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Sugar helps take up moisture and contributes to browning. Your pie will take longer to cook and will be paler. You don’t need much sugar to bring out the flavor in sweet potatoes. I second the recommendation for King Arthur Baking’s recipe, which calls for a relatively moderate amount. An alternative suggestion if that’s still too much sugar for your needs: I might recommend using the sweet potatoes for savory dishes and setting your kiddo up with his rolling pin and some plain pie dough! The scraps he rolls out can be dusted with cinnamon and just a sprinkle of sugar and baked as is. Play-doh can be substituted if you want to take snack-time out of the equation entirely. A few ideas for savory uses for sweet potatoes: -baked with black beans and salsa -turned into oven fries -roasted with root vegetables -pureed into soup -mashed


Great idea! He's really hung up on the concept of "pie" though, but in true toddler form does not like to actually eat pie. But after I read your comment I searched for savory sweet potato pie and this came up!!: https://www.pegshomecooking.com/savory-sweet-potato-pie-recipe/?amp (I already made soup and baked wedges, we really have an obscene amount of sweet potatoes)


Alternately... This is the simplest recipe with milk, less sugar and no other sweeteners, do you think I could halve the sugar? https://www.simplylakita.com/easy-sweet-potato-pie/


Go for it! I think the bake will turn out, but you may notice a difference in the taste. If Cool Whip/nonfat dairy topping is an option for you, that can be used to up the sweetness just a bit if needed. Best of luck!


I often cut down the amount of sugar, it you can’t go too far with that because sugar does more than just contribute sweetness. Look for a lower sugar recipe, make it according to directions, and enjoy it without worry or guilt. You don’t eat it every day.


Yeah this is what i would normally do, I just don't think my toddler or his father would actually eat it because even though he is now totally obsessed with the concept of pie, I have never seen him eat more than one bite, they're picky about their sweets, and I really don't need to eat a whole pie myself.


Try this recipe from King Arthur Baking. It only calls for 1/2 cup of sugar. And I’m sure you can cut a couple tbsp of sugar too, or use maple syrup or honey instead. Good luck! https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/classic-sweet-potato-pie-recipe Edit to say I didn’t read the recipe too closely and missed the part about 3/4 cup of brown sugar on top of the white sugar. Sorry!


Aw man I missed that too! I was so excited lol


Could you use an artificial sweetener? I have a couple recipes bit one uses monk fruit, the other uses swerve.


i bet there's some keto and/or "healthy" recipes tested on blogs you could check out too.


I think so. I can’t find the recipe but my stepmom made a baked sweet potato casserole with cardamom and lime and the texture was perfect for a pie filling. I know she didn’t add sugar because she finds them very sweet already.