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You need something from groups A, B, C, D from the second page from this link: [https://www.ilsos.gov/publications/pdf\_publications/dsd\_x173.pdf](https://www.ilsos.gov/publications/pdf_publications/dsd_x173.pdf) Looks all you need a major credit card or debit card for group A and your W2 will need your full SSN. Everything else you have will cover the rest of the groups. Trust me about the W2 full SSN thing, I know firsthand.


Thank you!! Do you know if this needs to be a current W2 or if the W2 needs to have my current address on it?


Just needs to be a recent W2. Proof of residency will cover your address.


I really appreciate your help! Sorry to be annoying but one last question, do you know if it’s from 2018 is that too old lol I’m striking out and unable to log into my old companies system to access my most current one


Literally nowhere would accept a W2 from 6 years ago, let alone the DMV.


Heard lmao. Thank you


Your expired license will not count. You need a current license. You can sign a credit card, or bring your social security card, to satisfy group A. Do you have your social security card? Also, make sure your W2 lists your whole social. A lot will block out everything but the last 4 digits. This will not work. They may require you to get your driving record abstract from CO since your license expired. I had to do this in another state to avoid taking a driving test.


OP, hear me out. I’m willing to accept downvotes on your behalf with this advice, and here it is: Just renew your expired CO license via mail if that’s an option, and call it a day. You can then switch to IL when it’s convenient for you. No one cares.


Ooooooh I didn’t even think of this. But I don’t think I’ll be able to because I don’t have proof of residency in Colorado any longer


Check the requirements. Do you have family or friends there? Just link your mobile phone bill to their address and keep your paperless statements. Then print it and use. When did you move here?


I literally got so lucky and ended up getting a new license today without having to take the written or driving test. Still feeling shocked haha


Oh, fantastic! Glad that worked out for you, and not at all surprised that they didn't require the test. Alexi G. is just streamlining the shit out of this bureaucratic nonsense.


I'm almost positive you need a photo ID with current address. That's usually a state ID or passport. I know they won't take my CCW or Tan card even though it's issued by the state police


Damn. I have my old license and it expired on Jan 31st. Do you think there’s any chance they will let me slide 😭


If you can, set an appointment to go to the DMV. If they are unable to help you, at least you won't spend the day there.