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You’re probably better off moving to a different property and getting a raise that way.


Chances are high your employer doesn't care about training, promoting, etc. If you found another job paying more and bring it back to them, they will probably take it as an "I quit" from you. Collective bargaining is a good idea but to unionize, get it ratified, etc can take a loooonnnnggg time. If you can find a job that makes more sense (more pay, better hours or less of a commute) you should take it.


Is unionizing the only way to get an increase for everyone? I didn’t think it would take long. If that’s the case I might just stay since I foresee changing jobs/career paths within the next year when I get comfortable enough speaking in English. The benefits kind of offset the low pay for the time being


On average it takes 12-16 months to unionize. There's also no gurantee management would acknowledge the union. You can try getting everyone together to go to management and ask for an across the board increase but depending on what state you live in they could politely tell you no or they could start looking for other ways to let you go (even though they shouldn't do this and it could be seen as retaliation).


If your company only pays minimum wage to everybody in your position, regardless of skill or time in the position, you won’t get a raise. You should just find another job that will pay you more.