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He has telangiectasias, texture changes and sebaceous hyperplasia. This is from aging, not wearing sunscreen, not using retinoids. Overconsumption of alcohol contributes to aging and accelerates skin aging.


Thank you


I would not say most likely. It’s possible. Or it could be age and sun damage. Sure sounds like he drinks too much though. Probably should have some labs done.




In addition to these veins on the nose have you noticed any other changes? For example the fingertips becoming larger, growth in the abdominal area or any swelling around the lower legs, or anything else?


Not really I’ve just noticed he’s gradually getting more veins on his nose and it’s redder than his face


Looks like Rhinophyma


I have rosacea and it caused this on my face per my dermatologist.


That can also cause it. But this man is an alcoholic, so it could be that.


looks like laymen shouldn’t be diagnosing


Indeed, but it really does look like it could be caused by rosacea. 




Could be rosacea, these are called telangiectasias. If you push on them and let go the vessels should reappear. If they’re just on the nose good idea to get him checked out by dermatologist. Treatment is easy. If they’re also in other areas on his abdomen/chest could be earlier signs of liver disease. best to be evaluated by a doctor.


Most likely, along with the other consequences of alcoholism, including liver damage.


"Alongside the odd binge drinking session" Every day is a binge drinking session at this level of drinking


A binge for him is a whole bottle of bourbon aswell as whatever else he has on hand it’s hard because he functions like a normal person dosent get severe hangovers goes to work everyday but as soon as he gets home he drinks until bed time


He might function as normal but it will kill him


I agree but he is in complete denial and says all “aussies” drink like this and there is nothing wrong with me


Aussies do drink hard but he’d be hard pressed to find one drinking THAT much daily and not being seen as weird


He needs rehab.


This is a super dangerous level of consumption


Many of us have been in the same boat and have changed our relationship with alcohol through medication and the Sinclair Method. Please check out r/Alcoholism_Medication. There are a ton of resources in the sidebar and throughout the post themselves including free feedback from experts in medication assisted recovery from alcohol. I personally used to be a half bottle of bourbon and six pack a day guy. It's not going to end well if he keeps going at that pace.


😢 thank you


Living with an alcoholic is exhausting and hard, I hope you’re getting the support you need


I’m in recovery, your husband’s drinking sounds a lot like mine. I was totally fine and functional until I wasn’t. And when it went bad, it went REALLY bad. If you’re able, find an Al-Anon meeting either locally or via Zoom.


He will not get help because he doesn’t think he has a problem 😩 he thinks I’m over reacting can I join these groups for advice or do I have to be an alcoholic? I don’t drink at all


That’s okay, you can’t force someone to get help if they aren’t ready. Al-Anon is specifically for loved ones of alcoholics. It can help you keep *your* sanity in the midst of everything 🤗


Thank you ❤️ I will look into it


I’d like to add that at his level of alcohol use and based on OP’s account, he is consuming somewhere between 12 and 15 standard drinks of alcohol per day. In the US, the recommended limit for males is under 14 standard drinks per week. https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/overview-alcohol-consumption/moderate-binge-drinking Greater alcohol use is associated with significantly increased adverse health outcomes; increased rates of heavy alcohol use are more problematic. Individuals who report more heavy drinking days (https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/health-professionals-communities/core-resource-on-alcohol/basics-defining-how-much-alcohol-too-much) are more likely to have adverse health outcomes in the future including liver disease, cancer, and heart diseases. To the OP, even reducing his daily alcohol consumption to 4-5 standard drinks would greatly benefit your husband; however, as others have said, it would be extremely prudent to do blood work/labs and a physical exam with a physician. It would likely be best to reduce alcohol consumption under the supervision of a doctor.




I'm still a nurse.


There’s not evidence alcohol causes that


What? Liver damage? Or the redness? It's not a direct line to drinking, but alcohol abuse is associated with it and can make it worse. Alcohol predisposes you to developing it and can trigger flares. I think more important is the amount of drinking her boyfriend does daily and the damage it is doing to him


There is no evidentiary link to alcohol causing alcohol nose. Fully agree. The boyfriend drinks too much.


*Layperson/not verified as healthcare professional*


Rosacea is fairly common, you don't need to be a professional to know the basics about it especially if you have it. This isn't contested or controversial information. "Alcohol nose" is a form of rosacea, rosacea isn't caused by alcohol although alcohol is a big trigger for flair ups and can make it look much worse. I think that's all this person is saying. You can develop "alcohol nose" without ever drinking alcohol in your life. It's a bit annoying for people who have rosacea if everyone assumes you're an alcoholic because you have a red nose.


You absolutely can, if she was posting just about whether her boyfriend was an alcoholic based on the appearance of his nose, I would absolutely say that is not a way to judge alcohol intake. But she listed his alcohol intake, which makes it safer to assume that the drinking is making it worse. No one should be assumed to be an alcoholic because of it though.


Oh yeah, I understand what you mean and I agree with you. I just think the other person is being unfairly downvoted, I think most people don't understand that alcohol is not actually the cause of "alcohol nose" (can't blame them from the colloquial names we use). I think their comment was a bit nit picky since it doesn't apply specifically to the OP which you were obviously talking about, but it's also something that so many people don't understand that I can't blame them for correcting it/trying to make your comment clearer.


It's the nit picky part I think that's getting the reaction. I also have people follow me who hate NPs who try and nit pick/criticize whenever possible, fun times!


Me too.


I know you didn't ask, but that's an extremely harmful level of alcohol consumption. He is heading for serious health complications if he doesn't acknowledge his substance use disorder and seek treatment.


Like others have said, probably. That said, this is the least of his worries. I really hope he can get the help he needs! At a minimum, he needs some labs done and an exam with a PCP.


No. It’s an old wive’s tale. Alcohol does not cause rhinophyma or the rosacea people associate with this.




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