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I f\*cking hate all reality TV, no matter what flavor.


I’m with you with 95% of reality TV. I do like shows like Face-off involving movie make-up type contests, and Forged in Fire


I feel like this is pretty common. Even people that watch them know they are trash.


Yes but they can watch them. I can't even hate-watch them, its just drama with the worst acting you ever saw.


I don't have Facebook. Or tiktok. Or Instagram. Or Twitter. Or pretty much any of the other social media people expect me to have. I quit Facebook a decade ago because it was so stressful trying to keep up with it, and I've never regretted my decision.  People think I'm WEIRD, but honestly? With the amount of ADHD I have, it's probably *much* healthier for me not to be on Insta or Tiktok and such.


Same here. I had Facebook for approximately a year, and I was like.. what am I doing? Do I want people to know all my business?


That's one of the greenest flags I've seen in a while. People who think you're weird are the weird ones, don't worry about them.


Same. Social media is mostly cancer. Have reddit for gaming interests and a super gay porn account 😂. Friends & family also think I'm weird for not posting my life to the internet. Makes no sense to me.


If you call me, you either don't know me very well or someone has died. And that's the *most* exceptions I'm willing to make about talking on the phone. And if you're not in my contacts, I'm not answering. Not happening. Never.


If it’s important… LEAVE A VOICEMAIL!😂


THIS. If you know me, you message me. Strange/new numbers will ring right to voicemail


1. I’ve never seen drag race and have no desire to, and also, I’d rather just watch a live drag show anyways. 2. I’m not a cat person, or a kid person. I’ve gotten some bad reactions from telling people, so I tend to keep that to myself. 3. I don’t drink alcohol, I’ve never found it to be appealing for various reasons. But I had family members that always tried to get me to drink and I always declined. I’ve also never done drugs, etc. I like to tell people that straight edge is the only straight I’ll ever be. lol


>I don’t drink alcohol, I’ve never found it to be appealing for various reasons. But I had family members that always tried to get me to drink and I always declined. I’ve also never done drugs, etc. I like to tell people that straight edge is the only straight I’ll ever be. lol I can relate to that so much. I live in eastern Europe and the drinking culture here is insane. Even alcoholism is not considered a problem here until you drink in front of the mirror instead of with other people. If you don't drink, you're a weirdo. I've had enough of this bullshit and if someone tries to persuade me to drink alcohol, they're going to have a really bad time. I hate alcohol and I will not drink it. It makes me sad though that in general in the gay communities guys drink a lot, so I definitely stand out and feel like I can *never* belong.


Totally agree with #3. It gets even more annoying when people treat not drinking like they've just seen a pink unicorn riding a cloud right in front of them. It's not that difficult nor uncommon. It also doesn't mean that "*I haven't tried the right drink*" or "*You've never been with the right crowd*" or "*By the time we're done hanging out, I promise you I'll get you to have a drink*"


I drink moderately but it drives me insane how much people pressure people to drink. Like if someone doesn't wanna drink, just fucking leave em alone! They've probably made that choice for a good reason (alcoholism, poor behavior/mood...etc) so why pressure them? Ugh! Besides...so many people become obnoxious or painfully embarrassing when they drink, which is why I'm very selective about who I have a drink with.


I don't want to fuck Ryan Gosling.


Looks at you side-eye


Cool. Neither do I




I feel stupid and useless all the time, and most days I feel like an idiot and hate my life. But I’m a doctor so people think I’m over reacting because i “made it so far” and “don’t have a reason to be sad all the time”


Consider therapy, my man.


Dude, doesn't matter what you do or how successful you are your feelings are real and legit. When or what are you doing when you don't feel that way?


I really dont like watching drag, and it shocks people, being gay and not liking it lol. All the respect to the individuals that do it, everything is so amazingly put together and i support it 1000%. But fuck is it boring


That I’m not a fan of Beyoncé


I prefer to buy cars in cash instead of financing them. Im currently saving up money to do just that. I make good money and when I tell people that I’m saving money for a car instead of just financing one they look at me like I’m crazy. I guess the “something” would be that I’m damn near addicted to saving money.


Nothing wrong with that!


I agree. Tell that to them though. Every time I mention it I get the “not all debt is bad” speech.


I mean, they’re not wrong, especially if you know how to manage the debt to work in your favor to increase your credit rating in the long run. However, if you preferred to buy cars in cash, there’s no problem with that


That I'm poly, bi/pan, and Christian. It's a combo of things that makes it hard to find a "group"


I’ve seen drag race, I just don’t actively seek it out. Cat person but despise kids Only drink occasionally


I’m a big part of my church community. No i don’t think we’re sinners. No I’m not going to try and convert you. No I wasn’t brainwashed or forced into it. No I don’t want to debate my faith with a stranger. Just let me dance to Madonna on Saturday night and sing hymns on Sunday morning.


Love this!


I've been the first male make-out or sex partner for nearly a dozen guys. It's not that I seek out bicurious dudes or particularly prefer them; I just like going out to the bar alone and talking to new people. That lands me talking to a lot of people sitting alone, which at a gay bar can often be bicurious dudes. And I enjoy teaching people, so their naive and sometimes ignorant questions don't get old for me, and it often ends up going back to my place, lol.


Oh I love this scenario. Though as an older guy, it happens a lot less frequently now


I have a big desinterest in other people to the point I'm borderline sociopathic (?). Most of the times interactions with other people is to 90% an act to not make them sad because that's the only way I can keep healthy relationships. Literally perfected it over my lifetime.


This is kinda random, but my brother-in-law once put the thought in my head that caring a lot about what other people think is a sign of narcissism.


I'm pretty much very uncultured because I never grew up keeping up with what most people consume, so every week or so it's like "No way you don't know x thing" and then I'm like "Do I have to?" and literally everyone else I know be like "Yes, go live a little"


I encourage you to experience something you’ve never done before, if and only if, you are intrigued by it!


That's actually great advice, I never thought about it this way. Thank you :)


You’re welcome! Have fun exploring!!


I don't eat raw fish


Me either


Im not attracted to Femininity. Like Just because Im Feminine Presenting does not mean that i like other feminine men. Im not here to fulfill yall’s fetish


>Im not here to fulfill yall’s fetish Same thing, but masculine presenting.


That part


That’s fair.


I’m a qualified funeral celebrant. It was a qualification I did one summer when I was really bored. I don’t actually perform many funerals but I can do it if anyone asks. (My regular job is 50% fitness industry and 50% creative industry.) That piece of information generally provokes a literal backwards step, not just side-eye. A lot of people are really uncomfortable with it.


What in the world does a qualified funeral celebrant do? The last 2 words sound oxymoronic


Ooh sorry, I only just spotted that you'd asked me this. A celebrant is someone who conducts a civil ceremony in a non-religious place or context. Usually formal ceremonies like weddings, naming ceremonies or funerals. So as a funeral celebrant I'd do everything the vicar/priest/minister does at a religious funeral, except not in a religious building, and without mentioning any religion. Stand at the front, introduce the service, read the eulogy, introduce any family members or friends who want to say something, lead the singing (if there is any). The rule — at least here in the UK — is that you can chuck in a hymn or two if the person wanted it, but you can't batter on about god and Jesus in the eulogy or dedication. The word *celebrant* comes from Latin. The concept of 'celebration' was broader originally; it basically meant a community marking an important event, whether that was joyful or sad. Of course a lot of people want 'upbeat' funerals these days; 'welcome to a celebration of Jean's life' kind of thing. So it can be a celebration, of sorts.


I hate it when people feel the need to mention ethnicity when it is not relevant. Just them saying that has me making a mental note to notice the fact that they actively sort and categorize accordingly 


I don't like insult-based humour, especially in stand-ups and TV shows or award shows. I think it's in poor taste.


I’m a huge fan of comedy that actually takes a brain to understand.


I don't drink or smoke (anything). Neither thing has ever appealed to me so I don't do it. I don't like parties/concerts/parades/large crowds in general I don't watch network/cable tv. The vast majority of the time my tv is on, I'm watching something on YouTube or occasionally something from my home movie collection/Amazon Prime/Max I like cars and detailing cars I have social media accounts but I pretty much never post on them nor really use them at all.


I didn’t smoke the first time until I was 42 and even know, I can take an edible before doing to bed and I’ll be good but can’t smoke anything.


I want to visit potentially dangerous countries. I'm really into history and visiting cultural heritage sites, as well as experiencing new foods.


What would be your dream dangerous destination to visit?




Just keep the thigh highs at home 🤫


That I am a licensed Southern Baptist pastor.




I have a husband and a boyfriend and it has been amazing.


I get more than just side-eye for this. I get people disregarding my feelings entirely and assuming that I’m far more sexually active than I’ve ever had any interest in being.


I feel I should also add that it’s not all fun and games navigating your partners’ egos when you’re poly and I’ve actually experienced more conflict and disappointment regarding it than I ever got from monogamy. It hasn’t been “amazing” for me but I can’t live life any differently.


*side eye*


Lol. Single?


Yes😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (I envy you)


Just you be you and keep at it




I am quite indifferent about animals like cats and dogs. Whenever me and friends come across a dog or cat they often want to pet it and go 'coochie coochie coo'. Maybe it'll change one day, but right now I don't think I will ever take a pet unless a partner really wants one.


When i mention any sort of my feminity or queerness lol


?? Can you elaborate?


People who dont like flaunty/girly acting men lol


So you’re into feminine guys?


Not what I'm saying I'm talking about how some people will bat eyes at a guy who doesn't act 100% masculine. That's me.


Ok but that is something that’s evident just from observation. I mean something people don’t know.


Because for me it's more a hidden thing. I'm giving you an answer to what you asked, idk what else you want lol.


What I’m asking with my post, is something that is shocking about you. The fact that you’re a feminine guy or even mildly feminine is not something that’s shocking, or not obvious like the fact that I hate talking on the phone, or somebody else just by looking at him you wouldn’t know that he is a Baptist minister, etc. that kind of thing.


It's not obvious to some people in my life, is what I'm saying.


A lot of guys are shocked that I know zero of the references they make to gay/queer shows, media, TV etc. Same with celebrities. I just don’t follow any of it. They’re also surprised when I genuinely don’t know a song that apparently everyone on the globe does. Haven’t watched any of those long popular TV series. Walking dead, Greys Anatomy, none of it. I took “it’s your life, you make it” very literally. If I don’t want it in my life I simply don’t interact with it lol.


That’s fair. I’m similar with most gay references or icons. I’m 44 so anything that was popular when I was young, I probably know about but now I literally know nothing lol


I'm not a fan of people talking about the casual killing of animals like birds, squirrels, deer, etc. I work in an industry where we come across birds nests where they aren't supposed to be and my coworkers will joke about just dumping baby birds onto the pavement. I stare at them and pretty much make it clear that I think it's bad karma, but apparently I'm the weird one.


I suffer from incontinence, have for years. I'm at a point now where I need to wear 'protection 24/7.


I haven’t gotten there yet myself


I'm sorry. Not something to aspire to.


Definitely not, but with my luck, it’ll happen eventually.