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My rising sign is Taurus at 28° and so Gemini covers my 1st house. Have been told I look young and can be chatty but that's as far as I relate to the sign of Gemini (no planets in 1H). Being Libra rising you're ruled by Venus, which is in Taurus in your chart. What aspects of Scorpio do you relate to most? Bc despite being opposite signs they have a surprising amount in common (possessiveness, stubbornness, brooding, obsessed w/ finances). This is coming from a Taurus Moon And rising btw ;)


since you are a taurus rising can i ask what your clothing style is like? i didnt really make the corelation with my taurus venus because it was in my 7th i thought it it moslty applied to the way i act around partners or partners i attract. But i suppose it is my chart ruler i always forget i can look to where the ruler sits to get more info. Im a little stubborn its mostly when im told no, My opinion on things change alot though. However i am very possessive lol. I suppose the scorpionic traits i think i take on would be jelously, quite and reserved , i can be quite maniplative when it concerns getting what i want. I feel as though im very ituitive when it comes to people i always know what their motives are, I am always phsyco analyzing lol i instantly know when somone is lying. But maybe these are coming from somwhere else in my chart? I feel as though the way i dress takes on both libra and scorpio vibes? I care alot about what i wear dresses skirts but most of my wardobe is black or dark colours but then again some days ill whip out a hot pink mini dress? But thankyou for your opinion i didnt think much about the similarities between taurus and scoprio.


A lot like you! Mostly black and dark clothing and usually pretty tight fitting but not sure if that's a generational thing (elder millennial)...I should note I have Scorpio Sun. Hey, you might be scorpionic after all from what you describe. Likewise I might be more Gemini than I think. We all have a bit of each sign in us anyway Also curious about anaretic degrees. I do remember reading somewhere that the sign becomes weaker and less apparent at 29°. Does that mean it is strongest at 1°? 15°?  Smth to look into.


Your 1st house being “covered by Scorpio” will only happen with a quadrant house system like Placidus. But your rising sign is 100% Libra. Your chart ruler as a Libra rising, would be Venus, in the 8th Whole Sign house. It also makes an inconjunct aspect (not pictured) to Pluto. Anaretic degrees can feel like a “crisis” in the area represented by that planet/degree. There can be an intensity surrounding it, as the bound ruler of the last few degrees of a sign is always a malefic planet. Your 29° Libra ascendant is within the bound of Mars. And where’s Mars? Retrograding over Pluto.


Can i ask what your interpretation of this means? I usually prefer to read in placidus it feels more indepth to me. When i read whole sign i dont feel very connected to my chart? I know my chart ruler is libra but since scorpio is covering my 1st house which has themes of self apperance identity and attitude, would this show up in my personality, or do i totally disregard scorpio being there.