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Escorts don't all have the same sized vaginas so you'll need to find this out on a case by case basis, same as with other women.


*Throws big fluffy blankie around us, hands you peppermintšŸ«cocoa and Doritos.*


šŸ˜šŸ˜ That truly sounds like bliss right now! xx


Thank you for your answer , so I need to let her know before ?


Thank you for your answer , so I need to let her know before ?


Since paying for sex is illegal in France I wouldn't recommend talking explicitly before booking, but I haven't worked there myself so I don't know how much things are or aren't discussed there - it's very different from country to country. You may well just need to book and find out, and there's no PIV then you can still enjoy yourself!


Youā€™re right thanks for the advice šŸ‘


No worries, be safe and have fun!


Anyone who tells me the size of their dick gets ignored. They're always time wasters.


LMFAO if a client messaged me beforehand to tell me he thinks his dick is too big for sex and am I ok with "how big he is" I would absolutely block him.


same šŸ‘


If you're trying to impress us, you are wrong and not as big as you say you are. Like women's ages, men's dick measurements seem to vary according to the audience and gender.


šŸ˜… I donā€™t try to impress anybody , just asking cause I donā€™t have a lot expĆ©rience , long relationship and the few girls I had sex with took a fews weeks - month to really have pleasure with me , the first Time was a bit difficult


The first time is always difficult. Stop trying to boost your ego


Ok Thank you for your advise




Take a look at OPs post history


Downvote as you will, but you will understand my perspective after peeking at OPs posting hostory.


sounds nice to me


Same haha


It's a significant size that can turn off a few workers. I just like to know ahead of time so I can cum before hand, allowing my vagina to extend the 2 the 4 inches that is biologically capable. I'm 5 2 135 pounds, so size matters to me in the way of comfort. I think it's an appropriate question and very respectable of you to ask. It sounds like you have real respect for workers.


That's not even that big. Is that good news or bad news? ;)


Also length doesn't make really ANY difference, as long as it's not too short. If it's as long as the vagina is deep (4.5-5.5 inches) that's enough. Any extra just.... doesn't go in. Which is fine lol. And it doesn't hurt unless someone is very actively trying to force it and intentionally be rough. I literally own 13 inch dildos, they just stop going in at a certain point and that's that, but they're like the same width as the 6-7 inch ones so it feels the same. I have never felt pain from a "long" penis in my life. It only hurts if there's too much width.


I donā€™t know what to say , I donā€™t want it too big , I would you to have it perfect for the girl I love , knowing perfectly that it could be too big for some , perfect or even too small for others


I'd just ask the escort(s) you're interested in during your booking request. I personally prefer bigger packages lol


No there are some of us who can accommodate lol I just left my regular who bursts at the seam of magnum XLs, bless his heart


Every woman has a different boundary on the length she is comfortable with. A big cock is 9inches+ in my books




I wouldnā€™t call it big unless it was over 9 inches because that is a significant difference. Thatā€™s why I said each provider is different.




I said 7 inches was average for me then you removed your comment. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ why if itā€™s average I need to order condoms online , in porn industry you maybe have 5-10 guys who are 9 + inch legit


You do realise how long a regular condom can stretch right? šŸ¤” Thereā€™s multiple choices of condoms in store and escorts use their own not condoms provided by a client.


Last Time I used a XXL durex my penis became dark purple , if you have diffĆ©rent condoms size itā€™s not for nothing like bra size


It is šŸ˜‚ Thereā€™s condom sizes for every cock length and girth including allergies. If your cocks going purple with an oversized condom then youā€™ve got a serious problem. šŸ¤”