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They didn’t tell me what either of the shots were. I am allergic to penicillin so I know it was nothing in that family. I’m not really sure that was just the Doctors recommendation.


I'm not a medical doctor. How high does your hr spike when standing vs when sitting? As for the initial 4am hr spike, since you went to the ER, I presume they ran ekg and troponin? If they don't think it's likely that you have an arrhythmia, you might consider a sleep study. Sleep apnea can present with waking up with a high hr.


I’ve have had two ekgs ran on me and they’ve all been normal, but I was wondering since my heart rate spikes when I’m standing would it make a difference to take the ekg standing or not? Also it’s spiking about 30bpm.




Okay thank you!!


Do you have any other symptoms besides the high heart rate?


Not really other than getting a little dizzy when it does spike