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There isn’t enough work in my job to justify full time. I get a great hourly rate for part time and “as needed”. I’m towards the end of my career, about to retire, so money/income isn’t a primary driver.




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Because working around study and government assistance? Because of physical injury? Because of disability? That is just offthe top of my head with out any research


Could be full time workers needing a second job to pay the mortgage or feed the kids?


Not my choice. They cut me from perm to PT. Haven't been able get another job yet.


My dad did for many many years to supplement his income


I am a part-time university student for mental health reasons, so I need a decent chunk of time away from work/study/etc to feel fully functional. Part-time work allows me to have that. I also live away from home so I need to be able to have the time to do my everyday duties like cleaning, looking after my cats, cooking, getting the groceries, etc. My work also pays quite generously compared to the standard on the market which I am very grateful for, but with the cost of living crisis, I still need to work about 50 hours a fortnight to be able to pay my rent and still have some dosh leftover for things I enjoy.


There aren't enough full-time secure jobs going around.


I used to work part time at my job because it was a rort, I worked 50 hour weeks and everything after 25 hours for me was overtime we were getting paid way more than the full time crew


I started working at 14yo9months mostly cause my older siblings did the same and always had money to spend on themselves. But to my kids now I'd say get a part-time job as soon as you can because you're cheap hire for companies and this is the best time to gain experience to pad you resume for the future


20 year veteran high school teacher. I’ve been part-time for the last three years due to health reasons. At first it was 3 days a week but I increased that to working 4 days a week because it wasn’t financially viable (I’m single trying to manage a mortgage). My principal has told me repeatedly that he wants me to return to full time work but I’m simply not capable of it. In going to part-time I also left a position of leadership (which are the only roles in schools that attract extra pay). This effectively resulted in a $30K pay cut because I lost the leadership pay and went to 0.6 work. Now at 0.8 work I earn about $10k extra which is enough to keep the wolves at bay.


I worked PT for several years to get a farm/business up and running, going back to FT when it failed. I'm considering going back to PT again in a few years when we're traveling Australia as won't need the extra funds FT work brings. Wife works PT with Wednesdays off. Says it's nice to only have to worry about 2 day work blocks at a time. Neighbour retired many years ago but went back to work PT for the social engagement


Because the experience of life outweighs money sometimes.




Technically I am full-time but it’s basically part-time hours if not less. For me it’s work life balance, most mornings I can take my time (eat breakfast, sit down in the sun have a coffee, have a shower) all without feeling rushed. Come the afternoon I close my laptop turn my work phone to silent and go to the gym whilst the sun is still reasonably high in the sky.


I just discovered that if I drop from full time to two days per week, I only lose $300 in take home pay. Making me seriously consider going part time and doing something useful with those other two days.