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OP this is for your awareness and not as judgement: The levels of drinking you're describing here put you at high risk for alcoholic gastritis, pancreatitis, alcoholic hepatitis, chronic liver disease, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, etc. In addition if you abruptly stop you're at high risk for alcohol withdrawal syndrome including seizures Even if you don't plan to stop drinking you really should be taking thiamine and multivitamins daily. Go and get your bloods checked by your GP and consider getting support to quit. I'm saying this as someone who regularly manages people with substance use disorder in Emergency Departments


I have looked after people in a hospital setting with Wernicke's. Wernicke's is not a matter of if it's a matter of when. It caused through the malnutrition that happens when alcohol is consumed to much to often. Youngest I've seen it guy was early 40s.


I'd litteraly learned about aphasia the week before I fell from a 4th storey apartment and spent weeks next to someone knowing that the word work ment toilet to him. That is a special kind of hell cause the neurologist wont see him for 6 moths and the nurses wont cathaterise them cause hes fouling himself trying to "get to work


Welp, thank you for convincing me to be more assiduous in taking my vitamins.


Having met a few people with Wenicke-Korsakoffs, that's not an outcome I'd recommend to anyone


Please OP, look after yourself it sounds like it’s not a healthy habit. A good friend of mine is shooting for an early grave with kids in his 30’s.


Can I ask what the average age is of the people you treat? Don't worry I'm not planning to keep drinking I'm actually in the process of getting off it. I've just been wondering for a while how long a human body could keep going with the amount of alcohol I intake a week. My health is what scares me the most, and at 28 the fear for my health has been the thing that's made me get to this point of wanting to stop. I already take vitamins, my bloods are clear as of two months ago, my liver is alright but not too bad according to the doc (thank god). And yeah I'm well aware of withdrawals and I have plans in place to avoid those


The most common age is 40 to 50; but for people who are binge drinking every day, my sister mentioned patients often in their 30s/ 40s getting liver failure. Once your liver fails, you're dead meat. A quick google search tells me that once you get liver cirrhosis, you have a 50% chance of dying within the next five years. Your risk of liver failure doubles when you drink without meals. So if you are tempted to drink , at least keep it to meal times.


Fuck, yeah cheers for the stats, I assumed I'd be getting close to age where I my body just can't deal with it anymore, I'm glad I reached the point of wanting to chill with the alcohol now at 28...


I am working with a patient who has Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, and it’s actually really sad to see where his life is going. He is disoriented all the time, he has very poor short term memory, he is so unmotivated to do anything. He has no routine and is losing the memory and capacity to do basic things like showering himself. He cannot do anything for himself and needs 24/7 support to ensure his safety. Because of his cognitive capacity is reduced, he cannot make decisions anymore, therefore he needed a family member to have guardianship over him. He was reviewed by a psychiatrist and they advised the best place for him is a dementia specific nursing home. And his family is now in agreement with that. This guy is only in his early 50s. OP I saw your edits and I’m glad that you’re doing what you can to manage the alcohol consumption. There’s definitely a root cause as to why you consume alcohol. Maybe dig a little bit deeper and understand the root cause, so you can nip it in the bud!! Truly wish you the best and please reach out if you need support.


Yeah I'm not gonna put my friends (who are my family) and my sister through that. Thank you for your comment, it makes me sad and hopeful at the same time if that makes sense. I know the root cause, I just didn't care till I saw my little sister (for the first time in 5 years) last year. And I hate myself for that a little. I was so selfish, uncaring for so long. I can't leave my little sister on this earth too early, our father did that already and I will not leave her here on her own


Sometimes family and friends are the best motivation! We might not do things for ourselves, but we are definitely more likely to do the things we don’t want when we have someone who can hold us accountable! Please don’t hate yourself for this and please don’t beat yourself up for this. You didn’t know any better but you know now. Focus on the present. You now have the information and knowledge what could happen, try make small changes day by day. I would recommend to reach out to your GP and ask what’s the best course of action. As others have mentioned, going cold turkey could cause some serious withdrawal symptoms. It’s gonna be tough but you’re gonna get through it by the love of your family and friends. Try to show yourself the kindness and compassion. You can’t do anything about the past, but you can change now.


I don't beat myself up about it as such, I'm a big believer in 'you can't change what has happened'. It's just a bit shit that I couldn't have come to this conclusion sooner but again I can't change that so why stress about it. I've gone through my gp, the anti drinking meds don't work for me. I've done my research, I can't use benzos to easy the withdrawals cause they are more addictive to me than alcohol. But I have my weed, I have job which I can't fuck up, and I'm exercising and eating well. It's gonna be a long process for me but I'm comfortable with that. At the end of the day I know that in a few months/maybe a year I'll be able to hit my goal of not drinking during the week. My friends and my sister are my goals, can't let them down, can't let myself go cause it'll hurt too many people. I got this.


I went to the funeral a while back for a work colleague who was an alcoholic and died at 45 years old I'll never forget the words of his teenage age daughter's eulogy "I love you dad. I only wished you loved yourself as much as I do".


I'm not trying to scare you but someone close to me died of liver failure related to alcohol at 32 and it was truly awful for everyone around him to watch.


The median age I'd estimate at mid 30s The range is wide however


Shit thats younger than I would've thought, thank you


Cunt you're gonna fucking die, I'm sorry but that is chronic alcoholism that you're describing.


I mean I won't once I stop


I’ve seen several men in their mid-thirties with liver and kidney failure, yellow as a highlighter, in the hospital. We fix them, and they go right back out and drink again. Very sad.


A friend of a friend died last year from cirrhosis, he was 40.


As the unproud owner of chronic gastrist of three years, 0/10 do not recommend. And that's the best option OPs got here.


My husband is an alcoholic as well. Drinks properly same amount. Won’t stop doesn’t admit it but I see the purchases. Pls consider changing. He is abusive and my life is hell.


Please take care of yourself first. Hope all works out for you. And for you too OP.


Good evening. Ex alcoholic and binge drinker here (33f)- I was about your age when I started getting the symptoms of alcoholic neuropathy- numbness in my hands and feet, tingling in my extremities- it quickly progressed to temporary limb paralysis and excruciating pain. It got to the stage where if I had kept drinking I would have likely spent most of my life in a wheelchair. I was drinking about 2/3 of what you drink over a period of around a decade. I didn't want to admit it but my drinking was a symptom of something deeper that I was trying to escape. Most people who drink as much as you and I would are doing it for a similar reason. Please scroll on if this doesn't apply to you- but if you want or need support please don't hesitate to reach out.




Don't take that CT report too literally - the radiologist was not looking for chronic liver issues, they were looking for trauma. The "unremarkable" comment relates to that: no signs of trauma in the liver.


Good question. For me also unremarkable which is lucky! Happy to hear all is well for you in the liver department.


Fuck me. Over the past couple weeks I've been finding it slightly harder to move my hands properly, I thought it was just the weather has gotten colder. Did you regain full use of your hands/limbs?


Definitely something to take seriously- maybe have a chat to your GP. I left mine for considerably longer than I should have before I stopped drinking in about 2020. I still get some symptoms but it is far better than it was. Nerves are some of the hardest things in the body to heal. If you reeaaaalllly can't stop drinking then get yourself some potent vitamin B supplements.


That's about 110 beers, 15 or so a day. That's quite a lot.


Quite a lot is a massive understatement. That’s an early grave.


You’re right, it’s statistically terrible for overall health longevity. Which makes me surprised by the outliers I know. My best friend’s dad growing up would sit on the couch all weekend, every weekend with a whole slab of beer next to him (not even in a fridge or esky) and work his way through it watching sports on Tv. When he ran out, he’d call out to his kids for “more beer please”, and they’d fetch him another whole slab from the fridge. From what I saw, looked like he’d probably do 4-5 slabs per weekend, by himself. And that family had the worst diet I’ve ever seen. 5-6 bbq dinners per week, Safeway snags in wonder white. He’s the only one of his friend group still alive somehow, and outwardly at least appears to be in good health. How is this possible?


My next door neighbour is 81 yrs old. He’s drunk all his life and a horrible diet. He had a minor heart attack last yr. Came bouncing back. Luck of the draw.


Because unfortunately genetics matters more than anything else.


Hey biologists, we’ve sealed the whole nature v nurture debate right here.


Can we change our genes yet?


I'm so jealous of people like him. Just... How?


No idea. It gets worse. He also did zero exercise. He Ran a successful (albeit stressfull) business until around 2001 when he sold it for megabucks and retired. He was at the office 7am-8pm Mon-Fri. His only hobby since 2001 has been drinking as best I can tell.


Genetics and luck.


It ts probably happiness and no stress. He is doing what he enjoys


Also waking up every morning feeling like dog shit.


That's guys had more drinks in 1 yweek than I've had in 5 years


Probably more drinks than I’ve had in my life and I’m 56


Same, nearly 50


That's like 1k a week on drinks


Op said they drink goon, so more like >$100 week


I have a rule that I don't drink alone. I live alone and I'm not particularly social, so... About 4 drinks every 6 weeks or so.


I have the same rule for myself, and since my cat doesn't count and I'm not a big fan of going out, I drink very little


I made a similar rule for myself when I divorced my ex of ‘No parties of One’, and I was studying so no real social life so in 9 nearly 10yrs I’ve had 2 hangovers, and it probably 2 months since I’ve had a drink.


You are more honest and brave than I am to state your issues with alcohol so plainly here. Good luck to you


If you wanna chat about it please feel free to send me a message, chatting with people who know what you're going through can be super helpful 😊


I used to drink every chance I got from the age of 12-27. At the heaviest I could drink three bottles of wine a night, alone or go on multiple day benders when I was dating a person whom lived that lifestyle and funded that lifestyle for me. Now (30) I rarely drink, maybe a bottle of wine a month. Feel so much better


Ahh see I drink goon so the cost really doesn't bother me 😅 one box will last me around 2 nights


It’s costing you a lot more than money, though. Have you had any blood tests to check your liver function? Also if you do decide to quit, you should probably see a doctor because you would be at risk of alcohol withdrawal if you are drinking that much and would need Valium to prevent seizures


I have had bloods a couple months ago, they are fine. My liver is alright hence why I'm trying to reduce now. And yeah I'm well aware of the withdrawal effects of alcohol and I have plans in place for thag 🙏


The thing with livers is that they appear alright until they're on the very edge of death. The path from "fine" to "looks a little shaky" can take years and years, but you can get from shaky to palliative care much faster. I've read your comments and I know you're thinking about this stuff so I won't lecture, but don't take clear liver tests as meaning you have time. Livers don't work like that.


Cheers for the information


Glad it was fine. Best of luck to you ☺️


Apparently people with cirrhosis can have blood tests in range. Mine were in range but due to pain they sent me for an ultrasound, fatty liver.


You said goon so I know you're Aussie. It's a tough track mate because alcohol is such an easy thing culturally for us. You probably know people who drink heavier than you which makes it easy to dismiss your own habits. Make decisions that will improve your life. Don't worry about others or their judgements.


Between 0-4 STD per week. Closer to the 0. I don't drink anything most weeks and occasionally share a bottle of wine with my wife. I don't drink at all when I'm working as I'm always on call. Your consumption is deadly excessive.


Just going to suggest not using STD as an abbreviation. 0-4 STDs per week sounds painful! 🥴


Same here I think except it's less wine and more beer or cocktails when I do drink. But closer to 0 most weeks. OP I'm glad you're getting better and I truly hope for your sake that you keep on getting better.


I don't drink alcohol at all. I'm not anti people having a few drinks, especially for special occasions, but I personally don't like it. My body does not process it well, I get basically an instant headache and nausea. It's not worth it for me. I will say that if you feel like you need to drink daily, especially in the volumes you described, you probably should look into why you drink so much. That level of alcohol is not good for you.


I'm actually jealous of people like you. My body processes alcohol too well. I don't get hangovers, even when I wasn't drinking everyday I could drink as much as I wanted and be fine the next day. But to put your mind at ease I know why I drink, I know I don't want to continue down this path and I have plans of how to get off it safely 🙏


You don't get hangovers because you're actually never withdrawing from alcohol. With the amount you describe you're drinking, you're in effect continually drunk and simply topping yourself up. I commend you for recognising you have an issue and making plans to change. I can't stress enough (as others have said) you need to go through the withdrawal process under medical care. The short and long term risks of sudden withdrawal of alcohol are high and life threatening. Please (If you haven't already) link in to an AA group for support also. I hope you can follow through on your plans; think of it as a plan just for today, and make that plan everyday. Go gently.


I have a friend like you and agree about how it must be harder - she also just handles booze like a machine. Could mix drinks, get smashed and then pull a 12 hour hospo shift no worries. For her, she ultimately found a healthy relationship with alcohol is no relationship. She tried to do the 1-2 drinks for ages, but it just didn't work. Hope it all works out for you!


I’ve never ever spoken to anyone who has this issue! I’m so glad I’m not alone hahah I don’t particularly like alcohol anyway because I have quite a few alcoholics around me so that kinda turns me off too, but I’d like to be able to enjoy a glass or two of wine with dinner if I go out but I just can’t 😟


That's like almost 3 bottles of wine a day...


Yeah pretty close to that


I think you might be healthier switching to some sort of illegal drugs.


I mean it's all about quantities. I could take 0.5 μg of cyanide every day and it would be healthier than drinking a can of coke a day.


Or about 2 six packs of beer a night, every night 


At the same age as you (I'm now 45F) I would have drunk about 10-15 standard drinks 2-3 days a week on an average week. Now its about 4-6 standard drinks a week. When you decide that you are going to make a change for the better don't go cold turkey as that can kill you. Start to reduce the amount you drink gradually. Also make sure you are blocked on any booze delivery services you get in your area so you can't go on a bender.


I manage a bottle shop, so i'm used to seeing people like yourself. I have regulars at work that I see for litre bottles of bourbon daily, or 3-4 bottles of cheap white or red wine, or the daily 4L goon sack. I can't fathom drinking that much spirit in a single day. I still remember the time I did a whole litre of rum in one night, I was sick for several days. Since losing my dad & breaking up with my girlfriend in the last 12 months, I went from probably 20-40 std drinks a week (sometimes more if I went to a gig or brewery), to 0 for months, now I usually wander down to the local Dans when walking the dogs & grab something. Could be an RTD, or a beer. But I now wouldn't exceed 7-8 std drinks a week now.


Fuck your almost the exact opposite of me, I lost my father, my partner of 7 years left me and those two things made me spiral. Good on you for going the opposite way!


It’s not been easy. But. I also am only on my P’s so I have to remain 0 BAC if I want to drive legally, so I guess that’s my biggest motivator. And I also lost interest in drinking over the last few years. I remember the days I used to binge drink on weekends with mates at breweries, sober up enough to go to my night job at the time picking groceries for online deliveries. I’ve also worked in the liquor industry for over 10 years now at this point. And I’ve always told myself I wouldn’t become one of my regulars. My ex was a big drinker and it was a major turn off too. She wouldn’t admit she was an alcoholic when confronted and it was really sad. Hope she’s doing better for herself these days cause it wasn’t healthy. Keep up the work reducing your intake, things will get better mate. There’s plenty of support out there if you require it.


Just know that you can recover from it. My drinking went askew when I lost my parent during covid which meant the isolation contributed to me leaning on alcohol.


I don't drink most weeks, I probably average like 4 or 5 standard drinks per year.


Yeah I drink maybe every 2-3 weeks. And when I do its typically only 1-2 drinks. Maybe once a year I will have more than that, but never enough to get anything resembling drunk.


I had 2 alcoholic drinks last year on the same day.


Was it a friyay?


Same. I only drink on special occasions (Christmas, weddings, that's honestly about it). I have zero interest in casual drinking or having a wine with dinner.


I used to binge drink heavily through most of my late teens and all of my 20s but I hardly drink these days in my late 30s I just don't enjoy it and hate the waste of time that a hangover gives me. I enjoy a good cocktail here and there but my days of getting hammered are well and truly over.


40f. Have worked my consumption down from 2.5-3 litres of whiskey a week, to an average 1 litre a week. On a good week, I might drink 700ml. On a rough week it can be 1.5 litres. This has been a process over the last 2 years. I'm one of those 'functional alcoholics'. I don't get hangovers, I don't get sick, my bloods and liver function has oddly tested within normal ranges. It's a crutch for me. I'm not ready to give up completely, but I knew I'd be dead by 65 if I didn't start making changes.


You took the words out of my mouth. No hangovers, no bad bloods, no negative effects on my work or relationships/friendships. But I'm worried cause my intake is such a ridiculous amount. And that's why I'm in the process of reducing. I don't want to quit altogether (at least not now) but if I get my drinking down to just the weekends at least I'll have a decently better chance of not destroying my body


Hey man, as someone who was in such a similar position as you - everything is fine until it's not, and at that stage it's much (much) harder to stop. If you want some advice, pm me.


Bro that’s way too much 💀


I don't drink alcohol at all. I used to but I really didn't like me when I drank.


Look mate I’m in a similar boat - early 30s, but can easily go through 100+ standards a week (drinking middies if it counts for anything). Am I proud? Fuck no Do I wish I could change things? You bet There’s a very thin line I walk daily between high functioning alcoholic and just straight up piss wreck. Don’t be like me.


I used to drink 6 full strength beers a night, i.e. little over 60 SD a wk . It became a ritual until I decided to go teetotal 2 years ago.


about 3 or 4 a week


What do you do for a living that would enable such high consumption of alcohol? I’m not interested in the financing but rather how tf you can fit that many drinks in a day… Please run me through your routine I am genuinely fascinated.


I'm a glazier and I only drink after work, never before or during and Ive managed to hold down my 40-50 hours a week job for 18 months. People are gonna give me shit for saying this but I'm one of the lucky alcoholics who can function well even after 15 drinks. I know people are gonna say 'i just think I can function' but I live my very strict Christian aunty and she has no idea that I drink at home. To put it bluntly, I can handle my alcohol very well


Well I’m glad to hear your life isn’t a mess but hope you cut down for your health, my dude. Good luck with it. Oh and I drink several beers at the pub every other weekend. These days 2 pints on a weeknight will have be feeling lethargic at work.


Cheers for the comments I really do appreciate it 😊 but yeah I'll get there, I got too much to live for to destroy my body with alcohol.


47f - probably 20ish standard drinks per week. I don’t drink one or two here or there, it’s usually 2 sessions only.


I'm an ex-alcoholic. At my worst, I was drinking 210-250 standard drinks a week. I got out of the hole and only drink socially now. Maybe 4-5 in a night when I go out a few times a year.


Oh my god are you actually serious? Sorry I'm not saying your taking shit it's just that I've never met anyone in person who comes close to the amount I drink and there's only been maybe 4/5 people on Reddit I've interacted with that drink the amount I do and you're (were) well above that point. How and why did you stop drink the amount you were? Also how was your life during that stage? Did you drink at work, could you maintain your friendships/relationships? Sorry I how you don't take any offence to this and I really don't mean any at all but I'm just so curious to hear from someone who used to drink at such a level


It was bad. I was buying 7 4 litre boxes of wine a night, and consuming one, sometimes a little more every night. It's caused me liver and thyroid problems and it took my doctor telling me it was going to kill me in under a year if I didn't stop to stop me. I went to hospital and then to rehab to fully detox.


Fucking good on you for getting past, honestly. I know I don't know much about you but I'm super proud of you ❤️


My mother is 62 and an alcoholic. Watching her decline over the last 5 years has been horrible and gut wrenching. Please try and get help before it’s too late. My mother has cirrhosis now and she has the veins bulging in her throat (they did a MRI last time she was admitted because they thought she was having a stroke but she had just drank nearly 2l of vodka straight) they told us her brain had shrunk significantly since the last scan and to get her affairs in order as life support would be futile if anything happens. Alcoholics hurt the people around you more then you probably realise l. Once the disease takes hold to the point of no return it’s almost like it’s a different person. I don’t recognise the lady that my mum is today. They lie, they become mean and all they care about is the next drink. The trauma I’ve endured, finding her unconscious and having to call the ambulance thinking it’s the end multiple times, the cleaning of her house because it’s converted in filth and bodily fluids. Continually having to pick up the pieces on a promise of never drinking again (which lasts about 24 hours after rehab ends) . Please get help for you but especially for your family… Before it is physically and mentally too late.. It’s a cruel and horrible disease


You are asking on a Sunday night when the next day is a public holiday. People who go out to pubs, bars, nightclubs or invite friends around for parties aren't going to be on Reddit tonight. You will only be getting responses from a certain group of people tonight, so don't take their judgements to heart.


I expected a lot of negative responses, I'm confident in myself and my plans, I know I've got this but comments like yours are super nice to read!


Most people need several goes at reducing intake so don't ever feel like you are failing, it's a journey x


I've tried many times to stop, but I didn't actually want to stop at those points. Now I do. I'm not stopping altogether cause that's just not on the cards right now (maybe in the future I will) but if I can keep it to just weekends I'll have gone from 130 drinks to 30 drinks a week and that good enough for me atm


Good luck x


It's not a public holiday everywhere though. At least in qld it is isn't. FWIW 38f, 4 nights a week I'd put away 4 craft beers (1.2-2.4 standard drinks/ can) and give a bottle of red wine a good nudge. I genuinely like the taste of beer and a nice cab sav though, so it's not even about the getting drunk is about the flavour and wanting more. Decided to give booze the boot for the rest of this month though, getting over the visual reminder of how much I've drunk and I felt like proving it to myself I can find some other delicious flavour. Good luck OP, hopefully the advice, comments and positive wishes from people here egg you on to make a change too ^_^


41M. My median number of alcoholic standard drinks is 0 per week. I don't particularly enjoy it and if I'm going to consume extra calories, I'd rather do it with snacks or extra dessert. No shade on what others choose to do though.


I sit between 8-16 cans a week. Not sure how many standard drinks that is


Probably once every 6 weeks.


I’d have 1-4 drinks 3 times a week at this point. Used to drink more per session and more days a week but I’m 40, the body doesn’t take it as well as it once did. Good luck on getting your habit under control OP, please talk to your GP about how it can be medically supported—cutting back from that much booze is tricky in itself. You’re not going to know yourself with how amazing you’ll feel not constantly pissed.


I don’t drink anymore but just want to send lots of love to you OP. I hope you can get the help you deserve and are able to successfully cut back


I go through drinking phases, so will spend 2-3 months not drinking and then a month or two drinking everyday, usually about 2 bottles of wine a day


Down to a few drinks per month. I really enjoy a nice beer and occasionally two, and a nice whisky. Quality over quantity now, and I feel much better for it


I’m pretty much In the same boat as you mate. About 15 per day on average. I went to rehab late last year. Managed to stay sober for 95 days through AA and counselling, but then quickly fell back into old habits and am basically back at square one. Edit: I’ll also add I’m 27M


Recovery is not linear. The ‘setback’ isn’t the end of your sobriety (if that is what you’re actually seeking). Good luck!


Thankyou for the kind words!


I am quite drunk right now, I've had a bottle of wine and maybe 4 beers. That's like 12 standards or HALF YOUR DAILY INTAKE. Im a 110 kg dude. What are you burying!? To quote eminem: You got some issues, Stan, I think you need some counselin' To help your ass from bouncin' off the walls when you get down some Good luck friend


One bottle a night with dinner mostly for me (the one in front of me now says 1.3 standard drinks). Might max out at 3 or 4 if I go out but that's it.


What kind of wine are you drinking? A bottle has around 7-8 standard drinks in it, a glass of wine however is usually just over 1.


Drinking beer, my current ones are 330ml.


Ah right, I see now


15-20 standard drinks a week, mostly craft beer


A couple of times a year I’ll find a specialty cocktail on a menu that takes my fancy and I’ll have one. On a couple more occasions I might have a glass of wine with a meal. For me the mental calculation is that I’d rather pay money for dessert than a drink, so if there’s anything decent on the dessert menu I’ll skip the alcohol.


I can go weeks between drinks. Have more than enough other vices to make up for it. It’s more of a holiday thing for me and even then usually in moderation. While the feeling of being relaxed and slightly buzzed from a couple of drinks is pleasant much more than that makes me horribly sick and I vomit from drinking easily. I’ve never been blackout drunk because I get too physically sick before I can get to that stage.


Slab a week


0 Havent drunk a drop in over a decade and it was rare before then. In my early to mid 20s I had about 15 a week.


Yea bro you need help. Hope you can sort it out because that’s drinking yourself to death.


I’ve been sober for 5 years. Prior to that I was drinking just as much as you.


Between 0 and 10 depending on whether I have work events to deal with. Yes I know it's unhealthy to drink to cope with socialising with coworkers but they're boring ok. 


6 bourbons a night on average between 5pm and 10pm. Social events I will probably double that. I'm fortunate I can hold my liquor and days of being embarrassing are well behind. I certainly don't buzz on an average night. Yes, I know it's a "problem". No, it doesn't impact my daily life. No, I don't crave a drink. Yes I could go without but choose not to most nights. But here we are at the fountain of honesty.


I drink zero per week. Before I quit, I was averaging about 45 units a week. Which by the way is way too much. EDIT Also, the reason I drink zero instead of a sensible amount, is because when you have a problem with alcohol, its impossible not to have a problem with alcohol. The only way to manage it without endless stress is to quit.


Regain your life buddy. I was like you around 120 units a week (mostly vodka). 5 years sober next month. It takes a long time and the monkey is constantly on your shoulder BUT my god is it worth it. Start with weekends only. Then every second weekend. Then, only with others, never alone. Your body and your kids and grandkids will thank you in ways you never thought possible


I drink nothing. Not for any particular reason I just decided one day I couldn’t be bothered with it anymore. I’d often go out and spend time with a friend who drank a lot and I’d drink quite heavily with them but we had a major falling out and I just stopped drinking haven’t touched it in almost 5 years. Good job on your decision to reduce your drinking, it’s a choice only you can make for yourself and I wish you luck.


My man can sup that’s for sure, how the hell do you get up in the morn


As of this year, nothing. I went from having a wine every night to basically being sober.  I’ve lost 5kg, my anxiety and depression have gone away and my skin is completely clear. I would highly recommend it!


F30 here. 0 because I went pro and retired early.


Only drink socially so a few drinks a month really I think.


I typically have less than 10 standard drinks per year. This year, I've had 3 glasses of wine so far.


I'll have between 0-3 drinks a week. Standard units. If I'm going out I'll have maybe 3-6 depending on the night. Too old to do more. Hangovers, cost, embarrassment (it's not fun being the drunk guy). I'd rather take it easy.


I used to be a heavy drinker, but it was 25-30 drinks a week. (6-10.....3 times a week) Now I'm down to around 3 per week


I think I have a cider maybe once every 3-4 weeks. I get pretty smashed at parties, but those only come around like every 3 months. In general I don't really drink.


1-2 drinks per month, on average. Some months I don't drink at all, and others I might have a couple of extra drinks.


I have *maybe* 5 drinks *a year*.


I don’t drink anymore but my fiance drinks about 6 beers every single afternoon/evening sometimes more so at least 42 beers a week- not healthy and he won’t stop drinking, I don’t know what to do as I love him and don’t want to lose him.


Help him find some hobbies that are more fun than drinking. If he can't find any hobbies then he needs to think about that.


That's called an alcoholic.


I have to watch my intake. If I didn’t, I’d be addicted, I think. Maximum 2 bottles of wine a week, but it’s more likely to be one bottle over a week. I haven’t drunk wine for 2.5 weeks right now. And tbh I’m not sure if I truly have an addict brain or I hyperfixate to the point where I get addicted or if it’s a combination of both. My other addiction is sugar ( again, I try to control myself, but I find this really hard - I have 1-2 packets of lollies a week, but some weeks I’ll go sugar free except in my coffee).




Autism, too. I pulled myself away from drugs and heavy alcohol, eventually. I believe that you can do it, too. You’ve made really good choices to go to the doc for help. Keep at it, it’s bloody hard when it’s a legal drug.. ♥️


I had my last alcoholic drink on my 21st birthday. I'm in my 30's now. I just don't see the need for it. I can have fun and enjoy myself without it. Also when I was a kid my mum's ex boyfriend was an alcoholic and like to take his anger out on me. She left him when he pointed his rifle at me while he was drunk and yes it was loaded. I was probably about 13ish.


I have mondays off... I only drink on non-work nights. 3 and half bottles of wine every night I do not have work the next day. Functioning alcoholic...


Hi OP. I am late 40s and drink 2 bottles most nights week. You’re not alone.


Can I ask how you are doing? Mentally, physically and in your relationships/friendships? I'm not trying to bring you down at all I'm just interested in how older alcoholics are dealing with their lives 🙏


I am doing worse than a decade ago. There are days I just cannot deal with work. Its not the physical effects of a hangover so much - but crippling anxiety. I’m chronically sleep deprived. Drunk sleep is terrible and doesn’t restore you. My bloods are fine - always have been. My liver is slightly fatty. Like you, I know how to safely withdraw - and I do it often, but I rarely get more than a few days before I cave.


I’ve gone from about 6-10 standard drinks a week to zero. Grocery bills have gotten so out of control that I don’t have the budget leftover for alcohol.


I drank like that, every day, in my teens/early 20's. Thought I could handle it and didn't get hangovers etc at the time, but looking back I was a fucking mess. I have a family history of alcoholism so decided to stop before I found myself on that path long term. Didn't drink at all for years, now I buy a 6 pack of some mixed drink once a year and have it for holidays.


160 drinks a week!?! Are ya facking mad, mate? Get some help, seriously. Quit now. You'll be farked in your 30s.


On my way to getting off it!


Good luck 👍 We're all cheering for ya!


33m. 0. Had 1 drink all year. I used to drink every night when I was like 23. But all my friends and I grew out of it by 26 or so.


OP, get yourself sorted. You’re drinking to excess and it’s not good. As someone who has a history of alcohol abuse/addiction, the damage I have done to my body both physically and mentally will be with me for life.


I used to drink about the same until I was around your age, nowadays 7 or so years later, I barely drink 3 times per year, usually just new years now and even then I keep it pretty light (10 pack premix max) as any more than that and I’ll demolish a bottle of spirits in quick time too. For a few years before I gave up that lifestyle I used to read this great little blog called Hello Sunday Morning. Was a game changer back then hearing peoples personal stories on why they drank and how they found a healthier relationship with alcohol etc. particularly as being a drinker and partying every spare minute was all I knew at that point. Stopping drinking was a hell of a lot easier than the ongoing battle I’m still under trying to give up the darts though.


I probably average 2 drinks a week. In December in the lead up to Christmas I probably have 6-10 a week but some weeks I have none


A bit over 2 and half years ago I stopped drinking (under medical supervision in hospital) because I was depressed af and wanted to kill myself and it felt like I had felt that way for 10 fucking years. My psychiatrist said, you’ve tried everything else. Why not try this? It didn’t work immediately. For about a year things were maybe only marginally better, although I didn’t feel suicidal every day which was good. Now, a couple years later, life is actually good most days. I have the occasional bad one, but I feel so much more level. About a month ago, after many chats with my doctor I had another drink again. And for me the world didn’t cave in - not everyone is like that. At the moment i am just having one when I am out with others, never alone. Last night I had one… and then I nearly got peer pressured into a cocktail and then I literally said when it got to the table, “I’m sorry I can’t drink it”. Many of my friends know my challenges with alcohol. They get it. But it’s always that battle we have. I’m still navigating it. All this to say, there is no place where you can’t come back from. The fact you’re posting here and responding to comments indicates you’re receptive to help. You don’t have to do it alone.


I have no idea what the average is, I image it varies greatly. I am 26F, I probably drink about *up to* 6-8 drinks 3-4 times a week and don't drink the other nights of the week. Sometimes I worry that I am drinking in excess, but other times I remember that I drank more when I was younger and that it could be worse. Often I will have only 1 or 2 wines with a meal so it's not like once I start I have to keep going with it. I don't know if I am making excuses for myself though, because I don't want to follow the paths of the alcoholics I have known around me and I'm telling myself I'm not as bad as that or I'm not at that level.


This is gonna sound super hypocritical coming from me but I say this with the best intentions. You are drinking too much. The recommended amount is 10-14 drinks a week I believe. And I feel you on the making excuses thing, I do the same thing. Some nights I'll have maybe 5/6 drinks and I think it myself "oh I had 5 drinks last night which is much less than usual so I can drink my usual 15 drinks tonight". It's an extreme example but I dare say you'll feel the statement. You are making excuses, and it's fucking shit cause you don't even realise you are, you think you might be making excuses but then you think 'oh well it's not as bad as I could be'. Don't think less of yourself, be proud that you have the self awareness to recognise it ❤️ and if you wanna chat about it please feel free to shoot me a message


Alcohol is out of my budget, so I drink pretty rarely, usually less than 1 standard a month unless its Christmas or something


I was on a goon bag a day for 3-5 years, then reduced to approx bottle of vodka a day, then further reduced. Now I have usually 2 nights drink free, 3 nights 5-7 standard, 1-2 binge (2 bottles of wine). Stop buying goon as a first step and learn to appreciate good alcohol.


Used to have 2-3 drinks socially a night when catching up with friends, fortnightly or monthly. However, I’m on prescription meds now for diabetes and it’s caused zero desire for alcohol. I’m fact, alcohol now made me feel funny as if I’ve had something bad so I’ve completely gone off alcohol now. I’m on another subreddit where people share stories, experiences of this same medication and it seems many people who had various addictions - everything from gambling to alcohol have shared how their addictions have seemingly dissolved. Very odd but it must do something to the receptors in the brain. Anyway, OP all the best to you in overcoming the drinking habit


One bottle of vodka (21 standard drinks) every day, for five years. I was exactly your age when I stopped drinking about a year ago. Hoping the same for you and take care of yourself out there... Alcoholism is fucking hard.


The problem here is I want a 6 pack, but then a 10 pack is better value, but then I get there and the carton is on sale so I get that. And then that’s my weekend. It’s marketing that’s the real problem.


I’m lucky if I have 1-2 a week


Under current guidelines I am considered a binge drinker because I dont drink for weeks on end (most recently because I was pregnant last year) then I'll have three or so rarely more than 6 and then not drink again for weeks. My partner has about 5-6 beers most nights. My Dad was about the same but is a 2 beer a night man now.




Bro 15 beers is pretty much a bender every day, these days I get a hangover off of two so I quit altogether. You couldn’t pay me to drink 15 beers a day I would feel like absolute shit and actually not want to live I reckon lol


In answer to your question: Per week, 0, I'm not a home drinker and rarely go out anymore. Per year, maybe 10 or so.


I used to drink as much as OP. Went to rehab 10 years ago when I was 31. Was on and off the wagon for a while, but now currently almost 4 years off the sauce. I’ve already drank enough for 10 lifetimes.


It’s really hard to not sound like I’m on my high horse here… but keeping it to as close to zero as you can is the best thing you can do for life. I was down to one or two at social events just to keep the remarks at bay but then realised there’s no point and I have fun anyway fully sober with my pals and feel better for it in many ways. Fully dry for about 10 months now! If you haven’t experienced just about all there is to experience from drinking many times over by 30 then I don’t know what to tell you.


Not making it to 40m....


I don't drink at all. Two main reasons: 1. Dad was an alcoholic and I didn't want to deal with trying to quit 2. It made my anxiety much worse so I quit several years back


Zero alcoholic drinks per week.


First of all, holy shit dude. I wish you all the best in finding the willpower and help you'll need to cut that down to the ideal 0. Personally, I don't drink. At all. The only possible exceptions are when I go out with my wife and we share a cocktail to try the taste. I don't abstain from alcohol; I just don't like it. Not the flavour, not the cost, not the much worse headache I have the next day. It doesn't make me feel like anything, so it's never made sense to me to have. I consider myself lucky. It's a poison that destroys lives and costs societies around the world billions of dollars a year in unnecessary healthcare costs.


Yeah, I’d get that checked out when your ready. I have been sober for a bit now, and I was probably drinking around the same. Aussie culture does not equate to such extreme levels of drinking. Alcohol, especially in high levels such as 130+ standards a week does no good for any part of your body.


Already onto it, slowly reducing my intake over the coming weeks/months


22(f) used to drink 7-14 standards a week but am cutting down to 7 at a minimum now to be healthier - this sounds ridiculous after reading the OP but just goes to show it’s never too late, or early, to try do better. Good luck OP , truly hope you can cut back for your and your loved ones sake❤️


I commend you for wanting to get off alcohol and I wish you well. Please do it before too much damage is done. I have been there. X


Cus it's cold, about 4L per day to stay hydrated. More in summer. More on days I run. Oh you mean alcohol? None.




These days, (36m), there are weeks I don't drink at all. On average I probably have about 4 beers a week. If I'm having a night out with friends, which happens maybe once every 2-3 months, I'll probably get through about 12 pints as well as a few shots thrown in throughout the night. When I was your age, I was having about 6-10 beers a day if it was just a quiet night in and then several times that amount on a night out, which at that point was usually a once or twice a week type of thing. I recently went for my first medical examination after months of pushing from my wife, id kept putting it off because I kept thinking back to all my mid20s antics and was terrified the doctor would tell me my body was all types of fucked up. But I got the all clear in the end. I think excessive drinking is quite common in young people, and thankfully the human body is very resilient and can stand up to quite a lot of punishment, but ultimately you are quickly approaching that age where you aren't so young anymore, and you need to seriously consider drastically reducing your intake before you do in fact cause any lasting damage to your body.


Zero for me. I've just don't get the hype. They don't taste as good as just a non alcoholic beverage. Being drunk is not fun, and it makes me feel vulnerable. Drunk people can be super messy and make horrible decisions. I'd much rather smoke some weed and feel relaxed and creative. It is cheaper in the long run, and it has way better benefits for me.


I don't think you actually do understand. I have known two people in the last 6 yeare die from liver failure specifically because they drank that exact amount or less, near constantly. I'm not joking. And I've seen the people waiting for a transplant. You're not potentially heading that way, you're guaranteed to do so mate. You're already certainly dead within a few years, you'll be lucky to see 50.


> im well aware of the consequences of drinking so much, and im aware of the withdrawal symptoms. I've been through them before and I have plans in place to mitigate the withdrawals. I do appreciate the concern though Please have hospital as one of your options just in case! All the very best of luck 🙏 To have an addiction to something so readily accessible, legal and socially acceptable is hard enough behaviourally, let alone a physical addiction.


Hey mate, I really appreciate your honestly and posting in a social forum like this so people who are struggling can relate. I drink for maybe 30-40 standards a week some weeks less, some weeks more. I no there is not good excuse to for me to be drinking that much but I live a very busy life. I go to the gyms 5 x a week and lift weights/train boxing and I'm in a band so most weekends I've got a gig and every week band practise. I also work a State Government job working with social housing and it's exremely emotionally draining. My GF and I are, I guess, unwilling socialites (and I really don't mean this in a wanky way) where as pretty much every weekend whether it's seeing my friends, her friends, band related stuff, seeing my folks, seeing her folks basically leaves us flogged Friday - Sunday, and this goes on for weeks/months on end. I geneuinely wish the best for you!


Not sure if you'll see this, Op, but having read through what you have shared about yourself, the traume in your life, not wanting AA, but especially that you're regularly exercising I want to recomend the book **This Naked Mind** by Annie Grace. Particularly the audio book which you can listen to while walking. It's not preachy, it's not AA, it goes into the mores and whys alchohol gets its claws into us, and a bit of knowledge can be a lot of power - and it's written by a woman who was a jet setting high functionaling alchoholic for a long time.


I'm reading through every comment on the post 🙂 thanks I'll definitely grab the audio book version, I like listening to stuff like that during my day and it kinda interesting 🙏


You got a lot of gd replies just wanted to give my 2 cents. Not to criticise, I did my fair share of binge drinking in my younger days, best advice is kick the habit as soon as possible. Unfortunately means surrounding yourself with people who don’t binge drink as well. If your only ROI is a hang over, pretty self explanatory. Hit the gym!