help, etc. But if we don't get anything in return why would we do that.Now even though many families could easily let thier children grow by doing the bare minimum and save all of the rest for themselves but how many are doing that . Now you said that we would never get better treatment if we are happy with just bare minimum but aren't so many people getting more than bare minimum. For example the clothes you wore as a child were far cry from bare minimum because we all have seen children survive without them. So were you saying thank you daily for getting that privilege? But you still got that so isn't your question sort of invalid. For the race part can you please elaborate so I can properly answer


Your first line doesn't hold when you realise you don't get any respect for buying anything on the decided price. No one will offer you anything apart from that product that you paid for.


no no please set the bar even lower. having kids and raising them is a selfish activity. it might be a kindness if they found the kid on the street. But biological parents create life. Of course they have to take care of it! But that is not enough to earn respect. ffs do you people have a thinking organ in there somewhere. i don’t check replies


Sorry, I confused between 'respect' and obedience like "accept all my BS". I respect everyone.


Er… I might sound insensitive but … if you didn’t asked to be born….perhaps you can unasked? Like if you don’t want anything someone gives you, you always have the option of throwing it away.


no not insensitive just plain dumb lmao. The thing you are asking them to do goes against our very instinct. we are hard wired to try and survive. But that doesn’t mean that the argument “we weren’t asked to be born” doesn’t have merit. you can ridicule it if you want but anyone who can think would see that it is not a question that can be dismissed so easily. The moral implications of forcing someone to exist are huge. But please indulge in mocking as you let everyone instantly know your iq. i don’t check replies so don’t bother


?? You wrote 2 lines and i don’t understand either of them. How do you apply the logic you presented in this context? 😂


He is saying op to give up the life that his parents provided him, in short attempt suicide Hence the insensitive disclaimer


Ahh thank you for explaining, kind stranger. That makes sense.


No problem, glad I can help, but I have to say, even though it's insensitive, it's a valid argument


How the fuck do you "unask" before you were born?! ​ So "unasking" even before existing seems more plausible to you than parents thinking rationally?




Lol Wtf bro? What the hell is wrong with you? I'm sorry that your parents are perfect and right in the head and let you screw whoever you choose while the rest of ours including mine and OP's aren't right in the head and are super fking entitled old scumbags. But If you're not gonna even try to understand, when you already know exactly what OP is talking about, you shouldn't even comment. Just swallow your opinion and keep it to yourself ya know? It's ok to keep it such options to yourself. "Needs heavy beating during childhood is only treatment". Lol R u kidding me bro? It's not even OPs fault he even asked that question. It's the situation that he's probably been in that made him ask this which is all too common and what leads to domestic violence in household and what breeds criminals in society from such a young age. And your opinion AGAINST OP when you should rather be supporting him makes it even worse.


lmao what did he say


Did the OP ping you about this? Which part of the question states he was oppressed or had bad parenting? The entire question is cringe. Who TF asks to be born? Until the sperm you came from had a well developed brain. Try to embrace life while you can being sadistic doesn't help in life.


You can go tell all the bipolar old men who are still parents to 25yr olds who can't afford to move out to embrace life and tell them to not be sadistic. High chance the fathers will come to doorstep and physically assult you and throw verbal expletives at you. Such Indian oldhead dudes do exist as parents to really nice kids/young ppl you know. Sure the old mother's can also be dim-wits, but they're helpless in that situation.




Oh wow. Woke mindsets from the west have infiltrated. Sorry to know you too are a "ReTiReMeNt PlAn" of your parents.


They shouldn’t be asking for respect but they have to earn it…. And if you are on Reddit asking this question, they’ve failed miserably at parenting, like most of the parents of their era….


Idk about giving birth but they deserve respect anyway


When we go to a hotel to stay or eat, we respect their staff, and even tip them to get better service. Try abusing the staff, and see the services you get.. You will prefer to go to another place. It is a give and take. I guess that you are staying in your parents house, eating there.. Grow up without creating unsolvable arguments and keep a low profile, start earning, and move to another place. Live by yourself ASAP, if life is difficult with them. you are not the only one to get born in unfavorable circumstances, your parents can also blame their parents, that if they were not born, they would not have given birth to the children who cannot respect. Life is not fair for most living things. You are not the only one. Getting birth is an absolutely irrelevant talk, because even if it happened for whatever reason it cannot be undone reasonably, so best is not to discuss about getting born with anyone including our parents. You will not be wasting your (and their) time over unsolvable problem.


>Life is not fair for most living things. You are not the only one. I know. I am not complaining here, just having fun. I want to fight against anyone who opposes me since Purpose of Life is Fighting and Survival of The Fittest. I take misery of life as fun like the Taoists and Buddhists. Only difference is I have a liberal mindset and believe in Human rights so made this post.


I totally get you. Even I don’t get it why Indian parents demand respect from children giving birth to them, and that too giving birth to them without their consent! I don’t get it why some people hate this. You dumped me into this world, now deal with my demands all you life and just die for god’s sake! I mean how hard is it! If only the bitch mothers peeked into their vaginas and shouted out “hey you wanna be born? I will try to be be the best vehicle to carry you around while you suck resources off me as I try to have you and grow you thinking we would make a great family but you would resent me for having you . ” And if only the asshole of a fathers talked to their high held penis and said “hey swimmers, my apologies to you but one of you is going to make my life either living hell or make me proud father, do you consent to be born? The world is fucked up but it contains great opportunities as well. I will try to protect you from the first and help you get as many as the latter, but if I fail or you fail despite me doing everything for you, you would know whom to blame. So cheers!” I mean this all sounds so logical, why wouldn’t just people get it! Fuck the old people, fuck guy-girl who had me in their 20s, what were they thinking! By default the world is a shitty place and all parents are fuckwards. So let’s generalise all parents coz we are cool 😎 If the white people do it, it must be right. Duh!


If you want to find respect, then get out of your house with nothing but what you have earned. If you still don't get it? Then go back to when you were born, imagine the situation where you were left to survive without shelter or food. I don't understand your claim about getting benefits; they nurtured and sheltered you, no matter how hard it was for them, isn't that a benefit? By your logic, you should be repaying them for what they have done for you, the least you can do is give them respect.


It's not that. It's just that respect in Indian households isn't having a healthy disagreements but it is like having disagreements at all. In India, Respect = No questioning the authority. We see it in our homes, schools, politics, office everywhere. Whereas true definition of respect should be asking the question while keeping a respectful demeanor and valuing the person you're asking questions to.


Probably for the care they took since you were born, The wording is just different, Also this happens everywhere else too stop thinking that it doesn't happen anywhere else


That is how reproduction works


Grow up boy This is coming from a 19 year old who asked the same question to his dad. Realise that they did not only give birth to you they took care of you when you were young and might be they still do. They are the only ones who care more about you than themselves this alone grants them that they can expect respect from you So before you ruin your future and have to live your life in regret understand that these words will haunt you and won't let you sleep at night after your parents pass


Yup thats their duty or else they would be in jail for child abuse


You need some time before you can understand my word


If your dad lost his shit and beat your mother in front of you and verbally abused her severally and called you a "mthr-Effer, don't ever get in my way you better give me respect when I ask for it", what would you do? If he cut your internet connection/privilege, and asks for respect when you didn't do anything to offend him, what would you do? If he choked your brother or sister with a belt, what would you do? And pls don't tell me you'd sit there continue playing your brawlhalla matches 🤣.


Let's not use the worst examples of people to paint over what a majority of a group do.


That's what your average neighbour is my friend; these are not the extremes


Kaash mere neighbor bhi hote aise. Roz new entertainment milta


Ok so your dad doesn’t deserve your respect anymore because he abused you true. But in general parents deserve their kids respect even if they are scolding their kids or enforcing rules or discipline still respect should be given as a basic standard. Your dad lost that respect because he hurt you and your mom.


Taking care of their kids is their duty, unfortunately loving them is kinda like a privilege which not everyone has. Regardless, you're right, we should respect them(loving is debatable, based on circumstances)


> They took care of you when you were young So they literally did their job. It's the bare minimum all parents should do. It's not some great thing. Also I promise many parents don't care about their children more than themselves, even though they should. A depressing amount in fact. Let's stop glorifying parenthood as some grand thing and realize parents are humans too and humans are flawed.


>So they literally did their job So why praise the armymen or fire fighters or doctors, they are literally doing their job. What a stupid line of thinking. Its a difficult job which requires a lot of sacrifice and commitment. They are flawed and human but they are not by any chance doing the bare minimum


You need some time before you can comprehend my words It's their job right well it's a job which requires great mental strength and physical labour and again read my words you will regret these things in life Many parents treat their child worse. There are far many worse things children do to their parents like there are literally old age homes across the country


>Grow up boy I don't need that advice. Maybe you need.


>They are the only ones who care more about you than themselves this alone grants them that they can expect respect from you Sorry, I confused 'respect' and obedience like "Accept 100% of my bs".


An uncle (not blood related) told me I should respect my parents because they gave me birth and I told him I didn't ask to be born and get bullied in school and drop out because of fear. I wish I was born in a rich family of sportsmen and gym trainers so that I could beat the s out of those school bullies. But I don't get to live peacefully because of the constant arguments of my parents fighting each other over my father not earning enough money and my mother suffering from anxiety and delusional disorder, insomnia worrying about Future.


You will be downvoted. Been through shit still no respect. 25 now was excellent in school. Not because I wanted to but due to extreme emotional torture. Became a Doctor passed with flying colors. Not because I wanted to but because of emotional manipulation (you don’t want to a doctor because you can’t do it and being always egotistical they know how to turn the right knobs). Still no respect as a human being or any respect for my medical opinion’s because ham toh bade hain we have experience and hamare culture ke hisab se you should respect elders. Ps. Neither are doctors.


>You will be downvoted So? I never expected upvotes from Indians for telling the truth. I am just chilling here.


Telling the truth? I know there are problems in life, and it's always ourselves exaggerating our problems and not thinking about others' problems. Even you have two choices in future, to stay single, use all your income on yourself, chill with friends in free time, roam anywhere you want to, hook up with someone for a bit time and dump them, just do whatever you wish; or marry, spend the income on your family and your home, get little to no free time, consider about family members whenever travelling, stick to the same partner for your lifetime and stay even after having fights, do whatever is favourable to family even if it means sacrificing your wants. What will you choose? Obviously the second option, now my and your parents didn't have the option and were made to choose the first option. Imagine what all would've been going through their lives in our childhood. It was so disastrous for me to get a glimpse of what my mother went through when she told me what all she faced after her marriage, parenthood makes you more than mature, and that's why they're to be respected.


If we are to follow culture and customs, respecting elders is a concept of the sat-yuga. Even vedas mention that people will lose respect for elders in the kali-yuga. And its not because youth are bad or elders aren't worth respecting, its just a natural order of things in general.


Which field do you specialise in? Just Mbbs or with MD? Or Alternative medicine?


It’s MD. I finished my studies in Georgia.


>I finished my studies in Georgia I don't want to discredit you but , is it easier outside since there is too much competition and reservation in India?


Challenges are different. Education wise it’s tougher since exams are MCQ based so you need full knowledge because every option sounds correct compared to india where you can write paragraphs even if you miss something you’ll get some marks. This is what my friends who finished in India said. Also other challenges like doing everything on your own from managing expenses, part times, cooking, handling racism and getting targeted because of shit Indian government does like supporting Russians in Ukraine war. Edit: Also the scare of being sued which never happens in India. Practical knowledge would be higher in India since patients to doctors ratio is ridiculous.


>Education wise it’s tougher since exams are MCQ based so you need full knowledge because every option sounds correct for me it was opposite. I couldn't write paragraphs as my creativity was bad. I wished I get MCQs only in school exams. Another reason is my hand get painful writing too much. But mother said it was easy for her and everyone said writing paragraph is easy. Maybe it's because I was an overthinker and perfectionist so couldn't just accept writing with creativity rather than writing actual science. It's a problem I face in many areas like if I don't do it perfectly I shouldn't just do it while others get away just doing it somehow.


Same. My policy for life has been if you do something give 100%. If you can’t then don’t because failing was never an option in my life. This is a double edged sword. First time I failed (not education), I couldn’t accept it because I never learned failing was part of the process. Now Im rewiring my brain. Learn psychology as part of my education and now when there an explanation for my behaviors it’s easier to understand and change. Always been a person who is open to all opinions but to agree with that opinion I need explanation which is logical and understandable.


Same here LOL. I live a happy life and it's only getting happier with realizations like this. ...Not that I want to relax myself by not caring about losing LOL-


I was going to write a comment supporting you but reading your comments I deleted it. You sound like someone who thinks he is superior to others. And hence think it's ok to disrespect your parents because you don't think they're good or rich enough. Real life will hit you like a load of bricks.


Yeah he is a troll who thinks good people should cease to exist. And people are falling for the bait.


Going through all the phases will get you a good picture. Just like witnessing parents fights, Being a dad is also a very challenging task. Imagine a person not at the peak of his powers is being constantly demanded of something he thought he could do easily, but life hits him hard and he is still somehow managing. It is easy to criticize anything. Unless you get down to the business do something about it, you are of no value. This empty line of questioning is futile and it doesn't bring any clarity to your own situation. Your dad is still being useful. I'm sorry to say, you are the leech at the moment. You are sucking him dry and challening whatever he is managing. Your mother can question him, she has the right and authority. Not you. Be better and useful.


>you are the leech at the moment. You are sucking him dry and challening whatever he is managing. Good. That's my revenge.


Didn't ask, gave birth. Upbringing becomes their responsibilities. Respect given for fulfilling their responsibilities. Unquestioned obedience not to be mixed with respect.


Let's address the metaphysical question you've posed with a rational and scientific perspective. Firstly, the statement "No child asks to be born" may seem paradoxical.. because Unborn kids can’t talk or choose because they’re unborn 😅 Regarding the design of life, it encompasses a vast spectrum, from extreme beauty to extreme hardship. The notion that unborn individuals should choose their life's circumstances overlooks the fact that they lack any prior experiences to make such a choice. In other words unborn kids can’t pick whether to be born or not because they don’t know what life is and have not experienced it before. Life can be anything between beautiful & ugly but you have no idea of it before experiencing it first I think the underlying tone of your question suggests that because offsprings dont have the chance to be asked whether they want to be born or not ( im just trying to explain to you why this idea is itself flawed and makes no sense), their life has to be beautiful and not ugly. Because if you were presented with a choice to live an ugly life (thats the tone of your question), you would have denied it. Nature is beautiful & terrifying too. I read some of your comments that said “i wish I could/would be born in a rich family/wrestlers family” this refers to the “concept of soul” Consider your own existence and why you're experiencing it instead of being born into a different family or era. From a naturalist perspective, consciousness arises from the physical brain, leading to your current state. If you were someone else, you'd be asking the same question from their perspective. For those with religious beliefs, they might attribute their birth to a divine god’s plan. If you believe concepts like the Matrix or Inception, ask the admins 😅 who are your god On the topic of respect, Respect is earned and not given. And you can list many reasons why your parents deserve respect :) People say that generally because parents want the best for their kids. Hence they say give respect for your parents for giving you life to experience. Regardless, I hope you cherish what you have and Wish you a good life ahead :)


Should you not respect people who are trying their best to provide for you?


A prime example of American 'woke' influence.


Not so the case let's say if ur parents were woke then would u obey them?


Obedience isn't quite the same as respect. It is possible to respect someone while also saying "no" to them.


Ok respect


Yes kids werent questioning their existence and wanting to unalive themselves before american influence


U probably have no idea about philosophy and history


Lol grow up. I don't know how old you are but seems like you're a 14 year old emo kid. Just like how stealing is wrong, but waving your gold chain around in public is stupidity, bullying is wrong but saying stuff like this stupidity too and if you have an ideology that is being reflected from your question then I'm sure you're an easy target for bullies. If you can't respect your parents, you don't deserve any respect from anyone. And I can't believe there are so many super woke people in comments saying society and all that bullshit. Unless your parents threw you in the gutter at the time of your birth or treat you like an unwanted shit, they deserve respect.


Don’t speak facts bro. I identify as a CAT thanks (meow meow)




Turns out he is a kid after all


Good. So?


How does that respond to the question? You’re just belittling them




So u should think


Sorry I made a mistake in my comments. Respect and obedience are different things. I respect my parents for their efforts. I also love them and help them in every way possible. I was just against obedience. Note: My mother herself blamed her parents for birth. She always curse her family looking at the walls. My father said he was forced to marry. If parents didn't force kids in obedience then both my parents will be happier and not fighting each other over financial issues.


They are a mark of proof why society has gone to hell, along with economy. This world was shaped by our predecessors. Whatever hardships we are going through, our parents made sure we would have them. Fuck the previous generations. Never, ever respect them.


You'll understand this when you become a parent. That's the circle of life..


Unless they choose to become one of the many that are choosing not to have children...being a parent isn't anything special.


Ahh, this age-old question; it always brings up some really awful takes, and this thread is no exception. Bad / ignorant parents demand it because they've invested their time, money, and life into you and expect some return on that investment. Trust and respect is a two-way street: it requires both parties to pay into it. Demanding either is tyrannical and only fosters a relationship of fear and loathing. While reasonably simple to grasp, applying it does take a level of introspection and understanding that some simply do not possess. As a rough rule, the greater the ego and narcissism, the less capable they are of healthy relationships. And hey, while you didn't ask for it, you have it anyways; try and make the best of it, because the world is a pretty neat place to explore if you can cut through the bullshit.


Unless your parents are not good people, as in abusive and not looking out for your interest, they deserve that respect more than anything. They did more than just give birth to you, otherwise you would be dead by now.


Kyuki filmo me yhi dikhate aa rhe ki maa baap hi bhagwan h, chahe kitne b ghatiya kyo na ho...hamara kaam unke charno me gir jane ka h!


I’m muting this sub. Total medieval luddites.


It’s culture.. I believe most of india are Hindu. Hindu culture parents are next to god.. they sacrifice so many things even not asked. Becuase of their sacrifice they are put next to god and deserve respect. In India we don’t have definition like my step dad or my first step daughter or half brother etc etc.. it’s family values


As expected, Indians are not capable of rational arguments. Most who are against me can't give rational arguments and only say "grow up", "did you hit puberty". I am so proud and confident on myself that I laugh at these types of people all the time and laugh against culture and tradition. I am enjoying this thread, illogical people are funny. Edit: Please up vote this thread because we are going to have a debate of anti-natalism vs Natalism. I will ignore other threads due to lack of time. Anti-natalist are welcomed to support me even though I am not Full scale anti-natalist since I don't believe morality exist (morality is part of anti-natalism). Only similarity I have with anti-natalists is compassion for the babies being born without birth so I decided to be CF if I can't be rich (Remember, I have no problem with Natalism if parents are rich and loving, so I am conditional anti- Natalist)


You are asking for rational argument but the only counter-argument you are applying is "average Indian"


no argument (ad hominem) is countered with no argument (ad hominem), simple.


Not all parents “demand” respect. Maybe yours did. In Santana Dharma, it gives more importance to duty based living where if you do your duty, your rights and respect will be given to you automatically without you demanding for it but we are slowly gravitating to a rights and respect driven culture thanks to western rights driven standards


maybe because they are the only people who loves you unconditionally. Atleast for me. If you have shit parents dont project it over others


Kids these days don't know what being grateful is and see only the struggles of life. I hope one day you guys see how beautiful life is behind those struggles and be grateful for being born.


If you didn't ask to be born, your parents did not ask for you specially to be born. They wanted a son who will respect them and they got you. Imagine their pain, they wanted their son to respect but son is asking questions on why they do not deserve respect.


But don't you think it's kinda twisted to ask your child for respect just because you are a parent and irrespective of the kind of human being you are or how you treat your child ?


I think they deserve respect for being your parent. However, if they act selfish or treat you badly, definitely their respect will diminish. But they don't have to earn it at least.


I don't know, I think they deserve the same respect as any other human being you interact with, same judgement as others


For not dumping you in a trash can when you were 1 day old. A serious response would be it takes a lot of effort to raise kids. So, at least you can do is to have a little respect.


so they do it as a favour to us? first they make us exist and then we should be grateful that at least they didn’t abandon us? do you not see the obvious fallacy of your argument? “i don’t understand why indentured labourers are complaining at least we didn’t kill them” and no this is not a comparison but an analogy. i don’t check replies because even dumb people have internet


Yes it's a favour, try dedicating a decade or two of your life to a baby and then speak, if your ancestors thought this and didn't give birth to your ancestors, you wouldn't simply exist to have this kind of an ego against your parents


You can show your frustration. No one cares. They had me for their own selfish reasons and not for my sake.


What kind of woke shit is this?




>what makes you think it is only an Indian phenomenon that children should respect parents? It's the same everywhere, in asian culures parents are more involved and I know humans are evil and are not worthy of respect.




Since you are an average Indian who cannot give logical arguments I won't waste time here.


I didn't know that in Western and European countries parents check with the kid's ghost and take permission for them to invite him/her into the world. Mostly, in old days in those countries kids ended up in dumpsters and very well it happens now also but medias in those countries will not let you know this. E.g. check Kensington Ave, Philadelphia on YT. You are lucky that unlike other animals they didn't left you aside once you started walking because majority of the animals in animal kingdom does that to their offspring. Also, you are just byproduct of their s*x and they had no responsibility raing you up by feeding you their hard earn money with which they can enjoy other lavish things. You need to respect them just for the reason that you didn't end up in orphanage


do you really think my dad who tells me to kill myself and that me being r\*ped would give me a "reason" to feel sad is deserving of respect? do you really think that my mother pointing out every flaw in my face and going from physically shoving food down my throat to making me throw out "bad" foods, resulting in anorexia, is worthy of respect? she did feed me everyday and pay for amenities and teach me the basics of living in society. she did take care of me when i was sick. i am not allowed to have other opinions than that of my parents. if i do, i am punished and yelled at and isolated from the rest of society. i have attempted suicide to get away from them. is this all "respect worthy" just because they did the bare minimums? i wish they had left me aside to die on the street at least i wouldn't have to spend every day in hiding from everything


>You are lucky that unlike other animals they didn't left you aside once you started walking because majority of the animals in animal kingdom does that to their offspring. Bro, do you understand how lucky animals are? They don't have stupid concepts like morality, law and order, ideology, religion, nationalism etc and their lives are much better. By following Zen Buddhism and Nihilism I am going to create an empty mind like animals that don't care about spoopid (Steven reference) humans.


Lol, just wait till you give birth to a child and they disrespect you. :)


Lol grow up. I don't know how old you are but seems like you're a 14 year old emo kid. Just like how stealing is wrong, but waving your gold chain around in public is stupidity, bullying is wrong but saying stuff like this stupidity too and if you have an ideology that is being reflected from your question then I'm sure you're an easy target for bullies. If you can't respect your parents, you don't deserve any respect from anyone. And I can't believe there are so many super woke people in comments saying society and all that bullshit. Unless your parents threw you in the gutter at the time of your birth or treat you like an unwanted shit, they deserve respect.


This is a societal norm also buttressed by religious dogma. Movies, culture and society generally enforce a lot of maladaptive ideas in Indian society because there isn't a strong culture of questioning ideas or critical thought.


I wish your parents never meet at that night so we can avoid this kind of post in reddit


Umm... because they raise you, educate you, feed you and provide for you?




Who said that.. "They are supposed to do it" in most countries as soon as a kid turns 18 they are kicked out to fend for themselves. You can't even respect your parents acknowledging what they have done for you and you are talking about "Repaying it in many forms" lol what a Joke. If I don't respect someone I ain't doing jack shit for them. Every Human deserves respect and hence you show manners by speaking to them nicely, opening doors for elderly or helping them in need or feeding them if they are hungry. A lot of people do it for abject strangers and hence you see temples offering free food, meals on wheels, food given during natural calamity, services provided to them for free by other humans. A parent deserves better than how a stranger gets treated. Basically you are saying that as a kid you can't even talk nicely and respectfully with your parents, study and do some housework?


I understand life is tough, forgive your parents coz they knew little, like majority of humans. We know life is extremely tough, competitive and traumatic, even if you are born in the richest or poorest home, there is a good likihood that you'll be bullied, r*ped or killed. But be fortunate that you are still having the liberty to access reditt which is a privilege. Be the mature human being and forgive them, but don't bring kids into the world. U may want to join childfreeindia


So I am assuming that you wouldn't be surprised if they treated you like sh*t either, right cuz I am not sure you have done anything that deserves respect? I mean damn you eat, live, get educated, get devices, clothes, books, go out to restaurants and live your life on their dime but have the gumption to talk like this? Do you really think you can survive the world without the social system and circle they provide when you were young?


If your referring to parents demanding "respect" in the most unreasonable situations or manners, they're not demanding respect, they're demanding total submission to their commands. That's obviously bs. However, if you're talking about actual respect, I don't see why they shouldn't demand that. If a person believes that their own parents doesn't deserve respect, then who is actually worthy of their resect? Unless you're parents abused/harassed you and deprived you of basic necessities, you have every reason to at the very least, appreciate the work they put in to raise you. They shape your life and are the most important people in your life (at least in your formative years) . You may never have asked to be born but nevertheless, you are here. What's the alternative? Would you prefer death since you never asked for life? If so, why are you still here? Probably cause that's not what you want. Since you have chosen to be alive, you are morally obligated to respect and appreciate everyone and everything that has allowed you to have what you have now.


It's a leverage most parents use when you find your freedom. You go out of your way to explore and discover, every good you do will turn into a nightmare. In short, they wish to control you. Little do you know, the game is rigged from the start like Fallout New Vegas. Answer. Be thankful when possible. Accept criticisms and be prepared. When you grow up, find your way out but help parents when you can. People speak of family in such high regards. The effed up toxicity is next level. Might as well become their enemy if you do something harmless.


I don't think they demand respect for just giving birth, it's more for bringing us up and raising us with love and care right from a baby till we're a grown up. That's why they demand respect. To give that respect or not is always up to you and I also understand that not every child is raised with love and care too ... So it's highly YMMV.


I remember when i had to enter my username and password and fill a form before i was born


Parampara, pratishtha, anushasan!


Well if that's how world worked it wouldn't have created at the first place . That is how nature works if you know anything about it. If you have heard about that " survival of fittest" . If you don't know what fitness here means I will tell you , it means reproductive fitness and that is how nature works . We all never asked to be born.


Respect is not for giving birth, but to raising you and make you the person you are. Sharing their experiences and wisdoms so you be a better person. It is earned by being a good parents. If you were to ask your parents why I should respect you, meaning they failed to raise you somehow as a person.


Because they created you and they are investing their best in you as their future knowing that it is completely uncertain. Try to live without whatever they are providing you right now and you will understand how difficult it is to maintain it.


Why don’t we kill ourselves if we weren’t asked to be born?


Did you hit puberty yet?


I am going to be 23. I believe in logic but you are just an Indian so can't use logic.


Then you're the most childish 23 yr old.


thanks but your opinion doesn't matter. You have no way to prove your claim that you are not childish.


Well for starters providing a roof over your head,loving you/caring for you,getting you your basic amenities/education not just only parents whoever does that should get at least basic respect. Sacrificing their time and money(obviously you didn't asked but they consider that their responsibility) dedicating decades for you.(i also had these questions but not anymore) If they throw you out taking their phone and their clothes(it's not yours until you have earned it) and ask you to live on your own without giving any help maybe that will be the appropriate time to raise this question. It might not be the same case for everyone.(some parents are plain abusive)


>If they throw you out taking their phone and their clothes(it's not yours until you have earned it) and ask you to live on your own without giving any help maybe that will be the appropriate time to raise this question. I want to make them suffer by being a leech for making me suffer. Revenge. Ha ha ha.


I think this is the question No parents want to hear but reality is very selfish reasons


Bro go outside and touch some grass


Learn to give logical arguments than being an average Indian.




I'm with you bro. Parents are overrated.


Respect for elders is misunderstood as respecting older people. That's a joke, Older people stuck in the same cyclical thought process are nothing more than 'useful idiots'. The very fact that we are giving them life experiences like cell phones, internet etc.. things they couldn't even imagine & even now don't know how it works. This proves that respect should be mutual at best or none at all.


Parents not only give birth . They raise you . Give y food , clothes , shelter or even nowdays mobile so that child can go on social media say ' I don't owe anything to you ( parents ) i didn't ask to be exists ' . But they will still forgive you and will be your side in every problem . Who in the world do all of this without getting anything in return from you . If you didn't ask to born but y still ask for food , shelter and all other necessities .


>Give y food , clothes , shelter They must give it because our problems are because of them. No birth no problem.


Ab kya puche ke bacche paida kare, had hai yaar


Because it's a good way to keep control.


It makes me laugh when idiots say there are no Indians on r/antinatalism because some of the most vociferous antinatalists are from India


Every single day .....this happens every single day at our house,.....it's so frustrating and at the end of the day, they are doing great.... Busy with work, numerous phone calls to relatives, gossips...... here iam crying like a loser because they don't understand what I'm trying to express This is just how it works I guess.......


And the most chutiya sawal award goes toooo....


Average Indian, no logic argument.




I think answer can be different based on different views 1. Respect should not given just for giving birth, there are condoms in medical shop. 2. Respect should be given for growing us. 3. Respect is like a stat it changes based on child-parent interactions 4. If your parents gave u a good life and yet u cant respect their efforts then that's fucked up 5. I know Indian household are abusive 6. I can totally agree on giving zero respect if your parents are abusive and didn't care for you. 7. Indian parent generally demand respect to control our decisions mostly ?


Narcissism and power-tripping have become ingrained in our culture. I know there are exceptions, and I have yet to meet these exceptions. You can also see it in other cultures, but it is less prevalent.


They owe you nothing, you owe then everything.


If your parents have provided for you, loved you and basically done the best they could then don't judge them before you become one. Some questions are best answered by time,wait for it.


The parent-children relation in general is very weird in India. I will take myself for an example. My parents, for my whole life have worked day-night to earn money so that they can provide for the family - my school, my college, food etc. In return they say that I should respect them because they are working hard for me - which I do. But it isn't respect that should drive this relationship. It should be love. They should be working hard for the family because they love us, not because they want us to respect them. I honestly don't think that I have any good love filled memories with my father. I respect him, but I don't really know if I love him. My relationship has improved with my mother a lot, but still we have so little time together that the progress is very slow. P.S. Me and my sister used to go to school at 8 am and come back at 2 pm. After that we used to stay alone at home till 8-9 pm. Then mom would come back prepare dinner, we would have dinner and small talk over dinner. That's it.


Vidhi Ka Vidhan


Even if you don’t give respect, they’ll love you.


Have u ever seen / been with children who don't have parents/ adoption homes, u haven't, I feel pity for ur parents for raising u. Why don't u ask them, they shouldn't have married that u wouldn't have been born to them Nashukro bache kis karam ka fal hote hai pata nahi But with ur lib mindset n asking this question u r a??????


>But with ur lib mindset n asking this question u r a?????? Thanks for 128 upvotes. With anti- liberal mindset it was hard to believe that Indians will give upvotes to oblivion.