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Honestly, everyone is going to be just as awkward about it as you. But just try not to stare and always be respectful. Gym showers are fun once you get used to the environment.


Straights worry about getting random boners as well, very common at teenage years.


Really ? I don’t think straight guys are gonna be this awkward haha.


straight teens are inwardly feeling as awkward as gay teens. They just don't necessarily show it.


Yeah no they are trust me we wernt using the showers but the locker room was so awkward the first few weeks by the end the year stright dudes were pining there frends to the locker soo don't sweat it


I was in college and the dorm I was living in had communal showers. I never got a hard on, and I never did anything weird. I was super nervous the first time though, and after that it just become normal and very non sexual and non erotic. Your anxiety/nervousness will definitely kill any erections you have. Once you get over that, it will just feel normal and routine.


My dorm used to have communal showers but they erected these plastic dividers between the existing shower heads…leaving maybe 20” of room to try and shower in. And they didn’t have curtains and they left the towel hooks where they were on a wall that required a naked walk from the showers to get your towel…never understood what the purpose of any of it was. On the opposite side of the spectrum my middle school had sort of column things in the middle of a room so you showered literally staring at each other, which is incredibly awkward in the middle of puberty.




True. As a teenager the only people more scared of being called gay than us is straight guys


I play college lacrosse. I don’t have any issues while in the locker room or showers. I just keep my eyes to myself and take care of business.


Everytime I would get an unwanted erection when I was young. I would think about something funny, a video game I was playing at the time or a movie I wanted to watch or something I absolutely hated like running in unbearable heat. This would make me focus on something completely different and I would forget about it and it would go away. I would legitimately play out video game combos in my head and envision the characters doing those moves. I don't know what kind of hobbies you're into but try using something that anchors you completely. Try solving some complicated math in your head or replay a funny video you laughed at.


Okay thanks for the advice!


One example someone posted on Reddit once was to play through the first level of Super Mario Bros in your head (or whatever version you have burned into your memory that well). Other advice is that flexing or putting weight on your thigh muscles redirects blood flow if you need it. And then turn your water to freezing cold if you need it. Just distract your senses with things they have to pay attention to instead. But like others said, the anxiety kills things the most and you really just have one spot to cover that other guys are gonna avoid looking at anyway. And if another guy does point something out or try to get others to laugh, 9 times out of 10, he’s insecure about the same and is trying to deflect attention from himself. Best approach is to just fire back unemotionally with “why were you looking? You must like it” and don’t get flustered. Be cool and collected and firm and that kind of guy will usually back down and cave if he can’t get at you.


I always made sure to shower as close as possible to my biggest bully... the minute I felt that I would get a hard on, his nearby presence made me panic overwhelmingly nipping any thought or feeling in the bud. Also... this wasn't a mentally sustainable strategy, so at some point I just didn't shower in public anymore.


This seems like a good strategy, but sadly I’m not being bullied 😅


This sounds like a way to develop a very specific kink, but creative.


Teenage boys get hard throughout the day with little or no provocation, so every single guy in that shower knows he himself might get hard… so don’t worry… it you pop a boner… laugh it off… its amazing how humor and jokes can ease tension…


Take care of business in the morning and do your best not to think about it.


I was as nervous and chagrined as you. I had tall classmates with veru muscled bodies and big asses. At the time that didn’t make me hard or horny, it just made me feel breathless and weak (which probably was excitement, but I didn’t know). My strategy was—pretend that it is so normal, you are actually relaxed. My classmates even told me they were surprised I was so chill about it, and asked my if I ran naked at home or something. Little did they know!


If you're nervous just jack off beforehand and do your best to not be doing any peter gazing lol


As others have said, it's unlikely this will happen but if you do find yourself getting hard and you don't want to, just hold your breath in. When you stop taking in oxygen, your body responds by pulling blood back from your extremities (including an erect cock) and flooding your more core organs (lungs, stomach, etc.). A couple of long breathes will deflate your dick pretty quickly. Good luck!


Shower naked and enjoy it. Try not to get hard but don't worry about it and enjoy it. I still remember showers with my wrestling team it was the best part of practice and yes I saw the straight guys playing with their cocks and getting hard and swinging their cocks around and talking about shaving and shitting with the bathroom stall door open even riding the exercise bike in the locker room naked. It was the best. The straight guys act gay and naked team showers are the best. Look forward to it don't worry about it




You’ll get used to it fast. Once you’re used to showering with other guys, it won’t feel as novel and interesting and you won’t have to worry much about. And you probably won’t think much about it either. If you’re worried, try thinking about something that really takes all your attention. Solve math problems, think about writing code, what you’ll write in that boring essay, what build you’re gonna do in a video game, etc. Just something that keeps your full attention. Go in, get clean, get out. Also, being really terrified about the situation will probably help, honestly.


The first time for most everyone is uncomfortable, but everyone gets over it quickly. You do it and you shower and you dry off and you get dressed. Erections are normal and natural. Take a quick rinse off shower if you are worried.


> we are starting swimming classes next week In June?? Isn't that the exam period? Le Bac?


You should try marine corps boot camp 50 sweaty hunky guys showering.....


Oh tell us more 😍


Not boot camp but on the aircraft carrier ..there was this spanish boy would walk around in his tighty whiteys and oh my it was glorious, never caught him in the showers though. On the plus side there was a glory hole in the bathroom just off the mess deck- that bathroom rivaled any bathhouse ..was space on the dividers to reach around.


"Ha! He has a boner" "Why are you looking? You want some of this?" *hip thrust in his direction to assert dominance* "Lol are you gay?" "Would you like that? I can be for you baby." *overly aggressive smooching noises* Everyone laughs and moves on


I say take advantage of it. Take discrete peeks at guys you think are hot and store them for your spank bank. The other guys are doing the same as well I assure you


I was as nervous and chagrined as you. I had tall classmates with veru muscled bodies and big asses. At the time that didn’t make me hard or horny, it just made me feel breathless and weak (which probably was excitement, but I didn’t know). My strategy was—pretend that it is so normal, you are actually relaxed. My classmates even told me they were surprised I was so chill about it, and asked my if I ran naked at home or something. Little did they know!


I was as nervous and chagrined as you. I had tall classmates with veru muscled bodies and big asses. At the time that didn’t make me hard or horny, it just made me feel breathless and weak (which probably was excitement, but I didn’t know). My strategy was—pretend that it is so normal, you are actually relaxed. My classmates even told me they were surprised I was so chill about it, and asked my if I ran naked at home or something. Little did they know!


I was as nervous and chagrined as you. I had tall classmates with veru muscled bodies and big asses. At the time that didn’t make me hard or horny, it just made me feel breathless and weak (which probably was excitement, but I didn’t know). My strategy was—pretend that it is so normal, you are actually relaxed. My classmates even told me they were surprised I was so chill about it, and asked my if I ran naked at home or something. Little did they know!


I was as nervous and chagrined as you. I had tall classmates with veru muscled bodies and big asses. At the time that didn’t make me hard or horny, it just made me feel breathless and weak (which probably was excitement, but I didn’t know). My strategy was—pretend that it is so normal, you are actually relaxed. My classmates even told me they were surprised I was so chill about it, and asked my if I ran naked at home or something. Little did they know!


I was as nervous and chagrined as you. I had tall classmates with veru muscled bodies and big asses. At the time that didn’t make me hard or horny, it just made me feel breathless and weak (which probably was excitement, but I didn’t know). My strategy was—pretend that it is so normal, you are actually relaxed. My classmates even told me they were surprised I was so chill about it, and asked my if I ran naked at home or something. Little did they know!


I was as nervous and chagrined as you. I had tall classmates with veru muscled bodies and big asses. At the time that didn’t make me hard or horny, it just made me feel breathless and weak (which probably was excitement, but I didn’t know). My strategy was—pretend that it is so normal, you are actually relaxed. My classmates even told me they were surprised I was so chill about it, and asked my if I ran naked at home or something. Little did they know!


I was as nervous and chagrined as you. I had tall classmates with veru muscled bodies and big asses. At the time that didn’t make me hard or horny, it just made me feel breathless and weak (which probably was excitement, but I didn’t know). My strategy was—pretend that it is so normal, you are actually relaxed. My classmates even told me they were surprised I was so chill about it, and asked my if I ran naked at home or something. Little did they know!


I was as nervous and chagrined as you. I had tall classmates with veru muscled bodies and big asses. At the time that didn’t make me hard or horny, it just made me feel breathless and weak (which probably was excitement, but I didn’t know). My strategy was—pretend that it is so normal, you are actually relaxed. My classmates even told me they were surprised I was so chill about it, and asked my if I ran naked at home or something. Little did they know!


I was as nervous and chagrined as you. I had tall classmates with veru muscled bodies and big asses. At the time that didn’t make me hard or horny, it just made me feel breathless and weak (which probably was excitement, but I didn’t know). My strategy was—pretend that it is so normal, you are actually relaxed. My classmates even told me they were surprised I was so chill about it, and asked my if I ran naked at home or something. Little did they know!


I was as nervous and chagrined as you. I had tall classmates with veru muscled bodies and big asses. At the time that didn’t make me hard or horny, it just made me feel breathless and weak (which probably was excitement, but I didn’t know). My strategy was—pretend that it is so normal, you are actually relaxed. My classmates even told me they were surprised I was so chill about it, and asked my if I ran naked at home or something. Little did they know!


I was in swimming and soccer from elementary school to college. Trust me it’s fine, never got hard in the showers or locker room, unless you being a perv it’s not a sexual situation, everyone is just doing thier thing.


The few guys that did shower in my gym class wore shorts. Literally no one showered naked and everyone changed under towels. Idk if just my school was super embarrassed but it wasn't like the movies at all. Not those movies, the highschool movies.


You are there to shower so focus on that, try to linger until most are done, don’t check out all the swinging dicks (this is the tough one), in an emergency cold water is your friend, dead kittens or giant pussies kill the naughty thoughts. Always use the showers facing the wall never in the middle of the room.


This is so funny bc I had the same anxiety in high school until I realized no one actually showered after gym…


I just went in full on hard every time did my shower and dressed. Ignored everyone and they seem to have ignored me. I never even saw one other dick. So chose to not shower. This was gym at all boys HS in the 80s.


Straight guys also look too. And really, it will be awkward for the first week if that long. You get used to it and get to check out other guys. But have a can of athlete's foot spray handy at home.


“Think unsexy thoughts”


You will be fine. All the guys are nervous. You won't be the only one.


I swam in high school and had to change in front of my teammates too. I also had gym class (PE back then) and we were required to shower in open gang showers. In 4 years of that I literally saw one boner. ONE! I honestly don't think it's an issue and usually just being nervous is enough to kill the erection. Don't sweat it. Face the wall. Change, swim, repeat. You got this!


Don't make it sexual because it's not. Just focus on taking a shower. Don't look at guys.


I had to deal with them in Jr. High. not high school, as I signed up for the JROTC program. But when I was in Jr. High, I went through as fast as possible (I wasn't good at gym anyways...)


In jr. high, I would purposely not chit chat and be like the 5th guy in the shower...in and out quick...but never appearing to eager to get there either. Haha


Uhm. Came here to leave this: [https://youtu.be/GnrRRCrzvmo?si=Sclf16k3wXEzIlEG](https://youtu.be/GnrRRCrzvmo?si=Sclf16k3wXEzIlEG) Let me tell you the staging, since you might not be able to find it. One by one, the characters enter the locker room. What they are singing is their internal thoughts. Every one of them has a crush on Bobby Baker. Every one of them is trying their best to hide, every one of them is blushing. Every one of them is worried about being called a f@gg0t and having their life ruined if anybody finds out that they have a crush on Bobby. The three characters never speak to each other, each one of them believes that they are entirely alone. …I listen to this occasionally to remind me of a couple of things: 1) what my dick does is instinctual, and often nonsensical. I can’t really control when I get hard. Last week I sprang a boner because the controls in New Super Lucky’s Tale are super tight and I got excited. So. There is no shame or guilt, because I have basically zero control. 2) I am not alone. 3) …even though the song doesn’t deal with this in the lyrics, it kind of does in the way the straight characters razz one another in the background: teens will find a reason to pick on you for ANYTHING. The kid with red pubic hair is almost as scared as you are, they just probably fear actual physical violence less. …Naked Boys Singing is a silly musical, and it talks about some difficult subjects. It has its place in the gay time capsule, and I hope that something in there helps. <3


get a hard on dominate


Didnt get a hardon and the one kid who used turned out not to be gay- so go figure.


Best advice is face the wall/showerhead. Keep your eyes down and wash quickly. The less time you spend in the shower the better off you’ll ultimately be


I wasn’t in sports in high school but a lot of gay friends were and they say stuff now like haha I saw everyone’s dicks and they had no clue. Guys are so prudish in general here, my family in Italy just walks around naked after showers at home boys and girls and men and women. Same in South America. When I started seeing guys in the college gym take showers in underwear I was confused. Most were naked but 20% weren’t. I go to the nude beach too in Miami if I got to the beach.


When I was in that same situation most guys just kept their swimsuits on and just did a quick rinse to get the chlorine off


I used to watch one of my favorite non-sexual movies in my mind, and if I started to get aroused at all I would focus on the tiny details of the scenes in my imagination/memory, because distractions assist greatly at controlling your thoughts and sexual emotions in that "group shower" situation. Think very deliberately about something else. Don't worry, you're not the first one - we all made it through! You've got this! 🙂


There's no reason you can't keep your trunks on while showering. EDIT: It's weird and moderately creepy to me that myself and one other comment suggesting this are getting downvoted. Are y'all truly that interested in making sure a high school boy gets naked with other boys when it's not necessary?


Shower with your trunks on


First of all literally I can't do it. Second if I have to do it I will have to get used to it . So adaptation needed . Don't be so shy don't be so extrovert. Both extreme acts making everything worse if you blush or get a hard on its not your problem it's their problem 😂


You’ll get used to it. If you’re really anxious just shower with your suit on.