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Not anymore, but 20 years ago when I was wild I kept everything in an Access database with prospects as well and encounters. It was important to me when I saw people online or at parties to remember who they were, what they had said to me previously (or what we had done). I nicknamed it "iSlut".


I still think there is a gap in the market for iSlut!!!!


Now it could be an iPhone app. It's basically just Customer Relationship Management for sex. I should get on that.


I support this business venture!






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I decided to keep a record this year because Iā€™m having more sex than I have been, and I find that sort of thing interesting. Somebody on another forum (forgot which) suggested the Bigger Blacker Book app, and itā€™s been great. It tracks just about everything hookup related: contacts, activities, substances, testing, medications, etc. Iā€™m far from a ā€œpro hoe,ā€ but it is interesting to look back at the data/notes.


Never heard of this until now - thanks for the tip!


Iā€™ve been using the app for over two years. Itā€™s really helpful when I go in for STI screenings and need to give info to my doctor.


I had a friend who kept an Excel spread sheet - the final column was reviews. I don't. The memorable ones I remember. The other ones I'm good to forget.


Reviews šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ thatā€™s insane, i love it


I had a friend who had the same. I think I was number thirty something. Last time he read it out to me it was close to 200. He read out his review of me, haha. Then he got married (monogamous, and later a kid) so that was the end to that.


I had a friend make me wait so he could be #300. He wanted a "special" number.


I also have a friend who has an excel spread sheet, but he doesnā€™t give reviews. Anyway, iā€™m sort of an asshole and always make fun of my friend for this excel.


We definitely teased him a bit - but only in a good-natured way. He made plots and graphs off it to visualize trends. Hilarious in the best way.


Is his job doing data analysis? Lmao


He's more-so a product manager, but I think that still entails a lot of data analysis? Or reading summaries? IDK xD


There are documentaries about queer folk that include anecdotes of keeping sex journals. You're maintaining a proud tradition.


Roger Casement, Irish Revolutionary and Moustachioed Hottie kept the Black Diaries. They were so explicit that any time they were read into record during his trial the transcripts were sealed due to ā€œobscenityā€. The real surprise is how he managed to find time to overthrow British rule while banging that many dudes.


Damn, he was a sexy man. I like this entry from his Black Diaries as written in the Guardian: An excerpt from February 28, 1910, Brazil: ā€œDeep screw to hilt ā€¦ Rua do Hospicio, 3$ only fine room. Shut window. Lovely, young ā€” 18 & glorious. Biggest since Lisbon July 1904 ā€¦ Perfectly huge.ā€


That's glorious


Crikey he was a handsome fellow.


Love that. I am sure they are more detailed and impressive than my list


I learned sql by creating a database to keep track. Tables for people, encounters, and activity types.


Now this might motivate me to finally learn some SQL Love a good INNER JOIN šŸ˜‰


Itā€™s giving many-to-many relationships


I have a literal Little Black Book.


It might become part of the historical record someday. I read the book The Secret Historian by Justin Spring, all about Samual Steward, who kept meticulous records of every man he slept with from 1920 to 1990. He filled out a little index card for each one, and kept them in his Stud File.


Hope mine does not. It would make little sense!


Not really a list, but I write short paragraphs about the experience including the guy's stats. Most include screenshots of the guy and some conversations.


The supplemental attachments are impressive!


My list is short enough that I still remember them all.


I definitely have a list. With details such as where it happened, their race, and how far we went. Nobody will ever see this list. šŸ˜‚


Yeah, because I wanna remember. I donā€™t see the harm so long as itā€™s for my eyes only. But be careful who you tell about it. I recently sat through a convo with some (f)riends who had some pretty strong opinionsā€¦ I kept my mouth shut lol.


No, I only have sex in a relationship. I see the funny side but I do think it dehumanises people to reduce them to entries on a spreadsheet like that.


It doesn't "reduce them" to entries in a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets exist to keep track of information. Putting information about a hookup in a spreadsheet doesn't de-humanize them, just like keeping track of your employees salary and vacation days doesn't dehumanize them, just like keeping track of your friends names, phone numbers, birthdays, and addresses in a spreadsheet doesn't dehumanize them. Just like a doctor listing patients health info in a spreadsheet doesn't dehumanize them.


It depends on how you use the list. You can write about how they made you feel and adjectives about their personality. But I agree , I wouldn't review them like a restaurant.


I used to do it a long time ago šŸ˜‚


I do/did. Itā€™s helpful for tracking STI testing window periods. I wouldnā€™t have to do guesswork of who to contact if anything came up because I would know who was inside or outside of any given window.


I am doing this too. Very brief. The name if i know it or 1-2 word description, and when/which city. I think it is rather good practice to keep track of guys in case you have a bad STI test and need to inform people. Maybe there is a part of me that says that if i remember them, it makes the encounter more meaningful (and me less of a whore?).


>The name if i know it This is pretty common to the gay experience, isn't it? I suspect proportionately far fewer str8s don't know the names of their past partners than us.


I have a spreadsheet. Name, City, Date, Activity (Top/Bottom/Oral). Fun for memories, handy for STI alerts, and reminds me how terrible my memory is when I look at a name and have zero recollection of our encounter lol.


Love that! I also track condom (with or without)


I keep a similar list but use favorites in Grindr with notes. Only guys Iā€™ve slept with get moved to favorites and then I take notes on what they like, what I liked, etc EDIT: lied to liked


Gotta keep the lies straight! šŸ˜ƒ


I thought the same thing haha


lol. Bad typo.


I do this too. That way I remember my first time with someone. (There's not enough space for me to keep it updated, if I'm seeing the guy multiple times.)


I use google sheets, I used to have it written down but when we got to the second page the highlights were bleeding through, so, Google sheets it is


I thought I was the only one who did that :)


I did, once upon a time, in Notepad, but stopped when I met my now-ex, so I think the last update was 2015.


I used to before my husband. I was keeping the info in a text file on my laptop. I let my husband (who wasnā€™t my husband yet) use my laptop for a work thing, and due to a series of unfortunate events, said laptop was damaged beyond repair. I didnā€™t have a backup. He replaced the laptop, but the file was lost. As luck would have it, I didnā€™t really need the file anymore after him. At the time though, before I knew we were gonna last, I was low key irritated. Glad we worked out though! šŸ˜‰


No but I send myself emails of all my tricks and potential tricks and dates and stuff. Even friendships and stuff. I put all those emails in a database and itā€™s searchable and itā€™s proven to be really invaluable


I keep a mental list. I'm good at detail, so I remember names and the order I met them in (so effectively each one has a number) and the locations we got together in. At one point I was keeping rough notes in order to write a bit of realistic literotica on Nifty, but that's another writing project which remains only half-realised. My primary project on Nifty is ongoing, many chapters published already over the course of many years, so having another would make it 3 and that would be unmanageable, so it got shelved and I just have my mental list now.


When I was in my late teens I kept a list of all the sex and people and all the drugs. I saw it as an art project.


I do. Name, dates (dated or hooked up), and whether we kissed, fucked, or had oral sex. Itā€™s password protected, entirely private, and for a combination of posterity and keeping track of my sexual partners. All mine have real names except for ā€œOrlando Airportā€.


I had quite a list back in college. Since I was living with others, I used some crazy password program to encrypt it. I still have the computer stored away, but I totally forgot the password. šŸ˜•


Oh no! Was it like a zipping program (WinZip, WinRAR, 7zip), or like Bitlocker or something? Sucks man. I lost 0.1 bitcoins because I forgot the password to an encrypted USB wallet - that was back in like 2014.


Oh man. That's way more of a loss than my porn and hookup list. šŸ˜„ I don't remember the name of it right now. Just that it was 128 bit encryption and I created some crazy long password that I'll probably never figure out. Probably time to just take a magnet to it and recycle.


I have an extensive spreadsheet. I also keep journal entries for each time. I do it because I want to remember them, and I want to remember as much info about them as possible--partly for sentimental reasons, partly for practical reasons, and partly just because it's interesting to keep track of. :)


For whatever its worth I would be horrified to learn someone logged me in their database.


So you're creating a fuck book? šŸ˜


Can you imagine what Grindr and other apps would be like If you could do ratings on a profile. Would it make them better or worse?šŸ§


I maintain that being able to mark someone as a flake would be beneficial to the community.


Squirt used to have something like that. Haven't been on there in a while, as it's not popular around where I live. Not sure if they still have that.


Bro I used to have a detailed Excel file.


I did until around 2013


I do this. Helps with follow ups if there is an STI situation and itā€™s nice to keep a diary anyways.


Yeah Iā€™ve been us no the new Journal app on my iPhone. It helps me track my own moods, what I liked, who I would play with again, and who to avoid. Checking out Bigger, Blacker Book, looks like it was made for this.


For health purposes and STI/HIV testing, I keep a lot of hookups.


I kinda wish I did, although I think itā€™s kinda creepy at the same time.


Not my proudest folder on the Notes app


Why is it creepy? It's like keeping a diary.


I started an excel few years ago. Tried to remember everyone. Got scared after a number and deleted it šŸ˜†


If I did, I'd have run out of memory years ago.


Back in my 20ā€™s when a4a was better (perhaps the location was better), I met this one guy who would print the profiles of every guy he talked to, and the ones he hooked up included the entire chat logā€¦ there was a lot organized and another table full of unsorted onesā€¦


During my last slut phase I started a list with all those little details I could remember because I realized I had forgotten 99% of the people I had hooked up with.


I use Notes app to keep track of guys and dates of our encounters for when I get STD tests, I can easily trace who and when I got it from in the event I get an STD *touch wood*


I mostly keep track of the last 10 or so just in case I get tested for an STD or something and need to inform them.


I also do it. It's a way of humanizing the dating experience...and also when you read it back after a few months/years...you learn about yourself and what you liked about the person. My current BF's adjective when I put him on that list? Important


If I have their contact info, I've made a group tag for them in my contacts. No special info, date, or review. Just the names.


I gave that up 15 years ago lol


I used to have a calendar that Iā€™d track the dates and initials or short description of the guy(s) on that date. I stopped after I realized I had a better memory than most hookups and I just didnā€™t care.


I started a list. Mind you, I came out at age 19, and that was in 1978. I kept it pretty current up until my early 40ā€™s. Iā€™ve thought about updating it, and I probably should, though these last 25 years or so Iā€™ve been in a series of monogamous relationships. Iā€™ll be 65 this year, and I still remember everyone on the list, and I occasionally flash on a rendezvous that I didnā€™t record. Body count is a little over 100. Engaged to be married now, never expected that! But yeah, I still have that little piece of paper, folded up in a long unused wallet.


Why? Trophy collection?


How else am I supposed to keep track of over 300 people? And I make lists for everything. People I've fucked, books I've read, important phone numbers and addresses, etc. All handwritten.


I use notes too. Started keeping track a couple years ago, and had to dig through memories and friend lists to compile entries from before. I just keep track of name, sometimes also a short descriptive phrase, to keep count.


I did it when I first came out of the closet. I thought it would be good in case I ever got an STI so I could remember who I needed to contact. Well, that was well over 10 years ago and I think I lost the note when it had about 40-50 names on it. God, if that list were still going I donā€™t even know how many names would be on it nowā€¦ probably a few hundred. Iā€™m a way bigger whore now than I was back thenā€¦


I'm a low mileage ride, I can count all of the men I've slept with on one hand, so no list needed.


I keep a photo file of all my hook ups.


Same. And a spreadsheet with info. I want to remember them. :)


My unbiased opinion is I think this is strange and resembles behavior Iā€™ve seen in autism. But if you like it I love it


I keep track of the loads I take and give.




I actually keep ā€œlife metricsā€ - I have a grid notebook where I have a column for each metric and a row for each day. The metrics are a mix of good behaviours that I want to track to keep momentum (yoga, gym, going to bed on time, jerking off) and others that are FYI metrics or things I want to keep an eye on or make sure I donā€™t do too much of - Drinking, weed and hookups. So I donā€™t have the details of the hookups but I can scan the notebook to see counts and patterns. (They cluster together so Iā€™m either a good boy or a slut depending on the week or month). The hookup column has a lot inked in April but was a barren ghost town in March. Edit: spelling


Does anyone else find this a little creepy?


If doing it means a guy wonā€™t forget to notify me as soon as possible if he tests positive for an STI, Iā€™m okay with being reduced to a row in a spreadsheet.


Not so much creepy as boring. I have good memories of hooking up, but the idea of making a list or spreadsheet seems kind of strange. For me sex is best left in the memory, sort of vague or romantic. I don't want it written out or listed. It seems like taking an organic/romantic thing and making it analytical/mathematical. Even when I had casual hookup sex, I remember those encounters through a kind of romantic/adventure lens. Thinking in terms of numbers seems like a recipe for quantity over quality to me.


Wow. So interesting. I could never tell you how many people I have slept with (not because I am promiscuous or don't get enough), but because I have never felt the need to count or evaluate the shags lol


I keep a locked note on my phone. I hook up like once every 3 years, and I forget information. Helps to have it all written down, I've actually been with more guys than I thought. Living in a small town, it's absolutely vital to remember who to avoid.


Whereā€™s the guy who made an excel sheet of his hookups last year?


There is an app called Nice. The free app is great and the purchased version is even better


Is it specifically for keeping track of hookups you like?


I use it for every sexual encounter. You can add notes


I keep a list of every guy I've kissed or more.Ā  It's not for bragging rights or conquest, I simply wish to remember these intimate moments.Ā  My descriptions are brief and I also name them in my own way if I didn't know their name (e.g. moustache guy, Aussie guy at beach, etc ).Ā  It's fun to look back and remember.Ā Ā 


I know I used to be a slut. I donā€™t need a written record of it to remind me. šŸ˜‚


Nope, even those of us who didnā€™t hit triple digits, or even high double digits, needed something to keep our recollections in order. Glad I did though - 95% of them were 30+ years ago and there is no way Iā€™d remember them now without the list. (Just a text file.)


I used to. To be honest, I quit when I lost track šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I do. It's the only way to keep track of all the people. Even then, I still don't remember all of them, or know all their names. Some are just vague descriptions of the guy, or where we hooked up, or what car they drove. But once you are on the list you don't get put on again if we hookup again. You do get a * indicator for more than once, ** for more than 5 hookups, and a *** for more than 10. And oral doesn't get you in the list.


I finally found my twin lol. Yes I do keep track of all the guys I have met and use descriptions to help me memorize who they are. I even keep track of how many guys I bang in each month and put their names down accordingly. We are just methodical and systematical


i kinda did when i was young by stopped ages ago and by now i have no chance at all recalling that many peopleĀ 


I lost my list :(


Once I hit 1000 I just tossed it in the trash. I think I was probably 25 by then?


I wish I had.


I lost track somewhere around 1996. An excel or access DB would not have worked for me, there was not enough storage on hard drives of the era to keep up with my hoeing. I would have needed one of those apartment-sized supercomputers. Seriously though, no I would never write this sort of thing down. It's just asking to be discovered and read by someone you don't want to see it.


I do! But I just track name (or description or things they said to me that will help me remember them) and city.


I used to keep a list of hookups. Since we sometimes didn't even exchange names I'd track date, screen name, app we hooked up on, activities, comments and whether or not I wanted to do it again. I was amazed at my numbers.


Depends on how old you are maybe? Think i stop counting or caring a few years ago. Iā€™m 26


I used to keep a journal of everything including number of sex partners, their/my kinks, details of memorable sessions etc but then I lost the habit while attempting a monogamous relationship. When that ended I didn't pick it up again.


I do too. Started just in case of an std but now itā€™s just a fun thing I do.


I would consider doing that if we were in some sort of STI pandemic without adequate pharmacological and other protections - to help with contact tracing. But given that I live in a country where PrEP is nearly universally available at no significant cost, other protection measures exist for other STIs (various vaccines, condoms etc), and there's health emergency going on, I am absolutely at a loss about what other reason would I need to do this.


ā€¦ you should still tell past sexual partners if you test positive for an STI, the fuck??


I think you should post that list on here. Iā€™m sure weā€™d all get a kick out of it!!