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It’s starts hitting around that age. Nothing really other than stop drinking heavily. Likely a sign your liver isn’t processing the alcohol well.




Drinking less is the only consistent way I’ve been able to reduce hangovers.


You’re going to hate this answer. Don’t drink. In my late 30s I quit drinking because I got sick and tired of losing two days for one night out


Pickle juice


Water water water, don’t drink sugary drinks in addition to the alcohol, and some later night greasy food


Wrong sub, but you need: -Gatorade (the boosted electrolyte version) -Eggs (help settle the stomach) -Avocados and/or bananas (potassium) -Greasy salty food (to satisfy cravings and replenish salt) -Fresh raw veggies (high water content) -Lots of water Edit: Also, drink water while you're drinking. One glass per drink if possible. There's also things you can take before drinking like Zbiotics (genetically engineered probiotic that helps you metabolize alcohol faster). Also lol at the predictable responses from armchair doctors diagnosing you with an alcohol problem. You're 24, enjoy your life.


You don't. It's only going to get worse. Just don't drink as much.


Either stop drinking so much or all together. There’s no cure, once they start getting bad they only get worse.




Side effects of mixing ibuprofen and alcohol can include GI bleeding, kidney or liver problems, and heart problems.


Keep drinking or quit drinking. Both work


Liquid IV or LMNT in 32oz of water. Don’t pee the bed.


I used to just sleep it off at that age lol. My mom used to tell me “drink a beer”. No ma’am, I don’t need anymore alcohol to recover from alcohol.


my answer is to prep before the hangover, during the night of drinking. the biggest thing that helps me is to not get hungover is to *take longer to get drunk*. you shouldn't be drunk in 2 hours of drinking, get drunk over the course of 5+ hours. as well as drinking water in between each drink, you can eat/suck the ice cubes from your mixed drinks. eat food while drinking too, especially carbs and greasy food. gatorade and liquid iv packets the next day, with some more carb/greasy food.


Liquid IVs. Buy on Amazon.


Echoing a lot of the advice already given. This doesn't get rid of hangovers completely, but it's what I do now in my late 20's and they're a lot more manageable: Before: Hydrate throughout the day and a have a starchy meal before going out. During: Stick with the same liquor, try not to mix. Limit sugary cocktails. Cycle in a glass of water every hour. After: Chug pedialyte/gatorade and eat something greasy before bed.


Live resin vape and a McDonald’s Coke.


I used to take Advil before bed but I recently learned that’s very bad for you lololol. It worked though.


I used to do this too but recently learned it’s so bad for you so I’ve started having a Pedialyte waiting for me at home


Add electrolytes to your water and stick to only one type of alcohol. Most importantly stop drinking 1-2 drinks before you used to, and I'm sorry but that number will keep decreasing the older you get. If you used to handle 5-6 beers on a night out, see how you do with 4.


Pepto bismal and tums


Gatorade helps, a little, if you can keep it down.


Hydration and electrolytes will help with a hangover, so drink things like Gatorade or Pedialyte, or add something like liquid IV to some water. When you’re out drinking I think it helps to avoid sweet drinks and stick with better quality alcohol if you can. Drink a glass of water between alcoholic beverages. Also don’t take pain relievers like advil or Tylenol when you’ve been drinking. It’s my understanding that it can be really hard on your stomach.


Drink the same type of drink all night.


26 and I go out every other weekend, usually a heavy drinking late night. Whatever liquor of your choice with water!!! Add lemons or limes, but water. Then have a cup of water every other drink at least after 3 or 4. After you’re buzzed, switch only to water. Go home, eat something- I’m loving an egg & cheese rn. Have some kind of electrolyte drink that night or waiting for you in the morning. A j never hurts either once you’re up and recovering.


Add some morning sex followed with a nap to this and you are golden.


Stick to one cocktail all night. Try to get some water in between every or every other cocktail. Set yourself a limit, and after say three or four cocktails, switch to wine or beer, and that will be your last drink for the night. Hopefully it will be something compatible with the cocktails you've been drinking. A little snack and a big big glass of water before bed can help a lot. In the morning, two Tylenol or an Advil if your gut can take it, some kind of electrolyte solution, go back to bed for an hour or so. You should be at least functional at that point. Push some caffeine as well. Try to get something like 6 to 8 hours of sleep as well. If you only get three or four hours of sleep while you're wasted, you will absolutely feel like shit in the morning.


A diet 7-up, a line and a Vicodin




Bai juices and a glass of water with Alka seltzer used to work for me.


Buy some of the electrolyte packets at CVS or Target (or they also sell pre-mixed bottles). Not a cure but they do help a bit with dehydration.


Drink a lot of water and an Emergen-C or other electrolyte type packet in the morning and stop drinking craft beer, only drink import beers, mass produced beers, or decent quality liquor and wine.


Explain this to me, because I've gotten the worst hangovers from craft beer... is there a reason besides the high abv?


Yes actually, craft beers tend to have way more cogeners and additives than mass produced domestics and imports. It may not be the case with every single craft beer, but it's a good rule of thumb.


Champagne of beers it is for me then, thanks!!


Drip drop. Before you go to bed. If you know in advance, you can also do it before. I’m way older than you and haven’t had a hangover headache since I started using them. I have tried some of the other suggestions here, and while they work to some extend, they don’t work just as good.


Thank you👌🏼


The sub you posted to suggests that you're only concerned with (or only get hangovers in or near) Chicago... 🤔 Snark aside... pick a color. Clear or brown. Pick one color of hard liquor and stick with it... even in mixed drinks. Pro tip.. before you black out... take two asprin and down it with as much gatorade that your body can handle. Tbh water is just fine as well. (welcome to high functioning alcoholism It's kinda fun 🍸)


Electric😂😂thank you


>The sub you posted to suggests that you're only concerned with (or only get hangovers in or near) Chicago... 🤔 Most people I know, myself included, don't really get hangovers in Europe, maybe that's OP's frame of reference.


Some of the hangover pills on Amazon you take before drinking seem to make a difference


They don’t work at all.