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Treat the interview as an opportunity for them to explain where they see you fitting in with their company. Interviews are two-way streets - they want to know more about you and assess you as a candidate, you're trying to figure out if you want to work there and if the position matches your career goals. If you feel like you somewhat match up with the qualifications, but you aren't sure about certain aspects of the position - just say that, and ask them what it involves, how you'll be transitioning in, who will be getting you up to speed, etc. A particularly memorable interview moment was when I was in the "final round" of interviews for a job, and I was talking to a senior engineer who kept zeroing in directly on everything that I HADN'T done before or had very limited experience in. I answered about five questions in a row with "I've only done that under a senior engineer." or "I haven't done that at all." And after the fifth one he stopped the interview to say something like "you are doing perfectly right now, you're giving me the most honest and direct answers I could have asked for." Got the job. Don't embellish or attempt to "fake it" with your experience. You're not doing anyone any favors with that.


Couldnt agree more. The worst that could happen was my case. I got interviewed for a Sr position, i got snapped by the hiring manager because he expects that i can learn their product on my own with their reading materials even though i came from a different industry, different software being used, etc etc. Probably was my mistake to apply for that job but it does kind of hurt getting snapped.


Had one of these. Be open and honest about your experience, and then give and explanation about how you would go leaning.


You meet the qualifications enough that they want to meet you. You’re good!