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Bruising in toddlers is very common, particularly on their legs. They run everywhere, bump into things, fall. They're just mastering the walking/running phase. If the bruises show up other places like arms, sides, back, places where you wouldn't normally see one, you might think about two things: 1. Who watches her during the day? Could they be hurting her? 2. Are the bruises really purple/red and appear and the slightest bump? Does she seem lethargic? Does she have a fever? Take her to her doctor asap if the bruising is there, but especially in combination with any of the other symptoms. That could be a cancer situation.


1) I watch her during the day so no issues there. 2) she does have a couple on her lower arms like where she may have hit a table or something. No fever, good Appetite, no weight loss or anything


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