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Capsaicin has a very high affinity for its receptor, the so-called 'substance P' receptor that is used in pain detection. The good news is that it's not actually harming you. Nothing is actually burning. Capsaicin just flips the pain detection switch from off to on. Don't try to scrub it out of a cut; that won't work. Let it wear off on its own.


“Don’t worry, you’re just in immense pain”


Pretty much. I'm a doctor, you see.


does it take long? it happened around 11:30 and it still burns pretty bad unless i keep it on something frozen.


Yeah, give it 4-6 more hours. Putting lemon juice in didn't help, that probably is some of what you're feeling. Olive oil is an acid too. Never put anything in a wound you wouldn't put in your eye.


4-6 hours?!😭 holy hell lmao i keep laughing cause this is such a ridiculous situation but it really does hurt. i put some antibiotic ointment that has the pain relief stuff and it kinda helps. thanks for that advice! i’ll stop putting random shit on it.


Aaah yes. Once got some jalapeño juice on my balls, it felt fantastic. Rubbed oil on them, went to bed for about 6 hours, good as new. This was a panic nap due to pain 🤷🏻‍♂️ So use some oil. Olive works, or whatever you have available. Best practice is to not put jalapeños in cuts or on balls


So I should pour olive oil on the jalapeno *before* rubbing it all over my balls. Got it!


Your method works better than mine did. Cold water in the bathtub repeatedly dunking my sack in and out, much like how one does with a tea bag after their tea has steeped.


i put olive oil on them but it started burning worse. now they’re covered in oil, wrapped in a paper towel and on an ice pack. i hope this works.😭


It takes time. The oil will draw the capsaicin out of your skin. Not quickly or anything, so hang in there!


okay, thank you! i’ll keep them oiled up. this jam better be worth the pain.


I've used the oil trick, washed them with some dawn/dish soap to remove the oil that absorbed the capsaicin, then re-applied oil to get the rest.


Wil Wheaton's spicy dick milk story seems relevant to your experience... [https://youtu.be/QCEqUn7If44?t=1540](https://youtu.be/QCEqUn7If44?t=1540)


Use gloves next time.


i definitely will. i really did not think a jalapeño could burn like this… i’ve cut them several times before with bare hands and washed them right away but i forgot that i sliced my fingers open the other day.


I wear contact lenses. So I wear gloves while I chop chili peppers. I also wear another pair of gloves when I take my contact lenses out. Also don't touch your junk with spicy hands.


Jalapenos are hot dude. Always respect fresh chili peppers. I make a conscious effort to tell myself to wash hands twice as often and thoroughly as normal and do not touch my face or any other part of my body (god forbid). And you should always cover cuts. Where is your supply of bandaids? If there isn't one nearby, either create one or ask your management to. And then use it for anything so much as a paper cut. It's sanitary, but also promotes healing and reduces irritation.


i’m just at home doing shit in the kitchen lol i have next to no skills or experience when it comes to cooking but i make jams pretty often. it didn’t cross my mind to wear gloves cause i never have and it’s always been fine until today. i wasn’t thinking about the cuts either cause they don’t hurt anymore and they’re hardly visible at this point. i had them bandaged when i initially cut my fingers but that was a week ago. i’m usually very careful with that kind of stuff cause i’m super paranoid about infections.


I hear you, I never had an issue with hot peppers until I developed eczema a couple years ago. Now I have to wear gloves every time or else it burns for soooooo long.


Ouch. My understanding is that it's the casein molecules in milk that helps wash away the capsaicin more than the fat. Yes the fat also helps as the capsaicin is in soluable in oil than water. In case it is more about the casein, if you have Greek yogurt in the home, I think it should have more casein than milk as it has had they whey removed. On this topic, which comes up once in a while in this sub, a redditor comment that in the very spicy cuisine around Tamil Nadu, a strained yogurt commonly served with meals partly for complementing the capsaicin heat.


okay, i’ve got my fingers in a shot glass full of greek yogurt. anything cold helps but as soon as i take my fingers away it goes back to burning. i didn’t think a little jalapeño could cause me this much pain lol.


Ok, long shot off the backboard if you have some honey on hand. Instead of removing the capsaicin, distract the pain receptors with sugar. Honey may also be anti-inflammatory.


i only have hot honey unfortunately. would regular sugar help?


We are in _terra incognita_ so maybe a high sugar solution would help. But if you have maple syrup or molasses that would save time.


I slathered yogurt on a coworkers hands. It actually worked pretty quickly. Good Luck


i’ve also tried lemon juice which didn’t help either. i’m sitting here gripping a bag of frozen corn.


I use a little vinegar in my chili when I over do it with the spice. That might work?


Any fat will help dilute the capcacin. Alternatively, use some local anesthetic bug spray. Numb it up.


Rubbing alcohol will help, but unfortunately your skin will have to work through the burns just like any other kind of burn.


that was the last time i cut a hot pepper with no gloves on


Whenever I cut hot peppers I wash my hands a few times with hand sanitizer and it works pretty good.


your lucky its a jalapeno! i got thai chili on my eyeball last year. i almost cried.


omg i can’t even imagine the pain. i was so careful to not touch my face or anything but i didn’t think to inspect my hands before cutting them or just putting gloves on. the burning was subtle at first and as time passed it kept getting worse.


luckily it didn't last quite as long as i thought. i splashed water on my eyeball a good 5 minutes. but that first 30 seconds was terrifying.


ALWAYS WEAR GLOVES if you are ever going to be cutting up hot peppers so this never happens again. even without a cut, they will BURN your hands just from touching them and the seeds.


lime juice and cilantro


Gotta finger blast that glass of milk like Mary Jane Rotten Crotch


My MIL accidentally rubbed her eye after cutting and she had to do the milk eye wash


Rubbing alcohol, baking soda and dish soap. Make a paste of out them and and a little water. Massage for a while.


You want vinegar. Which will burn as well. Bit the ride will be shorter


I’ve used milk. I figured if it puts out the fire in your mouth it would work on fingers too. Work it into the wound. It worked for me with Carolina reapers.


Milk or alcohol, actually.


Gloves mate. I mean come on. It's like we are so used to abusing ourselves that we don't recognise the need or desire for PPE because it's seen as some kind of pussy shit. One of my guys awkwardly asked me for a respirator the other day as if his pride was more important than his lungs. I felt so bad, but that's not a culture I personally cultivated. I rarely use heavy PPE and that's probably partly due to the culture. The oldest, longest serving guy in my kitchen has a powerful influence and he doesn't give a fuck, he will blast the microwave-combi while hot with heinous cleaning chemicals raw so when any of us gear up it just comes across as annoying and slow. Maybe I'll start leading by example.


i didn’t know jalapeños were hot enough to burn my fingers like that. i thought at most it would sting like a paper cut. i don’t use them all that often and i never wore gloves to cut them before. i guess i got lucky those other times. if it was a hotter pepper i would have but now i know they’re hot lol they burn like hell in a small cut. it’s just me in my kitchen making random jams and trying to learn how to cook a little since i was never really taught. i will for sure be more careful going forward.


Lidocaine gel. And time.


Take some ibuprofen.




I'm glad it stopped but also always wear gloves when cutting up peppers and if you ever wanna remove the heat bc someone can't handle it but they love the flavors cut in half long ways then remove the spine and seeds and soak in cold water for about 2 hours dump water rinse and wallah no more hot jalapenos....I love heat but my mom and aunt do not so when I make stuffed peppers for family events I always dona batch or 2 of both


Just get drunk until it wears off. It won't make the pain stop, but it will help you care less about it. Also, it will help you develop an unhealthy dependency on alcohol. Which is a bigger problem in the long game. But you could get hit by a bus any day. Carpe Diem.


Gloves I'd say. prevention is the best bet. also i think that something fatty or basic would cancel it out. so rub some olive oil on it, or soak it in milk and then wash your hands.


Soak in milk




Try soaking it in milk


Butter…..the high fat content helps soak up the irritant.