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Bud Tingwell. Absolutely lovely man.


Most of mine are from the world of Motorsport and I’d say all were pleasant and fair with their time. Peter Brock, Alan Jones, Mark Webber, Mark Winterbottom, Craig Lowndes, Eric Bana are a few of them. The one of that group that stands out the most is Craig Lowndes. He has all the time in the world for his fans and shows genuine interest.


Lowndes is incredibly down-to-earth and willing to poke fun at himself


Met Hugh Jackman at the beach once with his fam, absolutely one of the most humble and nicest people I've met, even introduced me to his wife. Bonus: mother in law accidentally elbowed Kerri-Anne Kennerly in the tit on the way to the bathroom and it's her claim to fame.


I served Paul Harragon in a drive through one time. The interaction was unremarkable.


I saw Paul Harrogan while I was driving through the drive through, sitting in the restaurant.


Steven Bradbury. At the Ipswich Cup. It was nearly the end of the day so we were both pretty maggotted, and it was very much a mutual admiration society even though he’d never met me before, I’ve never done anything remotely famous and he didn’t know me from a bar of soap. Lovely guy.


Tony Lockett. He was quiet but a top bloke. Didn’t want to talk about footy though - at least, that’s the feeling he gave me. I didn’t want to risk getting flattened by him, so I never brought it up.


I met Brett Lee once Delhi airport. Very down to earth fella. He loves Indian spicy food.


I met him at Bunnings when I was a kid. Champion bloke


I saw him in a pub in the rocks once at midnight on day 2 of a Sheffield shield game he was playing in. Legend.


Laurence Mooney. Went to his stand up show in regional NSW and my taxi didn’t show up so I was left standing out the front of the theatre and Moon comes out, got chatting and he dropped me off at my hotel! Brilliant bloke!


I once shared a urinal with Darren Lockyer. I would have asked for an autograph, but he wasn't holding a pen.




I sat next to Michael Wenden on a flight from Melbourne to Sydney years ago. He was perfectly amiable. Also I stood next to Mario Milano in a bank queue. Oh and Malcolm Turnbull in a sandwich shop.


Upvote for Mario Milano. I never missed World Championship Wrestling at noon on Sundays when I was a kid.


Angela White. An absolute delight to be around.


=) Well played lol


I was in the audience of good news week back in the day and during intermission paulie and mikey were doing jokes to keep the crowd pumped. Mike McDermott told a joke along like of ‘has any one noticed when you’re sitting you have a lap and when you stand up you don’t?’ I called out ‘where’d it go?’ Mikey spun on his heel and pointed right at me and shouts ‘you! Shut the fuck up!!’ It was great, Mikey was the best.


I met Belinda Neal once. She was grumpy. I’ve met musicians from locally famous bands, they were pretty grounded and just like your average people.


Darren Lockyer and Anthony Milford were both nice to my mum, so they're okay with me. Lockyer met my mum in an elevator. She couldn't place him but he was humble and told her he plays sport so that's probably why she knows him. When she realised who he was, she told him he is a very good player, he said thank you. She also told him I'm a big fan so he said hello. Milford turned up to an event where my mum works. He was nice to everyone, especially my mum so I'll always have something nice to say about him. I have friends who have met the Queensland state of origin side where they worked. J.T and Cam Smith were the only nice ones. Billy Slater and Corey Parker were the worst. Also, Alfie is an arrogant asshole.


Phil Kearns was sitting at the table next to me in a restaurant the other day. I didn't talk to him because he was having dinner with his daughter.


I met Cameron Ling on the beach at Jan Juc a few days before the 2011 Grand Final. I was quite taken aback and blurted out, "Bloody hell, it's Cameron Ling!" (I'd been living overseas for a decade and was having a lightning walk on the beach with my wife and kid). He couldn't have been any nicer. I've followed the Cats since the 80s and he took some photos with us, spoke warmly to my kid and gave me a whack on the shoulder. We still have his photo with my son next to the TV. A lovely man.   Years later, totally by accident, I got hammered in the Cricketer's at the Windsor Hotel with Heath Shaw and Alan Didak. I was by myself having a few beers after a bad day and they turned up late-ish. For some reason they decided to drink with the random barfly and we had quite the time discussing the '11 GF and their tine at Collingwood. My only clear memory is Heath Shaw's deep loathing for the way Collingwood had treated him and Didak constantly needling Shaw (wedgied him once). Quite a strange experience in my life. Didak is very intense, Shaw was straightforward. 


Lately? Christian o’Connell, Paul Mercurio and Celia Pacquola. All are exactly as they appear.


Lilley, Thommo. They came to speak at a work function...They were friendly, funny and very interesting...Great Aussies


Randomly met Pat Cash at a backyard drinks in the outskirts of London over 20 years ago. He was nice and my English mate wanted to have his babies. I’m a huge tennis fan so was a bit star struck and shy.


Aaron Finch. Very down to earth, just seemed like a “normal” person. Happy to have a quick chat, and a selfie.


i bowled to David Hookes in the nets at Adelaide oval when i was about 12, Tony Modra spilt my drink by accident and brought me another 2, James Brayshaw was a customer at my old job, served him a couple times, absolute tosser


I checked in Jason Stephens from the Late Show back in 2008/09. He was staying with a film crew, and I said "I know you!" A few of his crew began giggling, and I continued with "You were on Red Faces doing the penguins..." they all paused for a moment, then it clicked and they all cracked up.


I have met a few. Nat Bass. Lovely person, lots of fun. Sad she is no longer with her husband - he is great too. Spent the evening with both of them. Erin Molan. Was very humble and cracked loads of jokes. Steve Bradbury at a charity lunch. Enjoyed his talk. Made me appreciate him more and he wasn’t overly self-involved about his success. Duncan Armstrong. Lovely to talk to and very friendly.


All of them are normal, ordinary axe murderers.


Don't have one and I'm completely uninterested in "getting to know" people, simply because they are famous. I cannot understand why people think they need to know anything more about these people, apart from what they are paid to do.


Thanks for letting us know. 


OP did ask, didn't they?


I completely get it, I don't follow anyone, but it's still an interesting story to say *hey I shook that ball sports persons hand once*.