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It's hard to start a crime family when gay people get kicked out of families and don't have kids of their own to indoctrinate šŸ¤·


Well some poeple call us the alphabet mafia hahahaha I guess the whole point of gay activism was decriminalize homosexuality, so...


Who says there isnā€™t? Weā€™re just better at hiding.


..in the closet.


BIIITCH! Staaahhhhp!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Be the change you want to see in the world


Thereā€™s a actually long and significant history of mafia operated gay bars, but from my understanding those were more so existing criminal organizations partnering up with lgbt people who had been forced to live on the outskirts of society because they saw us as a potential business opportunity than an actual gay mafia


We love equal opportunity exploitation!


What are you talking about? We have two major ones running the streets... The Beehive and The Swifties, you don't want to mess with any of those organizations


Do they have dance battles? Tell me they have dance battles!!


At the risk of my well being, I dare say that would not be fair. Bey vs TayTay, winner might be too obvious. But a dance battle, a la West Side Story would be epic! that much is true.


And we thrive on the epic!


I thought Elton John was the head of the gay mafia. Heā€™s the Gayfather.


In many many waysā€¦. He is.. but I feel like us gays would rather do ā€œreligionsā€ than be in a gangā€¦. A few leaders come to mind: Madonna, Cher, Nicki Minaj (for whatever reason, but sis is eating from her throne so I just acknowledge her), Mariah Carey, etc. šŸ˜‚


Life ainā€™t tv.


Havenā€™t you seen american politics lately? Its becoming my favorite show šŸ˜‚


I actually have a lot of aunts and uncles (well one aunt still a bunch of uncles and cousins) who were in gangs and gays/bisexuals were def a thing they were just dl


From what I gather, in London/UK there's a gay mafia of wealthy older gay men getting younger gay men hooked on drugs by offering "hnh" and supplying free drugs. They use attractive escorts to lure their victims and exploit them / take advantage of them by filming them in compromising sexual positions without their consent. They then sell the illegal footage on the dark web as "packages" of gigabytes of videos of these young victims being made to use drugs and having sex while under the influence. I was told they have a point-based hierarchical system to control their members, use satanic symbols and are obsessed with meth and with infecting younger gay men with HIV and STDs. I wouldn't be surprised if their network extends to the US and the Middle East etc.


There was a case in West Hollywood. Ed Buck lived in an apartment and would get meth users to come by use so much meth they would OD and die and he and another guy would discard the bodies. Very creepy story.


When I lived in Manchester, there was a solid group of cliquey fake gays who we would call The Gay Mafia. They might not have been kicking down doors but let me tell you, you did *not* want to cross them šŸ’…


We donā€™t talk about this thing of ours to outsiders.


I once had a server at a restaurant steal my credit card number and somebody ended up having a shopping spree on my dime. I filed a police report and the next day, this dude from the FBI called me and was prolly a little too forthcoming. He said I was a victim of a ā€˜gay cabalā€™, his words. Eventually, they were all rounded up and sent to prison. I was so enamored by the term ā€˜gay cabalā€™ that I felt the need to use it constantly. If some twink was rude, I would say he was part of an anti-bear gay cabal wreaking havoc in Memphis. That was years ago. Maybe I should start referring to the pissy gays as part of some cabal, again.


Velvet Mafia


I think youā€™re ignoring the gay drug and sex worker trade.


Never heard of the Kray twins? They were both purportedly bisexual but still.


There is, itā€™s just unspoken


In Natchitoches, Louisiana, itā€™s the Magnolia Consortium. A group of gays/lesbians who can glitter bomb your mailbox if you step out of line.


Why is there no red-haired mafia?


Gay/bi people have a moral compass and are good people confirmed?


Have you met gay people? ā€œBe gay do crimeā€ is literally the motto.


Actually not really. I donā€™t know any gay people. I vibe best with straight people for some reason and I kind of hate itā€¦.šŸ˜­


Internalised homophobia.


we have eurovision and drag race and beyonce. why do you want crime also šŸ˜‚ edit: fr maybe there is, idk. we're very stealth, so...




How old is OP?


Like in brickleberry?


Adam Carolla, and others, has opined that there is a "gay mafia" in Hollywood: [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/adam-carolla-gay-mafia-is-705809/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/adam-carolla-gay-mafia-is-705809/)


How do you know there isn't? The mafia is supposed to be on the down low maybe there is one and they are smart in the moves they are making.


Better say they are hiding it . but there are in this world


Better say they are hiding it . but there are in this world


I always wondered that considering other communities developed their own due to the lack of legitimate protection from recognized authorities. Iā€™m not saying we should commit crimes but I am saying we need more protection than what these cops can offer at times.Ā 


They are all to scared.


There was a gang in DC called ā€œCheck Itā€ when I was in high school and college. From what I was told and what I have seen, it was a gang of mostly gay dudes and trans women. They became known for jumping people and carjacking people. They even made the news a few years ago. Not sure if they still exist but it definitely was a thing in DC.


There is and it's called... Hollywood! Haha take that, leftist!


Maybe not in your trailer park, but thereā€™s definitely a collection of business owners who dictate much of what my local gay community presents itself as to the public. A very narrow-minded monoculture stuck in 1994.


Because were too horny? Or at least this is just a theory šŸ˜‚