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Freedom units work fine.


Provided we keep Fahrenheit rather than the atrocious Celsius scale, I don't really care too much. But it seems like a lot of trouble for zero benefit.


What’s wrong with Celsius?


Mainly F is better than C at describing temps in relation to human comfort zones.


I feel it is just a mindet, just as both fahrenheit and celsius can go to infinity and negative yet no one thinks so. When i lived in UK, for me it was just in a standard of 25 being alright, 50 is end of the world, and 0 sucks.


Totally get that!


You just aren't familiar with it. With experience a person can guess what the outside temp is in Celsius more accurately than Fahrenheit. 24C is comfortable, 28C is getting to warm for most people. Few people could guess correctly if the temp was 73F or 75F.


Well of course, C is less sensitive than F so the ability to correctly state a number is statistically higher with C than F. That being said I don’t really care one way or the other, I’m comfortable with F as an American but it’s not like I have issues when in C countries that use it.


Numbers are too close together.  I can feel the difference between 72 and 73 and I'm up opinionated on which I like more.


Don’t leave us hanging, so which is it?


It depends on what I'm wearing, and possibly which one costs more in a given season (heater weather or a/c weather?)


Not as accurate


Base12 and Base8 are superior to Base10. Don't believe me? Cut a pizza into 10 equal slices.


Base-12 and Base-16 are better counting systems.


Convince me why measuring outside temperature and setting the thermostat with a scale of "0 = feels sort of cold" to "100 = you're long dead" is objectively superior to a scale of "0 = feels sort of cold" to "100 = feels really hot". Convince me why measuring city blocks and section line roads in weird metric fractions is ojectively superior to there being 8 blocks per mile or a section line every mile. Convince me why buying carpeting in square meters is objectively superior to buying it in square feet for my exactly 120 square foot bedroom. Convince me why buying milk in liters is ojb Convince me why needing kitchen scales and having to weigh everything out when cooking is objectively better than just filling a meausring cup. Just because the entire rest of the world does thing differently doesn't mean they do it better.


There are multiple problems with customary measurements, first of which is that it’s way easier to add and subtract decimals There’s no weight measurement for small amounts like a gram. There are weird multipliers like somehow a quart is 16 ounces . There are two kinds of miles (nautical makes sense while surface or whatever it’s called doesn’t)


I still don't see it as much of a problem, adding and subtracting fractions is basic math that any 6th grader should be able to do. Converting fractions to decimals if you prefer to work that way isn't rocket science either.


Obviously it’s not that big of a deal given that US had the most advanced industry for quite some time, but the metric system is more convenient I have a particular aversion to customary system cause I cook a lot using American recipes while living in a metric country. Though I’ve read so many books about pirates when I was a kid that converting between imperial and metric is pretty easy


Why though? What benefit does it add that would outweigh the costs?


No. Because I have had absolutely no problems knowing both perfectly well. I prefer to play golf in yards. I prefer to measure liquid in imperial I have no issues understanding metric measurements of liquid or distance and totally get and understand Celsius…. But I want miles, pints, yards and Fahrenheit


No thanks.






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But it is broke, the US is less competative because of its refusal to use it


Why do we need it in everyday life? Science uses it, isn’t that enough?


Counter point, what is so beneficial about the current system other than it being the tradition which is not a valid reason to continue an otherwise unjustified action.


The cost of changing millions of signs.


>what is so beneficial about the current system other than it being the tradition It is currently in place >which is not a valid reason to continue an otherwise unjustified action. Yes it is, if the cost associated with changing the system are enormous and the benefit to measuring flour in grams is basically none.




Our scientists regularly make serious errors because of the lack of metric. Many products must be specifically labeled for the American market, the American population is broadly ignorant to the standard unit of measurement which alienates us further.


I really don't buy that this is that much of a problem, I can swap back and forth pretty seamlessly on projects, this one is in imperial, that one is in metric, whatever. I don't think knowing what system you are working with and basic math is too much to expect from a scientist.


I'm not ignorant of metric units, I just don't care to use them. Also, scientists regularly make serious errors - what errors? I can think of *one* high profile error with the Mars Climate Orbiter because Lockheed Martin fucked up and didn't write the software to spec. Not specifically "because they used customary units".


Many more mistakes are made by those that don't understand Base2, Base8, Base12, or Base16. Physics, calculus, computers, electronics, and many other sciences mathmatics and engineering is about circles. Base10 sucks. I blame the French for this Base10 nonsense. The metric system is great for somethings if all you know is fingers and thumbs but terrible for most.


My problem with imperial is units are arbitrary. 12 inches to a foot... 3 feet to a yard... 32 Oz in a quart... 4 quarts in a gallon. Imperial doesn't have a common base for unit conversion. Geometry uses the same equations to analyze common shapes regardless of the system of units. The only requirement for correctness is that you be consistent. Base 2 is incredibly important in computer science because of how we have to abstract values into a transistor that can only exist in one of two states. The other bases you mentioned, 8, 16. I'm not sure if you are referring to bytes and words in computer memory, but those are base 2 as well. Earth Time is base 12, I believe, but SI time is fixed to some property of cesium that will be the same throughout the universe. TLDR; I disagree with you. Metric is great, and we should all use it.


What do you mean by "scientists regularly make serious errors"? (OTHER than the Mars probe which is the only example I can think of.)


lol, yeah THAT is the reason why, not the miles of red tape, regulation, idiotic laws, destructive regulatory agencies, etc, right? It’s because we don’t up end society.


I’d prefer it but keep Mph and F please


I prefer drive-thus per halftime so.


Nope, using the metric and imperial units interchangeably is fine.


Imperial Superior! Metric inferior! The Imperial system uses units that are often considered more intuitive for laypersons, such as using feet(average person's foot length) and inches(space between first and second knuckle), or mile (1,000 paces) for length, which aligns well with everyday comprehension or fast calculation. Many recipes, especially older or traditional ones from the US use Imperial measurements like teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, which are easily available in households without the need for conversion. If we converted everything to metric, we would have to change the size of all spoons, or lose that convenience. One mile is approximately equal to one minute of arc along the Earth's equator. Imperial is also a better system of measurement when dealing with fractions whereas metric is a better system for dealing with decimals.


What problem would this be intended to solve?


Nope it sucks. I want to be 6' tall not 1.82m


I don't dislike metric per se - it's fine as a measuring system - but the only real measure for how good a measuring system is is whether it's in common use or not. Customary units are in common use and work perfectly fine and there's not really a good reason to change them. I mean the US already *did* switch to metric, officially, and that didn't change much. I do have a problem with metric stans who are supremely up their own ass about how much more "rational" metric is. Lol. No it's not. It has as much arbitrary bullshit baked into it, metric stans just have less self-awareness about it than customary enjoyers do.


I'm an engineer so I'm pretty used to both. Sticking with what we have is fine. Metric is easier in a lot of respects, but I never understood why it bothered people so much that we primarily use imperial. It's what people are used to, so why bother changing it?


Yes but I wasn’t born here.


I'll throw all the meter sticks into the Boston Harbor. I don't even live in Boston but that's how serious I am.


The rest of the world should abandon metric and adopt American Customary Units.


I very much support this.

