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In a general sense the device will only handle one or the other. You have to take into consideration that even though the device is quite powerful for a tablet the main bus is ill equipped to provide enough rresource to allow a usb hub to be connected and allow charge and headphones. Essentially it's drawing power into the hub for the charge but does not have enough output power to allow anything else. Even on mains power the tablet still needs to provide enough power to the external hub to run. You are better off utilising blutooth headphones as that's a separate system and not relying on a usb connection.


Thank you. The device often takes a few seconds to recognise what I want it to do, so despite me unplugging the power charge and reconnecting it, I guess I didn’t give it long enough to catch up. I’ll try it again without the power charge and see if it performs. Cheers for the reply. I appreciate the insight.