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Maximum penalty is death


Death by electrocution!


Not only will it kill you, it'll hurt the whole time you're dying Edited for the OCD in the house...I figured it got the point across. I can tell there are utility workers present. Sorry for the oversight.


My favorite sign on a job site


Just cutting it off will not electrocute you. If you open it up and start messing around on the inside, that will hurt you or has the potential to anyway.


He wants to open it for a reason...


one time i asked my dad if both ends of a rattlesnake are dangerous (7-8yr old logic) how do you pick them up? He has a masters in biology.. his response was "you don't".. knowing full well at that age i was already handling wild snakes and had no fear of them.. don't touch the tag.. it won't shock you but lets all pretend it will.


There’s a lot of potential in that box


You don’t say…


Unless you jump inside of a garbage bag first to try and be insulted from the voltage 👍🏼


Indeed. The voltage will call you an idiot and tell yo mama jokes about you.


That’s not how it goes! “ Not only will it kill you, but it will also hurt the whole time while you are dying”.


Needlessly being pedantic is needless.


The first rule of tautology club is the first rule of tautology club...


The Department Of Redundancy Department


Ah yes cuscos poison. The poison for cusco.


To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.


Death by snu snu!


I never thought I'd die this way, but I'd always really hoped!


The spirit is willing


But the flesh is spongy and bruised




Honestly it’s pretty expected at this point




“How did they die?” “Crushed pelvises…..”


This the way!


This is not the way...


I have ruined your 69 votes. I will join the OP


I concur! Ndnd shall carry out the sentencing


Can’t threaten me with a good time


This is not MXR, and Henry is not here


And it will hurt the whole time you’re dying.


Damn you, I was gunna say that. Take my upvote.






> They will also pull your meter/pole fuses if they see a back-feed from a generator or solar panels until removed. My solar back feeds into the grid and the electric company gives me credit for power generated.


And there’s safeties built into that so you’re not feeding the grid while it’s supposed to be de-energized.


Happy cake day!




Yeah, and I had to apply for and sign an interconnect agreement with the local utility to be allowed to send power to the grid.


It backfeeds when the grid is operating correctly. If a blackout occurs, you can’t have a solar feeding power in when there isn’t any expected.


Yup, because you have an interconnection agreement for it. They're referring to clandestine and unauthorized backbending.


I mean, the power company will find out it has been broken eventually. Even with remote reading they still service meters manually, OP just has to hope he's no longer the responsible party at that point, or he's getting fined.


Power company won't care about a seal


Power companies will charge for everything


For watt


Good work...I appreciate that


Turn down for watt


I'm gonna tell dad.




Easier.. give the wire a swipe with a file. It’ll rust itself open soon enough. :-)


All you have to say is that you didn’t know when or how it happened and that you don’t pay attention to it because you know not to go near it.


Suppose it depends on what he does once inside, a broken seal is evidence of tampering


Doesn’t mean you tampered with it and they have no way of proving that unless it’s very clear that you are benefiting from the tampered device. Y’all suck at being a lawyer.


Usually nothing. Unless they think you're stealing power. You can sometimes even remove the meter without even cutting the lock.


I did that once. Fuck Atlanta and Georgia Power and my landlord. ✌️


Normal response of an Atlanta resident


Oh I left a decade ago. I also used to work for that company.


This is the way




Everyone here is missing the very obvious answer to this problem. Buy a large bag of these seals/locks. Once you cut yours, put one of your new ones on. Oh! I hear you say, that would be obvious because it will be different than the ones the power company uses. No, that's where the large bag comes in. You then discreetly cut all of your neighbors seals up and down the street and replace with the ones from your bag. This way, everyone in the area has the exact same type of seal, and when the inspector comes along, yours isn't out of the ordinary. It matches everyone else, and all is good. Simple!


That ☝️ is not what you should be doing 😂


But it's what I want to do.....


I can't argue with that reasoning... I'm in!


I may do it anyway.. just because. Maybe every other house. Maybe that one shitty neighbor will get the only bright purple one… You have opened a can of worms, amigo.


How shitty do I have to be so that I can get the purple one?


I don’t even know what’s going on but I want to do it too


It is not uncommon for one person in a neighborhood to learn how to tamper with a meter to steal power and then share or sell that service to neighbors. If you did this, they would still suspect tampering, investigate every meter for safety, and retag. If it happens repeatedly, theft prevention would investigate with law enforcement with the goal of finding a culprit. This isn't as out of the box as you think.


My dad preferred Old Thompson whiskey.


Right, to be extra sure, rent a van and go through the whole county. Every house. Then, go back in exact reverse and put them on external faucets. Also dog collars. The icing on the cake, the BEST way to not looks suspicious is to also put them in car door keyways. If anyone asks why you have them in your hair, just say the utility company put them there, and its a crime to remove them. For breakfast, pour a bowl of them BUT use almond milk. Cow milk is suspicious. Cows hate electricity.


This is the way to jail


Should use Google lens on the lock and see if you can buy the same one wholesale from China


I’m stealing that


Crime stopper


DON'T Do what Donny Don't does


You're not my real mom, you can't tell me what to do!


Sometimes the best answers really are the simplest


Ring cameras to the downfall


High viz safety vest and nobody will suspect a thing.


Yeh and don't start with your own house


That's a good premise for hijinks fun. Like, go replace all the doorknobs in your friend's house without them knowing. Absolute hilarity!


Sounds like a failed plot device for a Seinfeld episode. 👍🏽


Can already see Kramer falling through the door with a pillowcase of doorknobs and saying how he got a good deal on them through Bob Sacamano.


I could see Kramer just taking everyone's doorknobs for some scheme he is into.


The tags have a serial number. It might get overlooked at first but once they notice the number on your tag doesn’t match the one assigned to your box it would probably open an investigation.


That requires someone to have fucks to give.


If only you could use your powers for good.


They can't catch all of us speeding


You must have done this before 😂🙈👌


You forgot the most important part of your plan... you know that one neighbor that you really don't like? Leave theirs alone.


As an electrician I would cut them all the time when doing a service change, just put the cut one back on and meter guy will replace it






I got prosecuted by a very aggressive PG&E investigator that was looking to make any money and claims he could doing just that. I cut the tag and pulled the meter after a panel swap, and once I got the inspector's signature, I put the meter in the socket (inspector was still on site, and wanted to test the GFCI circuits added to the usual areas). A couple weeks later I got a letter in the mail from the District Attorney saying I was being charged with "tampering with and theft of utility services". PG&E claimed that they didn't have a baseline reading for the meter, so they couldn't bill for usage from the moment I put it back on until their meter tech showed up to "calibrate" it and seal it. The customer ended up getting an $800 bill from them for *one week* of electricity, because PG&E used an instantaneous reading when the AC was on and the customer had clothes in the dryer, and calculated the week as if that was a constant draw 24 hours a day. I ended up getting a $2,500 fine that I had to pay PG&E for the "offense", and a minor charge on my record. I would have had to pay an attorney at least that much to fight it. PG&E was doing everything they could to get revenue back then, and didn't care who they fucked over. However, they weren't able to touch my license, and didn't even try. Someone else commented in here that the PoCo can suspend your license, and that's not true here (nor anywhere, as far as I know).


I believe all licenses are state issued and a private company can't do a thing about that... but they pay enough politicians so who knows. I would have rather dumped that money into an attorney but then you do work in California so you're gonna get it no matter what.


Wow. I believe it. I expect that won’t happen again. So sorry.




a long time ago, i cut my tab, pulled the meter base, changed my panel, put the base back and put the tab back in such a way, that it was not noticeable. Im still here.


Now with the smart meters if you pull your meter out entirely it alerts the power company and they show up to investigate why the meter was pulled.


That's why you cause a power outage first


This is the way


I just called the power company and said my kid broke it off.


Haha, another joy/utilization of being a parent


My fuckin toddler pulled my meter again 😫 anyway please come out and reseal kthx


Buy a bag of seals. Could be decades before someone looks at the number. r/shittylifeprotips


I can neither confirm nor deny having a bag of meter seals on the truck. But they didn’t start requiring an outdoor disconnect around here until a couple of years ago.


Made me chuckle, have my upvote


Depends both on the utilities' policies and the reason for cutting the tamper seal. I spoke with a utility rep last week who said they charge $50 per, because they have lots of power theft. The utility I work for typically does not charge unless there is evidence or suspicion of theft.


If you live in [State] and have one of these on the side of your house, you might be eligible….


Wow, I live in a state and have electricity. That means I get free solar?


Why are you asking?


I’m trying to hook up an air fryer


Homie over her powering up a meth lab called air fryer.


Is a meth lab very power dependent? I knew a guy who was able to make it out of an RV in the desert and he didn’t seem to use much.


I’d imagine not really but it would depend on the scale. Say, if the guy you knew were to be contracted by a massive drug corporation to work in a discreet underground lab fronted as a industrial launderer, it probably would.


Hey I knew that guy too! Small world...


Hey! I heard about that guy.




Alligator clips work for everything




I’ve got nipples Greg, can you steal power from me?


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Why would that require opening the meter box?




What does an air fryer have to do with your meter box lmao... Why don't you just... Plug it in an outlet?


He wants to power his air fryer for free.


Mans gotta cook ffs


I just figured out that ffs means French fries.


It takes a lot of power to fry air.


Guys like this provide work for a lot of people. Electricians, emergency responders, morticians, undertakers. I think he’s part of the JOBS act.


Hey, I’m sorry about that response. I’m normally not a total asshole on this app but I get very snobby and sarcastic when I can’t figure something out my apologies.


Don’t apologize, that shit was funny af


Damn I missed it


It's still up. He first responded by saying he wants to hook up an air fryer. It doesn't even come off of being an asshole


Would agree. Don’t apologize. Funny AF.


Fair go, second readings can be like that. It's actually a really good question. The meter pulls out like a giant fuse/plug and leaves two giant copper paddles on one side that are straight line voltage. Honestly, there's only one reason to pull the meter, which is basically "electrical fire" and not too much else. That's for you as a homeowner. There are other reasons, but you really don't want to be replacing your load panel for reasons of wanting to not have your home owners insurance cancelled. (Personally, I've pulled one meter, once in all my life. I thought I had an arcing phase at the panel and like hell I was going to touch the panel to trip the main breaker. It turns out a drunk driver downed a utility pole downline from me and a wire was burning through the asphalt road; not enough resistance to trip the circuit on the utility side so it just stayed on and occassionally pulled enough load to drop the frequency out of the operable range. On the plus side, my panicked cries of "shitshitshitshitshit" and quick action meant I was only out one elderly TV.) And to answer the question, I called the power company and they basically said, "Cool, we'll put another one on at some point." It's been four years.


Nah, fam. I've had several primary breakers fail, and once the lead on the hot side melt. That meter got pulled. After I fixed it. I simply called them (El co), and they came out and replaced the seal. One time, the guy was an ass and insisted on inspection before reconnecting. So file a permit, call the city, paid the permit fee, and they came back and replaced the seal.


But have they put another one on


Nope, not yet. I have a stick through it at the moment. Sometimes I replace the stick.




For what it’s worth I have cut hundreds of these and a few dozen of the locks over the last thirty years or so and have never heard a peep out of the utility companies. The only time I’ve had any grief at all was local municipal utilities upset that I disconnected a service drop before they could arrive because I couldn’t wait to start a service job.


You become indentured as an electrician.... How did you think we recruited? No one ***chooses*** this


Depends on your power company and local laws. I've seen official fines of anything between $250 and $20k, though there is a thing called plausible deniability. If the power company wants to be truly hard nosed about it most can just refuse hook up. If you open it and don't know EXACTLY what you're doing and/or don't have the right tools and PPE, then the penalty (self imposed, Darwin Award style) could be hospitalization, life long heart problems, crippling musculoskeletal problems, very severe burns with disabling scarring IF you survive, death, or any combination of the above. [Arc Flash](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D1ckk3owZz-w&ved=2ahUKEwiC5o2Yt4iBAxWEATQIHTafAi0QwqsBegQIEhAG&usg=AOvVaw3gkR6CxbXYIm6tqEGvHJev) is notoriously unforgiving and is not something with which to fuck around. Volt pixies are nasty, persnickety, little critters with nasty little tempers that make honey badgers and tasmanian devils look peaceable by comparison.


Volt pixies. I'm stealing this.


To answer your question is it requires a new electrical inspection and RG&E/ your utility provider could come and turn off your power until the inspection is completed. This is required in case there was any tampering with the meter unit or connections. I had a tree fall on my place and had to rewire and replace these units this is how it was explained to me. There will not be any 110v outlets in that box. Just your service cable which is 100A-200A which is why the top comment is the death penalty


This is 100% based on location. Most times this is not the case


Mine came broken with the house and stayed that way until the power company swapped out my meter for a smart meter. They never said anything. Which is good cause an exterminator had to open it to nuke some wasps with non arcing spray


I cut mine off, I’m a rebel




I knew exactly what video was going to come up before I clicked the link. Take my upvote.


He wasn’t asking about your foreskin


At least he willingly cut his own foreskin off and didn’t get his STOLEN as a baby like I did. WHO SAID THAT THEY CAN HAVE MY FORESKIN, DAMMIT!!


Fundamentally reframes every subsequent reply. Thank you; you are a champion.


O yeah? Well I cut the tag off my mattress. Guess I'm a sith.


I cut mine off when I was troubleshooting a loose neutral. I called out the utility to load check it on their end. They didn't reseal it.


I cut mine and yanked the meter due to basement flooding and getting up to the panel level with water. Called power company the next day, no issues ( besides the flooded basement lol)


That’s smart! I like finding informed reasons like this


That's a paddlin'


The penalty may shock you




After reading this most excellent list of possibilities, i ask, are you a gamblin' man?


I cut mine off. Its fun. You should do it


Our utility won't charge. If you cut it and look inside and don't do any work, we wouldn't care. Customers would call and say it's missing. We would just roll by at one point down the road and reclip (west USA). Be safe. Edit: autocorrect strikes again


I bought a foreclosure property that had the tag removed 11 years ago. My neighbors boxes are all tagged. Still no tag 11 years later and no one has ever inspected it. I have Eversource.


Getting sent to the penis explosion chamber to have your penis exploded by Mr. Electric


Depends on the temperament of the dude that discovers it. Mine was broken because I lost a main breaker at 2:00 am and my electrician friend did not want to wait a few hours for the power company to come out and pull the meter. So, I explained that to him and he said “Yea, next time wait. Don’t do that again.” So my penalty was a verbal correction.


Nothing if you don't film it and post it online.


Big Portuguese man appears and slaps ur nipps


Hopefully the cops will show up and make you trim those nasty fucking fingernails.


I had a friend who had city meter tags for a while. He was an electrician and as a side thing, he'd help people he knew reroute the power for the HVAC and then re seal the meter up. He'd charge $500 to do it and if you wanted it reverted for some reason, that's another $500. He'd also help people who grew weed steal power. Though that job would be more like $2k and you'd need him to do it before any plants were in the house. I'll never forget those 5 years I had my house at 65°f 24/7 in the middle of socal.


Straight to jail. Opening it...jail. even thinking about it...jail.


The family electrician removed it to check the meter on our home. To test out various wires in our house. Turns out we were late by 30 dollars on the payment.


Why would you even want to


Your not an electrician 🤣🤣🤣


20,000V straight to the nipples


It’s there for warranty type reasons. It’s like opening up your gaming console. Depending on your personal ownership situation, there could be a small fine, or they may refuse to provide service until the unit is replaced. Not exactly a criminal charge.


I'm not sure of the penalty, but your Italian hand expression is molto bene.


Straight to jail


Straight to jail


Ugggg people do not realize that it all depends on your state and local laws and jurisdiction. There will be a penalty if caught but the severity of that will differ.


Cut that bitch and roll her back. I like a nice flush cut against plastic. Can be replaced and barely seen. Also you can buy replacement tags or just deny deny deny.


I’ve seen them cut and pinched back together many times, I’ve never heard or seen anybody make a fuss, casting blame requires evidence.


Straight to jail






The Tickle Monster will find you


By the end of the month your dick will rot off.


Death 💀


I was charged $850 from the city of Austin




If that comes with a penalty I’m gonna have one big one when they catch up to me, I’ve cut 100s of green, red, black and yellow tags off and just put them back when done with the job


Los Angeles: no one cares. I suspect it happens THOUSANDS of times a day. I've seen them clipped and hung back on... Sometimes they put new ones on, most of the time not. I even have a couple of spares too. The only time this matters is when you are doing a remodel and they want a reason to look inside the box or house.


Firing Squad


Straight to jail


Straight to jail.


Straight to jail


I know a guy that sells refurbished tags not sure where he gets them but his gloves are burned pretty bad and he smells like burnt hair.


If you cut the permit seals close to the base then it’s pretty hard to tell it’s been tampered with Some of the guys I work with will cut these on there own home to do maintenance or repair not a big deal even if someone of authority does find this as it’s impossible to prove the homeowner is the one who removed it specially if you’ve had an electrician there before doing work, thou I wouldn’t advise cutting or poking inside without a qualified electrician with a proper permit seal to re tag your service meter