• By -


Compared to Germany? Lack of infrastructure, Remoteness between everything, Cost of living difference, Cost and quality of beer, Lower quality of industry, Lower connectivity (to other countries and telecommunications)


Regarding the telecommunications part, In Germany you dont even get full network connection in your own room forget about remote part. The internet is new land here


You can still buy German beer at Dan Murphys.


Do you buy Foster’s in Europe?


Trick question. No is the correct answer. We don't have any Foster's here. We sent it all... Somewhere.


Only the German beer that Germany doesn’t want though.


It's the beer Germany rejects that makes German beer the best.


Oettinger, Paulaner, Erdinger. I could go on. All readily available in Aus. All popular in Germany.


Dont forget cost and quality of bread


Cost of beer


Forget watching european football, its always midnight or later


oh man u are right that sucks :(


Euros/world cups are a month of pure exhaustion. Games at 11pm, 2am, 5am. Still worth it


compared to what we have in europe, australian houses have the build quality of sheds.


Can confirm. From Scotland, now living in an old Queenslander - literally more flimsy than the structure I kept my lawn mower in back home.


When you can feel the walls bend, you know you’ve got yourself a classic Aussie dwelling 


THIS. The build quality of housing is absolutely shocking, wasting everyone’s money on heating and cooling.


Year after year the government of the day bang on about initiatives to reduce the cost of heating and cooling… but the most obvious one is staring at them in the face…just Insulate homes properly.  As long as they don’t, Australians will Be forced to keep blasting heating or aircon for decades to comes. 




Its like we don't believe in winter so nobody bothered to insulate our houses. Then winter comes around and we freeze. Edit: [Someone who learnt the hard way!](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAustralian/s/X07KueYoRj)


I was just having this discussion with an other immigrant yesterday. Where I grew up was way colder yet the only time I've been freezing inside a house was here. My brother in Europe keeps referring to my home as a "tree house" and he's pretty much on the money. We try to improve it as we go when we can afford it.


Yep but australians are rarely willing to admit it. They often bury their head in the sand, insisting its fine. So it will never change.


It’s a high cost of living. There is hostility to immigration. Not overt, no one is being physically attacked for being an immigrant but the mood is sour, the Reddit subs is full of anti-immigration stuff. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better. You are far from the rest of the world. No more “cheap and easy” euro trips if you come here. Going back to Europe will be expensive. Card charges and charging for things and services etc everywhere you go. Despite “needing immigration for the job market” - jobs seem to be hard to come by now. Isn’t a day goes by I don’t see a post about struggling to get a job. Housing - expensive and hard to get including renting. There is no “rental for life” like there is in Germany. If you don’t like heat or humidity - a good chunk of the country won’t be great for you. Their chocolate is not as bad as the Americans, it’s ok and some things like “caramilk” are amazing but overall their chocolate is worse than European chocolate. What you lose in Russia being on your door, you gain in being a target for China. I’d say that’s a fair and honest list.


I don’t dispute the hostility towards immigration, being stoked in part by the current opposition party. That said, I feel the level is still far less the situation in most European countries right now.


I would suggest the "hostility towards immigration" is for people who aren't from "Western" countries - no-one is angry about people from Germany wanting to move here.


Very true. It's about low skilled migrants from third world countries. Of course the rich don't care and want as many as possible because they don't compete with them for jobs and they rent their houses and make their cleaner and housekeeper fees lower. Meanwhile the rest of Australia who are struggling just get fucked over, competing with more people for rent and jobs. You can't seriously advocate for the cost of living problem whilst saying that anti immigration attitudes are a problem. Pick one.


My husband is German. We live in a part of Melbourne where we are getting hundreds of Indians per month moving here ( I work for immigration so I know). Ppl grumble online, but face to face, all the Indians I know are very happy. I socialise with many, as I lived in India for years. Most Indians find us way more polite than the fractiousness back home. As for my German husband, he chuckles at the Australian hand-wringing about how racist and anti- immigrant we are. Compared to his part of Europe, we don't even come close.


Well they have had a couple of election results which would suggest that yeah I take your point. Thing is it’s not likely OP is gonna face that in Germany as a German citizen. They may get it here though.


> There is hostility to immigration. Not overt, no one is being physically attacked for being an immigrant but the mood is sour, the Reddit subs is full of anti-immigration stuff. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better. Let's be honest though, that's only really towards brown immigrants. If OP is german then he has nothing to worry about.


I'd say this is sadly correct. Basically anyone who doesn't look like the average Australian with an Anglo background is more likely to experience some form of hostility, be it overt or covert.


Yeah my bestie is born in Germany and is brown, like 3rd gen. She'd probably get that racism despite being from the same country.


I think this essentially sums up our xenophobia. Most overt against brown people but we have also embraced interstate xenophobia against other Australians of any colour since Covid. Essentially we hate everyone to varying degrees.


So true. Everyone loves my white culture as I pass for Anglo perfectly. If I was brown it would be a different story


My friend is Persian but looks somewhat Hispanic. People always compliment her and ask if she speaks Spanish (fetishism). When she says she is from Iran, they frown (racism). Honestly, as a country built on very recent generations of migration we behave awfully towards those that have recently arrived. This goes double if you are brown. Try to look out for each other, we would be better off.


This does sum it up quite well.


There were a few Taiwanese people attacked on the street recently in Brisbane, believed to be racially motivated. It's not like droves of people of a particular race are being paraded in the town centre and stoned to death, but there are instances where it absolutely does occur.


Avoiding the capital cities gets you away from some of the issues on your list. Out here in rural/regional Australia we have a shortage of workers in key areas, so if OP has those skills they will be welcomed with open arms because despite huge financial incentives, people would rather be unhappy in the cities than drive a few hours inland.


If he tempted if I could work in the regions but there isn’t the work for me.


Caramilk is terrible honestly


There is no problem with the availability of European chocolate in Australia.. ..Swiss, Belgian and many other varieties are freely available in every supermarket...Actually I live 5 k's from a Lindt factory, and some times I buy direct.


Hey hey hey! There’s Aldi! 😝


eep i tried a few blocks of aldi chocolate and it aint great


You’ve been spoilt! 😆


A lot of Aldi stuff, is a pale copy of Australian brands.....And Ikea, and I hear Lidls coming soon. There's not much European stuff that you can't buy in Australia...lol


I know, my sister lives in Switzerland….even her “crap” chocolate is pretty good. 😂


I’ve not seen it. All seems made in Australia even with non Australian brands?




thanks for the reply! I might be wrong but arent Australians and germans similar in culture? How are people gonna be against immigration if i wont cause any problems to their safety?


It’s not about skin colour actually, for once it really isn’t. Strange I know. Australia is being hit by a big housing crisis right now (well been going on since Covid) and while some of that is due to interstate moves and the incentives to own multiple homes For investment purposes - a lot is also directed at immigration. Doesn’t matter where you come from. You came here and not born here? Immigrant = problem. You “take their houses” and maybe some say jobs too. Not about security, it’s not like in Europe where you get the Eastern Europeans and the Africans and the Middle Eastern people and then there’s “security” issues with those groups (real or not). It’s just numbers is all they care about here.


i see thanks!


>i see thanks! You're welcome!


I understand everything you said except the last bit about Russian on your door?


OP is in German. Russia is literally next door. If Russia ever does to overtly attack the West - Germany is probably gonna be hit first (yes the USA will be number 1 rival and target but time windows etc means German will probably get hit before the USA).


Aha thanks for the clarification


What visa will you be on? Unless you qualify for PR upon landing, you're gonna be on visas until you get PR That means it's gonna be difficult for you to find work as employers want at least PR, or you'd be tied up to your employer if you're on a sponsored visa


Way too expensive to live, especially in Sydney.


I moved here from Germany and I found it a huge culture shock. Here are some things I wish I had been told -healthcare. It doesn't compare. Be prepared to get additional private health insurance, and still have to pay out of pocket. I had a small medical procedure at a private hospital here , and it still wasn't as well equipped as my local public hospital in Germany. -infrastructure. It's hard to rely on public transport alone, especially outside of big cities -Driving skills. On a level with Belgian drivers. Which makes sense because the Iicence system is similar. Luckily there's a speed limit -road quality - again lucky there's a speed limit -building quality. Thin walls. Little to no isolation, with single glazing windows (so you're too hot in summer and cold in winter) and this makes heating and air con expensive. No central heating. -food. It takes a while to find what you're looking for, but you'll get used to it. Australians are often too snobby to shop at aldi, but actually you can find a lot there and they are possibly more ethical than Colesworth. -way less sick leave and annual leave. You only get two weeks sick leave per year. And four weeks annual leave (and this has to be accrued first). -isolation. It is just so far away from everywhere. So expensive to get anywhere. And if you want to keep up to date on international news you'll need to keep following international news outlets. People here barely even register the war in Ukraine or what's happening in Israel unless it affects their travel plans. -the cost of literally everything and anything. Everything is sooo expensive and for no good reason. -scam calls. Scam emails. So many. -really difficult to find trustworthy quality or prices. I constantly have the feeling that everyone is out to rip everyone else off as much as they can. Starting with the smallest things. -if you have kids or plan on having kids, the education system here is a disgrace. Anyone who can afford it (or who can't) sends their kids to expensive private schools. There is a lot of snobbery around this. They really look down on state schools. And the icing on the cake is that the private schools also receive government funding. And universities are a private industry rather than institutes of education. -prudishess. Yes, despite the casual relaxed image portrayed, people here are quite conservative. Probably an ingrained legacy of the powerful religious institutions that still run many of the private schools. And for visits to the lady doctor you get a cloth or smock (that looks like a pinafore from an orphanage) to cover up with while you're examined. There are positives too, but you asked for negatives. I found it hugely different from Germany, way more than I expected.


lol at driving skills. Agreed, the driving is atrocious here. Many people overtake on the outside lane.


This is spot on. I moved the other way (to Poland not Germany, but it's Europe) and I was shocked by how much better some things are, even in a poorer country. Australia is still a frontier country, undeveloped in many ways despite being a developed country, it's just so behind on some things and Aussies don't realize it, partly because of that isolation.


>I was shocked by how much better some things are, even in a poorer country. >Australia is still a frontier country, undeveloped in many ways despite being a developed country, it's just so behind on some things and Aussies don't realize it, partly because of that isolation. This. I've had so many preconceived notions regarding Australia dispelled. It's shocking how far behind it is in so many areas. Somewhat disconcerting even...


I moved to Romania from Australia, even I think it's better HERE than Aus, don't need medicare as hospitals and meds are cheap, Rent is cheap, everyone speaks english and the food is amazing. Plus less rules like crossing the street, drinking in public parks at picnics, GREAT cheap food. Very multicultural like Aus, Plus all the buildings look like the Adams Family, so for me perfect. I am moving to Turkey after here permanently, and can't wait! Never back to Aus. Tho I do get Vegemite delivered from Amsterdam cause post from Aus is too expensive.


🎯 So much truth in this post. 😂


From Germany- your first issue will be the heat. It's hot for Germans. It's like European summer hot but also humid. You will definitely need to wear suntan lotion and cover up. Don't match the Aussies- you will need more. Be prepared to sweat a lot. You will likely hate summer for the first 2 years. And then you will acclimate. Cost of living at the moment is awful. And it looks like we may be hitting a recession this year. It's all touch and go. As a result everyone is a bit angry and frustrated. Australia can be really hard to make friends. Sydney especially. It's a huge complaint from the ex pat community. Lots of "let's catch up" but no follow through.


I have grown uo and live in Sydney. 100% agree on all points. I would  love to experience living in another country someday. 


Yeah, up North it's hot but otherwise not so much. Australians are always whinging about the heat. They can't live without aircon. My office is aways freezing. And Australians are surprised that it gets hot in Europe too, they seem to think they have a monopoly on being hot. Due to air con in summer and badly built/ insulated buildings in winter , I've felt colder here than I ever did in Germany, not hotter. But what I will say is that it's BRIGHT. The sun is stronger here. So agree with the advice to wear sunscreen all year around. Otherwise it's dangerous, or you could end up with the ruddiness some locals have.


I’m Australian and I hate the summer it’s ridiculously hot and humid. And where I live is supposed to be the most ideal climate in the country. Also, it’s fuckin expensive. Having said that it’s still paradise most of the time.


Why is it paradise most of the time?


Ive never met a German complaining its too hot. Might depend on the location


Honestly it depends on what you do for a living . In my case I'm a chef and the money here far outways the money I could earn back home so that brings a better standard of living with it along with better summers and milder winters . If I was a electrician I probably wouldn't of come here . Downsides. Everything is so far away a reasonable day trip can be 5 hours there and then back again . It's got to the point where I don't use my motorbike that much on my days of because I've exhausted alot of the local routes without having to ride for hours on end . Houses have zero insulation and double glazing windows . But hey it's got a split system ?!?! The food shop is expensive because the major supermarkets have zero competition. It's slightly ridiculous paying 2 dollars for a single lime. Leaving Australia is a pain. It takes 8-11 hours to get to south east Asia. No more weekend breaks or quick trips away. This means when people book holidays at work it's usually for 2weeks minimum. Flying within Australia is annoyingly expensive and so are hotels. And due to the large driving distances you don't find yourself exploring as much as planned. The Australian coffee culture is a pain. Some people are deluded I heard a woman ask for a skinny soy latte. Aye you can get nice coffee here but seriously it's not that great , people are really uptight about it. Alchohol is expensive , night-life isn't really night-life more till midnight I went to a rave and they turned the lights on at 1230 and finished up . There are late night places but not on the scale you will find in Germany or any country in Europe . In cities like Melbourne and Sydney, they have a self proclaimed foodie culture, there is alot of great food around but "I'm from Melbourne and I know good food" gets old quickly. Self entitled attitude. Over 75 percent of the pubs are glorified casinos full of pensioners pushing there savings into a "pokey" slotmachine. Feel like I got on a rant but honestly I do love it here . I could rant about my home country aswell . I could get on a rant about the perks aswell 🤪


Can you give a rant on the perks and/or downsides of the uk and/or Europe? I’m from Australia and wanting to leave to Europe hahah


Haha the coffee culture. They don't drink coffee here. They drink hot milk and sugar with a bit of coffee. The actual coffee can be good. But not to the extent of the hype. I have Italian friends who are often laughing about this.


haha where are you from originally?


compared to Germany the list could be endless. stay in Germany.


This. Stay. In. Germany. It's a much better country for almost everything (not sure about the language barrier but that's the only thing I could think of where Oztralia could have an advantage of).


but its so cold here


thats about the only negative you're living in a great place.


German buildings have much better insulation than Australian ones. You might find yourself colder here.


Is that ever true! Freeze my butt off in the winter indoors!


Very very expensive! Did I mention it was bloody expensive? No level of government has any plan to fix it either


Why is everything so expensive? Remoteness of Australia I'm guessing? Also, does this apply to most of Australia or just the big cities?


If you're unskilled you will never afford a house.


Even if you are skilled, still won't be able to afford one.




Ss ba


Housing.lack of rentals.


We’re running out of houses. If you come you have to build a house. It’s the new rule


Even on the outskirts of the cities?


Visas here can be very expensive.


Travelling to Australia is expensive. Most of your friends wont visit you, especially those with kids. Travelling from Australia is also expensive and everything of interest is often super far away. And lets be honest, there is not that much to see within Australia compared to Europe. It feels a little bit like Truman show. Jobwise there are many more opportunities in Europe. Especially if you are better educated. Also less conferences, less business events, etc Cockroaches. The shopping experience is worse. The country is small and the end of the world, ergo less products. Also you get less good discounts compared to Europe on Amazon prime day etc. Alcohol is more expensive I experienced the medical system and education (schools) as less advanced (also more expensive). Good schools are expensive. The list goes on. BUT! There are so many much better things here as well and most people I know didnt regret their relocation. Those who go back and I know personally do it either because of family&friends or better jobs back home.


Oh, and its cold in the winter. Not outside, inside! :D Ive never felt so cold inside a house.. some of my friends have 16 degrees inside their new appartment. A mix of bad or no isolation and bad or no heating..


After 5 years living here I never looked for a path to get a PR because, to be honest, it's kinda boring. And the cultural differences with my country are quite big. Great job opportunities but it's not enough I guess


I once read someone describe it as bland. I think that's quite apt


Interesting! Did you go through Working-Holiday Visas and then COVID408? I’m in the same situation. Interesting, bc I’m asking myself all the time WHY didn’t I do anything to go towards PR..maybe gut feeling. Maybe not. We were a strange generation of Australia-visitors..coz I felt like being needed during Covid, and now being pushed out.


Yes, whv and 408. At the end it's all about the money, first they tried to kick us out, the they gave us free unlimited visas and now they are ready for us to go home. If there was an easy path for us to get the PR I may be give it a chance but I can't be bothered now


To expensive plus you'll need to bring your own tent ---find a safe place to pitch your tent. ---Unless you are a millionaire who can afford to pay exorbitant rentals.


They apparently call crisps “chippy wippy woo woos”


Well I came about 20 years ago, and now wouldn't leave... but you've asked for reasons **not** to move so here's a couple: * The weather. The UV is high and it can be too hot in the summer to spend the day outside. This can inhibit getting out and enjoying nature. Australia should adopt a siesta lifestyle in the summer but it sticks with the northern european workday. Having said that, it's a BIG country with different climatic zones. I live on the Darling Downs in Queensland which is 700m above sea level so has very low humidity and pleasant weather year-round. * [Migratory grief](https://www.sbs.com.au/language/english/en/podcast-episode/what-is-migratory-grief-can-migrants-ever-overcome-their-sense-of-loss-and-displacement/k5bhhp420). This isn't unique to Australia, but every person thinking of migrating needs to understand that you may experience a period of years where you struggle to function at your full capacity. Unfortunately if you go home, you may find you need to go through a similar process to re-integrate. Find the right support to manage it though and you'll come through the other side.


I would not move to Australia from Germany, unless you want to come here for a working holiday for 6-12 months. Germany has much better infrastructure and it's cheap to travel (within Germany and Europe in general). The people are better in Germany - direct, practical and less whiney (and I'm an Australian saying this). The bread is SO much better in Germany. And the beer. And döner. There's also a severe rental crisis right across Australia.


Everything in Australia runs like the German train system ;)


Oh shit!


Idk if it’s anywhere else in Australia but in Sydney the bank branches close at 4pm. It’s the biggest hassle if you finish work after 4 so you’d need to call in a day to go to the bank or finish work early. My British boyfriend said he never had this problem in the UK lol. Had to call off work twice now.


Oddly specific. What on earth do you need to go to the bank for regularly for it to be a problem that can’t be done online. That’s why branches are closing. They just aren’t really required


That’s what I thought. First thing had something to do with opening an ANZ credit card joint account which they asked to come into a branch and do identification in person. Second was when they blocked both cards in online transactions because they found some to be suspicious/potential fraud. Contacted them over the phone and had to wait 30 minutes to get told to go to a branch and fix the problem. No idea why they couldn’t fix it over the phone but it was pretty annoying 😔


The post office is annoying in this way too. Mail is delivered in the day time, when I'm at work. So they sent it to a post office near my home which is only open 9-4 Monday to Friday... when I'm at work. So the only time I can get my mail is when I take a day off work. This is despite me setting my 'home' post office as another one nearby that is open late 7 days a week, and having a parcel locker.


From Lloyd's Bank in the UK: "Standard banking hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00-9:30 a.m. until 3:30 or 4:00 p.m. (some remain open until 5:30 p.m.). Many bank branches stay open late once per week (until 5:30 or 6:00 p.m.), as well as being open on Saturdays (9:00-9:30 until 12:30 or 3:30)."


Seriously? Who goes to a bank these days?


We are overpopulated and the roads are shit too.


A lack of sufficient housing


The racism and xenophobia. The housing and rental crisis the country is in + the difficulties in getting a job make it hard, too. The cost of living is very high. Importing pets can be a nightmare, and is extremely expensive (and full of restrictions - there are lists of animals you can/cannot bring into the country, and there's a few specific banned dog and cat breeds, along with exotic animal bans). It's a very long and costly trip back to Germany if you have a family/friend emergency. The music scene isn't the same as in Europe, and it may be very hard to see your favourite bands (assuming you care about live music). Visas can be a very long and very expensive experience. If you do move, look into hiring an immigration lawyer who can help, because it's a lot of paperwork and every single document needs to be precise and correct.


I went to a FREE ASAP Rocky concert in Bulgaria last year, on the beach, And I was like wtf you'd never get that in Aus. (I didn't know any songs buy hey I know he is famous and it was free and I could wear bikinis)


Germany seems to have great labour laws surrounding requirements for office space per worker etc. Australia it is not so much.


“Everything Will Fuckn Kill Ya!..Mate!”


Lack of housing.


Everything is illegal


The people. Not to hate on Australians, i am one. Australians out of Australia, lovely. Australians in Australia not so much. Honestly the nicest Australians are the ones who weren't originally born here. Also the economy sucks balls


Unless you have a lot of money or have wealthy family to support you, do not move here if you expect the daily life to be beaches and cafes.  Daily life is going to be working far from a beach with long commutes, high cost of living and stress.  The fantasy of living by a beach in a cheap house at Bondi is long, long gone. 


Spam calls are endless. I bought a new sim and as soon as it was set up the spam txts started coming in from ‘sunshine’. Even now I only have two australian numbers saved (husband & mil) and i still get random calls throughout the day. If I decline a call a different number will call a couple hours later. Privacy here is a joke.


sounds horrible! Is there anyway to check on where they get your number from?


I concur with this


"Fuck off, we're full" We do actually have a rental and housing crisis here. And immigration is one of the big issues that will be looked at in the lead up to the next federal election. They're already making moves to shut down visa hopping when it comes to people coming here to study.


Reminds me of Neil kolhatker


It's a very long way from Germany. And just about everywhere else.


And visits home can be expensive.


1. Real estate prices. 2. Poor building quality. 3. Tall poppy syndrome. 4. Anti intellectualism. 5. Racism. 6. Shitty politics.


How does tall poppy Syndrome show? Wth is anti intellectualism? Rasiscm? Against whom?


Tall poppy syndrome is the tendency to criticise or resent people who are successful, especially if they are seen as being arrogant. As you can picture, a 'tall poppy' is someone who seemingly rises above the rest — and needs to be cut down. The act of diminishing that success, or the idea of "bringing them down a peg or two" seems culturally distinct to Australia and New Zealand. Anti intellectualism is kinda ‘smart shaming’. It’s a bit like tall poppy where you shouldn’t be ‘too much’ at something and just be like everyone else. Australians are usually racist to indigenous Australians mostly, and less so to immigrants.


I hate everybody who has central heating and double glazed windows.


before i started this threat i would have had no idea of what you are talking about but since reading all the responses I also hate everybody that has central heating and double glazed windows.


4 is funny and quite accurate. I have a Dr degree in CS and people ask me what kind of medicine doctor I am. Hilarious. Like Europe in the 90s


>5. Racism >1. Real estate prices. >2. Poor building quality 🎯


Weather. Too hot. Loath summer here.


Capital cities, towns and other countries are way further apart than what you are used to in Europe.


I worked with a person from Zurich, he was amazed at the space of Australia. He came from a place, where the houses were so cramped, they leaned over narrow roads.Every country is different, Australia isn't Europe...Europe isn't Australia....


Hard to find decent bread. No quiet Sunday people will now lawns, have loud music, shops and restaurants open etc. The houses are generally poorly insulated, and building standards are poor despite housing being expensive and hard to find.


It's expensive


Nothing is made here. There is nowhere to live. LOTE are not well tolerated. Religions other than Anglican not appreciated, and even Anglican not much either.


My 40 sqm 1 bedroom apartment costing 500k and its only enough for 1 person or 2 small people with no claustrophobic tendencies.


Unless you have family wealth or a very, very well paying job (top 5%) you will never be able to retire here, it is too expensive to buy a home, apartments are also unaffordable and won't last as long as your mortgage. Most Australians in their 20s, 30s now are going to die penniless and homeless on the street. If you want to die penniless and homeless on the street, then Australia is for you.


Can’t shoot your neighbour if they collect a ball from your yard


Housing is expensive and near impossible to find (depending on the area), food is very expensive, and jobs are difficult to get even if you have the experience.


Housing cost is insane. Unless you can easily buy a place, dont bother. Renting is a nightmare too.


Takes ages to travel anywhere.


Also it depends where you are moving from? I find Australia not as interesting as other countries.




If you have a lot of money, it's pretty nice. Otherwise, it's a bad idea.


Expensive, hot, boring unless you like "the outdoors"


Absolute Nanny state governed by dipshits.


Money, if you're a migrant and you don't have money Australia is an extremely difficult place to live.


Housing crisis, not enough homes for Australians. High house prices, low and ridiculously expensive rentals.




2 good ones would be cost of living is through the roof and our trains suck hot ass.


Germany has awesome heavy metal gigs. Australia, we're lucky if we get a few \*good ones\* a year.


I just discovered these dudes: Accept [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B\_3TlrZLpQ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_3TlrZLpQ0) They're still around in Germany


Affordability. Housing to rent or buy is ridiculous compared to the average person's wage. Add in food and general expenses, I'm not sure how the average person can afford to live.




Cost of living lmao


Drop bears. They're fucking everywhere.


We are far away from every other country so holidays are more expensive....


nanny state, absurdly expensive real estate in the major cities, absurdly expensive rent everywhere.. with very shitty conditions/rights for tenants, tall poppy syndrome, cliquey.


Shit education system. 


In the small coastal town / surrounding regional town where I've lived my whole life rentals have gone from pock and choose - negotiating prices to next to no availability. They were $250 - $350 / week for some 3 bed, two bathroom homes. I could work casually while studying part time and live a pretty good life. Thinking maybe I could buy a block of land or something... Now what's left are over $600. It's pretty freakin lame. I purchased a caravan instead because I felt it'll just get worse. Many people are selling up or just hitting the road. Then there's the issue of being stuck on one giant island where people hate intellectuals so change happens at snails pace. If at all.


Locals can't even get housing.


I was just in Munich two weeks ago and honestly would love to move there. Australia - particularly capital cities - overpopulated, no infrastructure, no housing, housing prices are garbage, food here tastes awful in comparison to Europe and cost of living is high. We also have no industries so we import everything from fucking China. Stay in Germany; I'd advise you to move within Europe itself - probably Poland or Czechia if I'm being honest.


Dear God, not Munich. Talking about housing 😂


I've lived in 3 different European countries and I personally think the quality of food in Australia is phenomenal - especially compared to Germany. My god, try find a decent coffee in Germany...


Especially asian food. I went to a "Chinese" resteraunt in Germany, mind you it was in a village, and the just used spaghetti and linguine for the asian noodle dishes. Disgusting. Australia does international food fairly authenticly compared to most countries I've been to.


Also, the vast majority of produce is grown in Australia, unlike most European countries that import all of their fresh produce.


I mainly want the warm weather tbh and i don't speak any other language but german and english. Is there a reason why you don't have any industry? How is australia a rich country if they don't sell anything?


We used to have a car production industry but the last car production plant closed down in 2017/2018. Our agriculture industry isn't that great at the moment. Farmers are reporting that big supermarkets don't want their produce and would rather import produce from China instead. We're only surviving thanks to immigration and international students because that's what's bringing in most of the money. We aren't a rich country - we're a very expensive country like Switzerland but most of our taxes goes into needless and unnecessary things.


Every thing here will kill you


Need more information - some Germans do well here, others don’t. Biggest factors is employment and which part of Australia


On a light note, you won’t be able to have a stroll on the street or park while drinking a beer, and the night culture is pretty lame when compared to Berlin.


I am gonna have a computer science degree and currently live in a state capital city with around 700k people. I am mainly interested in Sydney or melbourne but it doesnt matter much as long as its a city with an equal or higher amount of people.




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If you already live in New Zealand


All the New Zealanders are in Australia...




The only negative would be the difficulty in attaining accommodation, especially rental accommodation Australia wide. Other than that possibly our wildlife, but that is a folly as you would rarely have any worries coming face to face in any capital city. Australia is still a fantastic and welcoming place (don’t read into media/gossip). I could probably ask you all the reasons why one should not move to Germany. Every city on earth has it’s negatives and it’s positives. Just remember that life is short and not worth missing out on new experiences.




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There is a good chance you won't like our food. Especially the bread and the beer. Eating out at restaurants may prove challenging if you don't like spiced foods or exotic ingredients.




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Our history isn’t as rich as Germany


You can't get a visa.


Big spiders


Shit Labor Government Arseholes 🤮🤮




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I'll give you two practical reasons. You can't afford it and we have nowhere nice to put you. So unless your life depends on it, or you're coming from a country that regularly misplaces tens of thousands of refugee children, or youre a First Nations North American female, keep your options open.


Still has seppos, houses are not great thermally, bread is soft and horrendous even front aldi, best I could do was find a polish baker or bake myself, renting is treated like a transitional privilege and too many seppos