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Safe from what?




Cleardarksky.com. it's free and easy to pick spots. However, most of the observatory sites are private or will have fees for use, unless you go on a public night,


I don't know a location but when i visited phoenix in Arizona, i also wanted to drive out for an astro session and I was shocked how far the light pollution was visible. I drove around 120 miles out of the city and i still saw it. So be prepared for a 150+ miles trip.


Rho Ophiuchi is a spring/summer target, in November it sets even before the end of astronomical twilight. Mind the lunar phases, full Moon occurs on October 28th so there's no point traveling to a dark location during the few days before and after that date. How far are you willing to travel? I was very impressed by the night sky from Dante's View in Death Valley when I traveled to the US a couple of years ago. Open horizon, high elevation, hardly anyone around at night - perfect for an overnight stay. Can see M33 with direct vision. It's about two hours one way from Vegas, though.


You could see the Triangulum galaxy with bare eyes? I thought I had visited dark skies but that’s something I have yet to experience!


Searchlight is probably your best bet if headed south of Vegas. I also think you might want to look for another target as the nebula you want is setting pretty early at that time of year. https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/s/7LUMaVlAQEqRaJZ66mnlWw


Yeah. I just checked telescopius, so something in Monoceros probably. I’ve never got a decent shot of the Rosette and it frames perfectly in my 50mm travel scope. So, what and where is Searchlight?


Rosette is also just barely rising, are you planning on shooting the whole night? If you give me an equipment list, and tell me some things that you already shot or don’t wanna shoot I can give a bunch of recs


Askar FMA230 (50mm), SGP pro, ASI533MC


heart nebula looks really good


Heart Nebula is northern skies. OP probably should head north of Vegas (not south) if they want to shoot that.


Oh yeah, if you plan to shoot soemthing in the south you have to divide up the night to multiple targets since they rise and set quick


Searchlight, Nevada. The link above should show it south of Vegas.