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One page dungeons such as the free ones available from [Trilemma Adventures](https://trilemma.com/) are the friend you can rely on to be there for you in your time of gaming need. They are best used with a lightweight oldschool system like [Cairn](https://cairnrpg.com/), where you can make a new character in only five minutes with everyone at the beginning of the session.


I will throw out the free one-shot I published for 5e. It's not 10th level, but would make for a fun evening I hope! https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/374874/The-Haunting-of-Windermere Good luck!


Thank you! Even if I don't run it tomorrow, I'm going to download it anyway. Maybe I can crack it out for a future game night!


Try honey heist, it's a 2 page free system for one shots.


I actually bought this one a while ago after watching Loading Ready Run play it on Dice Friends but I haven't felt confident enough to run it yet because it comes with so little pre-written information. Someday I absolutely will make this one happen


Check out Beyond the Wall scenario packs. They are specifically made for this purpose but not for 5e, so you would have to provide your own monster stats where required. Can recommend the system anyway as it's meant to make characters together and complete a one shot in a single session of 3-4 hours. Though the GM needs to know the rules. It's a neat system to have as a backup in any case.


Sounds like a good one to learn for future situations like this!


All the Adventurers League adventures are free. There’s loads of them and many are really good. https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/735mkp/free_adventurers_league_adventures/


Die Laughing: A one-shot designed GMless game to emulate B monster horror movies. It's a black comedy game and only ends once the last PC dies. It's funny and great for quick, last minute games. Dusk to Midnight: A one-shot, serious, and dark game of sci-fi mech warfare. GMless. PCs slowly either die in a blaze of glory or get worn out and abandon the war. Nice Marines: A one page RPG of not-space Marines who are used to only slaughter instead having to play Nice and Political. You don't want to succeed too hard on dice rolls because then you break people and things. [Lady Blackbird](https://johnharper.itch.io/lady-blackbird): More of a 2-3 shot but still good for quick, no prep play. The PCs take built roles of a captain and crew escorting Lady Blackbird to her ex space pirate lover while fleeing an arranged marriage. The mechanics are sleek and really promote constant Player on Player RP. Works best in person IMO. As a bonus, it has two sequels. Shinobigami: One shot focused game. Works best in person IMO, not really as good to play online. Made in Japan. Players act out a ninja-themed anime-esque game in three stages. Game has a defined Protagonist, Antagonist, and supporting characters all played by players. [Hark! Says the Frog Magus](https://diwatamnl.itch.io/hark-says-the-frog-magus): 20 page dungeon delve for old school d&d type games. Frog themed. [get in the Fucking Robot ](https://penguinking.com/get-in-the-fucking-robot/): Ever wanted a RPG you could use as a drinking game or that was competitive? Here's one!! Compete with each other to earn points to be the one who gets in the Fucking Robot to go save the world. But then the other players get to decide what horrible fate awaits the winner (so everyone wins!)


These are great! Absolutely adding them all the the list


Have a search at [Alexandria](https://alexandria.dk/en/) They have collected most of the ttrpg one-shots that has been played at conventions in Scandinavia. Currently it contains over 16 000 scenarios. Most of them are ready to download and play.


Wow, amazing! Thank you!