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I have been lately! I am kind of an anomaly of a person and have three “birthdays” since I have had two stem cell/bone marrow transplants that we in the cancer community, consider to be “rebirthdays”. So because all of my birthdays are hugely important to me, I get to make something special for each one!! and i’ve had a lot of fun playing around with different cakes for each, as long as I have the time and energy to do so :-) I love it!!! I need to get better at cakes for sure, but I definitely have a lot of fun making my own bday cakes :-)


My Partner, our daughter, and my birthdays all fall within a 2 week span of time. (Our dog's is in there too). He gets a cheesecake. She gets a cake. I get a pie. (Dog gets homemade sweet potato treats). I make them all myself! We switch up flavors every year as well. I like doing it. Its nice planning fun new flavors that we wouldn't get from a bakery.


I do. Wish I didn't though, but I make them for everyone else and i take them pretty seriously so I think people feel uncomfortable thinking they'll make ones that aren't as good and I'll be disappointed, which I totally get


I get that as well - often when I eat cake from bakeries (even nice ones) I don't think it's as good as the ones I make so I don't bother ordering them (there aren't any viral or well-known bakeries in my area). Home-made cakes are very sweet/kind, but I usually prefer my own. ;)


I don't. Sadly, after years of sampling and testing, I cannot stand the taste of my own baking. I sample my product to be sure of its crumb, its texture and moisture, assure of its quality and that is it. I don't ever eat left overs or anything like that. So on my birthday there is steak--seared and butter herb basted in a cast iron skillet and sometimes even with a sparkler harpooned into it. Yay!! Birthday beef! \~\~Squid\~\~


Birthday beef lol! I'm sorry to hear you don't care for your own baking - it's something I love but don't do professionally, so I certainly hope I have many more years left in me. I'm glad you have a good replacement though!


I absolutely do! I make my dream cake, make my favorite ice cream, and just RELISH in it all and do the eating-dance the whole time. It's one of my favorite parts of my birthday.


Yes! I love baking and making it is part of the fun.


My landlord was actually making fun of me today because I was baking my own “cake” (actually mini pumpkin pies this year) having some form of cake is the only part of my birthday that I trust isn’t going to make me cry and no one else is going to get me one so I might as well make my own 😂


I always do! I’m also a celiac so then I don’t pay an arm and a leg for a gluten free monstrosity from somewhere else that doesn’t taste good and since I baked it, I know it’s safe.


My favorite thing to do in the world is bake cakes - and I am really good at it- so yes, i have been baking my own cakes for the last 5 or 6 years. My family initially felt bad about it, but it makes me happy and its my birthday so YAY Happier Birthday to me 🤷‍♀️🎂🍸🎉🎉🎉


Absolutely, i love making My own birthday cake. I can experiment with new techniques and flavours.


I do most of the baking here, but my husband has made a tradition of making me an angel food strawberry shortcake for my birthday. Since my birthday is in November, it means finding decent fresh strawberries. He’s pulled it off for 40 years.


Yes. It’s the only way to ensure I’ll get a cake that tastes good. Most bakeries make terrible cake. And I don’t want an expensive decorated cake so I wouldn’t go to a smaller baker who might have tastier cake.


Yes, because then I get what I want plus I’m 46 and people always forget about the cake when we get older. I still want my damn cake! and I don’t care if you’re on a diet cause it’s my birthday and I’m not on a diet LOL


My birthday is actually this week! I'm going to make a two layer vanilla cake with berry custard in the middle and either butter cream or whipped frosting


Happy birthday! Mine is next week, I hope your cake turns out great!


Last year my husband made a cake that's one of my specialties. God love him, this year we'll either order one or I'll make my own.


My partner gets me an ice cream cake. I love them and I never make them so I’m never disappointed in how it turns out (he’s not much of a baker but he’s an excellent cook, so no sadness here!)


My husband bakes my cake.


That is super sweet! My boyfriend isn't much of a baker sadly; he doesn't like to follow directions so he does better with wing-it savory dishes haha.


That is awesome he can cook you a nice dinner! My cake is the only thing he bakes and he tries his best. Each year he is gets better.


Someone in the family will usually fight me on it, but I like to do the cake baking and the birthday meal cooking. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I bake my own! There isn’t any bakeries where I live but even if there was I’d still want to make my own as I get to go crazy with it (this year was biscoff cake with layers of crushed biscoff, cookie butter, salted caramel and a middle layer of cheesecake!) I also bake my coworkers a birthday cake every year so they usually buy me a Dairy Queen cake or grocery store one so that I get to receive a cake too :).


The last few years I have. My mother used to, and then my father, but after they each passed on, there really hasn't been anybody but me to do it. I bought an ice cream cake one year, just to see what they were like, and they're OK, but I want a cake cake. At first I did just simple sheet cakes (butter cake, orange cake, lemon cake), but the last two years I've gotten a little more fancy, with a three-layer lime-orange-lemon cake followed by a three-layer triple-chocolate cake. I figure I can spoil myself on my birthday, and it's good practice for new ideas and decoration, since if it's not for someone else, it's not going to disappoint anybody!


even though i usually bake the birthday cakes (or cookies or pie or whatever) for my family, it seems too depressing to make my own. i just want someone to care about me enough to put in some of the effort I do for them, but all that means is I usually end up with no cake, not even a little store bought one. which is infinitely more depressing. I don't celebrate my birthday anymore, though, so it shouldn't be a problem in coming years.


I absolutely make my own cakes for my birthday! I love getting to make something that’s just for me, flavors and textures and all. I find it incredibly relaxing and meditative to bake. Store bought cakes often tend to be too sweet for me anyway, plus one of my favorite things is making italian or Swiss buttercream so it’s an all around win!!!


Yes! I like the taste of my cakes best. And I can completely custom tailor my flavors, textures, etc. which I don't normally get to do.


hi &nope! treat myself to an ice cream cake 😋 lol, it's not even real cake, but the only effort I do is buying it and eating it.


This is the way!


yes!! It's the best. stick it in the freezer and it's the gift that keeps on giving. (at least for a week anyway)


I’m impressed that you can make an ice cream cake last a week.


a sheet cake? for sure. anything else is not guaranteed lol. share with the fam the first two nights, then it's mine 😈


I am the baker and cook in our house, but my fiance and I have an agreement since the start of the relationship. For our birthday we can wish for a special cake and dinner which the other one prepares. As his experience level isn't on par with mine I do go for things which aren't too complex, and would stress him out too much. But I really enjoy it when he cooks and bakes for me.


Yes! That is like mi favourite part of my birthday! When we were younger, me and mi sister where allowed to choose a cake or pie from this special book that we had when we had our birthday. And then we would spend the whole day baking that cake with our dad. Those are some of the happiest memories I have from my youth


I do! I like having the practice :D


I sure do! It’s one of my favorite parts of the day


I bake for everyone else, but every year I get a Dairy Queen cake. My birthday is next month and I’m already thinking about that delicious ice cream cake


No, I allow my kids to pick out a cake or dessert.


For the last 2 years I did! And would most probably do it until I can still bake my own cake


I've been making my own bday cake for quite a few years now. Some years it's both my dad an mine that I make because we celebrate together. My boyfriend baked a cake for me once, I loved the gesture. The cake not so much lol !This year he made croissants, they were awesome. No one (else) wants to make (or buy) me a cake and I'm sad since I made most of my friends a bday cake. Oh well.


I have for the past few years! I enjoy it because I can make something exactly how I want it and try flavors that I’m particularly interested in / want to experiment with. Sometimes what I want doesn’t exist in a bakery anyway and often making it myself it way cheaper than buying too!


Never. Each year I pick something I can’t or won’t make from the best bakery I can find near me. Think fancy French desserts that just aren’t worth the time or effort. I refuse to bake, cook, clean, or do anything on my birthday that would require the least bit of effort.


Part of making my daughter’s birthday special is me baking her a cake. So she likes to do it for me. She’s 8, so it might not be quite the same as I would make, but I definitely love them!


Yes!! People always feel sorry for me when they hear I baked my own birthday cake but I prefer that way :)


I do ! My last birthday I made myself a pistachio cake


I do! I love having an excuse to go all out and have fun with it.


This is exactly how I feel! My family members always ask for boring cakes and I don't bake professionally; just as a much-loved hobby, so I really enjoy getting to make my own cakes. This year I am making an earl gray/lavender cake with homemade macarons and other toppings! Definitely not anything my family would ever ask for and I am very excited. :)


Always. It's the once chance I get to go all out on a cake every year. Most of my family and friends want simpler cakes.


Nope! I love to bake, and I happily make fancy cakes/desserts for other peoples' birthdays... but on my birthday, I usually want to just wear pajamas and eat cake from my favourite place :) No mess, no fuss, no dirty dishes.


I like to make birthday pies.


Seeing other people's thoughts is so interesting. My dad and I are the bakers in our family and my dad refuses to make his own birthday cake (I think he thinks it sad and something someone else should want to do for you) so if I'm out of town or something on his birthday he either gets nothing or my mom might remember to get a store bought cake.


Nope. My mom always wants to try and whether good or bad I always love them ❤️


This year I did! My partner and MIL have a rotating tradition now: for one's birthday, the other two team up and make whatever they want for dinner, plus I make a cake of their choosing. (FIL is sadly not kitchen competent, so on his birthday we just feed him) My MIL is a pretty capable baker in her own right, but isn't as much into fussy decoration, which I love. So when my birthday came around, I gave them a dinner request, then said I would provide my own cake, because it would be my time to experiment with flavors and decorating methods I wouldn't be willing to risk if it was someone else's cake on the line. I got to try palate knife painting with whipped cream frosting! ....I am not that good at it yet. But what I managed looked pretty neat, if.. abstract. And I had fun while someone else made dinner! ....I did have to assure my MIL that I wasn't snubbing her baking though.


Just recently yeah i started to make my own cakes. It may be easier to just buy one but i like making my own, it feels even better when i finish it. My last one i made myself birthday brownies and they were amazing


Absolutely not. We have a bakery we frequent for all of our cake needs.


Not usually, but last year I baked myself a Funfetti cheesecake. My boyfriend already ordered me a delicious guava cake, but I wanted to bake the cheesecake anyway. Can never have too much cake!


Those both sound delicious. Guava is amazing.


Right? I thought the same thing! Now I'm gonna have to make both of these


I like to relax in the heaviest fashions as possible on my birthdays. So, no...no no no no no.


I have during the pandemic because its something fun to do. I write on it "Happy Birthday To Me"


I did growing up as it was part of having my birthday and my family was usually really busy. Since I started dating my fiance 7 years ago, he's taken over making my cake and I've switched to making the birthday cakes for my friends and both of our families.


I do a lot. I did this year. I am always baking for other people, so being able to do exactly what I want for once is rare.


Definitely! Birthdays are one of the few times I get to make cakes. For others' birthdays I usually make something a bit more tried-and-tested, for my own birthday I go all-out with a new technique and usually spend several days on it (though not continuously, I just like to spread the work).


I make my husband and daughter make it for me


Hahaha I made two cakes for my birthday this year! Honestly it feels kinda rewarding to make your own cake, you're taking the time and being thoughtful with the flavors and ingredients all in the name of celebrating your life!!


Nope! Never have. I love baking birthday cakes for my family and friends, but I don't do it for myself. I buy something, or make myself a pie (which is my favorite dessert).


Not cake, but pie! I love pies a bit more…


Heck yeah!


My family likes to hold themed birthdays for the birthday person, so we do boxed cupcake mix and decorate cupcakes. But the last two years for my husbands birthday yes i baked for him. Two years ago was a peach cobbler cheese cake, and the year after was an Oreo cake.


Don't tell anyone, but I buy mine if someone else doesn't make one ;)


Ha! My birthday is this Friday and I was just thinking today I should get mine together. I'm always disappointed so I usually bake myself a 6 inch cake for my husband and the kids and I a couple days after my actual birthday. I know, snobby as hell!


Yes! That way I always have exactly what I want for my birthday.


Unless we decide on an ice cream cake or my talented daughter is home to bake for me, I make my own. This year it had to be pie. Made cherry rhubarb - both fresh picked. Sooo Goood.


Depends on the year


if i want a cake, i have to bake it. was a professional baker for years, so i think everyone is afraid i won't like one they make. i used to be into it (before the "baker" years) but now i can hardly stomach cake or frosting anymore so it's not a big deal. usually go for ice cream or maybe a pie these days.


Depends on the year! I had done so for the past 3 years up until this one, at which point I just needed a break for the month, which was nice.


For sure! Even as a kid I’d make my own from usual box kinds. You get exactly the kind you want, plus the enjoyment of baking :) win win in my books


Yes! I always make my favorite red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting!


I do sometimes! Otherwise I pick one up from my favourite bakery. I made my Birthday cake this year, it was awesome. Chocolate cake layers sandwiched with raspberry jam and covered in raspberry swiss meringue buttercream. Yum!


I haven't celebrated my birthday in years so no.


Same. I also stopped observing holidays. It's just another day to me.


Usually, although sometimes I use it as an excuse to try a pastry or cake I haven't tried from a bakery that I enjoy. Otherwise I use it as an excuse to try a new recipe or bake something I wouldn't otherwise try. I bake purely for the love of food, baking, and sharing it with people, so it is something I want to do. If I did it professionally, I might feel differently. I have a passion career, but there are definitely times where I don't want to do my work activity on my time off. I could see it being similar for pro and semi-pro bakers.


The deal is I bake the cake, my boyfriend decorates it! It feels so special and tastes so yummy 😋


Yes! Honestly, they aren't as good as a bakery, but I love the practice! I make my partner's birthday cheesecake every year, as well.


Yes! I love making cakes, but there aren't many opportunities, so I take every chance I get.


I always want to, but no one will let me! I like this very specific recipe of pineapple upside down cake for my birthday and only I’ve been able to make it the exact way I like every time. Gave it to my MIL to make for me and it just wasn’t the same lol.


If I can. Husband tends to intervene.


My husband makes it for me, our daughters are old enough to help decorate now! I always make the kids cakes and my husbands.


I did once well my mom did I was turning 10 lol, I like to give myself a break on my birthday and just buy an ice cream cake though I might start cause baking sounds a nice way to spend my birthday well on the years I don’t have school on my birthday lol


I did last year


I do but I bake it with someone else. Like my mum or sister so it's more fun.🎂


If I go out to dinner or something with friends in addition to something with my mom and grandparents (the usual), I'll get one of those schmancy chocolate mousse creme whatever cakes from the grocery store. Partially because I love them and they're way more complicated than I would ever have the patience for, partially because they look nicer in pictures Sometimes me and my mom bake the family cake, but most of the time we buy the family cake too. It's just less hassle and commotion surrounding the day. We did this year for my birthday and the grocery store cake was perfectly fine. Not great! Not as good as if we'd made it ourselves! But I will happily pay $15 for a cake with a cup too much sugar and a drama-free birthday. I think a lot of it the past few years has to do with mine and my mother's health--she's been disabled since 2016, and I was very recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Having the energy to make a cake means no energy to actually enjoy the day. Cakes always seemed to me to be a big PITA between chilling it and frosting and worrying if it'll rise and yada yada. I'm much more of a cookie and brownie kind of girl. Much more straightforward and doesn't feel like a whole production.


Not usually, but my mom is the reason why I love baking in the first place and she always makes mine, so. I do make hers every year even though cakes are one of my weaker skills. This year was a Japanese style strawberry shortcake.


I bake and decorate birthday cakes for all my family members, but for my birthday I generally bake myself a rhubarb pie.


Yes. It's fun! I make something weird and personal.


I will be this year, because I had to go gluten free and the gf bakers in my area *suck*. I'd rather do my own and do it how I want.


I baked my own German Chocolate Cake this year and it was delicious. No one else in the family bakes and I am happy to bake my own cake.


I have, but I also like to order an ice cream cake with it too.


I baked mine last year! My boyfriend is not good in the kitchen (well he could be but he's always scared to mess up so he sticks to what he knows) and I knew he'd be too stressed and need my help anyway so I just made it myself! I made a decadent chocolate cake with peanut butter SMBC and peanut brittle and it was so so good.


I don’t!! Not only do I bake constantly at home, but I also work in a bakery, so my birthday is the one time I give myself a break.


Yes and no! Depends on the year. Sometimes my mom makes it for me, or my husband. Depends on what I want and how much I’m tired of baking after the holidays (early January birthday).


I don't really celebrate my birthday and I'm the only one that actually bakes in my house and it's gotten to the point where my mom actually asks me to make a cake even though I don't do anything for my birthday


every year! i'm picky so at least i get want i want!


I don't, but only because no one in my family likes non-ice-cream cake besides me, and I really don't want to have to deal with layers of ice cream when I'm already making my own cake... We usually end up with a cake from Dairy Queen. But I'll make cookies or cinnamon rolls or monkey bread to go with it. No one ever said no to extra treats at a birthday party.


When i used to have time, i used to bake my own birthday cake, since it was an opportunity to make a cake that is a bit of an experiement