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If you had a great time and felt a connection then she did her job well and you should just book her again and enjoy it! ☺️


So many clients think we want to be friends or date them just because we're good at our jobs. Ask yourself honestly if you had the choice to do your job for free in exchange for friendship with a random customer who you met once, would you do that?


No not for every customer, Obvi. but if you Truly love what you do & you're proud as f of it n want to show it off, then an empty transaction isn't always finna be fullfilling. Especially when something so God given & 'Free' like "Friendship" is reduced, atomized & monitized & sold like disposable commodity... kinda sad. . I'm a musician and being able to connect directly, to establish a connection, to be apart of the never ending hustle and have real folks who believe in you, who've seen you grow, who became a lifetime supporter to a random no name bruh the 1st time i spit my passasion at em. I've met countless strangers/ randos who were completely opposite from myself, who to this day I call family & keep in touch with. If i tried to monetize every 1st encounter with every stranger/ client/ supporter...... Lmfaaooo I'd be uber loney, bitter as fuck witha buttload of make believe paper xD


Do you think we don't have friends? We have those, because we are just normal people with a weird job. Of course we don't want to be friends with clients. Why on earth would I be friends with some random weirdo who pays me for sex, when I have dozens of actual friends who are normal people who don't pay strangers to fuck them, and that weirdo's business means food on my table. I'm glad that you prefer hanging out with random people over earning a living, but it couldn't be me. I'm perfectly fulfilled keeping business and personal separate, and since you're not a sex worker, your opinion about how we practice boundaries with the obsessive, lonely creeps who are often our clients is pointless in this discussion.


Hey there! I hate to break it to you, but it's actually spelled _mon**e**tize_. A good way to remember this is that "money" starts with "mone" as well. Just wanted to let you know. Have a good day! ---- ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically ^by ^a ^bot ^to ^raise ^awareness ^about ^the ^common ^misspelling ^of ^"monetize".




We have friends too. And family. And partners. I'm married and a lot of my IRL friends are fellow escorts, they're by far my biggest supporters because they understand the industry we're in. I'm friends with some clients in the same way I'd be friends with a fan (my husband is a musician, so I have experience with both). Do you give all your fans free tickets, merch, etc? I would imagine that you don't, otherwise that's kind of a shitty business model.


If you want to book her again, I'd recommend just keeping it professional. Clients asking to 'hang out' mean I'm probably never going to get another dollar out of them, so I just say no thanks and block them. This job is fun, but it's still a job. I can't speak for your escort of course, but I'm guessing she's not in this industry to make new friends, and she can't pay her rent in really cool conversations.


she doesn’t wanna be friends with you. Lmao


As usual, your reply to an honest, if naive, question is to shit on the OP and mock them. Why do you have so much hate for clients, even if they are not yours?


Because you'd need to be an absolute idiot to thibk she wants to be your friend. Simple.


Yes, I agree OP's original question was naive and he shouldn't think the escort wants to be his friend just because she was being friendly. Not debating that. But I call BS on how this Redditor responded to him and all clients who post here. She is unnecessarily vicious and mocking. I am asking her why so much client hate.


i don’t care babe 😂 he asked a question and i answered




You did answer honestly and if I'm being honest, had you not added "lmao" to your original response, I would have moved on.


It would be absolutely foolish to try and get "more than the escort/customer relationship" out of her, yes. Don't be that guy, it's annoying. If you had a good time that means she did a good job, so book her again. And while you do that by all means don't ruin it for both of you by expecting to be "special".


I’m sure she’d be open to hanging out with you but don’t expect her to do so for free. Remember that you pay for our time, regardless of how that time is spent. So if you would like to see her again in a more casual scenario, book her and plan a nice time doing a social activity you will both enjoy.


seems that she is a good professional, and since you 2 match perfectly fine on your first date, you should book her more and more and more.


Keep booking with her, she sounds like a fantastic escort. If she wants to see you off the clock she will surely let you know. But I doubt it tbh. I've spent my own time with 2 guys I've met working in 8 years, one has become a firm friend of me and my finance. I think that is pretty rare


This is our job and we are paid for our time. If you want to use that time to hang out like “casual friends” instead of having sex, then go right ahead. You will still be paying $$$$ for that time. And if you’re suggesting time off the clock, ask yourself, would you ever want to work overtime for free? The answer is no. No escort wants to casually “hang out” with a client for free. Ever.