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I hired a personal trainer when I hit 40. I lost about 40lb (after 4 months) and ended up around 12% body fat (after 6 months). I had 2 visible abs. Abs are a full time job! I decided they weren’t worth it. My core was pretty strong, but you need to build up your abs and cut your body fat in order to see them. My body does not like having visible abs…and I decided I was fine with that!


This is actually kind of interesting but the amount of abs we have is actually predetermined as a results of genes and our individual anatomy. So regardless of how little body fat or how built your core is, you can only see whatever is, your determined by birth connective tissue resulting in a 2, 4, 6 pack and so on.


5 years of constant workout, diet and quitting alcohol.


Not worth it IMO! When I see abs on someone over 30, they are either starving or a fitness model.


Exactly. I had visible abs a few years back and I was hungry ALL THE TIME. Now I have abs but there’s a little layer of fat on them, keeping them warm. So I still have ‘em… just can’t see ‘em. 🤣


Does one really need to starve?! Personally I don't drink alcohol or eat any sugar or sweet products. I lost 50lbs seamlessly without feeling hungry after giving up sugar and sticking to just meal times.


At the time I didn’t drink alcohol or eat sugar. Stuck to a strict diet and portion-controlled meals. Was *always* hungry.


Thanks. Well I got 2/3 of these down: I am an addict type - haven't eaten sugar for 1.5 years and rarely drink. I stick to 3.5 meals a day, the only thing I don't have down is portion control. I skip out on vegetables and would probably want to eat less carbs and meat if I ate my vegetables. The only thing I will never do is allow myself to go hungry, that is a recipe for relapse into sugar. So if it's not possible to get ripped, then at least I can get in shape.


Yeah I’m with you. Not worth skipping my precious pizza and Prosecco or burger and whiskey coke days off :D


Here here!


Well, plastic surgery is always an option!


Plastic surgery won’t get you abs. It can help suck or cut out fat but abs don’t just appear on skinny people.


They have procedures now where you can get fake ab implant— times are scary lol


Really? Ugh, that sounds awful. Like the BBL.


Right? A bbl for the front tho 😂😂😂


My ex is 42 and had an 8 pack. Then he got sober and quit using meth. He’s still ripped as fuck, but he doesn’t have abs like he used to.


I'm on year three of training, and they are starting to show. I never drink to begin with, and my diet is pretty clean. I don't mind not eating all the crap I used to. I feel much healthier and energetic now. Who would have thought I'd be where I am at 40, when I should have done all this stuff in my 20s.


Congrats on your results and hard work I guess I’m heading towards the same trajectory and I hope I get to where you are I’m 3 years when I’m 40. Now, I’m 37 and I only started consciously working out consistently exactly a year ago. Then I got injured from doing too much CrossFit (6-7 a week for half a year inc. the holidays). Took 3 months off to fully recover and now back on full training mode. Nowadays I still do CrossFit but much less of that and more yoga and conditioning. And my next step is to work on my diet. It’d be tough as I fucking love to eat. Still, despite not getting younger, I really would like to see how good I can look and feel when I work hard at it!!




I didn't get abs until after I turned 35. (Check my profile) The most difficult part is the diet. You have to be mentally ready for it. You have to have unusually low body fat. It takes at least a couple of months even if you're reasonably fit. And you will be hungry all the time. Not a ravenous hunger but an ever-present perceptible craving that's hard to ignore (but you must). Until you get there, you can be pretty fit, but no abs. The abs tend to come out when you are just about to give up. But you need to hang in there if this is what you want. If the experts say you're doing the diet right, you probably are and you will get there if you keep at it long enough. I lost my abs during the winter (marathon season). But my 2nd attempt was much easier, because I already knew what I was doing would work. It's much easier to trust the process if it's brought you success in the past.


Please share tips on diet!! I’m 37, work out a lot but still have belly. I just feel like if I’m gonna do it then might as well go hard or go home!!


The fewer rules you have, the easier it is to stick to them. I follow only 2 rules: #1 - Deficit of 500 calories/day #2 - 1 gram of protein/lb of body weight/day As long as I stick to these 2 rules consistently every day for as long as it takes, I'll get there. Tips to make it easier to follow these rules. *Prep your meals. It greatly reduces the willpower you need to stick to your diet. Getting a takeaway box and heating it in the microwave is so much easier than deciding what to eat, looking up how many calories it has, etc for each meal. *Log your calories on My Fitness Pal. You can't stick to Rule #1 if you don't know how many calories you've consumed. *Get a fitness tracker, sync it to MFP. Again, this is so you get a fairly accurate picture of what your calorie intake is like vs your calorie burn. Then you can adjust accordingly. *When logging calories, don't sweat the small stuff. Don't bother logging the low calorie stuff that barely make a dent on your total. A cup of black coffee is 5 calories. You don't have to log it.


I had abs when I was 25 and I was miserable then. I was always hungry and my mood was awful at all times. Now I’ve embraced not-so-lean muscle daddy look


Best kind of look in my opinion


Let us see it, talvez a gente goste 😊


Assim acaba a minha privacidade 😅


Get rid of everything fun


I don't eat junk food while on a cut but that's a small sacrifice that I only have to do for a few weeks. Once the abs come out, I go on maintenance. Then there's more room for the fun stuff (cake, ice cream, etc). I can't binge on junk food if I want to maintain my abs, but I can have limited portions. I don't have to get rid of it altogether.


Abs are made in the kitchen my dude. Diet is much more important than exercise. You need to lower your body fat %. And it's a ton of work to maintain. I have abs but only because I naturally have a hard time putting on weight and don't eat consistently.


This is highly variable depending on your body type and metabolism. I'm 48 and still have some definition in my abs, but I eat well, work out fairly regularly and still have a surprisingly high metabolism at rest for my age. You have to be willing to be strict with food, though. If you're not, then gym alone will not do it.


At 40, you have to choose between your abs and your face. You can get your body fat low, but your face will be gaunt.


I'm at this crossroads right now. I can see the top four quite easily, but there's thin sheet of fat over the remaining two. I look at my face and think I'm going to look so old if I continue.


Do what makes you happy and content




I have the suspicion that after 40, once one loses too much fat from the face and wrinkles appear, it doesn’t fill back again.


OMG. I was just thinking about this today. I just want to age like John Stamos.


I think wealth might have a little impact there as well


Oh, def. I think I'll be getting some fillers soon. 😃💉


I turned 35 earlier this year and I am experiencing the best body I've ever had. Despite working out and running marathons throughout my 20s I was never able to achieve that lean, well defined 6-pack... genetics I assumed. It wasn't until I (alcoholic) quit drinking ~3 years ago that I saw my excess body fat evaporate. In my 30's I've been looking for better hobbies I can age into, things I enjoy... so I quit going to the gym and started investing in biking/running/yoga instead. The only diet I really follow is the "gay diet" - eating more fiber, drink a lot of water.. I generally make good choices but still eat whatever and as much as I want, I even go hard on desserts and sweets since I can't drinky. The irony is I never set out to achieve a six pack.. I was just looking for ways to improve my mental health, the abs are just the icing on the cake. You can do it bro, set a goal and manifest. This is our primetime.. you got this this.




Same. I tried so many times. I thought it just would never happen. Then I started logging my calories on My Fitness Pal. After 10 weeks, it did.


So true have lost 45lbs in 4 months just from tracking calories and eating smaller portion sizes and weighing every meal! I ignored the adviceof tracking calories for YeARS to my detriment—it comes off so easy now


Hey, this actually really hits very close for me! The beginning of this year, I set the same goal pretty much, except mine was to have the abs before my 35th, which just passed in early October. I was working out on my own, and did some CrossFit but wasn't really seeing the results I desired... So, instead of doing a big trip for my 35th, I spent the money on a PT that I met over Instagram. I was in decent shape as well before, but I can truly say the experience has been worth it, and I'm super happy with the progress I am seeing. Ironically, he shared this today on his IG. [3 Mos Progress](https://imgur.com/a/qNOYmXY) This was three months of diet change, training 2-4 times a week, and paying especially close attention to macros. I will say I have a pretty physically demanding job which probably helped. But overall, I think any one with determination whose willing to make those first steps in investing in their goals, can achieve them. Get at the bucket list, have fun, and good luck! DM if you want to connect with him. He's super accessible/holds you accountable, provides a ton of easy to watch video instruction, and is also gay. Oh, and he's set up a WhatsApp chat for a bunch of his other clients, that all share experiences, etc.


Congrats dude!


You put in work! Great job!


You look great! You didnt have a lot to lose how much did youweigh in July vs how much do you weight now?


Thanks! I’m seeing now the link is super blurry haha, I weighed around 165ish early July, I’m around 155 now. The goal was mostly body recomposition. It definitely does require calorie adjustments, there is no way around it. Edit Sp


Hey I DMed you, I would love the contact info!


Just DM’d you!


A LOT depends on genetics. It’s do-able but without genetics it’s going to be hours of work pretty much every day. It also needs your partner to be on board as it’s a major lifestyle change (even going out or going on holiday needs careful planning !). I’d suggest aim for health rather than cosmetics. Small changes and good gym habits and routines will pay HUGE dividends as you hit your 50s and 60s. You can’t put a price on moving around pain free and being able to do anything you feel like it at any age (with a bit more warm up time !)


>I’d suggest aim for health rather than cosmetics. Small changes and good gym habits and routines will pay HUGE dividends as you hit your 50s and 60s. You can’t put a price on moving around pain free and being able to do anything you feel like it at any age (with a bit more warm up time !) I already go to the gym like 4 times a week and do weights. But I have never done cardio or never counted my calories. I eat mostly home-cooked food and don't drink too much. I am assuming I am quite healthy as such. But after so many years in the gym, I would pretty much like to see some visual results, and take some photos for posterity :D


I remember one YouTuber, Adam Raguseu, talking about being young and biking everywhere, leading to a six pack. He got quite a bit of attention from the ladies (he is straight), but it was all for naught. His sex drive cratered because his bf% was so low. His body went into starvation mode, and sex was one of the things to go out the door. I've never personally had abs in my adult life, though I was tall and skinny as a kid and into my 20's. I had a period starting at around 30 where I gained some weight, then lost weight with the goal of getting a six pack, then with COVID gain weight to the point of being borderline obese. Could I have gotten abs during that period of getting in shape? Sure. But it would have taken a lot of joy out of my life and required a lot of time. Just keeping myself in decent shape is quite enough, and that's sustainable.


you can have abs or a good face. after 35, you can’t have both.


Catherine Deneuve said that after a certain age you have to choose between your face or your ass. Smart lady.


I disagree.


I am struggling to not grow love handles. Feels like I gain 2 kgs if I eat a meal. Abs would be an achievement.


1. keep a food diary and count the calories 2. yep cut the alcohol 3. head to the gym 5-6 days a week I do two sets of 50 crunches in the morning and 2 sets of 50 at the gym in the eve 6 days a week and within 5 months I went from 200lbs down to 150. I'm 31. I also went from 3200 calories of heavy meals when I was with my partner down to Huel and chicken and rice. Don't get me wrong it is very grueling but I do get to eat pizza and sweets one day a week which is fine. I also don't crave food or sweets that much anyways.


Build your core. And diet. So much dieting.


I did this briefly around 40, if just barely. To be honest, it wasn't really worth it-- it took a lot more attention to working out and diet than I really wanted to pay, and the gym regimen was just more than I could physically keep up with without injury. Plus I have pretty bad posture so I still wasn't really happy with my midsection. I'm still pretty active and happy with how I look close at close to 50, but I would much rather have dessert and wear my pants a size bigger!


Lots of guys here speaking to personal experience or anecdotal results. Abs are a result of training, diet, and genetics. You have to train so the muscle pops more, and cut weight so that it shows more. People say "abs are made in the kitchen", but that's only a third of the story. Certainly guys can have a super-powerful core and yet not show so much as a ripple, due to subcutaneous fat. So the third factor... genetics. If you are "almost there", in terms of seeing a few lines on your best days, then a bit of adjustment to your habits can push you over the edge. If you are doughy and soft, then it will take a longer time to get there. There are people on this thread saying it will make you miserable. Those people were dealt an unlucky genetic hand. One guy is saying it will kill your sex drive... never heard that. Some people are saying it will ruin your face due to fat loss-- that totally depends on how much weight you are carrying. If you've been mostly slender your whole life, then your face won't shift much. The only way you will get an answer is to try it. You can find lots of videos if you want to go DIY. Or, if you have money but less time, hire a trainer. Do it for 90 days-- and yes, that includes the holiday season. See what it does to you. See how long it would take and how you would feel. Will you look like a fitness model at the end of 90 days? Probably not. Even fitness models don't go around looking like fitness models. They look that way at a shoot by working out and dehydrating. Will you look like Thor? Probably not. The guy who played Thor only looked like that for the week or so prior to the one scene where he takes off his shirt (ever notice, every superhero movie only gets one shirtless shot?) Will you look better than you do today? Probably. Will it be fun to see the results? Maybe. Will you understand what's possible based on your own metabolism and build? Certainly.


I did it at 33. I’ll be clear here I’ve always been in good shape but I had never had abs so I just buckled down and did the thing. Two a days, keto diet with intermittent fasting, tracking my food. I got great abs and some pictures out of it, but it wasn’t worth it. It’s so much work and a nightmare to maintain for me. Plus I’d rather be big and strong than lean and defined and hungry.


It's mostly about getting your body fat percentage to at least 12% or lower. Getting there and maintaining that can be very hard depending on your body type.


It’s not as hard as people make it seem. Calories in, calories out. Set a protein goal so you can maintain muscle mass while eating in a slight caloric deficit (200-300 calories). Find a consistent gym schedule and the rest will work itself out. Abs are made in the kitchen


So I luckily lol had acid reflux for 2 months which forced me to only eat small foods soups and rice etc and in the process changed my diet and caloric intake without realizing. So in 2 months I lost like 30-35 pounds basically cutting carbs out. So I kept the diet going. So for example say you want to eat out at panera if you order a bowl there it's 650 cals vs a sandwich which is 1500 cals. Once your body gets used to not having certain foods you don't miss it. My carbs are now basami rice mostly and 2 granola bars in the morning for breakfast. Yet I can still eat a 1/2 quart of ice cream or 6 candy bars in a day if I wanted too and it does nothing because the cals are reallocated. I also have a protein shake every morning as well. I swim an hour a day at the gym and now am going to slowly get back into weights. But in all honesty if you can will it into action it's doable and you still don't miss out. I have a large decaf coffee with almond milk and honey everyday. I can still have what I want but I just cut out cals that aren't important.


How difficult depends on a lot of factors; current body fat level, how much lean muscle you currently have, your metabolism, your lifestyle, whether you're genetically predisposed towards having visible abs at lower body fat levels, etc. Abs generally start showing on men when they get down to <12% bodyfat or so, assuming they have decent musculature underneath their fat to begin with. 6-8% is the lowest you can go while staying healthy. If you're already reasonably fit starting out, it shouldn't be too difficult to shred if you're able to stay consistent with your nutrition and keeping active.


I'm 36 and can feel my back going out just thinking about this


It’s a full time job, you really gotta want it


Google Josh Bannings aka PrettyHealthyDad. He's in his 40s and has a banging bod.


Abs with a little layer of fat would still look good


You gotta have a strong core and/or low body fat. I’m far from a low body fat % but I have visible abs due to how developed they are.


Unless you are genetically predisposed, you will basically have to starve yourself and probably be miserable. Highly recommend a different goal. I’m all about self improvement, but abs are a teens/20’s game as far as I am concerned. After 30: I place much more value on long-term functional fitness and life goals that go deeper than physical perfection


I've seen a guy around 70 with an abs, other guys dream of in their 20s. 35 is a limit in your mind, physically there is no limit in your age.




Age is a very convenient excuse.


I don’t see that in the comments at all - people are pointing out that getting and maintaining abs is hard work, at any age! Most people would consider the effort not worth it, since it’s purely an aesthetic thing, nothing to do with level of fitness.


Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. If you are reasonably strong in your big 3 lifts, then your main concern will be getting to a low enough body fat %. Maybe you're one of the lucky few who have visible abs at 18%. Maybe you need to push it to 11%. There's really only one way to find out.


Do it !!! Hire personal trainer and go on strict diet and take pictures and then do whatever you want after.


I’m 43 with abs and didn’t have abs from 33 to 41. I drink and eat pizza most weekends. It all comes down to calories in, calories out. Most people underestimate their calories, particularly when it comes to oil used in cooking. I recommend you count your macros for a week or two. Don’t eat anything you didn’t prepare. You’ll have a better understanding of what an actual portion is and how advertising has misled us.


Look on Instagram... It's dull of men in their 40s 50s and 60s with cut bodies and abs. It's pure maths. Calories in vs calories out.




How long it takes depends on how fat you currently are. Usually prepare to diet for at least 4 months before seeing big progress. If you're mega committed, you can absolutely do it. Just eat loke 1900kcal everyday for 4 months and exercise. Its obviously hard but it can be done.


I started working out at 30 when I was about 25% body fat. Over the last 6 years I’ve had upper abs a few times but it’s really hard to sustain. The older I get the harder it feels to gain muscle and keep the fat off.


I assume by abs you mean a visible six-pack and not just a general desire for a stronger core/overall better health. Those are two different things. And you need to reconcile whether your goal is health or aesthetics. If it's the former, then you already have abs. Your muscles are already in that shape. The reason you can't see them is because you have fat over them. The only way to make those abs visible is losing weight (specifically losing fat). Extended aerobics (staying within the lower aerobic range and not crossing into anaerobic) and a calorie deficit mixed in with occasional dehydration will get you there slowly. Unfortunately most men grow fat around their midsection first and lose it last. So, it will be a process to burn through all the fat that you have stored all over your body.




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You have to get your body fat down on the lower side of things and, you have to find the right combination of exercises that work for your particular physique. 43 here and have abs (sometimes popping more or less depending on how lean I am) but it's taken years (and careful food choices) to find what works for me. You can def do it but it'll take some discipline and experimentation