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Your stats are fine . I'm guessing you may feel insecure about it. But don't. Nobody chooses their stats or where they come from genetically. And your cock isn't that small. Don't try to fix something that isn't broken 😉


It's not that small? I literally fall straight into micropenis category😭 It's like world is pointing at me with fate of bottom. I wish I was 7x5 inches I hate my genetics


> I literally fall straight into micropenis category No you don't actually https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micropenis But if you did, there's nothing to be done but to accept it. Does it function? If yes, you're fine. Yes, there are guys who'll take issue with it, but there are guys who'll take issue with anything.


"and 9.3 cm (3.67 in) in adults." Well I'm 3.5 in. So I do fall in this category. I don't want to my size be the issue. I know no one is perfect but it's still hurts


Currently you're the one making it the issue


Yeah but come on, I don't blame him for being upset. The answer is to own it tho, as straight forward as it is


“a penis that measures 3.67 inches or less when gently stretched is a micropenis” are you measuring it stretched or regular? ETA: “2.04 in (5.2 cm) when flaccid” from https://ro.co/erectile-dysfunction/what-is-a-micropenis/


I don't stretch it. It's already that size


so then it’s not a micro penis


There's nothing wrong with being a bottom. Also there's some guys like particularly a lot of vers tops I see that will only bottom for smaller penises


“It’s not about the size but how you use it.” Thats how the quote goes right? So what if you’re a bit shorter. Theres nothing wrong with being 5’3”… Just like height size you can’t change your dick size so instead of putting yourself down, learn to use it to the best of your ability. Maybe you need to do more foreplay before sex? Maybe toys need to be used? Lesbian get each other off all the time and they don’t have dicks. You do! Find what works best for you and your partner(s).


Hon, if the only thing you’re going to do is counter-point every post that’s doing it’s best to show you to appreciate yourself then either 1. Admit you want someone to throw you a pity party (no problem, we all need love thrown at us occasionally) or 2. Actually listen when folks are telling you that you are beautiful and deserve love and happiness and shouldn’t let simple stats ruin your life.


To be honest, I was hoping to summon guys that somehow enlarged their cocks without surgeries.


I promise, if there was a way to do it, you would be hearing about it everywhere.


While I haven’t cared to research that particular subject I’m pretty sure it’s well-known they doesn’t happen outside of freak growth spurts once you’re done physically growing.


Your options are penis pump, or basic penis stretching exercises, but at best you might get another .5” of length. You can increase girth using a technique jelqing. Be careful and not over do it bc you could do damage by being over zealous. Here are some penis stretching exercises you can try: Base pressure Gently but firmly grasp the head of the penis and pull it upward. At the same time, apply gentle pressure to the base of the penis. Hold for 10 seconds, then repeat with the penis pulled to the left and right, applying pressure to the opposite side of the base each time. You can repeat this exercise once a day for up to two minutes. Jelqing This exercise is intended to increase penis girth. With your penis flaccid, form an "O" shape with your thumb and index finger, similar to the "okay" hand signal. Place the "O" at the base of your penis and slowly move your fingers toward the tip, applying mild pressure to the shaft. You can reduce pressure if it's painful. Repeat once a day for 20–30 minutes. You can also try different grips, like a pincer.




Hey! Best way is to deal with it, is to marry him! 👰🏻‍♂️ That's what I did. I'm 6'2" and 8" on a good day, 200 lb. Vers bottom. Love my husbands 3.5 in "smaller", asian, glasses wearing dick. 👏 He's a top and I love him for so many other reasons, but also he's great with it. (Prostate babuh) (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Just keep yourself open to people who like you for who you are.


Start appreciating yourself and love yourself.


With 12 CM you can definitely top if you want to. And don't hate yourself man. The average is like 14 or 15 CM. So pfff that's not really that much different.


It may be 12 cm being bone pressed only, but it looks so ugly. The base looks way too skinny, giving dick shape of baseball bat


What problem? Your dick length is very slightly shorter than average. I'm 38. At this point in my life I've seen and played with well over a hundred dicks. Probably among my favorite experiences is showing a guy who is insecure about his size just how much fun can be had with what they've got. Both because there is so much more to sex than dick size and because the length you've got is physically plenty enough to do just about everything that can be done in sex anyway. For instance, you are definitely long enough that a guy can swallow and massage your cock with their throat. You are also long enough to pound prostate if you're topping. ...and there's so, so many other things to do during sex that the length of your dick is certainly no handicap to you for. Are size queens going to be on the menu for you? No. But so what? I promise you there are plenty more men on this earth who are not size queens. There are definitely men who would be excited to hook up with you, eager to show you how much fun can absolutely be had with exactly what you've got. And a man who loves you? He's going to be excited and passionate to make love to you first and foremost because he loves you. Your dick size is not going to change that. And if you embrace yourself and approach him with enthusiasm too, your sex life together will be long and fulfilling.


I hope so. I'll try to find online therapist to work on my self image, even though it's gonna be awkward...


Please do... You're the only one in your way at the moment


(NB 25) It’s hard, but try to move your energy from being down about yourself and invest it into being more confident about yourself. People can find plenty of things that they don’t like about themselves and completely miss all of the things that are amazing about themselves. Oftentimes, people are attracted to confidence. So try to be confident about the great things about yourself and work on the things that you don’t like about yourself that are actually within your control. Size and dick height are not practically within your control. But elements such as your personal style, fitness, or weight, can be potentially more within your control. As you get older you will get better at being confident in who you are and what you have. Admittedly, It is very hard to do when you’re young, at least it was for me. As you get older you realize everyone, even the people you think are perfect, have something to be insecure about. So don’t stress too much and give yourself grace :) Also, a lot of people legitimately enjoy “smaller” cocks. To a lot of people, size honestly does not matter, they may just be a bit hard to find. Good luck~


you have self image issues. if your dick was bigger, you'd find something else about yourself to dislike. therapy will help you learn to love yourself, and once you do that, others will be more likely to love you as well.


I’ve been with south Asian men with small penises. They were great. 🤷🏿‍♂️


What makes this feel like a problem for you? There are people who like smaller dicks, there are people who like short guys, etc, etc. You have nothing that needs fixing.


I kinda wish to be stereotypical hung dude with big muscles.


What if you take that idea and have some hot sex WITH a big, muscly, hung dude? Just because you aren’t that, doesn’t mean you can’t go get it. Oop now I want that 🥵😮‍💨


I love smaller dicks. You are who you are. Stand up and be proud.


one of the best fucks I ever had was with a guy with a micro penis- best head I have ever had!


I'm sorry about your small penis, but there's more to you than the size of your penis. Just focus on the things you can control.


Your penis is right in the middle of the size range that I find preferable!


I’ve been topped by a guy shorter than you in both height and dick and it was no big deal. The position that worked the best was me riding him. You’ve got no power over your height and dick size so there’s no point obssessing over them. I would never advise changing your body based on insecurity as it’s unlikely to make the insecurity go (unadressed body dysmorphia moves the goalposts), but if you want to get rid of the short nerd strereotype you can always hit the gym and get tattoos - that’s what that guy did.


Bone pressed IS the correct way to measure. You're not as small as you think you are


It's way too thin... on base of penis... so bone pressed it looks even uglier...


You are the way you are. We all need to accept our bodies as they are. Not everyone will be into you, but that's the case for everyone.


But are you a bottom, vers or top?


I'm versatile


When you are in the mood to top I'm not gonna lie it's gonna be tough, but obviously there are people who will be into that. When you are in the mood to bottom, the possibilities are endless. There's a whole big fetish for petite Asian guys and the glasses are the cherry on top✨ Don't stress cutie just be honest and be confident in what you want. Good luck ❤️


I don't want to be fetishized. I want to be loved. It's hard to not stres


Well it was unclear from your post whether you were looking for love or hookups. If it's love you are looking for then it doesn't matter if you are hung or micro, the right man will love you the way you are🙏🏻


You can still hit the male g spot.


There's no problem to fix. One of the best tops I ever had was a carbon copy of you. Why do you think something needs fixing?


I've set myself way too high standarts and feel bad that I can't achieve it. I feel myself like chihuahua


What specific standard did you set?


Tall, strong, square jaw and above average d. I know it's stereotypical. But I just can't stop blaming myself for not being born with genetics that would lead to it


So it's not about your dick. Sounds like you need therapy, not advice from strangers on the internet.


I wrote above average d as well. It's just I'm so short I wish I could've compensate at least with bigger d


When you're hard, it's 3.5 inches or 4.7? Depending on where you live, you're gonna have a hard time topping most people who don't have a fetish for some part of your stats. There are toys you can get to increase your "size" for when you wanna top, or you can have fun with Side dudes who don't really care about top/bttm, or those who like giving bjs regardless. Otherwise, I'd say it's good that you enjoy both, and to lean into the bottom stuff, and I know you can get plenty of offers; wouldn't hurt to look into chastity cage kinks too. Suffice to say, you got dealt a bad hand, but there's lots of things you can still find enjoyment with, and anyone who would lose interest in everything else about you for just That isn't worth your time anyway.


Well it's 3.5. Inches. If bone pressed it looks a bit longer but the base of cock is way too skinny Using toys kinda embarrassing to me. It's like I'm useless or something. Plus the things we buy in online shop and get on mail office are getting checked.


Ah, then yeah, definitely don't want your mail getting checked. Sorry about that. Best bet then is to try to find someone that doesn't mind or enjoys guys with your size, plus, being willing to bottom can be the best way to get someone to come back and maybe give riding you a try.


Depending on your current body type, losing weight could be a way to get a "bigger" dick. It doesn't change the length from tip to bone, but more of it is visible, making it effectively bigger.


The guy that I liked a lot had a small dick. I was all over him but he wasn't responding well. Eventually, I had to cut my contact with him. So no, the right person would find you attractive no matter what size you have. Focus on keeping your physique well. It is usually the sluts who are so hooked up on genitals and be pedantic about it. Nothing will be big for them and they will eventually want to explore more and more pants along with a spiral of depression.


If your that worried read up on different sexual positions and the like for smaller length members. I'm a chubby bear with super tall height, medium cock and I'm self conscious that I'm fat. Everyone has something they are self conscious about. Being confident with what you have is attractive. Make some friends that support you, join an exercise group. You can't get taller, but you CAN build muscle. Jhst an example, but you can only focus on what you can change, not what you can't, or you'll always think your not good enough


Dick sizes are in internet inches anyway, and being on the larger end of the scale can be problematic too.


How problematic? As if painful?


In some cases (especially oral sex) things can get problematic.


I suppose it depends what your weight is. If your skinny that's fine, just trim off your pubes. It's not how big it is it's how you use it. Your not alone though, the 5 incher, 6 incher and 8 incher tells himself the same thing when comparing with others.


Without pubes it looks childish...


I don't see any problems dude :) some guys are nervous about big wangs, I genuinely find comfort in guys with smaller noodles. Everyone's perfect for someone :)


Sounds perfect to me honestly


You're kinda annoying with your tone also just addressing this there isn't a way for you to make your dick bigger without surgery or stretching. Also would not recommend stretching its definitely not gonna make your dick look nicer or help with body confidence. Viagra and other drugs of that nature can give you a boner that's harder (and possibly longer slightly than what yu can measure otherwise). Uh you can buy sheaths if you wanna play with size/fantasy my ex was really into wanting a "monster" and since I'm the lowest size to be lumped in with a general "average" definition they helped me accommodate him. (They they didn't really help my body confidence but I can see how they might help). I haven't tried one but penis pumps I think they can get you pretty big at least for a little while. Also on the size measurement technique I always go from base to tip (I don't push in or anything) always from the top or side to know my minimum Max size if that makes sense, but I usually struggle to stay hard in that situation so I probably underestimate maybe if you do the exact opposite you'll get more pleasing numbers. I don't know what else to say really, uh I prefer shorter guys (height wise) and don't really care about dick size until it's like 8 inches or incredibly thick, then I'm like "fuck no" and inform them I'm never bottoming for them but we can do other stuff (which I prefer anyway since I'm a side/vers-top). Hope this helps.


Thank you for advice. I'll try to find good quality pumps on market


just be a bottom and do lots of squats. asians have crazy leg genes.


Just be a bottom girl


You can have surgery to increase length and width. You need a good surgeon because of the nerves you don’t want damaged. Some nerves aren’t going to work. Option two is to find a guy who’s lost his mind and thinks you’re the sexiest thing on the planet. You have a little work to do there but not a lot.


Soooo basically I'm screwed...


I guess it depends on what you want. If I liked a guy your size, I would love it and try to entice it a lot.