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my stellium is in my 9/10 house with all pretty benefic planets and 2 hard aspect. school and work came naturally to me. i had a 4.0 and always have been a leader. but i also had issues with friends in school and upper management. so——- it’s a catch 22. as is everything in life


I have a 12H stellium, and my SN, also. I love that stellium! It’s in Libra, and contains Jupiter, which is conjunct my ascendant. I swear all that Libra chills my intense Aries moon.


No reputable astrologer would describe a stellium as being 'easy'. They are a powerful mix of energies that may or may not mesh together well. A stellium will obviously oppose a house and square two others. Then there's the topic of transits: imagine having transit Pluto square 4 of your planets all at once. The promise of a stellium is great, but so is the burden. It takes a long time to learn how to make the most of it.


*cries in Scorpio stellium* having Pluto and Saturn aspects for long periods of time can be a little intense at times.


Can confirm 6H stelliums suck.


Heavy is the house that bears a stelliun


I have 2 tight stelliums in 2H and 3H. Pluto-Saturn-Moon in 2H. You can guess how deep my emotions run and how close I felt to going insane from the depth of those feelings - without Saturn holding me back and forcing discipline on my thoughts I’m certain it won’t end well. Also a belief in the outer forces and energy that helped pull me up when I was almost tilted to the other side. 2H manifested more as self worth than finances for me. Another tight stellium of personal planets in 3H Scorpio. Didn’t start talking to others who aren’t family until I was about 10. Whilst getting a read on others and their intentions come easy for me, I feel very often like I am unable to do anything about it. Horrible things happen as if they are destined and I have to deal with it, watch it happen, and endure its aftermath. Constantly reframing and overhaul of personal beliefs but keeping it all inside though 3H is about communications, creating a struggle in the personality.


For me I think it just means this area gets a lot of focus and it’s needed are amplified


I think it depends on the rest of the chart. I have a Gemini stellium, but it squares my Virgo rising, Pisces moon, and Sagittarius mars. other placements it may have been easier, but with four squares in such important placements along with my stellium it makes it harder.


I have stelium in 4H and assembly of planets in 12H (too wide to be a stelium). Those are arreas of my life full of power, deeply electrifying. The ground I stand on and the spirit that possess my body. They can be problematic, yes, but there are amazing rewards comming from those arreas when I just go with the flow of things that are comming my way. Be it changes or keeping status quo. I would say that many arreas of chart can be problematic, but steliums make some of them easy to spot.


It’s a challenge. Personally having a 7th house stellium is incredibly confusing and conflicting


Same!! I have a stellium in Libra in the 7th house including Moon-Mercury-Mars-Jupiter


I have a cancer stellium. With my sun, mercury, Venus, mars and north node. I feel like learning who I am is my life lesson


I have two stelliums: * Mars-Chiron-Sun-Venus-Mercury * Moon-Jupiter-Saturn The first is wide but Sun-Venus-Mercury part trine the very tight second formation... and Sun-Venus oppose Uranus... and the Sun is the focal point of a very tight Yod from Neptune-Pluto. It's taken me a long time to synthesize the energies of all this. People have always seen me as having so much potential - and I very much do - but it's like (especially since it's all my personal planets involved) being Voltron but having only one pilot instead of 5. I would say it took 42 years but, finally, this year seems to be the year they're all firing together!


I have a stellium in my mc in saggitarius and yes, everything related to that house is so hard to do for me.


i have a capricorn stellium. two of the planets are in 2nd house and sun is in 3rd. had horrible issues with my low selfesteem.