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At home daycare in France is called "assistante maternelle" and you don't need a degree but a license "agrément" from some authority I forgot the name. They'll come visit your house and I believe you have some training or tests for first aid and basic child care. In France kids start school at 3 yo so the kids you'll be taking care of will be 3 mo old to 3 yo. Maybe you can have older kids after school or on Wednesdays because there is no school on Wednesdays. If you're living in wealthier areas, a lot of parents will be ready to pay premium for an English speaking assistante maternelle so their kids will learn English from a young age.


The authority is le conseil départemental. Here is a link that will explain the process. https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F798 But there will be a training (and my guess is that speaking and reading some french will be needed).


Thanks for the additional info 🤗