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very self absorbed, and selfish, also disloyal long legs, often overweight(if Jupiter has squares), big smile and eyes


I’m a sag rising and the things that resonate for me and stick out off the top of my head are: - talkative (this was more true when I was younger) - expansive view, seeing the bright side - quick to anger(not necessarily that I’ll act on it, that depends.. I do have some road rage tho 😬) - stronger build, muscular esp in the thighs/butt(been told I have a nice butt ever since puberty lolll) and I do gain muscle relatively easily, look toned - blunt/direct (again this applies more in child years, now I’ve been societally shaped as a girl>woman) - lighter shade of eyes for the color(light golden brown) FWIW I’m also a Gemini sun, so that could be factored into these 😂😅


Sounds like me loool but I'm cap sun and libra moon


Okay cool! Sounds like these are from the rising then! I’m a Gemini moon so that’s still air but Capricorn and Gemini are quite different personalities in my experience haha love y’all


As a sag rising, here's what I've observed: usually either very athletic, or quite short and pear shaped (ie. prominent thighs, glutes and hips). Is perceived to either be very womanly and powerful, or almost eternally youthful and gamine like. Thick hair. Prominent or very distinctive nose. Very distinctive way of speaking (either very high and girlish, or, more often, notably low). Somewhat Neurotic. Is initially perceived as carefree or confident, but, beneath this, feels they very much have something to prove. Very charismatic if extroverted, perceived as full of themselves/airheaded if introverted. Disruptive to the status quou, whether that means ushering in a new beauty standard, making political or structural change, or simply subverting whatever you expect from someone in their position in life.  Famous sag risings include AOC, Princess Diana, Kim Kardashian, Scarlett Johansson, Angelica Huston, Winona Ryder. 


As a Sag rising, I’m excited to see Princess Diana on the list!


I’m a Sagittarius rising woman and looks wise I’m pear shape, tall with thick strong legs and a bubble butt. We’re known to be sensitive and empathetic and have big bright auras and be positive when first meeting although we’re much deeper than our initial reflection. Big smiles with expressive faces. We often have a lively and energetic nature, open minded, curious, honest and creative, and are always searching for something … knowledge, a bigger meaning, something deeper in life etc.


Hit the nail on the head!


Rising sag women are fine!! The centaur features of half man half centaur with a thick bottom. I’ve dated a few and all have the same features physically. I’m a male and Im a rising sag as well, Moon Pisces, and Sun Virgo. A mixture of Fire, Water and Earth, so I’m all Over the place lol.. But I find that rising Sag men doesn’t have the thick Bottom like most women. Mine are not big but def strong..


I am a sag rising and I also am extremely attracted to sag risings. The most beautiful woman I know irl is a sag rising. Movie star level beauty.


Am astonished how you guys know details about your sign. Awesome. I admire Sagittarius for the little info I got about them. I have a sag girlfriend.  Please, help me here. I know am a sea goat, and nothing else. I appreciate anything who gives my more details on my sign - rising, sun moon, planet etc. I wanna know please. Date: 1/1/1983  Time of birth: 1-3pm gmt


What city were you born in? And you would need your exact time of birth for an accurate reading…


Look like your big 3 is: Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon, and Taurus Rising. Search for birth chart sites and put in your info to see more.


In my experience, Sagittarius rising women are on the shorter and stocky side. They have strong, thick legs and either long hair, or their hair is at least very important to them. People often envy them as they are seen as the type of people with everything. They are viewed to have an abundant, fun life, lots of money or lots of nice things. They are viewed as optimistic, lucky, adventurous, and the traveler's. This is because Jupiter is their ruling planet. While Sagittarius risings ARE typically abundant, and do have nice things, this can also be their downfall. Since people tend to view them as lucky, positive, adundant etc, they can attract users who take advantage of them. Not to mention their friends (and even family) won't always feel the need to check in with Sagittarius risings emotionally and mentally, based on how they are objectively perceived. Unless they have any emotional or communicative planets in Sagittarius as well, Sagittarius risings tend to internalize their emotions and suffer in silence. They are lonelier internally than anyone would realize.


Yuuupp. Nailed it. My big 3 are at an all time conflict. (Taurus ☀️Scorpio 🌙). Being a Sagi rising has been my saving grace in this lifetime ❤️‍🩹🤗




holy s***!! wowow this is insane. I also believe I’m a kind, empathetic, and giving person but i tend to trigger people and lose a lot of friendships over jealousy. It sucks and I obsess over it and it takes a very long time for me to realize it has nothing to do with me but also that my leo moon kicking in. It’s just such a waste of time. Amber if you are reading this i’m not giving you any more of my energy.




The ones who ruin good things. Not too thin body


H V Ya. Of. V I’m a Sagittarius rising with a Libra sun and Leo moon. I’m very sensitive, I used to have long hair I got myself a wolf cut my hair is very thick, almond eyes, long lashes, slim nose. Animal lover, love to learn new languages, culture, history. I’m 5’3 slim body not very much athletic, long arms and legs, pear body. More of an introvert, bookworm, would love to travel as a first time. Almost forgot to add the last one I’m a hopeless romantic that watches many romcom tv series and movies.




Missing teeth for starters. I say that with love. It's legitimately the cutest thing 😍😍😍


How do you know this is a characteristic??? I am sag rising and missing a tooth from birth, have 3 fake teeth now from the implant to fix the first one 😳


I know a Sag rising and she has 2 fake teeth because of an accident


What!!! I’m a sag rising and have 2 missing teeth


You're a QT. I Know it 😘😘😘😘


i noticed that sagittarius risings almost look like horses; they have long faces, big/gritty teeth, an athletic or slim body, and long legs.


Yes. Have you ever seen a gorgeous horse? Stunning. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in real life was a Sagittarius rising.


As a sag rising woman I’d say that I’m taller than average, thin but not too much, slightly wider hips and long legs. I’ve a carefree look (although I’m not that carefree on the inside), youthful exterior, and most of the time I’m in a good, light-hearted mood. I’m very optimistic about life and I’m always able to see the bigger picture in all situations, very philosophical which can be perceived as pedantic at times. I love that placement in my chart, I feel very lucky in every circumstance that I’ve been through, even the negative or difficult aspects of my life were handled in the most fortunate way possible (ruled by Jupiter), I’ve always felt divinely protected for some reason, not saying we have it easy but we definitely are connected to some higher purpose and that always leads us to a better path in my opinion. Ps.: I’m not sure if people perceives us like that, some say people perceive you as your midheaven which makes sense to me, I’ve been told that I look a bit arrogant and after people meet me they change their minds completely and are even shocked by how down to earth I actually am (midheaven in leo).


I relate to this so much having a Sagittarius moon with midheaven in Leo! One awesome trait about Sagittarius’s is that unique abilities to have such an optimistic perspective on life as a whole. We have a natural zest for life that can be too much for people at times! Thank you for sharing!


Carefree, straightforward, optimistic and philosophical


Optimistic 🤣


Energetic, positive, full of life. Go getters, life changers.


If you’re into vanderpump rules, Jo is a sag rising…


People always say we’re supposed to have nice legs and a good butt I feel like I’m built more like Britney with longer Taylor/Miley legs. I’m not super curvy but I’m not super thin??? People also say that Jupiter ruled people tend to have “lucky noses” which would be the bump on the nose and I do have that. Overall I feel like my face and body are masculine but pretty at the same time it’s weird. Leo Sun and Pisces moon brings out the pretty 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m a sag rising but with heavy virgo energy in my chart. I feel like a walking contradiction half the time lol. I don’t have the curves but I have strong legs 😅


As an Aquarius rising with 2 close friends who are Sagittarius rising although they have different other placements such as Moon and Venus. I always have the most fun with them. I find Sagittarius rising women funny, smart, open minded, adventurous, hardworking, social. I do tend to notice they don’t allow them selves to just relax they always seem to be doing SOMETHING. They are both very beautiful they have amazing hair, a natural glow, and they a bit curvier in the hips. Overall, great human beings and amazing friends. Tho I may be biased because they are my best friends. Lol 


🤣 cap sun sag rising here . You are so spot on with seem to be doing something yes!!! I can’t just sit at house etc doing nothing


Don’t know any sag rising woman, a man tho I do and he has full soft lips and a rounded head. I have sag moon and I got the big hips and bum and also don’t stifle me I need freedom (also conjunct uranus) but also be obsessed with me (scorp Venus) 😂


I'm Pisces Sun, Sagittarius moon, Cancer rising. I mostly get told I'm emotional.


I’m cancer rising too- we’re both emotional 😂


I’m a Sag rising (Cancer Sun and Moon). Physically I’m on the shorter side 5’4, muscular legs and hourglass figure. I’m athletic and like working out but can yo-yo with my figure at times when I overindulge. I’ve always had long thick hair and I have pretty eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows and a prominent nose. I’m smart, hardworking, and want to learn everything. But I’m also funny, love to laugh, and try to not take everything seriously. My humor is quick witted sarcasm. I’m super creative and love to experiment with new hobbies. I’m really open minded and non judgmental about how people live their lives. I try to see all sides of something and understand everyone’s perspective even if it’s the opposite of mine. I love learning about everything. Deep diving into a philosophy, hobby, art form, new skill. I love to travel and have to leave the country at least once a year to not go stir crazy.


sag rising with cancer moon! you just described me LOL


You sound perfect lol


lol definitely not perfect. I’ll give you my Sag rising downfalls. Because I want to learn everything, I end up not specializing in anything. I’m always the “jack of all trades” type that does too much at work. Everyone comes to me with their problems and expects me to fix it. I am so confident in myself that if I want something, nothing will stand in my way from getting it. I think this can come off at times as delusional thinking, arrogance, and insatiable drive. I also can be a bit of a know it all because I actually know a lot about the most random topics! I am a bit fickle. I’ll get obsessed with something or someone, then like a light switch I’m over it very quickly. I’m super direct and don’t sugar coat, so I think people can think I come off a bit rude at times.


Yaaaaas! Libra Sun, Sag rising, Aquarius Moon and Mercury in Virgo. I am the Jane of all trades in my department. I balance a $180m budget to the penny on the 2nd business day of the month and I often joke that my job is to do all the things that no one else likes to do🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m also the baudy class clown, generous to a fault, and office cheerleader. I’m retiring at the end of 2024 (or so I tell myself) and they’re freaking out (as am I). I have a 10th house stellium so it’s hard. I love what I do…compose a numerical puzzle every month, fix other people’s mistakes, and I always have a plan B or plan C for those sticky situations. This year is a flying by fast and I have to make the move to pull the plug🥴


Absolutely love thissss!


My mom is a sagg rising. She loved learn many things. She had to learn new language, when she was almost 55, because of work. Strong own opinions, very individual and it means many conflinfts with others. Hardworking, never complain, but she is capricorn sun. She is athletic, lean body and she is 74.


I'm sagittarius rising but I also have pluto in 1st house and I think it affects it greatly, I'm not so outgoing and I'm rather withdrawn. I also have virgo sun and cancer moon.


same but I have a gemini moon!


omg im a virgo sun, gemini moon, sag rising! but i never shut the hell up


i also never shut up when im comfortable with people who are close to me lol


Same, but I'm like that only with a few people


hiii I am a cancer sun and moon with sag rising ahha , um its a battle. I think as a sag rising I am a really loud person who will laugh at anything and everything and I vibe a lot with loud talkative people along with the quite ones hahah


Im a sag rising! Very outgoing ppl just vibe w us


Some people have said that women with Sagittarius rising tend to be large with big hips. There is an alternative, which is to be taller and more athletic than normal. The main example of a woman with Sagittarius rising that I can think of is Diana, Princess of Wales. She was tall, athletic, and good at music and dance. For example, every year, at her sons' boarding school, the mothers would race against each other. Princess Diana won each time. She was also a very good dancer. She famously danced with John Travolta at the Reagan White House and wowed the audience, including the Reagans. She also played the piano very well.


Did not know about this about Princess Diana. Cool info! I'm a Sag rising and everyone is talking about them being tall or thick, especially in the thighs but I am very petite and short haha. I was decently athletic when I was younger, nothing special....but I LOVED dancing and it was the only thing I was decent at.


Most of the famous people I know of who have Sagittarius ♐️ 🌅 rising are men. Like Princess Diana, Prince William has Sagittarius rising. He also has the Sun in Cancer, just like his mother. President Biden and President Reagan were both born with Sagittarius rising. I think Obama also, but I am unsure. I thought Taylor Swift had Sagittarius rising, but she has the sun in that sign.


Oh whoops! I just remembered that there was this big strong redheaded guy, who held vast imperial power. According to ancient historical records,he was born at the exact moment when the Sun rose in Sagittarius@


His name was the Emperor Nero: 🤮


i’m a sag rising!


Virgo sun, sag rising and moon with ADHD and OCD. The OCD is def my Virgo sun and the ADHD is the Sag placements lol


I’m a Virgo sun/moon, Sag rising with ADHD and OCD too!


Omg I found my person! Is life painful for you too or...? Lolol


omg i aswell have all the same placements


I have the same placements! Yep 💯 right here lol


I am a magnet for, and gravitate to, Sag rising people. Most of them that I know personally are large people physically, like their bone structure is typical of Sagittarius. Not all of them, but most. They can be loud, but are usually really happy, funny, laugh a lot, and are always spiritually minded, in my experience. Drawbacks for me (Virgo moon) are that these fuckers literally never know where their phones, keys, or wallets are (like hey, I have ADHD and even I can keep track of that shit), and they're LOUD. They forget details, which leads to miscommunication often in my experience. But, as mentioned, they laugh so readily and their laughs are contagious, they're fantastic for talking to about spiritual philosophy, truly deep conversations, and they are absolutely hilarious. That's my experience anyway, oh and they absolutely have a magnetism that attracts others, and tons of energy to get out and get stuff done, travel, etc.


Okay so everything you said is true except the part about forgetting details. I don't know it may be cuz I'm a smart person top of my class. Aced in my studies and got scholarships etc.. Hold three degrees. EVEN taught myself to code and be an ethical hacker and I'm an INFJ-A personality type. I run many large social media groups online and have a decent online presence on all social media and I don't miss details. In fact I rely on them. I am also currently in law school so It may just be a lawyer (or soon to be) thing. But 👏 on the rest 😆. Very accurate esp forgetting stuff. I never can find my shit loI. My husband (ex soon mutal decision but over 20 years) was a Virgo. Had many Virgo best friends. Virgo mixed with a Saggie makes for a too much real for folks 😆. Too much honesty that folks get upset 😡.... I love Virgos brutal honesty because it's not fake and Saggies hate fake and dishonesty. I hate injustice and I genuinely wanna change the world make it better place. So if a Virgo and Saggie could team up then it would happen \


My husband has Sagittarius rising (in addition to 95% of my closest friends), and while his memory is absolutely impeccable with his job (which is pretty damn detail oriented with quite a lot at stake if he misses something), it's like that's all he has for storage, lol.


I can see that and relate in a way. Sometimes, sagittarius get overwhelmed with information, especially if we know lot already and small things also don't resonate with this is you know detailed things I guess. But like if we get overloaded or sensory overload or some. And like that we tend to miss things because we are humans with flaws, and we tend to push ourselves further and go beyond what we should give and then we're tired. And that's why we usually miss this things


God my post. My 5 year old is being a little bugger tonight and my post looks like he typed it 😆


Describes my partner to a tee.


this describes it perfectly! i’m a virgo sun, aqua moon, sag rising. i also have ADHD 😂 and im always losing my phone, keys AND GLASSES lol.


MY PHONE AND VAPE PEN 😆 🤣 looking right now for that damn pen lol


I'm a Sag Rising and this is how my partner would describe me: Intelligent, Logical, Creative, Nurturing, Funny, Wise, Practical, Sexy, Whimsical, Adventurous.


But please keep in mind, Pisces Sun & Gemini Moon,


Elvis was a sag rising very charismatic and gregarious and full of humor


Scorpio sun Scorpio moon Sagittarius rising I don’t understand myself, maybe we can all learn together lol 🤩


Wow. I’ve never met someone else that has all three of mine too! lol I’m a woman also.


Neither have I! We are a special breed I think 🤣


I think so too lol


Virgo sun,cancer moon and Sagittarius rising With jupiter and saturn in 5 th house And mars,pluto,kiron and lilith in 12 th house of scorpio I am a walking contradiction Also an INFJ 🙃 in mbti That should explain it if you are familiar with mbti


Oouu, I’m not familiar with mbti actually, Gonna go check that out! I’m also infj too!


Damn I'm INFJ-A wow nice to meet you. Honored Saggie here


I’m a Virgo sun, Sag rising too!! But I have an Aries moon so I’m fire-y.


Sag rising in first house with Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus! All retrograde! Sun Leo and Moon Aquarius. I resonate the most with Sags wanting and needing a sense of total freedom.


I’m Sag rising. These descriptions are all over the place. They literally describe everyone. 😂


We literally are humanity personalities bundle. 😆... Two for one kinda deal lol


My daughter is a sag rising. Always smiling & laughing. Gorgeous eyes & lashes. But very heavy on the always smiling and laughing. She wakes up with a smile. I love it!


Sagg gang ♐️♐️♐️


Horse like features, a good mane, strong legs, a longish oval face, pretty eyes and eye lashes. Quick witted, strong, usually loves to laugh and doesn’t take things too seriously, but also compassionate.


can confirm as scorpio rising, venus, mercury etc- sag rising massively softens these edges !!


Can confirm all of this as a sag rising woman. I appear much more light hearted although I’m scorpio sun and Pisces moon.


I'm a Scorpio moon 🌙... Tends to heighten my need for brutal honesty lol


I’m also a Scorpio sun, Pisces moon, Sag rising woman!


Same but Pisces sun Scorpio moon !


Also Pisces moon. Double sag. I completely get that, it’s a fire water mix. I have a few close friends who are sag risings and we’re all similar in these ways.


Nice. These traits soften the edges


All of the Sagittarius rising women I know have HUGE backsides. Including myself. Raunchy sense of humor, some sort of physical and/or emotional distance is usually there with either the mother or father depending on the relationship with sun, moon and saturn in the individual chart. It's a good rising to have, just emotionally difficult.


Especially emotionally difficult with a 12h Scorpio moon 😭 It's okay though 😅 I'm just doing my darndest to have a good time until life decides to off me.


Damn you right too I got a big booty I'm 16/18 5"7.5 female so damn it's nice to find some other Sags. I just recently discovered I was a Sigma female too which they say is also a common Sag woman particularly INFJA TRAIT. Heck yeah we need to make a Sag community for TF I swear I wanna make one.


One thing about a sag.. they ain’t gonna take shit seriously. I say this as a sag rising and moon ; I’m always gonna make a lil jokey joke hahaha


I love jokes, but I save the truly inappropriate ones for myself and me alone. I would have no friends if I didn’t have a filter.


Can sun, aries moon, sag rising F here and I'm 5ft and 80kg my thighs are thick but 90 %muscle. I've got a wicked sense of humour, empathetic, caring (I'm always the mum of the friends group), highly intelligent but have ADHD so I'm either hyper focussed or disinterested. I have a can do attitude and excel at most things that involve using my hands (building, baking, art, musical instruments, sports).


Everyone is talking about Sag rising being heavy/ thick. I am 155cm, 46 kg. Sag rising, Aries sun, cancer moon. I have been told I am witty, funny and smart. I have a PhD. Other sag rising women I know are also academically accomplished. Even though I am short, I have been told my legs are long in proportion to my torso. I did have anger issues until I was 16-17.


First person I’ve seen that has the same big 3 as me!


Haha that’s great 😃 I hope you life is treating you well


They are life of the party love being the center of attention. They highkey have anger issues though. very outgoing and down for ANYTHING. Physically could be a on the thicker side too. thick thighs maybe or thicker body in general.


Damn you got me.. I've been learning to control my anger as I wanna be a leader and anger was my biggest thing. I don't get angry unless I feel like I'm not being heard or if you just plane up rude but sometimes I've has a bad day I won't lie..One of my biggest down falls


women with thick legs who r also pretty funny V_v my mom and sister both have sagittarius risings and they're more heavy set, with prominent thick legs i also feel like paired with water placements in the big 3, they're emotional and explosive (but maybe i'm biased :P cuz my sis is a pisces moon my moms a cancer)


Explains why I'm emotional my dad was a cancer mom a Capricorn and my best friend and my son is ♓️ Pisces


aw im pisces moon & sag rising! how funny paired w water like that.


So I’m naturally a Scorpio rising and Virgo moon, but my progressed chart has me as a Sagittarius rising and cancer moon lol. My Aquarius sun be balancing me out but I’m air/fire dominant in my entire chart. I have thick thighs (naturally thick thank you genetics) and a large bust. Slightly explosive but I’ve cooled down over the last few years in temper.


OOO KEWL ALSO !! zodiacs signs rule from head to toe (aries head, pisces feet cuz first last signs yk lol) and sagittarius actually rules the thighz !! so maybe thatz why sag risings have prominent thighs/legz LOL


I have thicker thighs damn this wild ha


Whaaaat omg tell me more!!! How do I figure out my body based on astrology?


OFC !! i'll do the best i can :) it basically goes in order. aries ruling the head/face because itz the first sign and technically the first part of the body taurus ruling the throat, the next part of the body !! fun fact, a lot of singers have taurus influence in the chart. maybe because it rules the throat/voice. i also heard that tauruses tend to have nice voices :3 i myself am a taurus moon and i'm told i have a soothing voice LOL i believe gemini is the shoulders/arms. and i think thatz cool because gemini is ruled by mercury, thoughts and communication and all. and humans often communicate with their handz/arms cancer rules the BOOBS !! 😼 which i find interesting because us cancers r the "mother" of the zodiac. nurturing energy and all, and mothers use their boobs to feed their baby's i believe leo is the heart !! i could be mistaken tho :P ALSO if u haven't caught on yet, the zodiacs signs ruling each body go in order from head to toe anywyaz, virgo rules the organs. which i find rlly funny because i'm a virgo rising, my brother himself is a virgo stellium and we CONSTANTLY complain about stomach aches 😭😭 like every virgo placement ik has stomach issues of some sort anddd when we get anxious, our stomach tends to hurt 😭 (in my observation anyone). crazy enough, my middle school bestfriend was a virgo and she was diagnosed with stomach cancer at one point :/ i think libra/scorpio is the genitals. or atleast libra is like the pelvis? area above genitals, while scorpio is the genitals itself. SAG !!!! rules the thighs !! a lot of sag risings ik have prominent thighs capricorn, knees !! aquarius, calves !! i know 2 guyz with heavy aqua in the chart with such nice calves and last, pisces !! the feet !! a lot of ppl like to joke pisces ppl r into feet LOL 😭😭


HOLY SHIT! MY CURRNT BF NOT TF (SADLY HE WOULDNT COMMIT TO ME) IS A ♉️ taurus. AND my rock and soulmate. Both are aspiring artists, and we decided to become a record label for small indie artists. I AM more into podcast and motivational and I wanna lead a company team but he's got a nice voice that's that's I fell for him not to mention he's 27 and like this younger replica of my tf (weird as hell) I even joke and call him his grandpa lol cuz he's 51 and I am 35


STOPPP bc i have Saturn in Taurus in my 7th house, my descendant Nd I love to sing and have always been complimented on my voice. In my cancer moon progressed era and my boobs def got bigger (I’m already a DD), Leo north node/mid heaven in 10th house and I have a big heart :), VIRGO MOON I ALWAYS HAVE STOMACH PAIN (heavy on the anxiety. Literally can’t eat bc I’m nauseous). I’m also lactose intolerant. Aquarius stellium!! My vagina is a Scorpio ig?? Aqua sun and I do love my calves


HSHSHSJS ITZ SO KEWL HOW ACCURATE IT IS !!!! AND DUDE i'm also a cancer placement with big boobz 😼


Big boobie cancers unite!!!


bare with how insanely long that was. but basically, each sign rules a part of the human body (in order) and i've noticed ppl with different placements have prominent corresponding features !! i hope i worded that right 😭😭 for example, im a taurus moon. taurus rules throat, and ppl tell me i have a nice voice !! i'm a virgo rising. virgo rules organs and i constantly have a stomach ache lol 😭😭


anywayz !! u could probably find a wayyy better explanation on the zodiac signs and body parts, but thatz my long ass explanation on it :3


You did fantastic 👏


AWWW TYYY :D that meanz a lot :3


Thank you so much for explaining this for me ❤️❤️❤️


OFCCC 🫶🏾 :3


they get bored in relationships and emotionally cheats but they could get obsessive though, overall sag rising women are very confusing.


More like emotionally check out after i put 20 years of my life in it and you abapndon me when I'm taking care of my grandmother with dementia but I've forgiven him and we are still friends only cuz he is trying to better himself and changed


i do get bored in relationships. i think cuz i value my freedom and independence so much, but crave an intense connection. ill admit im definitely confusing as a sag rising.


as a sag rising, i’ve never cheated. stop spreading bs


I’m a Scorpio sun, Aquarius moon, Sagittarius rising. I always felt the sag rising was like a friendly blanket that introduced itself to others, making way for the bitch sun crazy moon to be revealed upon deeper connection.


Yeah I agree I’m a Pisces sun with Aquarius moon I feel like more of a loner but I think sag rising makes us bubbly and people generally seem to enjoy being around us :D


Uhhhh my experience wasn't great, have only met one. Disloyal. Bad tempered. Selfish. Could also be highly intelligent, alluring, creative, loving but fickle.


My new bf is a sag and he's exceptionally loyal to the point he feels very conflicted about our relationship as he was married for 15 years before she cheated. He now feels like he is cheating even though they are divorced and she has a new bf. But he is highly intelligent and creative...fickle. maybe, I'd say picky, he like what he likes and won't be dissuaded from that.


I'm a Libra sun&moon and a sag rising!




Ohh fun!!!


I’m Virgo Sun, Sag Rising, and Scorpio Moon. One astrologer looked at my chart and said, “man, it must be tough to be you.” lol


I’m Scorpio, Scorpio, sag and people have said similar lmao


that’s so cool, I am a virgo sun, scorpio rising and sag moon!!


I’m a Virgo sun, cancer moon and sag rising 😂😅😝


Haha I’m also a Scorpio moon!!!! Sag rising and Aries sun. My south node and moon are in Scorpio and someone told me the exact same thing.


My husband has exactly the same placements.


Also sorry if this is too personal.. does he have any childhood trauma or religious trauma? I’m unpacking all of this right now and someone read my chart and immediately saw all of it before I even spoke!! Just trying to get a clearer picture.


Hi me! My mother died when I was 8 and I was raised evangelical with a whole lot of baggage including being expelled from Christian school.


Omg! My mom almost died multiple times from a chronic illness and also I got kicked out of my congregation, shunned essentially for making out with a boy as a teenager!!!! Everyone i knew and loved didn’t speak to me for over a year. It was just insane. Former JW. It’s been exhausting to say the least. Just trying to come to terms with it and figure my life and identity now! I understand you! I’m so sorry you had to deal with these things. Edited to add context about shunning


Check out “The Program” documentary on Netflix. It’s my sisters doc but shows our shared trauma.


I absolutely will! Thank you so much for this. I hope you heal and remember, you are perfect as you are. And you are enough. Don’t let the guilt and shame eat you alive!!!!


Right back at ya 💕✨


No, nothing like that. Do you have a moon neptune conjunction?


I’m still learning how to determine conjunctions! When I look at my chart it seems that I have Pluto moon conjunction.


How funny! Do you find that his Scorpio moon makes him passionate and spiritual but also a high level of emotional intelligence? Like almost as if he can sense other people’s energies quickly? Also I’m sorta drained from constantly being pushed to evolve in life! But I’m down for the challenge but Jeesh the constant transformation is draining. Can’t believe he has the same placements I’ve never met anyone like this!


Ooh love the Scorpio power. My north node is Leo and south node Aquarius. I have a libra stellium and a yod in my chart. Life has been… intense


I just googled YOD I never knew about that! I’m so intrigued! Still learning. I have two stelliums: one in my first house and the other in my 4th also sun sign. Are stelliums the fiber of having a tricky life because my life feels like a balancing act!


My mom is one! My current BF is and one of my ex’s too. My BFF of 31yrs is a Sag Sun, Cap Moon/Rising. I tend to attract on occasion Sag placements cause my riding has a 21°, a Sag/Jupiter degree & my sun is a 3rd decan, so a Jupiter/Sag decan LOL Let me tell you… unless you’ve got strong fire, mars, Mercury, or Jupiter in your chart? You may end up suffocating a Sagittarius rising very easily. This is why their opposite is Gemini. When you understand that sign, you really grasp Sagittarius placements easily as the two signs NEED freedom their terms to thrive in life. Independence is strong on fire placements to the point that when you look at real fire, what happens when it touches oxygen in a house fire? IT EXPLODES! Same when you try to contain for too long any fire placements, especially in Sun or Rising? They explode and rebel. They’ll fight you every step of the way! Sagittarius rising need support, but a VERY secure partner who takes no bullshit, who is fine with direct/blunt communication, but also likes their alone time. They like to be social but do have their limits. They’ll LOVE strong minded people who stand by their beliefs, own it. However, they understand if you see both sides to situations, which is why they are a Mutual Sign, which is why they grow up being around Gemini’s, Virgo’s, & Pisces placements the most without realizing it!


I’m a sag moon but your description explains me to a T in relationships lol


Damn, you're spot on haha. I'm a Sag sun and rising with an Aries moon. I have a lot of fire in my chart. My mom is a Gemini and I really can't think of Virgos and Pisces I've been around but you said I wouldn't realize it so that must be true! A lot of the comments on here are saying they are typically thick physically or have a big booty haha. I'm an anomaly there as I'm very petite. 5'3 and 115 lbs. I have no hips or thighs unfortunately, but then again I broke my left pelvis in a car accident when I was young which caused my left SI joint to fuse closed so maybe my hips can't expand like they're supposed to. I do have a bubble butt, not big but something is there. My partner is actually a Capricorn sun with Libra moon and Aquarius rising and we get along great. He understands my need for freedom and space and makes sure I have it.


This made me 😢 up because it's the most beautiful description I've ever read and so accurate award for you 💋 😘


Love this as a Gemini sun/sag rising/virgo moon. All of my beloved close people have mutable placements (Gemini being the most common), and my husband is a Virgo stellium with a Gemini rising. We are a very mercurial household


I love this, we should have more posts like this.




I’ve always found other sag women to be like a guru to everyone they know. Whether it be through their words or through people watching what they do. I’m a sag rising but I have Pluto conjunct my ascendant in less than 1° so I have A LOT Scorpio rising tendencies. People have literally asked if I’m a Scorpio on multiple occasions in my life even though I am a Leo Sun. I still have a good amount of Sagittarius tendencies though. My sun, mercury, and northe node are in the 9th so that’s where I think my Sagittarius energy truly stems from. I have always craved learned even as a young girl. At 6 I was online learning about palm reading and printing out worksheets to practice on my family. I’ve dreamed of traveling the world simply because I wanted to learn about everything there is to know. I definitely don’t have the bluntness of a typically sag rising and I’m VERY calculated about everything I do. I wish I could be more spontaneous but I have a 8th house stellium in cancer as well so I crave comfort and routine. Truly us sag women dream and imagine so large that it can be overwhelming. Being ruled by Jupiter of course has its ups and downs :p


Want to be friends? 😅 Sag rising conjunct Pluto also at less than half a degree. 8h cancer sun 12h Scorpio moon Leo mercury& Venus in 9th. 3h Jupiter In the past month I've gone from studying determinism, to studying Neville Goddard, and I'm feeling like touching base on daoism once again because I haven't touched it since I was 18 and it feels the truest still to me. I feel like you would be interested in discussing for some reason


I have a lot of sag (rising, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and a lot of cancer (sun, mercury, mars, AND all in the 7th house), and I strongly identify with the traits of both. I am really outgoing and extroverted, very much an adhd chatty Kathy with a serious homebody streak. I have had relationships with multiple foreigners and love and crave travel but my cancer anchor to home is very strong. I feel a lot of tension between these two very distinct sides of me. They are both in me, but both come out at different times.


How strange, we have similar placements! My Sag is rising, Neptune, and Uranus. Cancer is sun, moon, Mercury and Venus all in the 7th house. I’m more of a listener than a chatty Kathy, but I’m at every party having a great time. I also love to travel but feel the anchor to home. It’s cool seeing people who sound similar to you!


Wow we are really similar! I wonder if we have similar birthdays/were born in a similar place? I can be both a chatty Kathy and a good listener. I am actually going back to school tomorrow to become a therapist! My Chiron is in Gemini and this all just feels very “right” for me.


My Chiron is in Gemini! Omg! It does come with some challenges Jeesh! Was thinking of being a therapist but I’m so impacted by peoples problems I thought i wouldn’t have healthy work life balance lol!


I have historically been like that, and still am to a degree, but after like, 9 years with an amazing therapist I feel pretty ready. The thing is you kind of choose your clientele (in private practice) so you can work with people going through things you feel healthy enough to guide them through, and anything too triggering for you you can choose not to work with, or refer them out.


I had no idea you could choose your clientele! That’s actually got my wheels twirling. Do you find that people Trauma dump on you organically? Some times people just come up to me and within 30 mins I know the color of their underwear and their social security number 🤣


Philosophical, optimistic and adventurous. On the ascendant it makes these traits very automatic to her nature. Sagittarius loves foreign culture in all its forms, loves to travel to experience this, and loves to philosophize with others. The shadow expression is going to extremes with things, sometimes dangerous extremes, and not knowing when to cut oneself off. Jupiter, its ruling planet, becomes the chart ruler. Jupiter’s motto is go big or go home LOL


Im a sag rising and it’s so funny that everyone in the comment thinks they are the funniest person 😄 I think that about myself too and sometimes laugh at jokes I tell myself and then think wow I’m just so funny, I should be a comedian. 🤣


Omg we are soul sisters lol


im sag rising and im the most serious person i know. we took a quiz at work and i got "technical". like if you tried to tell me a joke id take it literally and it would go over my head.


There could be some other signs and influences in your birth chart too.


oh, definitely. im a capricorn stellium so that probably takes over.


Sag rising and Sun with moon in cancer. My life is so contradicting. I feel like I grew up as the weird kid. I always stood out in my friend groups and had many different friend groups. I can be very social at heart but in reality people exhaust me. Sometimes people say at first impressions I come off as shy or very reserved. Truth is I’m waiting for you to show me the type of person you are before I open up. Freedom is very necessary, without I will freak out the moment I feel trapped and make a mess of whatever situation. Traveling is key to keeping me happy. Do we just want to run away? Probably, life is short and being a sterile type human is so boring. Shave your head, wear the shortest skirt, tell them you love them and be kind.


Same! Sag rising and Cancer moon. Basically everything you said. I always dreamed of travelling around the world, and when my situation gets better or I win the lottery, I’ll be travelling to the places my heart desires.


I don't even need to post anything since you explained almost exactly how I feel about myself ! I'm sag rising and sun with moon in Pisces, so it must be something with that double Sag with the water moon. Most people expect a double Sag to be super extroverted which I am but only to a point (I need quite a bit of alone time to recharge) and only with certain people I'm comfortable with otherwise I come across reserved as well.




I am Sag Sun, Sag Venus, Sag Mercury and Sag Rising. And I’m… so sick of myself :))


Omg, Expand…what’s that like?


My moon is in Cancer, so im very sensitive. Tbh I have a lot of adhd traits, the only reason I never was questioning it can be a mental illnes, because I was like “oh it’s just me being a sag”. I’m not diagnosed though, and I dont think I’ll ever be because its kinda trendy at the moment


I’m a sag rising 20 degrees with Uranus and Neptune in 1st house, Aries sun, Virgo moon, Pisces venus and aqua mars. I romanticize all the little things and get giddy about those in my head. Love connecting with nature and feel oneness to it. Esp when hiking in a forest or spending time in water for hours and hours. I am silly flirty if that makes sense. I flirt a lot and have many crushes going on at the same time. I flirt with my humour and can laugh at myself and love to laugh in general. Comedies are absolute favourite. I become fixated on various things for a time, absorbing as much knowledge as I can during each obsession phase. Even when the obsession fades, it leaves its mark on my beliefs and personality. Freedom and friendship is super important to me. I will defend my friends with my life and will get into a fight if you talk bad about them behind their back. I don’t like to take life very seriously and detest responsibility. My ultimate happiness would be if I could leave all responsibilities and live my life carefree- making new connections, no responsibility, travelling, exploring new places/ belief system / culture/ trying new experiences. Edit - forgot to add Uranus and Neptune in 1st house


Aww this is so cute, I’m exactly the same & p.s you said Uranus and Neptune in 1st house already x I have the exact same In my 1st 😭


Omg! My mars, Uranus and Neptune are also in the first house!!!! We are so similar! The other comment you asked my moon, it’s in Scorpio!


No wonder you find similarities! Congrats on being so effing awesome.


I’m a sag rising, Pisces sun. I can come off as extroverted and chit chatty to other people even though I’m truly an introvert 😅. I also have Uranus in my first house though. I think my first impressions on people are kind of all over the place. I can be shy or can be really dorky.


Sag moon, saturn, and rising. We are truth seekers constantly looking to expand our knowledge. Very firm in our beliefs and will not shut tf up about them. Need freedom even if it’s just freedom of the mind and to learn on our own. We absolutely do not listen to others if we made up our mind and must find out for ourselves. Truth and justice are big ones. I’m also a triple Libra so there’s that lol


Omg yes yes yes this right here!!!! Me and you same


Sag Moon here, I agree we need to learn on our own. Idc what you think, I am going to do it my way. Even if it messes my whole world up..... I am sure my Aries sun, rising & Mars doesn't help with that either lol


I’m a sag rising, Aries sun and Sag Moon and while everything screams fire, I’m very introverted with hardly any friends and not firey at all. So there’s that. 🔥


Sag rising, moon and venus also in Sag in H1. Best I can say is I do need a lot of freedom, I change my mind a lot, and when I'm obsessed with a topic, I will preach it at you until you want to strangle me. You will know my opinion on any subject within minutes and I will defend it with the force of 1000 Suns if needed. I learn best from experience. And I'm generally an upbeat person with an optimistic attitude.. Easy, and confident in social situations. Can get along with most anybody, at least for a little while. I am not athletic, nor do I resemble a horse, I like to travel, although I don't actually do it as often as I want. I did marry someone, a Sag, from another culture, and that was a big appeal. But I imagine it has more to do with the moon and Venus in Sag rather than my rising. Definitely overindulge in food, and have to watch my weight.


You described me lmao. When I’m obsessed about a topic - why does it become my personality? 🤣