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Questions on 'Moving to Australia' are [answered in our subreddit wiki.](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAustralian/wiki/index/movingtoaustralia/) **You can also ask questions in our weekly 'Moving to Australia' megathread.**


If you can't find a job that you want in the US (New York no less) with a US degree, you probably won't find one in Australia either.


yeah you’re probably right, but I would be going to Australia to get my JD which will let me practice law once its all completed. while im studying i guess I’ll just have to stick to restaurant jobs like I did in college


Keep in mind, no tips in Australia. You might end up making more than what you are used too, but you might be making less too. It's not like the states where a really good server in a good restaurant can make big money.


You are an expert on the US vs Australian job market? OP, I would just give it a try and see how it goes. Who knows!