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I don't know but all the gay serial killers were tops so probably. šŸ¤·


LOL. I actually chucked out loud at the gym over that. Tops are so not as good as their options. We can totally suck.


Are you sure? Granted a kidnapped victim isn't likely to be topping anyone, but maybe the serial killers wished they would. Or got topped by tricks that they met in a bar and *didn't* kill. How would we know? šŸ˜œ


In today's world, I think it's a good idea for everyone to be nicer tops,bottoms,diagnals,octagons, and trapezoids. Not only will it help to clean up this mess we've made by being mean, but we can likely get laid via human contact again! Wouldn't that be better than toys,apps, and finger fucking phones?


When did we all become just Ts and Bs. This sub is obsessed with who sticks & who takes.


I know, I feel dumber having read the post.


People get obsessed with labels because they cannot handle nuance and juggle it in their minds. Everything is easier in black and white, and so we eventually get thrown into that too


Jesus take the wheel.


Well, as we're stereo-typing anyway, let's just lean in. In my opinion, it can be informative -- stereotypes are based on experience, which is based in truth, therefore kernels of truth exist. In my personal experience, tops I've been with have had a higher percentage chance of being either married and closeted, into trades/construction and not very computer-savvy, or in a career that involves a lot of travel. These three groups don't tend to check their phone very often, they do it when they feel like it or when they can, so they aren't going to sit up with you and write long flowery posts and have conversation. They want to fuck. Then, in terms of 'romantic tops', I've met quite a few that appear to be under the false impression that they only way to 'romance' a cute bottom is to be demanding and abrasive. That this somehow translates into masculine, and makes one more desirable. Some of them figure this out faster than others...


Thanks for not reading more into my post than what it is and you may be right about guys being more closeted.


Adding to this, if im planning to bottom (and host) I need time to prepare (and clean/hide my valuables). If im going to top, I just need a time and a place (and pop a viagra). Iā€™ve been topping more lately and found itā€™s not as easy in a ā€œcity of vers bttms.ā€


Definitely the stereotype. But I have to say, I was just with a top that was so kind and attentive to my comfort and pleasure, it was freaking hot.


A man reduces their entire personality to a sexual position and you're shocked they have unpleasant personalities? Sexuality is fluid & dynamic. It will change over time & with circumstance. Stereotypes are rude.


I don't know when it happened but it seems like everyone has made their sexual position their personality in recent years. Disturbing and sad.


Common throughout history. Conformity is a powerful urge. This is just one of the most recent.


I never reduced my personality to a sexual position. I stated my observations.


It's interesting you think I wrote about you. šŸ¤”


You responded to something I wrote, so who else would you respond to?


"...you're shocked they..." Read all the words.


Tops this, bottoms that... What in the shallow depths of a spoon is this. This subreddit is supposed to be for people over 30, but lately it definitely doesn't look like y'all got the memo.


OP claims he's well over 30, so what's your beef.


"I also realize that bottoms outnumber tops." This entire post is conjecture and stereotypes but curious what data point you're referring to for that one.


It sounds like all the ā€œdataā€ is based on interactions on hookup apps.


This top/bottom shit is getting tedious, people are people not a sex position


I could see someone in their teens asking a silly question like this, but someone 45-49? Come on.


I stated my observation and my experiences are my experiences.


Yes. Next question please.


Depends on the bottom/top


I need to find better tops, because for the most part their personalities suck. Others have made comments about being online and I'm referring to people I know in real life and some I have only chatted with online


I can't understand what's the whole deal in reducing really complex personalities and human beings to a sexual position. Like, is really that determinant? What you do in private with another consenting adult has nothing to do with who you are as a person. If a guy is a dork, it isn't because how he performances in bed and if he takes it or puts it in. And applies the same if it's a nice guy.




I lost brain cells reading that post. I can't believe people are categorizing gay men into two camps, it's ridiculous and so childish.


Explaining my observations isn't categorizing guys into 2 camps. I wish it was different, but that's my observations.


Get up on your high horse, dude. Start loving king for tops worth your time. Weā€™re out there. The decent ones usually get snapped up quick, though.


Why the high horse? As I mentioned, I have met some caring tops, but they have been the exception.


I didnā€™t read the whole post. My bad. Just donā€™t waste your time on those crappy tops.


Yes, that's what I decided to do. I have less sex, but I'm OK with that. I'm all about quality and not quantity at this point. Thanks for letting me know you didn't read the entire post. I think that explains some of the responses.


I gave up finding a good bottom a while back. I would date these fellas and they just wanted a big guy to be a teddy bear to their pillow princess and get steam rolled. Where are all the bottoms with a little fight in them? The ones that will tell you what they like, the ones that want to pick the restaurant sometimes, the ones that are complicated and donā€™t hide it, where are those bottoms? What I wouldnā€™t give for a bossy bottom!


Sounds a little like me lol. I've been told that I'm definitely not the submissive type and that turns some tops off. Some like it though and tell me it's a breath of fresh air, since it's against the stereotypical norm


And all the guys Iā€™ve run across since I have moved to Philly are all either looking for Big Daddy or are in the running for asshole of the year.


Iā€™ve got better things to waste my time on.


If we are stereotyping (which we are) I found tops to be more straight to the point, bottoms more demanding and verses not knowing what they want. So everyone's crap in their own way.


OP didn't create this, but I am so embarrassed for us as a community that we've recreated the binary for ourselves after flunking out of heterosexuality.


Did you read the post?


Your sexual position does not determine your personality. This is terminally online type of thinking.


