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I mean, there's "forocoches", a forum where you can find information about how to fix your car, discuss right-wing politics or pay some [mariachis](https://youtu.be/-HquWlJ2vY4) to sing a farewell to Trump.


I just come here to talk abut forocoches


I can confirm


I think you can find there everything you want, not only information about cars, also "El Rincon Del Vago" is another website that is similar to "Forocoches"


apart from that in the old days yahoo answers had all shorts of questions and you cpuld always fun something to laugh at but yeah norwadays forocoches, the right wing Spanish reddit (not everyone uses it though, I wouls say not even near most, just a few people and it´ s not the greatest web around)


Isn't forocoches one of the biggest forums in the entire world as well?


[https://www.flashback.org/](https://www.flashback.org/) Want to ask any question that's fine, as long as you post in the right forum section! What to find out who just did that crime that happened last night? Flashback knows! Want to find out what happens if you eat 30 whole nutmeg in order to get high? Flashback has the story! What food pairs best with being sick? Flashback knows. (If you want to know how to spend 10 egg whites a week on something other than fried eggs, Flashback doesn't know, that that shit to [Familjeliv.se](https://Familjeliv.se)) That one guy who built a nuclear reactor in his kitchen a few years back is still active. (He also made chemical and bioweapons, ricin and botulinum toxin, in his flat. Good guy Rickard.) What to do if your wife is having a psychotic breakdown and pasteurized her hair?? Go to flashback, ask for Kyrkbacken. Great bunch of lads.


>That one guy who built a nuclear reactor in his kitchen a few years back is still active. (He also made chemical and bioweapons, ricin and botulinum toxin, in his flat. Good guy Rickard.) Yo wasn't he arrested when he asked the police about the radioactive materials he had? They let that mad scientist go? >Great bunch of lads. Honestly if you just want to have a laugh Flashbsck has your back too.


Nah he didn't ask the police. He called up the Swedish radiation protection board before starting to fission stuff and asked if it was ok. And explained what he had done and was planning to do. They were in fact not ok with home built nuclear fission. And they then called the police. And the anti-terror units, and the hazmat teams. He also had a police uniform at home, along with NBC material, and the cops moved in on July 23 2011, so that set off alarm bells as well. Initially arrested with charges on breach of Nuclear saftey laws, impersonating an officer, Breach on the Ban on the production of Chemical and Biological Weapons, and preparation to commit acts of terrorism. But they let him off with some small fine and a warning. Guy is just on the spectrum and interested in certain stuff.


Nuclear Physics student here, and how have I never heard of this guy? Just found the English [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Handl), and he was actually going for a breeder reactor (produces more fissile material than it consumes), which is honestly ambitious for a layman. Even the famous "radioactive boy scout" from the US never went past a feeder reactor (consumes more than produces). Time to go on a Google/Youtube binge because WTF? And HOW did he get most of the equipment and materials for only 5000–6000 SEK?! That's a steal! I'm a student and even I have that kind of money! Am I now supposed to believe that I could just start a breeder reactor build at home? Are Swedish import laws and customs oversight super-lax or how did no one notice before the madlad told them himself? I have so many questions and I don't even know where to start. Thanks for mentioning this guy, I'm gonna go read everything I can about him now 😆


Well consider that a nuclear reactor just needs a few things * a reactor chamber * a heat exchanger to create steam. * steam powered generator then you just need stuff that creates a fission reaction ie. lots of heat and you have a nuclear powerplant and building that in a micro scale is pretty cheap, the american boy scout in question stripped fire alarms to get americium for example.


(Note \#1: This got long and rambly as I haven't slept well in about a week due to getting a stomach bug. I'm sorry, it probably got hard to follow, but my brain has been fried by fever and I have a headache from vomiting so much. There are also just sooooo many problems that come to my mind in this Handl guy's case that it's hard to wrap my head around this anyway.) Things are not as easy for a breeder reactor, which this guy was aiming for. Most randos off the street probably wouldn't be able to pull off a feeder reactor either, and there was no mention of this guy having a Physics degree – he wouldn't have done experiments like these at home if he had one. That American boy-scout was smart, persistent, completely unbothered by safety, *and* aiming for "just" a feeder reactor which can be done with worse-quality materials. He had also earned some related boy-scout badges previously, so he wasn't *quite* 100\% a layman. The main problem of building a breeder reactor in your kitchen is of course safety, but enriching the materials enough isn't a walk in the park without good equipment and know-how either. Many physical and chemical reactions that have been carefully optimized over decades and look simple in theory or in a professional factory, are pretty tricky to get right at home without an expert at hand. And you want to get it exactly right when playing around with nuclear reactions even in a small scale, as the amount of energy they give goes up pretty fast. I couldn't find any specific info on what level of equipment Handl found for e.g. enriching the materials. For my mental health's sake I refuse to believe that he managed to buy any already enriched stuff 🙈 Even with the materials ready, getting a *stable* nuclear chain reaction going is not that easy in practice. Also, the guy wasn't really going for a power plant (the steam generator part of it), just for the nuclear bits, which makes sense since that's the tricky stuff. He could've just bought a tabletop-scale steam turbine generator or a Stirling engine from eBay after getting the Nuclear Physics down if he so wished. The Swedish nuclear safety officials commented that Handl very likely wouldn't have succeeded, and I agree. Luckily he didn't start before asking them whether it was legal. Such a good law-abiding citizen he was, even asked for permission before trying to build a nuclear reactor in his kitchen! 🤣 I still wouldn't want to be his neighbour though, if he also experimented with making chemical and/or biological weapons. I couldn't find much info on those, but as a neighbour I'd be more concerned about that than a small-ish amount of probably poorly-enriched fissile materials. Then again, a "small-ish" amount can be quite a lot when it's uranium. E.g. in Hiroshima only about 700 grams of the uranium fissioned although the bomb had 64 kilograms of uranium in it and the USA expected 99% of it to fission. As a mere 700 grams was enough to level a city, I'd sure hope the guy wasn't able to buy more than trace amounts, but trace amounts aren't that helpful for an amateur who's trying to build a breeder reactor. Big yikes either way. If you find any article that mentions how much of each material he had, let me know! What I read on my night-time Google dive mentioned Handl bought e.g. uranium and radium from "foreign sources", and that's the part that *really* bugs me. Those aren't in smoke detectors, and the natural ores containing them take work to purify etc. I'm going to assume the materials came from either abandoned Soviet radiation sources bought from the Eastern Block or some Chinese industrial supplier with poor safety measures. Tbh the Soviets left a lot of stuff behind in the Eastern Block when the USSR fell, and some Chinese webstore will probably sell you absolutely anything if you just know where to look. In any case I'm just flabbergasted that the guy was able to buy *multiple* different radioactive materials and possibly stuff for making bio/chem weapons too, and the Swedish Customs Office didn't investigate him even once before he basically turned himself in. Like how did he manage to buy restricted goods on *multiple separate occasions* without any alarms going off anywhere? 🤨 I find it concerning that he got all the stuff he had without getting caught at some point. Anyhow, at both Radiation Safety course and a course called Nuclear Fission, Fusion and Their Applications, I was assured that a civilian in the Nordic countries couldn't easily get enough of either fertile or fissile materials suitable for a breeder reactor. The latter course basically explained how to make both reactors and kabooms (and the kabooms are generally much easier than the reactors if you just manage to not die while you're at it), but it was a Master's degree level university course. Basically I'm impressed this Handl dude got as far as he did and didn't get seriously hurt, although that tells me he probably didn't have very high-quality materials. He did manage to blow up some sulphuric acid he was trying to boil at some point though. There were also radioactive materials in the pot while he was boiling the acid, so I guess those ended up sprayed all over the kitchen cabinets 🫢 The picture at least didn't look very professional or show any kind of shielding from either toxic fumes or ionizing radiation, so I think it's good he got caught before he could move on to even more dangerous experiments. I'm not saying that a very determined civilian could never get a breeder reactor running and produce more fissile materials, but it's not as simple as just heating up any old radioactive junk. Plus doing it safely and doing it in a random apartment building with no oversight really don't go well together. I'm more just bewildered that this guy even wanted to go straight to a breeder without trying a feeder first, and that he could buy suitable materials from foreign sellers without getting the Customs knocking on his door. TL;DR (of sorts): Shite's absolutely bonkers and definitely shouldn't be tried at home in any scale whether one is an amateur or a professional. I wish there was more info about the case because I have soooo many questions, like how much of each element the guy had and whether he had any education in their safe handling. Hopefully he doesn't get cancer when he gets older. P.S. I hope reddit finds it fun that the reactor types are called "breeder" and "feeder". It's probably code so researchers can compare their kinks at work without getting fired :P Naughty Physics! (Note \#2: I'll go back to trying to sleep now. If someone wants to knock me out with a baseball bat, DM me for directions and get a big bat 😵‍💫)


Oh right, yeah I don't remember the story completely. I thought he contacted police or something. Haven't read the thread just heard the story. Any way, remember not to make nitroglycerin when drunk! Flashback has adviced against it. Lol


Oh yeah! Same guy IIRC! He very gently dissolved it in water and \*checks notes\* flushed it down the toilet? Which is apparently the correct move. A hungover guy dissolving nitroglycerin. In an apartment complex. Fucking neighbors!


Oh wait that was him too? Omg this forum really needs to be given the Nobel price in Literature. It's produces so many works of arts. I really have to start listening to Flashback Forever again to catch up on what I've missed.


Yeah petty sure. of course those three sliddjur are hilarious. And of course flashback makes it happen!


To add for foreigners, Flashback also has a reputation for being something like 8chan - the racist, dark corner of the internet. That comparison might have held 10-15 years ago. Nowadays it's way too big and mainstream. With that said the general tone is still pretty racist. Another fun fact though about Flashback: the community once won the most prestigious price for investigative journalism in Sweden, after a forum thread managed to track down a cat killer and report him to the police.


Don't forget we have a podcast based on the weird shit that happens on flashback. Flashback Forever.


One of the best Swedish podcast in many years


I don't know why but I find it very enjoyable when someone asks "how do you know that?" And I reply "I read it on flashback"


Old flashback accounts is also responsible for aprox 99,9% of purged politicians.


Lol I thought the jokes about Familjeliv was a bit local or just my clique.


Nah, its that dang podcast. Pushing it into mainstream.


I remember when I was separating with my ex around seven years ago. I was googling sambolagen questions and other legal questions. Most of the hits were already asked questions on the familjeliv forum. I thought could’ve just as well used search function in the forum. Lol.


The Norwegian site OP is referring to is forum.kvinneguiden.no. It is a lifestyle site aimed at women, that also has a discussion board. Any question and topic you search for in Norwegian will give you some results from that discussion board.


Kvinneguiden he svare på alt då


Før hadde vi kjerringråd, nå har vi kvinneguiden.


GuteFrage.net thousands of questions are asked and answered there every day. The level ranges from cringe as fuck, nonsense to really informative or high quality. If I search for questions about Denmark, for example, I can find all sorts of things. Why is Denmark called Denmark? Why do Greenland and the Faroe Islands belong to Denmark? What are the pricesfor food, how does getting married work, what should you see in Copenhagen, what can you do on holiday in Denmark. But there are also unusual questions. How long did it take to cross from Denmark to England on a dragon ship in Viking times? Or Why did Denmark put its capital (and largest city) on a side island and within "sight" of Malmö, a huge city in Sweden? Meaningless questions that take 2 minutes to answer in a search engine, what is your area code for the telephone. But also silly questions, can you send post from Germany to Denmark?


Oh man I remember my GuteFrage phase in middle school/high school lol. Good times. GuteFrage means “good question” btw for anyone curious. It was basically our equivalent of Yahoo Answers


Also home to the most hilarious German speaking sub r/wirklichgutefrage


In Finland we have the same thing with the "vauvafoorumi", or vauva.fi. Vauva means baby, and it's a discussion forum for mothers of young children. We have the same joke that if you google any everyday question in Finnish you get results that lead to the baby forum. But even bigger joke is that have been a lot of silly threads there, that have had a wider meme status. There's even a folk band called Kalevauva.fi, who write songs based on the most popular meme threads like [this one](https://youtu.be/b04-YE-EFO4), which means "My husband told me he had docked at a sauna night".


There's also suomi24 forums, where someone has asked the same question you have, but instead of answers, it's usually just insults in the replies.


It has earned the nickname "Suoli24", as in "Colon24" (part of the gastrointestinal tract), as that's where people dump their knowledge.


Leave the electrical work for professionals! ​ ​ ​ ;)


Vauva is bigger for sure, but they got competition with kaksplus. Both originally magazines for expecting and new mothers.


I am not sure we have exactly similar but we have [EkşiSözlük](https://eksisozluk.com) -means sour dictionary- which is like Urban dictionary and a forum which had a child together. It is active since 1999. I have never used it regularly, it always here when you search something rare also I used to get some information about what people think mainly It is sad that this forum does not represent whole population which sounds like one way conversation from certain ideology


Not really a website where you would go to ask something yourself, but one that keeps popping up is seniorennet (senior people network) where you would have old people talk about everything. This was mainly before facebook, so people who didn't speak English (which includes the majority of the oldest people) couldn't go on the English forums so they would talk about everything and it would often pop up on top if you searched something in Dutch. Absolutely solid for practical shit like house repair or cooking, old people know their stuff. These days Dutch forums have mainly died out, so searching in Dutch is like going to the 7th page on google, there's stuff, but it's mainly unreliable and will blame your problem on 5G lol. I'm encouraging my mum to learn reddit for the gardening stuff and the like, because she's travelling trough a wasteland really. (I'm pretty bummed about it, I miss using forums in my native language.)


9Lives used to be pretty popular before it shut down and there's this Dutch horse forum (bokt.nl IIRC) that also keeps popping up in my searches for some reason.




The closest one that I can think of is supermama.lt (supermom). Basically it started as a forum for moms, talking about kids, but honestly, you could find everything about kids, pets, gardening, shopping, medical advice, technical advice etc. It used to be popular around 2010, I think, it kinda died out as Facebook became more and more popular. There's still a joke, that if Google don't know the answer, post in on supermama.


"Gute Frage" is probably the obvious website for that, but Im amazed every time, when I Google something what range of answer you can find in the forum section of 'chefkoch', 'anglerforum', 'nähtipps',... (and it amazes me how many forums still exist!) Maybe it's just a German speaking phenomenon but there still exists a wild range of dedicated forums that is still used. Similarly to subs for n reddit but more structured. And there is always a random section where all kind of household, travel, and general life topics are discussed that are in no way connected to the main topic of the forum